Cadence and what other critical concept are the key constructs to delivering continuous value

QuestionWhat are the three pillars of scrum?

Which three attributes summarize DevOps? (Choose three.)A high performing DevOps TeamA shared cultureA set of technical practicesStrong organizational structureCombined deployment and release

A mindset

A mindsetA shared culture

A set of technical practices

What are the three pillars of Scrum?Transparency, Inspection, AdaptationCollaboration, Acceptance, ProgressRetrospection, Inspection, Adaptation

Adaptation, Transparency, Acceptance

Transparency, Inspection, Adaptation

Cadence and what other action are the key constructs to delivering continuous value?ExecutionSynchronizationFlexibility


What is the recommended duration of a SAFe Iteration?Six weeksThree weeksTwo weeks

Four weeks

What are two critical areas that differentiate Agile from waterfall development? (Choose two.)Architectural RunwayStaggered integrationIncremental delivery of valueFace-to-face interaction

Fast feedback

Incremental delivery of value
Fast feedback

What is one example of a servant leader behavior pattern?Understands and empathizes with othersUses authority rather than persuasion when necessaryFocuses on individual task metrics

Thinks about the day-to-day activities

Understands and empathizes with others

An effective SAFe Scrum Master helps the team improve on their journey towards technical excellence through Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, and what else?State of the art build toolsContinuous ExplorationWIP limits

Continuous Release

What is one truth about teams?Teams are more productive than the same number of individualsDevelopment Teams can manage daily interruptionsProducts are more robust when individuals on teams have specific skill sets

Changes in team composition do not impact productivity

Teams are more productive than the same number of individuals

During PI Planning, which two tasks are part of the Scrum Master's role in the first team breakout? (Choose two.)Review and reprioritize the Team Backlog as part of the preparatory work for the second team breakoutFacilitate the coordination with other teams for dependenciesProvide clarifications necessary to assist the team with their story estimating and sequencingIdentify as many risks and dependencies as possible for the Management Review

Be involved in the Program Backlog refinement and preparation

Facilitate the coordination with other teams for dependencies

Identify as many risks and dependencies as possible for the Management Review

Who is responsible for prioritizing the Iteration Backlog?The Scrum MasterThe Product Management TeamThe Development Team

The Product Owner

Good coaches do not give people the answer, but instead they do what?They hold them to their commitmentsThey make the decisionsThey limit the number of questions

They guide people to the solution

They guide people to the solution

What are two good Scrum Master facilitation practices? (Choose two.)Create an environment of safety so that everyone feels comfortable contributing to the discussionAllow for unproductive conflict to encourage open communicationDo not enforce accountability as it creates an environment of distrustAllow for deep, meaningful conversations even if it is outside the scope of the agenda

Ensure all voices are heard

Create an environment of safety so that everyone feels comfortable contributing to the discussion

Ensure all voices are heard

Becoming a coach requires a shift from old behaviors to new ones. What are three examples of old behaviors? (Choose three.)Focusing on deadlinesDriving toward specific outcomesFixing problems for the teamFacilitating team problem solvingAsking the team for the answers

Focusing on business value delivery

Focusing on deadlinesDriving toward specific outcomes

Fixing problems for the team

When does the Plan-Do-Check-Adjust cycle occur in Scrum?In the daily ScrumAt the Iteration ReviewAt all formal Scrum events

As part of the Iteration Retrospective

Who can change the backlog during an Iteration?Agile TeamSenior ManagementRelease Train Engineer

Scrum Master

According to the Five Dysfunctions of a Team, what is a team's ultimate competitive advantage?TeamworkCommitmentTransparency


What are two common PI Planning anti-patterns? (Choose two.)Too much time is spent prioritizing featuresToo much time is spent analyzing each storyStories are created for the PI Planning IterationsThe team decides which changes need to happen and when

Part-time Scrum Masters do not have time to plan as part of the team

Too much time is spent analyzing each story

Part-time Scrum Masters do not have time to plan as part of the team

Participating in PI Planning enables teams to gain alignment and commitment around a clear set of what?Features and benefitsUser storiesTeam dependencies

Prioritized objectives

How are the 5 Whys used?To coach a team through powerful questionsTo brainstorm ideasTo identify a root cause(s) of a problem

To define acceptance criteria for a story

To identify a root cause(s) of a problem

What is the basis for most team conflicts?Lack of leadershipLack of common goalsIdeological differences

Unexamined assumptions