Why does eating vegetables make me have diarrhea

It’s not pleasant to talk about, and it’s even less pleasant to deal with, but everyone experiences watery stools (a.k.a. diarrhea) occasionally. Most bouts of diarrhea are caused by a virus or bacteria, but certain foods, including dairy, coffee, and anything spicy, can also send you running for the bathroom.

And despite feeling embarrassing, it’s a common issue. Research shows that up to 5% of U.S. adults are dealing with chronic diarrhea at any one time; another 2018 survey of 71,000 Americans revealed that up to one in five people have experienced diarrhea in just the past week.

What causes diarrhea immediately after eating?

If you’ve ever had to run to the toilet after eating, you’ve experienced acute diarrhea. Although there are a number of possible causes, including malabsorption, intolerances to foods like dairy, and chronic conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), it’s likely that this type of diarrhea is caused by food poisoning or a virus, per the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Food poisoning is the result of ingesting food or water contaminated with bacteria, the NIH notes. Food poisoning symptoms appear between hours and days after ingesting contaminated food, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Illnesses like norovirus and viral gastroenteritis, commonly called the stomach flu, can also cause acute diarrhea; symptoms can appear between 12 hours and 10 days after exposure to a virus, depending on the strain, the NIH explains.

What causes chronic diarrhea?

Certain food allergies and GI conditions make digestive issues lasting more than a few days more likely. Lactose intolerance, IBS, and celiac disease are three of the most common triggers of chronic diarrhea, according to the NIH. When you eat foods that inflame these conditions, like dairy, high-fiber foods, and gluten, it’s likely that your body will respond with diarrhea.

If you suspect that food, rather than an illness, is causing your diarrhea, start paying attention to your eating habits. “The best way to investigate which foods are making your symptoms worse is to keep a food diary,” says Shilpa Ravella, M.D., a gastroenterologist and assistant professor of medicine at Columbia University Medical Center.

To do this, write down everything you eat in a day, including serving sizes and any brand names, alongside the time you eat. Then, note when you have symptoms and see if you can ID any common culprits. When you can finally pinpoint the foods that trigger your tummy troubles, you may be able to spare yourself some discomfort—and a few extra trips to the restroom.

So, which foods are most likely to cause diarrhea? Ahead, GI doctors share the most common culprits to keep in mind.

Sugar-free snacks and chewing gum may help satisfy your sweet tooth, but many contain sugar substitutes that can also act as a laxative. “Sweeteners such as aspartame, sucralose, and sorbitol can contribute to diarrhea and bloating based on how your body metabolizes them in the gut,” says Bhavesh Shah, M.D., the medical director of Interventional Gastroenterology at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center in California.

Is your morning cup promptly followed by a rush to the bathroom? That’s pretty normal. “Coffee can cause diarrhea in some people,” Dr. Ravella says. “The caffeine can stimulate the gut to contract more quickly than it normally does, so food moves through faster and isn’t absorbed as well.” The acidity of coffee can also worsen the symptoms of some digestive disorders, such as acid reflux. Other caffeinated foods and drinks, including tea and energy drinks, could have the same effect.

If you have a few too many during a night out (or in, these days!), you may wake up with an upset stomach the next morning. “This is often a symptom that accompanies a hangover,” Dr. Shah says. “Alcohol is an irritant. Your gut may not agree with drinking a large amount.” Booze also speeds up digestion, which affects your body’s ability to absorb water—hence the liquid stools when you’re hung over.

According to the National Institutes of Health, up to 50 million American adults may be lactose intolerant. If your stomach goes rogue when you eat milk, cheese, or yogurt, you may be one of them. “Common symptoms, which begin about 30 minutes to two hours after consuming foods containing lactose, may include nausea, cramps, bloating, gas, and diarrhea,” Dr. Shah says.

Gluten—a mix of proteins found in wheat, rye, and barley—can cause diarrhea and bloating for some people, but the good news is that a true gluten sensitivity is relatively rare. Still, if you feel like wheat may be wreaking havoc on your digestive system, keep a food diary and look for patterns: Are you sick every time you eat bread or pasta? “If you think you have gluten intolerance, it’s important to see a gastroenterologist to make sure you don’t have celiac disease,” Dr. Ravella says. For people with this disorder, gluten can do serious damage by causing the body to attack the lining of the small intestine.

FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, and monosaccharides, and polyols. They’re a group of carbs and sugar alcohols that can be tough to digest, especially for people with IBS, Dr. Ravella says, leading to gas, bloating, and diarrhea. A low-FODMAP diet may help improve symptoms, but should be monitored by a dietitian, as it requires you to cut out certain foods rich in vital nutrients, including high-fiber fruits and vegetables, dairy, and grains.

