Berapa banyak mode yang digunakan untuk membuka file di php?

Karena PHP adalah bahasa pemrograman sisi server, Anda mungkin berurusan dengan file dan direktori di server web. PHP memiliki beberapa fungsi untuk membuat, membaca, mengunggah, dan mengedit file

Fungsi PHP fopen()

Fungsi PHP

_3 digunakan untuk membuka file. Sintaks dasar dari fungsi ini adalah

fopen(filename, mode)

Contoh penggunaan dasar fungsi


5Buka file - baca saja. Penunjuk file dimulai di awal file
6Buka file - tulis saja. Menghapus konten file atau membuat file baru jika tidak ada. Penunjuk file dimulai di awal file
7Buka file - tulis saja. Data yang ada dalam file dipertahankan. Penunjuk file dimulai di akhir file. Membuat file baru jika file tidak ada
8Membuat file baru - tulis saja. Mengembalikan 
_9 dan kesalahan jika file sudah ada
0Buka file - baca/tulis. Penunjuk file dimulai di awal file
1Buka file - baca/tulis. Menghapus konten file atau membuat file baru jika tidak ada. Penunjuk file dimulai di awal file
2Buka file - baca/tulis. Data yang ada dalam file dipertahankan. Penunjuk file dimulai di akhir file. Membuat file baru jika file tidak ada
3Membuat file baru - baca/tulis. Mengembalikan 
_9 dan kesalahan jika file sudah ada

Fungsi PHP fclose()


5 digunakan untuk menutup file, seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini

6 fungsinya adalah

fread(file handle, length in bytes)

Fungsi ini membutuhkan dua parameter - pegangan file dan rangkaian data yang akan ditulis. Di bawah ini adalah contohnya

File memainkan peran penting dalam semua jenis program, apakah itu berbasis desktop atau berbasis web. Dalam pelajaran komprehensif ini, kita akan membahas semua yang perlu diketahui tentang file dalam PHP

Membaca File di PHP

Untuk mengakses dan membaca isi file, PHP menyediakan fungsi fopen(). Fungsi fopen() menyediakan fungsionalitas tambahan daripada metode readfile(). Kami akan menggunakan file contoh yang disebut "kamus saya. txt” untuk pelajaran ini. Isinya adalah sebagai berikut. singkatan terkait teknologi tertentu diikuti dengan bentuk lengkapnya

Fungsi fopen menerima dua parameter; . Jika fungsi ini berhasil membuka file, ia mengembalikan pegangannya. Jika terjadi kegagalan, Anda dapat mencetak pesan seperti pada contoh berikut

$myfile = fopen("my_dictionary.txt", "r") or die("Unable to open file!"); 
echo fread($myfile,filesize("my_dictionary.txt")); 

Penting untuk diingat bahwa file mungkin menjadi sumber kebocoran memori, jadi berhati-hatilah saat berinteraksi dengannya

Pada kenyataannya, skrip PHP perlu bekerja dengan data yang diambil dari file disk, kumpulan hasil SQL, dokumen XML, dan banyak jenis data lainnya. PHP memiliki banyak fungsi bawaan untuk mengakses sumber data ini. Mari pahami Penanganan File di PHP dengan urutan sebagai berikut

Penanganan File di PHP. Membuka File

Berapa banyak mode yang digunakan untuk membuka file di php?
Fungsi fopen() digunakan untuk membuka file. Parameter pertama berisi nama file yang akan dibuka dan parameter kedua memberitahukan dalam mode mana file tersebut harus dibuka. fungsi fopen() membuat pointer yang menunjuk ke file yang disebutkan


// a file is opened using fopen() function
$file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');

The modes in which a file can be opened in PHP are:

ModeDeskripsirHanya baca. Penunjuk file dimulai di awal file
r+Baca/Tulis. Penunjuk file hanya dimulai di awal filewWrite. Ini membuka dan membersihkan isi file; . Ini membuka dan membersihkan isi file; . Itu membuka dan menulis ke akhir file atau membuat file baru jika tidak ada+Baca/Tambahkan. Itu mempertahankan konten file dengan menulis ke akhir filexWrite saja. Membuat file baru. Mengembalikan FALSE dan kesalahan jika file sudah adax+Baca/Tulis. Membuat file baru. Mengembalikan FALSE dan error jika file sudah ada

File Handling in PHP: Closing Files

The fclose() function is used to close a file which is pointed by an open file pointer. It takes the file as an argument which has to be closed and closes that file.


  • A file has to be closed first using the fclose() function if it has been written via fwrite() function and you have to read the contents of the file.

  • fclose() doesn’t work for remote files. It only works on files which are accessible by the server’s file system.


