Given FDs X, Y and Y X hold for two attributes X and Y, then the relationship between X and Y is

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Functional Dependency ♢ [0/12]

Most texts adopt the following terminology:

Attributes upper-case letters from start of alphabet (e.g. A, B, C, ...)
Sets of attributes concatenation of attribute names (e.g. X=ABCD, Y=EFG )
Relation schemas upper-case letters, denoting set of all attributes (e.g. R)
Relation instances lower-case letter corresponding to schema (e.g. r(R))
Tuples lower-case letters   (e.g. t, t', t1, u, v )
Attributes in tuples tuple[attrSet] (e.g. t[ABCD], t[X])

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Functional Dependency ♢ [1/12]

A relation instance r(R) satisfies a dependency X → Y  if

  • for any t, u ∈ r,   t[X] = u[X]   ⇒   t[Y] = u[Y]
In other words, if two tuples in R agree in their values for the set of attributes X, then they must also agree in their values for the set of attributes Y.

We say that "Y  is functionally dependent on X ".

Attribute sets X and Y may overlap;   it is trivially true that X → X.


  • X → Y can also be read as "X determines Y"
  • the single arrow → denotes functional dependency
  • the double arrow ⇒ denotes logical implication

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Functional Dependency ♢ [2/12]

❖ Functional Dependency (cont)

Consider the following (redundancy-laden) relation:

Title | Year | Len | Studio | Star --------------+------+-----+-----------+--------------- King Kong | 1933 | 100 | RKO | Fay Wray King Kong | 1976 | 134 | Paramount | Jessica Lange King Kong | 1976 | 134 | Paramount | Jeff Bridges Mighty Ducks | 1991 | 104 | Disney | Emilio Estevez Wayne's World | 1995 | 95 | Paramount | Dana Carvey Wayne's World | 1995 | 95 | Paramount | Mike Meyers

Some functional dependencies in this relation

  • Title Year → Len,     Title Year → Studio
Not a functional dependency

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Functional Dependency ♢ [3/12]

❖ Functional Dependency (cont)

Consider an instance r(R) of the relation schema R(ABCDE):

A | B | C | D | E ----+----+----+----+---- a1 | b1 | c1 | d1 | e1 a2 | b1 | c2 | d2 | e1 a3 | b2 | c1 | d1 | e1 a4 | b2 | c2 | d2 | e1 a5 | b3 | c3 | d1 | e1

Since A  values are unique, the definition of fd  gives:

  • A → B,    A → C,    A → D,    A → E,     or    A → BCDE
Since all E  values are the same, it follows that:
  • A → E,    B → E,    C → E,    D → E

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Functional Dependency ♢ [4/12]

❖ Functional Dependency (cont)

Other observations:

  • combinations of BC are unique, therefore   BC → ADE
  • combinations of BD are unique, therefore   BD → ACE
  • if C values match, so do D values, therefore   C → D
  • however, D values don't determine C values, so   !(D → C)
We could derive many other dependencies, e.g.   AE → BC, ...

In practice, choose a minimal set of fds (basis)

  • from which all other fds can be derived
  • which captures useful problem-domain information

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Functional Dependency ♢ [5/12]

❖ Exercise: Functional Dependencies (i)

Real estate agents conduct visits to rental properties

  • need to record which property, who went, when, results
  • each property is assigned a unique code (P#, e.g. P4)
  • each staff member has a staff number (S#, e.g. S43)
  • staff members use company cars to conduct visits
  • a visit occurs at a specific time on a given day
  • notes are made on the state of the property after each visit
The company stores all of the associated data in a spreadsheet.

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Functional Dependency ♢ [6/12]

❖ Exercise: Functional Dependencies (i) (cont)

The spreadsheet ...

P# | When | Address | Notes | S# | Name | CarReg ---+-------------+------------+---------------+-----+-------+------- P4 | 03/06 15:15 | 55 High St | Bathroom leak | S44 | Rob | ABK754 P1 | 04/06 11:10 | 47 High St | All ok | S44 | Rob | ABK754 P4 | 03/07 12:30 | 55 High St | All ok | S43 | Dave | ATS123 P1 | 05/07 15:00 | 47 High St | Broken window | S44 | Rob | ABK754 P1 | 05/07 15:00 | 47 High St | Leaking tap | S44 | Rob | ABK754 P2 | 13/07 12:00 | 12 High St | All ok | S42 | Peter | ATS123 P1 | 10/08 09:00 | 47 High St | Window fixed | S42 | Peter | ATS123 P3 | 11/08 14:00 | 99 High St | All ok | S41 | John | AAA001 P4 | 13/08 10:00 | 55 High St | All ok | S44 | Rob | ABK754 P3 | 05/09 11:15 | 99 High St | Bathroom leak | S42 | Peter | ATS123

Functional dependencies:   P → A,    A → P,     S → m,    S → C

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Functional Dependency ♢ [7/12]

❖ Functional Dependency (again)

Above examples consider dependency within a relation instance r(R).

More important for design  is dependency across all possible instances of the relation (i.e. a schema-based dependency).

This is a simple generalisation of the previous definition:

  • for any t, u ∈ any r(R),   t[X] = u[X]   ⇒   t[Y] = u[Y]
Such dependencies tend to capture semantics of problem domain.

E.g. real estate example

  • P → A suggests a property entity,   S → N,    S → C suggest a staff entity
  • Property(P#,addr),   Staff(S#,name,car),   Inspection(P#,S#,when,notes)

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Functional Dependency ♢ [8/12]

❖ Functional Dependency (again) (cont)

Can we generalise some ideas about functional dependency?

E.g. are there dependencies that hold for any relation?

  • yes, but they're generally trivial, e.g. Y ⊂ X   ⇒   X → Y

E.g. do some dependencies suggest the existence of others?
  • yes, rules of inference allow us to derive dependencies
  • allow us to reason about sets of functional dependencies

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Functional Dependency ♢ [9/12]

Armstrong's rules are general rules of inference on fds.

F1. Reflexivity   e.g.   X → X

  • a formal statement of trivial dependencies; useful for derivations

F2. Augmentation   e.g.   X → Y  ⇒  XZ → YZ
  • if a dependency holds, then we can expand its left hand side (along with RHS)

F3. Transitivity   e.g.   X → Y, Y → Z  ⇒  X → Z
  • the "most powerful" inference rule; useful in multi-step derivations

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Functional Dependency ♢ [10/12]

Armstrong's rules are complete, but other useful rules exist:

F4. Additivity   e.g.   X → Y, X → Z   ⇒   X → YZ

  • useful for constructing new right hand sides of fds (also called union)

F5. Projectivity   e.g.   X → YZ   ⇒   X → Y, X → Z
  • useful for reducing right hand sides of fds (also called decomposition)

F6. Pseudotransitivity   e.g.   X → Y, YZ → W   ⇒   XZ → W
  • shorthand for a common transitivity derivation

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Functional Dependency ♢ [11/12]

Example: determining validity of AB → GH, given:


F = { AB → E,   AG → J,   BE → I,   E → G,   GI → H }


1.   AB → E (given)
2.   E → G (given)
3.   AB → G (using F3 on 1,2)
4.   AB → AB (using F1)
5.   AB → B (using F5 on 4)
6.   AB → BE (using F4 on 1,5)
7.   BE → I (given)
8.   AB → I (using F3 on 6,7)
9.   AB → GI (using F4 on 3,8)
10. GI → H (given)
11. AB → H (using F3 on 9,10)
12. AB → GH (using F4 on 3,11)

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Functional Dependency ♢ [12/12]

Produced: 5 Nov 2020