How to play words with friends

Now we will reveal a list of some secret tips and tricks to score more points in Words with Friends. 

Tip #1: Begin Small

It pays to begin the game with a 2 letter or 5 letter word. If you go with two letters, you can get rid of your least desirable tiles right at the beginning of the game. If you go for five letters, your opponent will create a lay along, following your word. This way, you can score single for your word. 

Tip #2: Make Use of Colored Squares

Play your tiles on the colored squares to make the most of the bonus points. You will be able to score more points by playing DL, DW, TL and TW squares. For example, if you make the word Park on four blank squares, you will get 11 points. But if your "P" is on a TL and "K" on a TW, then you can win 57 points.

Tip #3: Use Functional Words

If you want to score more points, memorize some 2 to 3 letter words. Also, put stress on words with vowels and the letters J, Q, X, and Z. 

Tip #4: Combine Bonus Multipliers

You should look to combine several bonus multipliers to maximize your points. For instance, you can combine letter multiplier with word multiplier to get truckloads of points. 

Tip #5: Aim for Parallel Plays

Try to make new words parallel to existing plays. You can form several two and three letter words in this way and win more points. Let's say you have the word "Human" in four blank squares. Now you use the tiles to make the word "Apex" parallel to the word "human." This overlap will help you win 70 points. 

Look for similar overlaps to multiply your points. 

Tip #6: Create Hooks for More Points

A hook is adding to an already existing word to make a new work. It's easy to make and can give you rich dividends. You can add letters to the beginning or end of words to create new words. Another way to take advantage of bonus multipliers is to go for a perpendicular play by adding tiles to the bottom or top of words. 

Tip #7: Swap When Required

You have the option of swapping your tiles if you don't like them or find them difficult. Don't be apprehensive about swapping your tiles as it is a good move. You can get new tiles and keep scoring turn after turn. 

Tip #8: Try to Make Bingos

If you end up with blanks and low-value consonants, try to go for bingos. You may face difficulties to make words using these tiles, so going Bingo is a great choice. Try using all of your tiles for scoring a full 35 points.

Tip #9: Concentrate on the Center

Try to play towards the center to prevent your opponent from getting big scoring opportunities. Don't let your opponent take advantage of the outer four rows and columns where TL and TW combinations are more of a possibility. 

Tip #10: Adopt Some Defense

Your opponent will look to score big points just like you by using bonuses and multipliers. So your aim should be to limit opening to the colored squares where it would be advantageous for your opponent. You can make a lesser word in some other part of the board unless you are sure of scoring big.

Test and improve your word skills against themed WordMasters in this single player mode. Stay sharp as these entertaining characters get progressively harder. Take on the additional challenge of collecting all the stars and earning the title of MASTER.

How to play words with friends

Created by Beth Wiggins for Wordfinder

Even though there are some minor differences in presentation, each version of Words With Friends plays the same way. You get the same board, the same letters, the same objective and the same Words With Friends rules. Play on a computer or via the app on your mobile device; the actual game is the same. 

The three main parts of the game you’ll need to know about are:

  • The game board: There are 225 spaces on the 15 x 15 grid. Play letter tiles horizontally or vertically to form words.

  • Your letter rack: You keep seven letter tiles on your rack for each turn. When you play five tiles to create a five-letter word in a turn, for example, you’ll automatically get five new letter tiles from the tile bag for your next turn.

  • The tile bag: The game has a total of 104 letter tiles. Each player starts with seven, refilling their rack from the bag until it is empty. 

The game ends when the tile bag is empty and one player uses up all their letters. The game can also end when players “pass” three times in a row. 

Making Moves in Words With Friends

The goal of Words With Friends is to form words using the letters in your letter rack, plus the letters that are already on the game board. Words have to be at least two letters long. The game was inspired by Scrabble, so if you’ve played that game, you’re already familiar with Word With Friends’ core mechanics.

  • The first word played must include the center space, designated by a “plus” symbol. This first word gets a double-word score.

  • After that, every word must connect with at least one of the letters already on the board. 

Words With Friends Scoring Rules

The rules for Words With Friends scoring are basically the same as they are for Scrabble. 

