How do I remove the thumbs

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In Windows, thumbs.db files are database files containing the small images displayed when you view a folder in Thumbnail view (as opposed to Tile, Icon, List, or Detail view). These files are automatically generated by Windows, and there is no harm in deleting them or excluding them from system backups.

To prevent Windows from generating thumbs.db files, disable thumbnail caching in your Folder Options settings. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click and select either , or and then . If is available on the left side of the Control Panel, click it.
  2. Double-click the icon.
  3. Click the tab.
  4. Check the box next to .
  5. Click .

To remove thumbs.db files from your computer, do the following:

  1. Click the button and select , then .
  2. In the "All or part of the file name:" field, type:
  3. In the "Look in:" drop-down menu, select .
  4. Click . A list of thumbs.db files will appear in the right window.
  5. Select all of the thumbs.db files by pressing Ctrl-a. Press Delete to remove the files.

This is document anha in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 14:01:54.

What is thumbs DB and why can I delete it?

In Windows, thumbs. db files are database files containing the small images displayed when you view a folder in Thumbnail view (as opposed to Tile, Icon, List, or Detail view). These files are automatically generated by Windows, and there is no harm in deleting them or excluding them from system backups.

How do I disable thumbs DB?

Disable Windows Thumbs..
Press Win+R to open the Run prompt..
Type gpedit. msc and click the OK button..
Navigate to File Explorer in User Configuration..
Double-click on the Turn off the caching of thumbnails in hidden thumbs. db files setting..
Select the Enabled option..
Click the OK button..

How do I disable thumbs DB in Windows 10?

Let us follow these steps and check if this helps..
Press “Windows key + X” and click on “Control Panel”..
Double click on “Folder Options”..
Click the “View tab”..
Uncheck the following option, “Display file icons on thumbnails”..
"Always show icons, never thumbnails"..
Click on Apply and OK..

How do I unlock thumbs DB?

By default the thumbs. db file is hidden and doesn't show in the File Explorer..
Press the keyboard shortcut Win+E ;.
Go to the View tab and select Options;.
Enable the “Always show icons, never thumbnails” option in Advanced Settings of the View tab..