Have the Greens ever been in power Australia

Have the Greens ever been in power Australia

This election, we have a huge opportunity.

With your support, the Greens are on track to become the most powerful third party in Australia, securing the balance of power in parliament.

We are running our biggest grassroots political campaign ever, with candidates in every seat. We are seeing a jump in the Greens vote across the country.

In the Lower House, we are on track to winning at least five new seats in Victoria, NSW and Queensland.

In the Senate, we are on track to picking up another three seats and becoming the biggest third party in Australian history.

You’ve probably heard that this election is going to be very close. Australia is likely to end up with a "hung" parliament – meaning neither major party has the numbers to govern in their own right.

They have to rely on others (like us!) to support them to either form government or to negotiate on passing legislation in the House of Representatives or the Senate. That’s the balance of power.

In this position, the Greens would have unprecedented negotiating power to make our policies reality.

If just a few hundred people change their votes, we’ll elect more Greens MPs and have unprecedented negotiating power in Parliament to fight for the things that you believe in,

With support for the Greens surging and a minority parliament increasingly likely, we'll be fighting for these priorities:

  • No new coal & gas
  • Dental and mental health into Medicare
  • Building 1 million affordable homes and better renters rights
  • Free childcare
  • Wiping student debt
  • Lifting income support
  • Progress on all elements of the Uluru Statement from the Heart

Last time the Greens were in the balance of power we got dental into Medicare for kids and world leading climate legislation.

In fact, before the pandemic, the only time that pollution has ever gone down in this country was when the Greens were in the balance of power in 2010-2013.

The Greens will never work with the Liberals to form government, we are campaigning hard to kick them out. You can rest assured that if you follow the Greens’ how-to-vote card, your preferences will go to Labor or a climate independent ahead of the Liberals.

Learn more about Preferences ›

What if I’m in a safe seat? How is my vote powerful?

Every Lower House contest the Greens are competitive in today, started as a contest between the major parties. And we’ve done it by changing one vote at a time.

Because of our preferential voting system, if you vote 1 Greens and we don’t win your local seat, your vote will get passed on to whoever you vote for second. Vote 1 Greens to build our power and just make sure you put the Liberals, Palmer’s United Australia Party or One Nation last.

The Senate is also where you can make a huge difference! In the Senate you are voting for a number of representatives for your State or Territory, not your local MP. The Greens are on track to pick up another three Senate seats and becoming the biggest third party in Australian history. We’ll have huge power to block or improve legislation.

In both the House of Representatives AND the Senate, your vote is powerful.

There’s no such thing as a wasted vote

Ever heard something like – “a vote for a minor party is a wasted vote”?

Not true! This is a scare campaign run by the major parties who want to keep the two party system as it is.

You cannot waste your vote because of Australia’s preferential voting system. You can vote 1 for the party you feel best represents your values and if your number 1 vote doesn’t win, your number 2 vote (2nd preference) will be counted and so on. You lose nothing by giving your 1 vote to a minor party. 

If you vote 1 Greens, we can kick the Liberals out, and put the Greens in the balance of power to fight for the things that matter to you.

Your vote is powerful.

Here's the the Australian Electoral Commission explaining how it is not possible to 'waste' your vote:

 AEC Explains: it's not possible to waste your vote

Where else are the Greens in Balance of Power?

Since 2008, the ACT Greens have been in shared government with ACT Labor. Through collaboration, negotiation and mutual respect, we have built the most progressive and inclusive government in the country. In 2020 the ACT became the first state/territory in Australia to hit 100% clean, green, renewable energy.

The Greens are in the balance of power in Germany and in Scotland. Across the ditch in Aotearoa/New Zealand, the Greens co-leader also holds the Climate Change portfolio in Jacinda Ardern's Labour government. 

Good things happen with the Greens in shared power. Vote 1 Greens and help us make change happen this election.

Change is possible. Unlike the major parties, the Greens are community powered – we don’t take donations from corporations including coal, oil and gas. Change is possible when enough people vote for it.

Join the Greens

The Greens acknowledge the Traditional Owners of country throughout Australia and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. We acknowledge that these lands were stolen and sovereignty was never ceded. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.

"Flooding the Franklin would be like putting a scratch across the Mona Lisa."

Environmentalist Bob Brown delivered these famous words in the early 1980s as he, Christine Milne and many others protested the damming of the Franklin River in Tasmania.

The attempted Franklin River hydroelectricity scheme engaged a movement of people passionate for preserving Australia’s environment. However, while many of the Franklin protesters would go on to be leaders in the Greens, the first shoots of Australia’s green political movement sprouted in the 1970s.

A fledgling movement

There are a number of states keen to claim the birthplace of the Greens as we know them.

The United Tasmania Group was the first 'green' party anywhere in the world and ran candidates in the 1972 election

Other state-based Greens parties sprung up in the early 1980s. New South Wales was the first to register the name 'the Greens' in 1983. Western Australia, which fostered an earlier nuclear disarmament movement, had the first Green Senator in 1990.

In 1992 Australia's state-based Greens parties joined together, fronting the press on 30 August to announce the new federal party, the Australian Greens.

Growing support

The Greens movement quickly gained momentum. Everyday people were the victors when we successfully pushed for Denticare and the Clean Energy Act.

It quickly became apparent that more Australians than ever were standing up for this beautiful country. Thanks to your support, Greens in the Senate and in state parliaments grew.

In 2010, 1.6 million Australians voted Greens. Our elected numbers expanded, with four new seats in the Senate and Adam Bandt becoming the first Greens elected for a federal seat.

The Greens today

Today, the Greens not only speak for the environment but also on behalf of people who are disadvantaged in our society: children, refugees, students, people with disabilities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and individuals and families living in poverty.

In 2018 the Australian Greens has nine federal senators, one federal MP (Adam Bandt), 23 state MPs, and more than 100 Greens councillors including Green mayors.

But even as our success story continues, we will always remember that we began with people just like you — people who cared and stood up for what was right.