Letter Values

Every letter in Words With Friends has an assigned point value. Common letters, like T and E, are worth fewer points. More challenging letters, like X and Q, are worth more points. The point value is shown on the tile itself. There’s also this handy list of Words With Friends letter values for your reference. 

Take the word CARD, for example. Adding up the tile values, it would be worth 8 points.

  • C (4 points)

  • A (1 point)

  • R (1 point)

  • D (2 points)

How to play words with friends
Words with Friends letter values example(CC BY-ND 4.0)

Bonus Spaces

In addition to the face value of the letter tiles, you can earn more points by playing words on bonus spaces. There are four types of bonus spaces in Words With Friends.

  • DL (double letter): Doubles the value of the single letter tile

  • TL (triple letter): Triples the value of the single letter tile

  • DW (double word): Doubles the score on the entire word

  • TW (triple word): Triples the score on the entire word

You can combine bonus spaces for even more points. Using the same CARD example, if the C is on a TL space and the D is on a TW space, you’d calculate the scoring as follows:

  • C (4 points x 3 = 12 points)

  • A (1 point)

  • R (1 point)

  • D (2 points)

  • 12 + 1 +1 + 2 = 16 points

  • 16 x 3 = 48 points

Playing CARD here would be worth 48 points.

How to play words with friends
Words With Friends bonus spaces example(CC BY-ND 4.0)

Bingo Bonus

If you play all seven tiles on your letter rack in a single turn, that’s called a bingo, which earns you an extra 35 points. This is on top of any additional points you earn from bonus spaces. 

Multiple Words

One of the most valuable Words With Friends rules to remember is that you get credit for every word you create. If in forming one word horizontally, for example, the tiles also form another word vertically, you get points for both words. Using hooks is one of the most important strategies for winning. 

For example, say that CARD is already on the board as a horizontal word. You add an “S” to the end of it, plus -UNNY below the S. You earn points from both CARDS and SUNNY.

  • CARDS (4 + 1 +1 + 2 + 1) = 9 points

  • SUNNY (1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3) = 10 points

  • 9 + 10 = 19 points

If the “S” tile happens to be on a DW space, both CARDS and SUNNY earn the double word bonus.

  • CARDS (9 x 2) = 18 points

  • SUNNY (10 x 2) = 20 points

  • 18 + 20 = 38 points

How to play words with friends
Words With Friends multiple words example(CC BY-ND 4.0)

The Final Move in Words With Friends

A game can end one of two ways: 

  1. One player uses up all their letter tiles and there are no more letters left in the tile bag.

  2. Players pass their turn three times in a row. 

At that time, you add up the value of all the letters left on the second player’s rack. That value is deducted from the second player’s score and added to the first player’s score. The winner is the player with the higher final score.

Power-Ups and Other Moves

Beyond the core gameplay, you can further improve your chances of winning by using the four power-ups. You can earn these power-ups through playing or you can buy them in the game. Words With Friends power-ups are similar to those in Scrabble GO, but they are also different. 

  • Hindsight: Use after a move to see what better word you could have played instead.

  • Word Radar: Highlight spaces on the game board where you can play a word.

  • Swap+: Exchange letter tiles without skipping your turn.

  • Word Clue: Reveal one specific spot where you can play a high-scoring word.

Whereas you have a limited number of power-ups, you can use any of these four options at any time. They are a regular part of the game.

  • Shuffle: Rearrange the letter tiles in your rack in a random order (do not lose a turn).

  • Swap: Exchange one or more letter tiles for new ones from the tile bag (lose a turn).

  • Pass: Opt to skip your turn and let your opponent play their turn.

  • Resign: Voluntarily forfeit the game.

How to Win in Words With Friends

Now that you know the basics of Words With Friends rules, you’re ready to throw yourself into the arena and challenge your friends to a game. Before you do, brush up on some advice for how to win every game of Words With Friends. Sound strategy and a big lexicon go a very long way. Did you know that you can use some slang words in Words With Friends too? Yes, “shizzle” is worth a whopping 28 points!

Michael Kwan is a professional writer and editor with over 14 years of experience. Fueled by caffeine and WiFi, he's no stranger to word games and dad jokes.