$file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");
$file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');0
$file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');1

$file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');3

$file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');4

$file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');5

    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');6

$file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');7
$file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');8
$file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_9


$file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');1

    The modes in which a file can be opened in PHP are:_0

The modes in which a file can be opened in PHP are:_1
The modes in which a file can be opened in PHP are:_4
$file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');1

    The modes in which a file can be opened in PHP are:_8

The modes in which a file can be opened in PHP are:_9
File Handling in PHP: Closing Files0
File Handling in PHP: Closing Files_1

    File Handling in PHP: Closing Files_3

File Handling in PHP: Closing Files_4
File Handling in PHP: Closing Files_5
File Handling in PHP: Closing Files_6
File Handling in PHP: Closing Files_8

    The fclose() function is used to close a file which is pointed by an open file pointer. It takes the file as an argument which has to be closed and closes that file.1

The fclose() function is used to close a file which is pointed by an open file pointer. It takes the file as an argument which has to be closed and closes that file.2
The fclose() function is used to close a file which is pointed by an open file pointer. It takes the file as an argument which has to be closed and closes that file.3
File Handling in PHP: Closing Files_6
File Handling in PHP: Closing Files_8

The fclose() function is used to close a file which is pointed by an open file pointer. It takes the file as an argument which has to be closed and closes that file._9

NOTE: _0
NOTE: _1
NOTE: _2
NOTE: _5
NOTE: _6
$file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');1
File Handling in PHP: Closing Files_1

A file has to be closed first using the fclose() function if it has been written via fwrite() function and you have to read the contents of the file.fclose() doesn’t work for remote files. It only works on files which are accessible by the server’s file system.1

  • A file has to be closed first using the fclose() function if it has been written via fwrite() function and you have to read the contents of the file.

  • fclose() doesn’t work for remote files. It only works on files which are accessible by the server’s file system.

  • 2

  • A file has to be closed first using the fclose() function if it has been written via fwrite() function and you have to read the contents of the file.

  • fclose() doesn’t work for remote files. It only works on files which are accessible by the server’s file system.

  • 3
  • A file has to be closed first using the fclose() function if it has been written via fwrite() function and you have to read the contents of the file.

  • fclose() doesn’t work for remote files. It only works on files which are accessible by the server’s file system.

  • 4
  • A file has to be closed first using the fclose() function if it has been written via fwrite() function and you have to read the contents of the file.

  • fclose() doesn’t work for remote files. It only works on files which are accessible by the server’s file system.

  • 5
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');1

    • A file has to be closed first using the fclose() function if it has been written via fwrite() function and you have to read the contents of the file.

    • fclose() doesn’t work for remote files. It only works on files which are accessible by the server’s file system.

    • 8

  • A file has to be closed first using the fclose() function if it has been written via fwrite() function and you have to read the contents of the file.

  • fclose() doesn’t work for remote files. It only works on files which are accessible by the server’s file system.

  • 3
  • A file has to be closed first using the fclose() function if it has been written via fwrite() function and you have to read the contents of the file.

  • fclose() doesn’t work for remote files. It only works on files which are accessible by the server’s file system.

  • 4
  • A file has to be closed first using the fclose() function if it has been written via fwrite() function and you have to read the contents of the file.

  • fclose() doesn’t work for remote files. It only works on files which are accessible by the server’s file system.

  • 5
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');1



    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");0

      $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");1

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");2

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");3

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");4

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");5

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");6

      $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");_9

    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_00

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");3
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_02

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");5

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");6

    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_07

    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_08

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");3
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');10

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");5

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");6

      $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');15

    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');16

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");3
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');18

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");5

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");6

      $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');23

    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');16
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');25

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");3
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');27
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_28
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_29
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');30
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_32
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_33
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_34
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_36
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_37
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_38

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");5

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");6

      $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_44

    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_45

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");3
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_47
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_48
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');50
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');51

      $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');54

    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');55

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");3
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');57
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');58

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");5
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');60

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");5
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');51

      $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_66

    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_67

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");3
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_69
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');70

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");5
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');72

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");5
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');51
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');77
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');78
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');79
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');80

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");5
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_82

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");5
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_85

      $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_88

    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_89

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");3
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_91
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_92

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");5
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');_94

    $file= fopen("demo.txt", "r");5
    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');51


    $file = fopen(“demo.txt”,'w');1




    Apa perbedaan mode file dalam PHP?

    Sistem File PHP memungkinkan kita untuk membuat file, membaca file baris demi baris, membaca file karakter demi karakter, menulis file, menambahkan file, menghapus file, dan menutup file.

    Bagaimana cara membuka file PHP di PHP?

    php” ditempatkan di dalam folder “htdocs”. Jika Anda ingin menjalankannya, buka browser web apa saja dan masukkan “localhost/demo. php” dan tekan enter . Program Anda akan berjalan.

    Berapa banyak metode yang ada di PHP?

    Ada dua metode di PHP untuk mengumpulkan data yang dikirimkan dalam FORMULIR. Metode PHP GET dan Metode PHP POST. Dalam metode PHP POST, data dari HTML FORM dikirim/dikumpulkan menggunakan variabel super global $_POST.

    Bagaimana cara membuka file dalam mode tulis di PHP?

    PHP Buat File - fopen() .