Why is Scout yelling at Cecil Jacobs?

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1.  As the chapter begins, Scout is yelling at Cecil Jacobs, a boy at school. Why are they fighting? How does the fight end? 
Cecil accuses Scout's dad of defending a Negro in court, which seems to be a shameful thing to do during this time in the south, and Scout, thinking that Cecil is disgracing her father, is angered by his taunts. But before a fight begins, Scout remembers her father's warnings of not fighting with  others since she was  too big and was too childish for her to do, so she walks off from the fight. 

2. Who is Atticus defending? What are townspeople saying about the case? What is Atticus’ response to the gossip?
 Atticus is defending Tom Robinson, an African American. People think Atticus shouldn't be doing the case and feel that Tom is guilty just since he was a Negro ,and by defending him, the people feel that he would be denying the Ewell girl's innocence in the case. Atticus, however, says he will defend everyone, he believes Tom's innocent  regardless of race, and no one is guilty until proven by the law. 

3.  When Scout asks Atticus if is he is going to win the case, he tells her, “No, honey.” She then asks him why he is taking on a case that cannot be won. What is his response, and what do you think he is referring to?
Atticus wants to give Tom a chance at justice since he believes all people should get a chance. He also just wants to try to change the past and to create motives for equality for all. I believe he is referring to the Civil War and how the compromises made were not fully carried out as racism still exists a lot in the south. 

4.   What is the “usual disease” in Maycomb is  Atticus referring to? Why does he compare it to a disease? 

Atticus talks of the racism and prejudice in Maycomb. He compares it to a disease because a disease is bad for you, and he is saying how these faults people believe in is the poison to our minds. Also, diseases care commonly known as contagious, and many people are carrying the thoughts of racism and plant it into other minds. 


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