How do I increase my reach on Amazon?

Matthew founded Kaspien's blog, collaborating closely with leading industry experts throughout Kaspien to write informative content on e-commerce strategies and news. Today, he leads the Content Marketing and Paid Marketing teams at Kaspien, creating valuable resources for e-commerce professionals.

Increasing your Amazon advertising impressions can help you maximize your product visibility and reach more customers at various stages of their purchase journeys. Whether you are focusing on Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands (previously Headline Search Ads), product display ads, or a combination of these ad types, testing the optimization strategies outlined here will help you increase product exposure and sales, connecting consumers to the products most relevant to them.

What Are Impressions?

An impression is a pay-per-click advertising metric that reveals how often your ad is appearing on Amazon, either within the search results or on a product detail page. The total number of impressions includes both the impressions at the keyword level for Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands and the category level, for product display ads that utilize category targeting. Amazon considers bid price, relevancy, and your past click-through rate (CTR) when its algorithm decides which ads appear.

Why Do Impressions Matter?

Ad impressions need to be tracked on Amazon in order to effectively measure how much exposure you are receiving from shoppers. They indicate how strong your keywords are and can be used to optimize your keyword experimentation process or aid in negative keyword identification, both of which improve the relevancy of your campaigns.

Additionally, the content within your product detail pages need to be relevant to the search terms in order to get your ad to show up. Your product ads will not show up at all for search terms with keywords that are not included within the content of the product detail page, so impressions play a critical role in providing data that can help you fine-tune the selling points and copy included on your detail pages. Below, we have compiled five actionable ways that you can effectively grow your ad impressions on Amazon.

Amazon has been working hard in recent years to build a more tailored connection between consumers and brands. A+ Content, Amazon Live, Amazon Stores, and Amazon Posts are just a few of the features that allow buyers to compare brands and goods before making a purchase.

Customers may now “follow” specific companies on Amazon, which is a step forward in that strategy.

What Happens When a Person Stays true to a Brand?

When someone chooses to follow a brand, they agree to receive notifications from it. When the brand introduces a new product on Amazon, publishes a new Amazon Post, starts a livestream, or runs an exclusive campaign, these notifications may be sent out.

These messages are handled by the brand using the Manage Your Customer Engagement tool and Amazon Posts.

How do I increase my reach on Amazon?
Amazon Stores Allow Consumers to Follow Brands

What is the Best Way to Follow Someone on Amazon?

To follow a brand on Amazon, type their name into the search bar, then click “Visit the Storefront” on one of their product detail pages. Simply click the “Follow Button” once you’ve arrived at their Amazon Store.

Your brand must be registered with Amazon Brand Registry, which requires that you have a registered trademark in the United States. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll be able to build Amazon Stores. When you build an Amazon Store, you are given the choice to show a “Follow” option on your storefront.

How do I increase my reach on Amazon?
Amazon User Account Shows Who You Follow

What Are the Benefits of Using Amazon Followers?

A third-party firm apparently executed a one-month test to promote a new product for one of our clients when Amazon unveiled the Manage Your Customer Engagement tool. Their client brand had 1,700 followers at the time.

Campaign Outcomes

While the ad was active, the ASIN saw a 29 percent growth (which had to be manually tracked). Currently, Amazon does not disclose sales lift in the tool.

Reach: 545
Open Rate: 21.47%
Click-Through Rate: 0.92%
Clicks: 5
Unsubscribes: 1

Despite the fact that the campaign had only 5 hits, they witnessed a significant sales increase, implying that some buyers may view the email and subsequently look for the product at a later time. Furthermore, any sales rise resulting from this campaign aided in improving product rank, resulting in increased organic traffic and sales.

How to Get Followers on Your Amazon Storefront

Increasing your Amazon followers can certainly be useful. So, what can you do to actively encourage more individuals to become brand followers? We have some suggestions for you.

1st, there’s the Amazon Storefront.

Amazon Brand Stores are a selected digital storefront that stands out from the crowd. In the nav bar on the left side of the nav bar, stores now have a Follow option.

You can upload a custom image into a module with a call to action to promote more followers on your store, but that space could be better used. Amazon Stores, rather than the ad itself, might be thought of as the landing page. The Brand Store should be set up to greet, engage, and convert customers. You should use other programs, such as Amazon Live, to increase your following.

