How do you send a hidden request on Instagram?

How do you send a hidden request on Instagram?

Thought you knew everything there was to know about the photo-sharing website? Then think again...people may have sent you messages and you had NO idea.

If, like us, you're head is still spinning from the revelation that Facebook had a secret inbox with messages that you didn't even know existed, then you might want to take a seat.

We can reveal that Facebook isn't the only social network to have been holding out on us, as Instagram also has a secret inbox hidden within the photo-sharing website.

Read more: People Have Been Messaging You On Facebook and You Had No Idea!

How do you send a hidden request on Instagram?

To navigate your way to the dark side of force, you need to open your inbox and click 'message requests' which is highlighted in a blue bar.

Inside this folder, you can find all the messages from unknown people who you haven't yet sealed the deal with and become official followers of each others accounts. 

The default folder is basically like a spam folder, to make sure that creepy randoms can't just message you pictures of their, ahem, life as and when they like.

Read more! 7 Hidden Secrets Of WhatsApp You Need To Know About! 

How do you send a hidden request on Instagram?

Messages from anyone who isn't your friend on Instagram is stored here, meaning that a whole new world could be awaiting you and you didn't even know it.

So what could be in your inbox? A message from a recruiter, or perhaps a wink-eyed emoji from that gorgeous model you follow. 

Better get checking now!

Here is the step-by-step guide to viewing hidden message requests on Instagram.

By India Today Web Desk: When you receive a message request on Instagram that may be offensive, unwanted, contain spam, or are hidden based on your hidden word preferences, the message will appear in a separate hidden requests folder.

On Instagram, you won't receive notifications for hidden message requests. Instagram also allows you to report or delete a hidden message. Check here for the step-by-step guide to viewing hidden message requests on Instagram.


Step 1: Open the Instagram app on your device.

Step 2: Then tap on send or messenger icon in the top right of the feed.

Step 3: Tap on Requests in the top right, then tap on Hidden requests.

Step 4: Now tap on the message thread you want to open.

Step 5: Finally, tap or tap and hold a message to view. From here, you can tap:

  • Block and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Delete and tap Delete again to confirm.
  • Accept. The conversation will be moved to your main message folder.

Edited By:

Animesh Bhardwaj

Published On:

Oct 19, 2022

YOU may have a goldmine of messages on Instagram that you've never read.

They're tucked away in an obscure inbox that's a little tricky to find, so we've put together a guide to help you access it.

How do you send a hidden request on Instagram?


To access Instagram's 'hidden' inbox, first head to your DMs at the top right of the screen

How do you send a hidden request on Instagram?


If you have any messages requests, they'll be at the top right under the search bar

The messages are from people who you don’t follow on Instagram, and are logged as "message requests".

For some reason, the app doesn't send you a notification when you get one – and they don't appear in your default inbox.

Instead, they crop up in a special "message requests" folder.

To find it, first open up the Instagram app on your smartphone.

How do you send a hidden request on Instagram?


The messages are from people who you don’t follow on Instagram, and are logged as "message requests"Credit: Alamy

Head to your direct messages by tapping the triangular icon at the top right of your screen.

If you have any message requests, they’ll appear under your search bar to the right of your normal DMs , with the title "[number] requests".

Tap it to access your unread messages.

Clicking on the message requests will open the chat and allow you to accept or decline them.

You also have the option to block the sender’s account.

Instagram – the key facts

How do you send a hidden request on Instagram?

Here's what you need to know...

  • Instagram is a social network for sharing photos and videos
  • It was created back in October 2010 as an iPhone-exclusive app
  • A separate version for Android devices was released 18 months later
  • The app rose to popularity thanks to its filters system, which lets you quickly edit your photos with cool effects
  • When it first launched, users could only post square 1:1 ratio images, but that rule was changed in 2015
  • In 2012, Facebook bought Instagram for $1billion in cash and stock
  • In 2018, some analysts believe the app is worth closer to $100billion
  • In October 2015, Instagram confirmed that more than 40billion photos had been uploaded to the app
  • And in 2018, Instagram revealed that more than a billion people were using the app every month

Very much like browsing through your Facebook "Other" inbox, taking a peek at your Instagram DMs will probably unearth a few creepy messages.

A number of Instagram users have been left baffled about some of the odd messages they’ve received.

One Twitter user shared a screenshot of a stranger’s pool-side selfie that they’d sent direct to her Instagram inbox.

Another Instagram fan uploaded how a man reacted when she didn’t respond to his direct message, even though she doesn’t follow him back.

The man initially tried to woo her, gushing: “You are just so gorgeous.”

Sadly, when she didn’t respond, the irate Instagram user said: “Yeah ur f****** welcome a*******”.

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Can I hide request on Instagram?

Instagram app for Android and iPhone: Below Offensive words and phrases, you can: Tap next to Hide comments to turn it off. Tap next to Advanced comment filtering to turn it on. Tap next to Hide message requests to turn it on.

What are hidden message requests Instagram?

By India Today Web Desk: When you receive a message request on Instagram that may be offensive, unwanted, contain spam, or are hidden based on your hidden word preferences, the message will appear in a separate hidden requests folder. On Instagram, you won't receive notifications for hidden message requests.

Are there hidden messages on Instagram?

In the same way that Facebook automatically filters out messages it thinks you don't want to see, Instagram hides certain types of messages from showing up in your inbox. The good news is that these hidden messages are easy to find.