Why are the seasons different in northern and Southern Hemisphere answer?

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Why Do We have Seasons?

As the earth spins on its axis, producing night and day, it also moves about the sun in an elliptical (elongated circle) orbit that requires about 365 1/4 days to complete. The earth's spin axis is tilted with respect to its orbital plane. This is what causes the seasons. When the earth's axis points towards the sun, it is summer for that hemisphere. When the earth's axis points away, winter can be expected. Since the tilt of the axis is 23 1/2 degrees, the North Pole never points directly at the Sun, but on the summer solstice it points as close as it can, and on the winter solstice as far as it can. Midway between these two times, in spring and autumn, the spin axis of the earth points 90 degrees away from the sun. This means that on this date, day and night have about the same length: 12 hours each, more or less.

Why should this tilt of the Earth's axis matter to our weather? To understand this, take a piece of paper and a flashlight. Shine the light from the flashlight straight onto the paper, so you see an illuminated circle. All the light from the flashlight is in that circle. Now slowly tilt the paper, so the circle elongates into an ellipse. All the light is still in that ellipse, but the ellipse is spread out over more paper. The density of light drops. In other words, the amount of light per square centimeter drops (the number of square centimeters increases, while the total amount of light stays the same).

The same is true on the earth. When the sun is overhead, the light is falling straight on you, and so more light (and more heat) hit each square centimeter of the ground. When the sun is lower in the sky, the light gets more spread out over the surface of the earth, and less heat (per square centimeter) can be absorbed. Since the earth's axis is tilted, the sun is higher when you are on the part of the earth where the axis points more towards the sun, and lower on the part of the Earth where the axis points away from the sun.

For the Northern Hemisphere, the axis points most toward the sun in June (specifically around June 21), and away from the sun around December 21. This corresponds to the Winter and Summer Solstice (solstice is Latin for "the sun stands"). For the Southern Hemisphere, this is reversed.

For both hemispheres, the earth is 90 degrees away from the sun around March 21 and then again around September 21. This corresponds to the Fall and Spring Equinox (equinox is Latin for "equal night"). Everyplace in the world has about 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night.

Why are the seasons different in northern and Southern Hemisphere answer?


















So why are sunrise and sunset not exactly 12 hours apart on the Equinox?

Day and night are not exactly of equal length at the time of the March and September equinoxes. The dates on which day and night are each 12 hours occur a few days before and after the equinoxes. The specific dates for this occurrence are different for different latitudes.

On the day of the equinox, the geometric center of the Sun's disk crosses the equator, and this point is above the horizon for 12 hours everywhere on the Earth. However, the Sun is not simply a geometric point. Sunrise is defined as the instant when the leading edge of the Sun's disk becomes visible on the horizon, whereas sunset is the instant when the trailing edge of the disk disappears below the horizon. At these times, the center of the disk is already below the horizon. Furthermore, atmospheric refraction (or bending) of the Sun's rays cause the Sun's disk to appear higher in the sky than it would if the Earth had no atmosphere. Thus, in the morning, the upper edge of the disk is visible for several minutes before the geometric edge of the disk reachs the horizon. Similarly, in the evening, the upper edge of the disk disappears several minutes after the geometric disk has passed below the horizon.

For observers within a couple of degrees of the equator, the period from sunrise to sunset is always several minutes longer than the night. At higher latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere, the date of equal day and night occurs before the March equinox. Daytime continues to be longer than nighttime until after the September equinox. In the Southern Hemisphere, the dates of equal day and night occur before the September equinox and after the March equinox.

When are the times and dates of the next equinoxes and solstices?

The chart shown below shows the dates and times for the equinoxes and solstices through 2020. Times listed are in Eastern Time.  Subtract one hour for Central Time. (Source: U.S. Naval Observatory)

Year Spring Equinox Summer Solstice Fall Equinox Winter Solstice
2022 Mar 20 -- 11:33am June 21 -- 5:14am Sept 22 -- 9:04pm Dec 21 -- 4:48pm
2023 Mar 20 -- 5:24pm June 21 -- 10:58am Sept 23 -- 2:50am Dec 21 -- 10:27pm
2024 Mar 19 -- 11:06pm June 20 -- 4:51pm Sept 22 -- 8:44am Dec 21 -- 4:20am
2025 Mar 20 -- 5:01am June 20 -- 10:42pm Sept 22 -- 2:19pm Dec 21 -- 10:03am
2026 Mar 20 -- 10:46am June 21 -- 4:24am Sept 22 -- 8:05pm Dec 21 -- 3:50pm
2027 Mar 20 -- 4:25pm June 21 -- 10:11am Sept 23 -- 2:02am Dec 21 -- 9:42pm
2028 Mar 19 -- 10:17pm June 20 -- 4:02pm Sept 22 -- 7:45am Dec 21 -- 3:19am
2029 Mar 20 -- 4:02am June 20 -- 9:48pm Sept 22 -- 1:38pm Dec 21 -- 9:14am
2030 Mar 20 -- 9:52am June 21 -- 3:31am Sept 22 -- 7:27pm Dec 21 -- 3:09pm

Why are the seasons different in northern and Southern Hemisphere answer?