Amazon is feeling the heat from Shopify – expect a “Shopify Knockoff” from Amazon in the next couple months.

2nd, Amazon LIVE Video

Amazon Live is a self-service livecast platform that is available for free. Brand registered brands and their authorized representatives can use the brand’s channel to broadcast livestreams. These livestreams can be viewed in the brand’s listings, the Amazon Brand Store, competitor listings, the Amazon Live page’s Live Now row, product category pages, and the Amazon home page.

Amazon would love to become a QVC rival in the same way they have become a GOOGLE rival.

Not all of these spots are instantly available; to acquire high-visibility placements, brands must “level up” their Amazon Live rating. To advance, firms must live stream on a regular basis, have engaged audiences, use live streams to generate sales, and submit an application for approval.

Make “follow our brand” a recurring call to action throughout the webcast to get followers on Amazon Live. While the speaker is speaking, you should have a staff member monitor the livestream chat so that they can answer questions and encourage shoppers to join in. This method works best when you can offer exceptional discounts to customers that follow your brand, such as a special coupon code just for them.

3rd, Amazon Posts

Amazon Posts are a type of Instagram look and feel that generates a feed which shows in your Brand Store, product listings, rival product listings, related post feeds, and category-based feeds. It’s possible that your posts feed won’t appear until you’ve written a series of posts, perhaps 10 or more.

The brand name and logo, image, “see product” button, caption, and tags are all automatically produced by Amazon in Amazon Posts.

Amazon would love to create an Instagram killer – although this is unlikely.

Make sure to include a follow button in your Amazon Posts to acquire followers. Within the caption, you can also encourage customers to follow your brand. Promising exclusive deals, similar to Amazon Live, is a terrific way to gain fans. Also, don’t be hesitant to let your brand’s voice be heard through in your content. When you incorporate passion into your marketing, your material becomes more captivating.

If you want to be a little more creative, you may include an infographic-style image in your listing media gallery to encourage shoppers to follow your brand. This illustration can emphasize the benefits of following, such as being the first to learn about new product releases, specials, and special offers just for the most loyal fans.

If your product requires every image in the media gallery to demonstrate all of its characteristics, you can promote the follow option in your A+ Content instead. A+ Content is read by shoppers who require additional information before making a purchase choice. Showing them that you have a loyalty program can help you gain their trust.

5th, Sponsored Brand Ads

For one more Amazon tip, the simple usage of Sponsored Brand Ads can help you expand your following. Your Amazon Storefront can be linked from Sponsored Brand Ads. Shoppers will notice the follow button once they arrive. Although this is an indirect strategy, greater traffic will almost certainly lead to more followers, and Sponsored Brand Ads drive additional purchases anyway, so it’s a win in any case.

6th, Posts on Social Media

We’ve had success advertising the follow option via social media in addition to Amazon. The brand urged their social media followers to also follow them on Amazon in the campaign results we mentioned above. Using social media to promote Amazon sales is a straightforward strategy that is both free and effective.

7th – Influencers

Finally we’ll look at influencer marketing. For years, brands have leveraged influencers to promote merchandise because they help brands access highly relevant audiences, develop trust, and increase listing traffic. Having your influencers encourage their fans to follow your Amazon Storefront in any of their sponsored articles is a simple step that can lead to positive follower growth.

While you won’t be able to directly attribute follower growth because Amazon anonymizes and aggregates follower data, you can look for similarities between an influencer’s post and a rise in followers.

How do you get more reach on Amazon?

9 Simple Tips for Boosting Sales on Amazon.
Be a Resource. ... .
Get Help from Influencers. ... .
Try a Sponsored Products Campaign. ... .
Drive More Reviews. ... .
Optimize for Search. ... .
Create an Unmatched Buying Experience. ... .
Write Winning Product Descriptions. ... .
Leverage Video..

How do I get 100 orders on Amazon?

Product Detail Pages There are five key components on the product page that helps to increase sales, title, image, price, feature bullets, and description. By reviewing the search terms, browse node, and detail pages, and making changes where applicable, you can increase the sales on