Why do I look bad in bathroom mirrors

OMG, that's exactly how it is with me! Sometimes I look in the mirror and I'm like damn girl, you are one sexy beast, then I look in other mirrors and I literally look like some kind of a creature out of a horror movie. Lighting is VERY important. Generally, beauty shop mirrors are not flattering (you think they would be though, lol) because the lighting is flaurescant, which is the WORST KIND. Seriously, my eyes look all beady and it exaggerates my dark circles. The most flattering lighting in natural. Not bright sunlight, but normal, natural. It also depends on the angle of which the light is hitting your face. For example, I find that if it's hitting my face straight on, I look best, but if it's from an angle (like beauty shop mirrors usually have lighting from above), I look hideous. It's also the kind of mirror. Some mirrors make your face look longer or shorter or narrower or fatter).Most mirrors aren't very flattering, so don't worry, I'm sure you're pretty. People have told me I'm pretty too but for the longest time I was obsessing over the stupid mirror. You just gotta give yourself the benefit of the doubt and trust the people;you are pretty.

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I wish that were true, but I tend to disagree. When we look in the mirror, it automatically makes us look TWICE as good in real life because the light needs to travel from your eye to the mirror and then back again. So if I'm standing half a metre away from the mirror, that's what people would see from twice that distance, or 1 metre.

Given that mose people would see you at half or 1 metre away from you or often much closer, the truly accurate standing position is half a metre at most away from a mirror, and more likely 25cm.

That said, mirrors can make you look good if the light is not perfect. So in the real world that is why I am always completely conscious of the direction the light is coming in and always sit in a position so as to minimise the light coming directly onto my face. Although it was funny though when I got my job a few years ago as an attorney, the two interviewers were sitting in a scyscraper office away from the light pounding in, and I was forced to sit opposite them. I kept on thinking "I can only imagine what crap my face looks like in that light. I still got the job so they mustn't have been too worried about my skin.

Kinda like how you studly you sound. Then when you actually hear yourself talk, you're like: DAMN, who is that nerd?





Dec 9, 200111,106076

Nov 16, 2002

  • #9

Originally posted by: her209
Kinda like how you studly you sound. Then when you actually hear yourself talk, you're like: DAMN, who is that nerd?

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Why do I look bad in bathroom mirrors



Oct 24, 200029,7762981

Nov 16, 2002

  • #15

I think everyone looks like this. It also depends on your mood. Sometimes I look good, others I don't. I'm not photogenic either.

In short, the solution is to keep the same face you make when you look in the mirror at home for the whole day, don’t stand under bright lights, and don’t look down. Simple, right? Or you could just never leave the house ever again, which might actually be easier.

There you are getting ready in the morning, feeling pretty good about yourself. A final check in the mirror validates those feelings: you look great!

Then you head to work and a couple hours later enter the bathroom. As you’re washing your hands, you glance in the mirror:

Who the f is that? Did I seriously leave the house looking like this? Is it 5 o’clock yet? Holy skit!

If this has ever happened to you, you’re not alone and there’s an explanation for it: ENERGY.

Why do I look bad in bathroom mirrors

Via Twitter: @dyllhodg

Energetic Sponges

It’s not uncommon to perceive yourself differently in different mirrors and it has to do with the energy of the mirror. Remember, everything is energy and energy is everything. Mirrors are no exception. Just like anything else, mirrors are full of energy, too, and are able to absorb the energy surrounding them.

Every time a person looks into a mirror, their energy projects unto the mirror. If a person feels satisfied with themselves and their being, that has a positive impact on the energy of the mirror. If a person feels critical of themselves, that also projects unto the mirror.

The mirror absorbs the energy of the person set before it and that energy stays there until it is transmuted to something else. In other words, someone consciously neutralizes the non-beneficial energy and shifts it to a higher vibrating, more beneficial energy.

It is not surprising if you find yourself pleased with your appearance at home and feel questionable when using a public mirror. Can you imagine how many people have stood in front of that mirror before you?

Because energy is energy, it cannot be destroyed, only changed. Without an energy healer actively working to clear the non-beneficial energy of the mirror, it would take numerous positive interactions to transmute the energy to something positive. That is a difficult task when a low-vibrating mirror is reflecting low-vibrating frequencies unto each person looking into it.

Distorted Reflections

Those low-vibrating frequencies distort the projection you see. When you look into a low-vibrating mirror, you are not seeing your true self and the true beauty you emanate. You are seeing every single negative attribute anyone else has ever thought of themselves in your own reflection. It’s not you. This is called collective consciousness and mirrors have the ability to soak it all up. Collective consciousness is not always a negative thing, but in this instance it is.

Mirrors are not the only reflective objects that can absorb energy- cell phone cameras can, too. Have you ever taken a picture of yourself using your phone and felt certain it would be a good one, but the final image disappointingly looks nothing like you expected? That’s non-beneficial energy.

Vicious Cycle

So how does it get there? It just takes one person to feel dissatisfaction with their appearance for these reflective objects to absorb that energy. It is essentially telling the object to reflect “ugly” or negativity, like it’s its job to do so. And so the vicious cycle begins. But it can be broken (the cycle, not the mirror!).

What to Do

First of all, now you have awareness of an understanding of how this happens. Let this information guide you moving forward. In any mirror or camera you look into, be cautious of what you project unto it. Try to think only positive thoughts about yourself, even if it feels difficult because, remember- it is most likely not your energy making you feel negative about your appearance.

When taking pictures of yourself, be careful to not be overly critical of your appearance. It’s OK to take several photos to choose your favorite, but in the ones you don’t like as much, refrain from too much scrutiny and disparagement.

When you do find yourself in situations where you feel surprised you don’t look as good as you initially thought, remember, it’s more than likely the mirror, not you.


Thanks for reading!

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Why do I look bad in bathroom mirrors

About the Author: Hi, I'm Serena James! I'm an energy healer passionate about helping people experience a life full of joy, wellness and prosperity. I'm the owner of Just Be and author of the book Vibe Higher. Be sure to check out my Resources page to support you on your journey of healing and growth.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Any action you take as a result of this information is self-prescribed and your right to do so.

Why do I look bad in certain mirrors?

Lighting, warping, and glass thickness can cause you to look different in different mirrors. Mirrors reverse your image, making you look different in mirrors rather than in photos.

Why do I look different in the bathroom mirror?

Because your face is flipped horizontally in the mirror. It's not the real “you” you're seeing. It's a reflection.

Why does my skin look worse in some mirrors?

The difference between school mirrors and your home mirrors is almost certainly a difference of lighting. The color of the light and where the shadows fall can make a world of difference in how people look.

Are bathroom mirrors accurate?

Yes, when you look in a nice flat mirror it is an accurate but reversed image of yourself … But it is also often distorted by how it feels to look at ourselves. Perception is always a representation of reality reconstructed by our brain.