Fiber gets your digestive system moving, which is a good thing—but sometimes it’s a little too effective, Dr. Shah warns. Fiber binds with water, which can help prevent constipation but may also have a laxative effect if you consume too much at once. This is why many people who go vegan experience an upset stomach at first; a lot of produce means a lot of fiber. That’s not to say you shouldn’t load up on fruits and veggies, as they keep your gut healthy, help you maintain a healthy weight, and offer important disease-fighting nutrients. Instead, eat more fiber gradually until your stomach adjusts.

Some people can eat jalapeños like they’re candy, while others feel their stomach churn at the mere sight of a chile pepper. “Each individual is unique when it comes to tolerating spicy foods,” Dr. Ravella says. “Spicy foods can irritate the lining of the stomach and intestines, causing food to move more quickly through the gastrointestinal tract, which results in loose stools.” If you don’t eat spicy food often, she adds, you’re more likely to feel the burn when you do.

If you need motivation to skip the drive-thru window, consider that greasy takeout grub can be hard on your gut. “In general, all fats can be harder to digest, but the worst culprits are greasy, fried foods typically found at fast food restaurants,” Dr. Ravella says. “You’re less likely to have issues when eating healthy fats from whole foods, like avocados.” Greasy fries, on the other hand, don’t really pack any nutritional benefits—so if they bother your belly, just skip them entirely.

When to see your doctor about diarrhea

Seek medical help if you have bloody or black stools, show signs of dehydration, have severe abdominal or rectal pain, have diarrhea for more than two days, or are experiencing a fever, per the Mayo Clinic. Do the same if a child experiences any of these symptoms or has diarrhea for more than 24 hours.

Diarrhea is an annoying problem, but it can be a dangerous one, too. Your doctor might not be able to help speed recovery—most cases clear up on their own—but they’ll be able to offer advice on how to make your experience more bearable.

You should also contact your primary care physician for help with chronic diarrhea, since they might be able to connect you with a gastroenterologist for further guidance in managing your symptoms and safely altering your diet.

In general, vegetables do not cause diarrhea, unless you have another medical condition that results in diarrhea. Diarrhea is a condition that most people experience at some point in their life, but if you develop diarrhea every time you eat certain vegetables, you should seek medical attention to determine the cause. The most common cause of diarrhea from eating certain vegetables is food intolerance or a food allergy. Both of these conditions cause irritation in the digestive system that can lead to loose, watery and frequent stools.

Is This an Emergency?

There is a difference between loose stools and diarrhea. Loose stools can occur from eating greasy foods or eating too much fiber. Diarrhea is a condition in which your digestive system attempts to empty itself by passing its content much faster than usual. Diarrhea typically lasts for one to two days and needs to be evaluated by a doctor if it lasts more than two days. Diarrhea that contains blood or mucus is an alarming symptom that needs further assessment.

  • There is a difference between loose stools and diarrhea.
  • Diarrhea is a condition in which your digestive system attempts to empty itself by passing its content much faster than usual.

Vegetable Intolerance

If you are intolerant to certain vegetables, you will develop diarrhea within 20 minutes or up to two hours after eating the food. Food intolerance is a defect of the digestive system 1. During digestion, the linings of your intestines produce essential enzymes that help break down the proteins and sugars in the vegetable. If you lack specific enzymes to digest specific vegetables, the food will sit in the gut until bacteria can break it down. The bacterium causes gas, bloating, nausea and diarrhea as a result.

  • If you are intolerant to certain vegetables, you will develop diarrhea within 20 minutes or up to two hours after eating the food.
  • During digestion, the linings of your intestines produce essential enzymes that help break down the proteins and sugars in the vegetable.

Although uncommon, you may have an allergy to certain vegetables. An allergy is different from intolerance primarily because it is an immune system reaction. If you’re allergic to certain vegetables, your immune system mistakes the proteins in certain vegetables as dangerous and fights against them. Antibodies and histamine are two primary chemicals that the body creates to fight off the vegetable proteins. This action leads to inflammation and swelling in the gut, causing diarrhea.

  • Although uncommon, you may have an allergy to certain vegetables.
  • If you’re allergic to certain vegetables, your immune system mistakes the proteins in certain vegetables as dangerous and fights against them.


The main concern associated with diarrhea is dehydration. During diarrhea your body is depleted of water and salts that keeps the body functioning. If you lose too much water and salt, you can become dehydrated. Dehydration is a medical condition that needs attention because it can lead to death if not treated.

  • The main concern associated with diarrhea is dehydration.
  • If you lose too much water and salt, you can become dehydrated.