Cara menggunakan java create google sheet

logical_expression - An expression or reference to a cell containing an expression that represents some logical value, i.e. TRUE or FALSE.

  • value_if_true - The value the function returns if logical_expression is TRUE.

  • IF(A2,"A2 was true","A2 was false")0 - [ OPTIONAL - blank by default ] - The value the function returns if logical_expression is FALSE.

    A data source provides the data for a Looker Studio report. In this lesson, you'll create a data source that connects to one of your own Google Sheets.

    In this article:

    Prepare your data

    Follow these tips to make working with your Sheets data in Looker Studio easier:

    Use a separate worksheet for Looker Studio data

    Spreadsheets let you store and analyze your data in a flexible format that might be difficult to model in Looker Studio. We recommend creating a separate worksheet that you for the data you want to see in Looker Studio.

    You can automate getting data from one worksheet into another using Google Sheets functions. For example:


    ='Worksheet 1'!A1 - copies the contents of cell A1 in Worksheet 1.


    Sheets provides others ways of fetching data from one cell or range of cells into another, including:





    Table format

    • The worksheet or range you connect to should have a simple tabular format. Each column should contain only single cells: merged cells may cause your data to appear incorrectly.
    • Cells should only contain data: you can't import graphs or images, for example.
    • The first row of the data should contain column headers. These will become the field names in your data source.

    Date format

    • Dates in your Google Sheet should contain the full day, month, and year, for example, 9/22/2020 or 2020-09-22.
    • If you have time data, it should be combined with the date field, for example, 9/22/2020 11:55:30.

    • Date fields should be formatted as dates (using the Format > Number > Date menu option in Sheets).

    Other ways of handling dates are possible, but may require more work on your part.

    Learn more about handling dates and times in Looker Studio.

    Data structure

    Organizing your data in certain ways can make it easier to work with in Looker Studio. For example:

    Long is better than wide. Limit the number of dimensions by grouping data into categories, rather than having columns for each possible value. For example, if you are measuring sales of fruit from a grocery store, doing this:

    DateFruitQuantity Sold2017-07-06Apples1002017-07-06Oranges752017-07-06Bananas1502017-07-07Apples802017-07-07Oranges952017-07-07Bananas175

    Long table example

  better than this:


    Wide table example

    In the long table example, your data source only requires one dimension for the Fruit category, whereas the wide table example requires one dimension for each type of fruit. If you sold 100 varieties of fruit, you'd need 100 dimensions to measure them all using the second example. This would be impossible to display in a Looker Studio chart.

    Grouping your data series into dimensions also makes filtering in Looker Studio easier. For example, in the long table example, it's easy to build a filter on Fruit = "Apples." In the wide table example, you can't filter by type of fruit.

    Understand your aggregations. If your Sheet includes aggregated data, such as sums, averages, medians, etc., be careful not to mix that data with unaggregated data in Looker Studio charts. If you do, the numbers in those charts might not be correct. For example, let's say the wide table above included a Totals row:


    Wide table with totals

    Scorecards in Looker Studio would display inflated numbers for each of the fruit dimensions (because it adds the totals to the un-aggregated metrics):







    Scorecard examples

    In this case, it's best to not include the totals row in the data source and instead, let Looker Studio calculate the totals.

    Connect to Google Sheets

    The first step in creating a data source is to connect to your data set.

    1. Sign in to Looker Studio.
    2. In the top left, click
      Cara menggunakan java create google sheet
       then select Data Source.
    3. In the connectors panel, select Google Sheets.
    4. Select a Spreadsheet and Worksheet.
    5. Optionally, uncheck Use first row as headers. The fields in your data source will instead use the default Sheets column labels: "A," "B," "C," etc.
    6. Optionally, uncheck Include hidden and filtered cells. These will now be excluded from the data source
    7. Optionally, specify a range of cells. Otherwise, the entire worksheet is used.
    8. Click CONNECT in the upper right. The fields panel appears.

    Configure the data source

    The fields panel contains all the dimensions (the green chips) and metrics (the blue chips) from the data set. You can fine-tune the data source by renaming or disabling fields, adding calculated fields, and changing the aggregation and data type.

    Learn more about modeling your data.

    Cara menggunakan java create google sheet

    Add a metric

    You can add a metric to the data source by clicking

    Cara menggunakan java create google sheet
    next to a dimension and selecting one of the available functions. You'll need at least one metric to chart your data in Looker Studio.

    Cara menggunakan java create google sheet

    Rename your data source

    Cara menggunakan java create google sheet

    Looker Studio automatically names your data source the same as your data set name. If you want to change that, click the name in the upper left and enter a new name.

    You can also rename the data source later from the DATA SOURCES home page by clicking the context menu and selecting Rename.

    Bagaimana Cara Membuat Google sheet?

    Untuk membuat spreadsheet baru:.
    Buka layar utama Spreadsheet di
    Klik Baru. . Ini akan membuat dan membuka spreadsheet baru Anda..

    Langkah memasukkan data ke Google Sheet?

    Mengimpor data Excel ke Spreadsheet.
    Di Spreadsheet, buat spreadsheet baru atau buka yang sudah ada..
    Klik File. Impor..
    Pilih file Excel, lalu klik Pilih..
    Pilih salah satu opsi impor: Buat spreadsheet baru. Sisipkan sheet baru. Timpa spreadsheet..
    Klik Impor data..
    Jika diminta, klik Buka sekarang..

    Bagaimana cara mengakses Google sheet?

    Anda dapat membuka Spreadsheet dengan salah satu cara berikut: Browser web apa pun—Buka Google Drive—Klik Baru. Google Spreadsheet, lalu buat dari awal atau dari template.

    Apa yang dapat diterapkan Google sheet?

    Dengan Google Spreadsheet, Anda dapat membuat dan mengedit spreadsheet secara langsung di browser web—tanpa memerlukan software khusus. Beberapa orang dapat bekerja secara bersamaan, Anda dapat melihat saat orang lain membuat perubahan, dan setiap perubahan disimpan secara otomatis.