How long does it take to get rid of ear mites in cats?

It is essential to return to a veterinarian if any symptoms begin to reappear. It is likely that the same medications will not work if a group of ear mites has developed a resistance to previous treatments and the veterinarian will need to prescribe a new treatment plan.

There is also a possibility that, during healing, the owner will need to gently clear the cat's ears of debris. This will mean faster recovery for the cat as well as increased comfort. Most cats will allow their owner to clean out their ears with a cotton swab and gentle ear cleanser, but depending on the cat and the severity of buildup, a veterinarian's assistance may be required.

Until the end of treatment, it is important to keep an infected cat away from other animals as much as possible. Due to the highly contagious nature of ear mites, spreading the infection is likely if the infected cat is around uninfected pets.

For each of these treatment options, the cat will typically feel relief within the first day or two. That said, it is important to finish any treatments completely to ensure that the ear mites are removed entirely.


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It is essential to return to a veterinarian if any symptoms begin to reappear. It is likely that the same medications will not work if a group of ear mites has developed a resistance to previous treatments and the veterinarian will need to prescribe a new treatment plan.

There is also a possibility that, during healing, the owner will need to gently clear the cat's ears of debris. This will mean faster recovery for the cat as well as increased comfort. Most cats will allow their owner to clean out their ears with a cotton swab and gentle ear cleanser, but depending on the cat and the severity of buildup, a veterinarian's assistance may be required.

Until the end of treatment, it is important to keep an infected cat away from other animals as much as possible. Due to the highly contagious nature of ear mites, spreading the infection is likely if the infected cat is around uninfected pets.

For each of these treatment options, the cat will typically feel relief within the first day or two. That said, it is important to finish any treatments completely to ensure that the ear mites are removed entirely.


How long does it take to get rid of ear mites in cats?

Ear mites are extremely common in domesticated cats and kittens and if left untreated they can severely damage the ear canals and eardrum and may even cause permanent hearing loss. Ear mites live along the surface of the ear canal, however, they can occasionally be found on other parts of the body, especially the neck, back and tail. Ear mites are easily transmitted to other pets (although humans are not affected).

There are several types of mites that can invade the ear canals; the most common in cats is Otodectes cynotis.

The life-cycle of the ear mite takes approximately 21 days to complete. There are four different stages in the life-cycle:

  1. The eggs are laid on the surface of the ear canal and take about 4 days to hatch.

  2. The larvae from the eggs feed for a few days then rest for a day before moulting to form the nymphal stage.

  3. The nymphs feed for 4 days then moult and feed again for approximately another 4 days before moulting again and becoming adults.

  4. Adult ear mites feed off the skin flakes and secretions in the ear canal and lay their eggs to begin the next generation.


The mites stimulate the production of wax by glands situated in the ear canal. This causes excessive production of wax and a thick brown layer of ear wax in the canal is almost always a symptom of ear mite infestation. The mites appear as tiny white moving objects on the brown wax.
If your cat shows the following symptoms, she may has an ear mite infestation:

  • Scratching the ears
  • Shaking the head
  • Bleeding in the ear canals

Treatment and prevention

Depending upon the medication used, the ears may need to be treated for up to 4 weeks until all mites are killed. Many ear mites live all over the body, including the back and tail and so these areas should also be treated. Be sure to use products approved for use on cats and treat all household pets, as ear mites are easily transferred.

Treatment of ear mites should commence by cleaning the ears to remove excess debris and discharge using a cat specific ear cleaner. The ears should then be treated with a topical preparation (ear drop) to kill the mites. This treatment should be continued for 2 weeks after the cat is cured to ensure that all ear mites are killed as they progress through their life-cycle.

The cat should also be treated with a flea product as this will help to kill any ear mites on other parts of the body. The home should also be treated for parasites using an indoor flea spray.

How long does it take to get rid of ear mites in cats?

OTODEX VETERINARY EAR DROPS contain a wax solvent to remove wax, fungicides and bactericides, including an anti-bacterial which is particularly useful against common and difficult-to-treat bacterium in chronic ear cases; a mild analgesic to relieve pain and an emollient to moisturise the skin. Otodex also kills mites!

How long does it take to get rid of ear mites in cats?

Epiotic Ear cleaner can be used for routine ear cleaning, to aid in the prevention of ear infections (Otitis externa) or as an addition to medicated ear treatment. Its antibacterial and anti-yeast properties make it effective against the key bacteria and yeasts that commonly infect the ear canal.  Anti-adhesive glycotechnology prevent bacteria from sticking to the skin cells in the ear canal stopping the cause infection.

How long does it take to get rid of ear mites in cats?
Indorex Defence Spray is an effective treatment for ridding your house of parsasites like fleas. As fleas spend most of their time in your pet's surroundings and not actually on your pet, treating your home is as important as treating your animals.

