Cant add poll to facebook event

You can’t but you can use a free workaround. For example, you can create a free poll using Google Forms and share a link on your news feed for your friends to vote.

It is a known fact that Facebook will not allow all your friends to see your update once you share a link. Whether it is because Facebook doesn’t like people clicking links and leaving the platform or whether it is a way to fight spam, but you will need to make sure as many of your friends will see the link as possible.

Here are a few tips:

  • Create a text-only update (and even upload an image)
  • Add a note that link is in the comments
  • Post an update without the link to your poll but add it immediately in the comment section

Cant add poll to facebook event
Cant add poll to facebook event
Facebook personal feed is one of the few places where you cannot currently add native polls for some reason. But you can still survey your friends if you want!

[This way Facebook allow more of your friends to see your update asking to complete a poll]

How to create a poll on Facebook business page?

  • Go to business publishing tools
  • Click “Create post”
  • Select “Poll”
  • Type your question and answer variants. At this point Facebook polls only allow adding two answers to any poll.

Cant add poll to facebook event
Cant add poll to facebook event
Adding a poll to a Facebook page is quite easy.

Furthermore, you can set how long your poll is going to be active: You can choose to archive it and reveal all the answers after one day, one week, a custom timeframe or never.

You can also upload an image or a video to go with your poll.

How to create a poll on a Facebook event?

  • Create your event and click the link to go to the event details
  • Scroll down to where you see a new post option
  • Select tab that says “Create a poll”

Cant add poll to facebook event
Cant add poll to facebook event
Here’s how you can add a poll to an event

Event poll options are broader than those on the business page, as here you cann more than 2 answer variants to create a truly multiple choice poll.

How to create a poll in a Facebook group

If you are posting to or managing a Facebook group, you can create a poll there as well. Simple choose “Create Poll” tab when adding a new update within a group:

Cant add poll to facebook event
Cant add poll to facebook event
Facebook group and event polls are more advanced than those you can add to a page or inside a story.

How to create a poll on Facebook Messenger?

Polling only works inside group conversations in Messenger for obvious reasons: If there’s only one person you are conversing with, you can simply ask your question. There’s no point in creating a poll.

Cant add poll to facebook event
Cant add poll to facebook event
Messenger polls are paused for now

Currently the polling option is unavailable. Facebook claims they are working to fix it. You can still create a new poll using Google Forms and simply send a link in a Messenger to ask friends to vote.

How to create a poll on a Facebook story?

This functionality is only available on Facebook app. When adding your story:

  • Tap “Stickers” option in the top right, 
  • Select POLL.
  • Type your question, 
  • Tap Yes or No to type your answers
  • Tap Done in the top right.

Cant add poll to facebook event
Cant add poll to facebook event
Adding a simple poll inside a Facebook story.

How to create a poll on the Facebook mobile app?

The Facebook app offers you the similar polling functionality as the website.

  • You cannot post a native poll on your personal feed unless you use a workaround
  • You can post a poll in a group by going to that group and selecting “Poll” when creating a new update
  • The app is the only way to create a poll to go along with a Facebook story

It looks like you are better off creating a poll on an event page or a business page by using a desktop site. The app is a bit too limited in this respect.

Facebook Polls: FAQ

Q: How do I create a poll on my personal news feed on Facebook?

A: There’s no Facebook functionality allowing you to create a poll on your personal news feed. But you can create a free poll elsewhere and link it from your personal Facebook update.

Q: How do I create a poll on my Facebook business page?

A: To create a poll and publish it on your business page, go to the new tab called “Publishing tools”, click “Create post” and select “Poll”.

Q: How do I create a poll on my Facebook event?

A: Simply go to your event and click the “Create poll” tab to type your question and possible answers. For the full tutorial, click here.

Q: How do I create a poll in a Facebook group?

A: It is easy to add a poll to a Facebook group: Simply select the option when adding a new update.

Q: How do I create a poll on Facebook Messenger?

A: You can create a new poll using Google Forms and simply send a link in a Messenger to ask friends to vote.

Q: How do I create a poll on a Facebook story?

A: You can only create stories on a mobile device, so this functionality is also only available on the Facebook app. To attach a poll to your story, tap the “Stickers” icon and select “Poll”.

Q: How do I create a poll on a Facebook app?

A: On a Facebook app, you can create a poll in a group, but it looks like to add one to a business page or an even, you need to use Facebook on a desktop browser.

How do I create a poll on Facebook?

  • You can create a poll on a business page, in a group or on the event post. 
  • Currently, you cannot add polls to your personal news feed or via Facebook messenger. But there’s nothing preventing you from using workarounds.
  • You can attach a poll to a Facebook story but you will need to use an app to do that.

Of course, Facebook is ever changing, so if you notice that any part of this guide is outdated, please let us know in the comments and we will update it!

Why can't I add a poll to Facebook event?

If prompted, select Post in event to confirm that you want to add the poll to the event, not your news feed. If you don't see the option to "Say something," the event host has not permitted you to create posts on the event. This may be because you haven't yet marked yourself as going to the event.

Has Facebook removed the poll option?

It seems the Facebook polls feature has changed over time which can make it difficult to find. At one time, you could create a poll in the Publishing Tools for a Facebook page you manage. However, this currently no longer exists.