How do I get my Facebook page to show ratings?

Facebook is the world's largest social media network with a number of features to help business owners. Collecting and displaying Reviews on Facebook is one of them - are you doing it? Find out how to get reviews on Facebook and cement your online reputation today.

Business owners with a Facebook page may know that its possible to collect reviews through the platform, but do you know how?

Step #1: Add the Reviews Tab to your Facebook page

To start collecting reviews you'll first need to add that functionality to your Facebook page.

  1. First, ensure you are logged in with your business page administrator account, then navigate to your business home page.  
  2. Click "Settings" at the top right hand side of your business page.
  1. On the left hand side, navigate to Edit Page.
  1. You'll then get a list of tabs on the right hand side. To add the Reviews tab, just scroll to the bottom and hit the "Add Tab" button. Once you've chosen the Review tab, it'll appear in the edit settings page and you can configure it by clicking on it.

Here is where you'll activate the tab to show on the site, and also where you'll find your direct link which you can share with customers to write a review.

Ok so you've now got the ability to collect reviews on your Facebook page - what's next?  Well, you need to start collecting feedback. There are a few ways to collect Facebook reviews.

1. Encourage your customers to check-in on Facebook

Did you know that Facebook often prompts visitors that have recently checked-in to a place to write a review on the platform? This is an easy way to get customers to leave reviews without even having to ask them!

Encouraging people to check-in is easy:

  • Make sure your Facebook page is regularly updated and you have a Social Media Marketing Strategy in place. Building awareness of your brand on social will mean it's a 'desirable' place to be checking into; a place people want to be associated with.
  • If you're a restaurant, you could encourage people to check-in when giving out the WiFi code. In a shop, a photobooth could be set up with a reminder to post your image with a check-in. Even at events, checking in should be encouraged not only to build awareness, but also prompt Facebook to send review requests.

2. Send a Facebook review invitation email

If you don't ask, you don't get. One of the easier ways to get reviews on Facebook pages is to request your customers leave them. Sending an email out to new and existing customers to review you on social will bump your review count up in no time at all.

If you're with a review platform such as, you'll be able to set this up automatically with Review Invitation Emails. If not, you'll have to do it manually.

3. Write a Facebook post to request reviews from your fans

Got a lot of Facebook 'likes' but few reviews? Leverage the power of your fan base and get them to leave you reviews by addressing them with a Facebook post.

You could mention that you've started collecting reviews and would appreciate it if your loyal customers could help 'spread the word'. You'll be amazed at how many of your fans are willing to help you out and leave you a glowing Facebook review.

Can I switch Facebook reviews off?

Unlike Google Reviews, which cannot be deleted or even switched off, Facebook reviews can be turned off and deleted.Although this will eradicate the prospect of you getting negative Facebook reviews, it will also mean you can't get any glowing feedback and additionally remove your overall Facebook business rating, so only deactivate after careful consideration.

Benefits of Facebook Reviews

Now you know how to get Facebook reviews, but do you know why you should be collecting them in the first place? Facebook Reviews, as with reviews from many other third-party sources, have immense value. They can:

  • Help build your social profile and reinforce any social media marketing you have in place.
  • Maintain consistency across your online repuation - if you have a great TripAdvisor score but no Facebook reviews, it may make customers doubt your transparency.
  • Improve on your visibility in Google - Facebook reviews will appear under your Facebook Business listing in the SERPs, even if you don't have many reviews.


Facebook reviews are not just essential for your social reputation, but are likely to impact your brand reputation as a whole. Now you know how to collect reviews on Facebook Business Pages there's nothing stopping you. Go forth and harness the power of Facebook stars today!

Did you know can help you get reviews across the web, including on Facebook? Head over to our website]( or jump on live chat with one of our advisors.

How do I enable ratings on my Facebook page?

How to enable reviews on your Facebook Business Page:.
Click “Settings” at the top of your Page..
Go to “Edit Page” in the left-hand column..
Scroll down to “Reviews”.
Click “Settings” next to the Reviews section..
Change the slider from OFF to ON..
“Save” changes..

Why my Facebook business page is not showing ratings?

A Page's rating is based on multiple sources, such as the reviews and Recommendations people share about business Pages on Facebook. Only Pages that allow Recommendations may show a rating, and a Page may not have a rating if it hasn't received enough Recommendations.

How do I enable reviews on Facebook 2022?

How to Enable Reviews Tab on a Facebook Page?.
Log in to your Facebook account and go to your business Facebook page..
Navigate to the 'Settings' section..
Click 'Templates and Tabs'.
Find the reviews tab named 'Reviews' in the list of tabs and activate it..