Why does my face look fat in pictures but not in the mirror?

Hi there humans!I personally really, really, really hate the blog post title but I knew that you guys would click on it because so many of you guys think that about yourself. Time and time again, I hear people say “I look so fat in photos!”. Let's be honest, you are your own worst critic sometimes. So, i’m sorry about the blog post title, I don't like it myself.Today though, I am covering the common mistakes that curvy women make and showing you my top tips on how to pose in photos. I want you to feel as good as possible in every photograph that you take, so hopefully these tips will be a life changer! I know my body shape isn't curvy. I literally have zero curves, so why the hell am I talking about this topic?

First and foremost, I need you guys to understand that I am a photographer first and I see what looks good in photographs. I started my photography journey posing everyday women and showing them what looks good in photographs, so I know the little tips and tricks to help you to look your best. I am on your team and just want you to feel better about your own photographs.

I like how my face looks in the mirror, and even in selfies (things look harmonious), however in candid photos my face looks completely different and less appealing?

For example in photos, my flaws are further heightened; midface looks MUCH longer, my face lacks the neoteny, I carry significantly more fat.

Is the mirror more accurate than candid photos? Honest answers please.

Why does my face look fat in pictures but not in the mirror?

???? I know I need to lose weight, but I don't look so bad in the mirror, but I just saw a picture of myself from last week and godddddddd damn.

Why does my face look fat in pictures but not in the mirror?

A camera adds 10 pounds. So you probably had at least a few on you.

/stolen friends joke

Why does my face look fat in pictures but not in the mirror?


maybe you are deluded

Why does my face look fat in pictures but not in the mirror?

Check the little dial at the top of the camera. Make sure that it's set to "C", "M", a picture of a little mountain, or Auto. Yours is probably set to "F".

Why does my face look fat in pictures but not in the mirror?


Why does my face look fat in pictures but not in the mirror?
. I've thought of this as well, but when in front of a mirror, I suppose you really have no frame of reference, and you inadvertently look better since you're getting active feedback on how you should project yourself. Since we're not in front of a mirror 24/7, i guess we don't receive this feedback and don't make the necessary adjustments needed to look better..

I'm just talking out of my ass, hehe, but this is what I've come to terms with when I noticed it.

You probably suck in the gut when looking in the mirror.

Post pics so ATOT can truly judge.

Yours is probably set to "F".

That's worth a couple of chuckles! OP has one of those thinning carnival mirrors at home.

A photograph is a reverse image of what we see in a mirror and (is how others see us) also 'more' objective of what we actually look like. If you don't buy that go with Klin's stolen Friends joke.

some people take good pics some don't. Do you get female attention? if no then maybe your fat.

Why does my face look fat in pictures but not in the mirror?

Skinny mirrors, ask Elaine Benes.

Use a much longer focal length. It compresses the picture more and you don't appear as fat. Of course the person needs to stand back further in order to make sure the same image is within the frame that is to be captured. If the person taking a picture of you was using a wide angle lens, you will naturally appear a little wider. If you have no idea what that means and just had a P&S. Make sure when you take a picture you zoom in as much as possible. Have them keep stepping back until they see what they want, and then take the picture. To give you a better idea:


Look down at the 4 pictures of that yellow thing. Notice how the bottom right (4th image) looks the "Fattest", and the first looks the "thinnest". Not suprisingly, the first is at a much greater focal length than the last shot which is at a wide angle.

Why does my face look fat in pictures but not in the mirror?

Because we're all beautiful in mirrors.

Why does my face look fat in pictures but not in the mirror?

I look a lot musuclar in my videos then I actually feel.


I find that one mirror in my house makes me look thinner, but another mirror in my house makes me look short and fat. I can't find a happy median.