Is it true that you can stand an egg on end during the Spring Equinox?

The answer is YES. However, you can stand an egg on end, with a large amount of patience, on any day of the year. This idea seems to pop up every year around the equinox. The thought that an egg can only stand on end on the spring equinox due to gravitational forces of the sun being aligned with the earth sounds like science, but it isn't. According to Chinese tradition, an egg can be made to stand on end at the precise moment winter ends and spring begins. But, the Chinese calendar had this transition occurring at a variable time each year, determined partly by the Chinese lunar month, usually in early February. More recently, this thought became fixed to the time of the spring equinox.

The underlying assumption relating to standing eggs on end is that there must exist some special gravitational balance. There are many forces acting on an egg when you try to stand it on end on a flat surface. Some people think that the gravitational pull of the Sun becomes balanced with that of the Earth to allow for this phenomenon to occur. However, the Moon exerts a much stronger gravitational effect on the Earth than the Sun, dominating the ebb and flow of the ocean tides. The Moon's effects are different at each of the equinoxes however. The most dominant force of gravity on a standing egg is the one between the Earth and the egg itself. This is determined by the weight of the egg and the force pulling the egg to the counter top. 

If you want to prove this to yourself, take a fresh, uncooked egg and hold it with the larger end resting on a table or counter top. Wait for the fluid content of the egg to settle, then carefully test the balance. Be patient as you find the point where you can ever so gently let it go to remain standing on end.

What Is the Difference Between Astronomical Seasons and Climatological Seasons?

Throughout the course of the year, most places on Earth goes through four noticeable seasons: summer, autumn (fall), winter and spring, each lasting for about 3 months. The seasons experienced by the northern and southern hemisphere always differ by six months – when it is summer in the northern hemisphere, it is winter in the southern hemisphere, and so on.

Seasons are a direct consequence of the Earth’s tilted rotation axis, which makes an angle of about 23.5 degrees to a line drawn perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic. The direction of the Earth’s axis stays nearly fixed throughout one orbit, so that at different parts of the orbit one hemisphere ‘leans’ towards the Sun (summer), while the other ‘leans’ away (winter). Six months later, the Earth is leaning in the opposite direction.

Why are the seasons different in northern and Southern Hemisphere answer?

The Earth’s tilt causes the Southern Hemisphere (SH) to lean towards the Sun during SH summer. Meanwhile, it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) which leans away from the Sun. Six months later, the situation is reversed.

For locations north or south of the equator, the main feature accompanying each season is a change in temperature caused by the varying amount of sunlight that falls on each hemisphere of the Earth throughout its annual orbit. The hemisphere tilted towards the Sun will experience longer hours of sunlight, and more direct sunlight.

Why are the seasons different in northern and Southern Hemisphere answer?

left: Winter in the Northern Hemisphere – the amount of sunlight falling on the Northern Hemisphere is much less than than… right: …the amount of sunlight falling on the Southern Hemisphere during Southern Hemisphere summer.

As the Sun is higher in the sky during summer, the sunlight reaching the surface is more concentrated. In winter, the Sun is lower in the sky, and sunlight is spread out over a larger area. During spring and autumn, both hemispheres receive about the same amount of sunlight.

Why are the seasons different in northern and Southern Hemisphere answer?

At the equator, the temperature variation is much smaller throughout the year, and it is common to consider just two seasons: dry and wet (or monsoon). For observers right at the north pole and the south pole, there are only two seasons – an almost six-month long winter night followed by an almost six-month long summer day! Within the Arctic circle and the Antarctic Circle (latitudes 66.5 degrees north and south), there will be at least one polar day (24 hours of continuous daylight, sometime called the ‘midnight sun’) and one polar night (24 continuous hours of darkness).

The date of the start of the seasons is often chosen to start on the dates of the solstices (summer and winter) and equinoxes (autumn and spring). Alternatively, the start of a new season may be associated with the first day of the month (December, March, June and September) in which a solstice or equinox occurs.

The Earth’s changing distance from the Sun due to the Earth’s elliptical orbit is sometimes thought to cause the seasons. This is incorrect! The Earth’s distance from the Sun varies by about 3% from closest (perihelion distance = 147.09 million km) to furthest approach (aphelion distance = 152.10 million km). This small change in distance cannot account for the temperature differences between summer and winter, and cannot explain how it can be winter in one hemisphere and summer in the other hemisphere.