  • effective at ridding your home of fleas for up to 12 months
  • contains ingredients to kill adult fleas, eggs, larvae, and dust mites
  • only one can needed to treat an average three bedroom house.

Always seek advice from your veterinarian to confirm a diagnosis and ensure you are using the most appropriate treatment for your cat. Remember that incorrect use of ear cleansing solutions or ear drops can permanently damage your cat’s hearing.

Is your cat shaking her head or scratching her ears? It might be ear mites, a common parasite that lives on the surface of their skin. Here’s how to check for ear mites in cats so you can treat and prevent them from spreading.

Lots of things can make cats scratch their ears. When it's a problem and not just everyday itching, the culprit might be ear mites. You may first notice this pest when your cat is shaking her head or pawing at her ears. Or it could be that while you're petting your cat and notice clusters of black coffee-ground-like specks inside the ears. Gross! Read up on what to do if those pesky bugs could be what’s making your cat uncomfortable.

What are Ear Mites? 

Also known as otodectic mange, the most common ear mite that causes cats trouble is otodectes cynotis. This parasite loves the moist, warm skin of a cat's ear canal, where it lives out most its life cycle and eats skin cells, blood, and even earwax. (We did say they were gross, right?) These mites are contagious, so one cat's infestation can spread to other cats and dogs. If they get too numerous and irritating, cats may scratch so much they cause infections or even permanently damage their ears.

Signs of Ear Mites in Cats

Signs of an ear mite infestation are noticed from cats' behavior as well as evidence in the ears. Cats bugged by ear mites may scratch at their ears, shake their head, or keep their head tilted at an angle—almost like they're trying to dislodge the pests. Waxy or crusty discharge that looks like coffee grounds may be evident on the exterior and interior of the cat's ears.

Those spots that look like coffee grounds are evidence the ear mites have been at work for a while, according to Ernie Ward, DVM, a writer, podcaster, pet nutrition advocate, and veterinarian who works with cats at animal rescue groups in North Carolina.

"That's the blood of the mites, feeding, spilling over," Ward says. "There's already been a lot of suffering by the cat that's gone unnoticed."

Ward imagines these bugs crawling around in a cat's ear, and no matter how much a cat shakes, paws, or scratches, the sensation of movement and itching never stops.

How Do Cats Get Ear Mites?

Ear mites are common among outdoor cats and highly contagious between animals, although thankfully not to humans. Eggs are laid in the ear and take roughly three weeks to mature into an adult mite who can then breed and add to the infestation. And mites are not just relegated to your cat’s ears—they can occasionally go wandering and cause itching elsewhere on a cat's skin.

What to Do if You Suspect Your Cat Has Ear Mites

Since ear mites can be hard to see and may not be the only reason for inflammation or damage to a cat's ear, it's best to have your cat checked out by a veterinarian for a professional diagnosis.

Your vet will look for the hard-to-see small, white critters through a microscope or a magnifying scope that veterinarians and physicians use to look into ears. Another way your vet might identify ear mites is by placing a sample on a dark, well-lit background and using a magnifying glass to look for the moving white specks.

How long does it take to get rid of ear mites in cats?
- Ramaboin / Getty

Ramaboin / Getty

Treating Ear Mites in Cats

If ear mites are the cause of your cat’s itchy ears, there are different ways to rid your cat of these annoying bugs. The fastest and most effective are some newer parasite-killing medications available from veterinarians, some of which can clear ear mite infestations with a single dose.

All options for treating ear mites in cats start with a thorough cleaning of the ears. Once wax, crusty discharge, and other debris is clear in the ear, medication may include one-time or repeated use to get rid of the infestation and prevent another one.

If there's damage or inflammation in the ear, your veterinarian may recommend other medicine to bring down swelling and fight off infections caused by damage from your cat's scratching at her ears.

Do Homeopathic Methods Treat Ear Mites?

Ward acknowledges that there are some holistic, at-home treatments that can be found on the internet. But in his experience, the items found in your kitchen cupboard that are supposed to suffocate the ear mites—like coconut oil, olive oil, and almond oil—are highly ineffective. It may seem like a quick-fix to help your cat, but the application of these oils can't kill all the eggs, and may also not kill all the ear mites, who can survive in air pockets in the ear. A single surviving female ear mite with eggs can start the whole infestation over again, meaning using them will only prolong your cat's suffering.

How to Keep Ear Mites from Returning

To make sure no ear mites are hanging out in kitty’s fur, your veterinarian can also recommend a parasite preventive to help keep the bugs away for next time and make sure any other ear-mite hitchhikers have been taken care of. After prescribing your cat’s specific treatment plan, your veterinarian may also want to see your feline friend back for a checkup in a week or two to make sure all the bugs are gone for good.