Why are nail clippers banned from planes

If you read our articles, you might have noticed that personally, I hate when people spread falsehoods without checking if it’s true. So I try to do my part here, at least for everything travel-related (for all the other fake news, sorry that isn’t the topic of our website ?).

People rarely have bad intentions; it’s simply that they really believe these myths are true because no one has told them they weren’t.

This myth won’t change the world, but since many people seem to believe in it, let’s make sure it’s clear: yes, nail-clippers are allowed on planes (in the cabin with you) in most countries.

Tweezers too. Small scissors too. Even small knives (except for the USA for that one). For the others, it applies to the trio of destination that represents a majority of the flights Canadians take: Canda/USA/Europe.

So if you buy a low-priced flight on our cheap flight deals page, you can be reassured: even if 90% of the deals we spot are not on ultra low-cost carriers and include the same bag allowance as regular price flights (contrary to another myth), you can choose to travel light.

By traveling “carry-on only”, you’ll still be able to bring everything you need, including nail clippers (and it’s so much more pleasant to travel this way).

I’ve taken 300+ flights and have always traveled carry-on only. And, at least for all those I can remember in the past years, I’ve always brought a nail clipper without any issues.

But many still seem to (wrongly) think that it’s forbidden.

So here’s the proof for those who don’t believe us (but rest assured we don’t make stuff up and spread fake news for the fun of it).

We’ll be covering many other myths, including an awesome special guide with 15 Travel Myths Debunked: join 50,000+ Canadian travelers and sign up for our free newsletter to never miss great travel content (and our half-priced flight deals).

Proof that nail clippers are allowed on planes

I honestly don’t even know where this myth comes from, but it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that everyone knows those nail clippers are allowed in your carry-on bag.

I was able to find irrefutable proof with a Google search that took about 12 seconds (as is the case for many questions).

The CATSA (in charge of ariport security) has a very useful search tool on its website, so you can see if an item is approved or not.

Why are nail clippers banned from planes

In general, Canada seems to follow international rules, like those in Europe for example.

On the other hand, the United States often have their own rules. That’s what I mentioned earlier about small knives, as they are the only major country that doesn’t allow them on planes.

But for nail clippers, no need to worry if you are heading to our Southern neighbors (or if you are connecting there), as you can see on the TSA’s own search tool.

Why are nail clippers banned from planes

Same goes for tweezers and small scissors, I always bring mine and have never had any problems.

As mentioned though, this is for Canada/the United States/the European Union. Other countries all have their own rules and if you want to be absolutely sure you can check individually.

Personally, in my experience traveling to 50 countries, I’ve never had a problem anywhere. But that might be explained by the fact that even in the US, studies show that security checks consistently miss 80% of prohibited items. That’s probably true in every country.

By the way, it’s just a great opportunity for me to talk about one of my favorite sayings: just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

I’ve now seen quite a few travelers clipping their nails at the airport, on the plane (!!!) or even in the sanctity of airport lounges. No matter your opinion on those who walk barefoot on the plane (that’s a heated debate it seems), we can at least all agree that clipping your nails anywhere public is wrong, right?

If you think that’s acceptable, ignore this entire article okay, for you, nail clippers are indeed forbidden in carry-on bags?.

So there you have it, joking aside, you are allowed to bring your nail clippers and your 100 mL liquids of course, and so as I’ve done for trips as long as 6 weeks, you can leave with just a carry-on.

No matter where you’re going, it’s a crazy concept, but they too have stores?. Except maybe in the middle of the jungle, although I just got back from a trip in smaller cities in Senegal and even they had almost everything there, albeit with a lot fewer options in terms of brands than the 40+ other countries I’ve been (but still).

It seems to be something keeping travelers from trying to travel light, and it really shouldn’t. You’ll be able to buy whatever you need to refill, like shampoo for example. And if you choose a destination where you can travel for less (where the cost of living is the lowest), the same shampoo brand you buy in Canada will probably even be cheaper there.

The only exception is sunscreen and bug spray, bring a couple of 100 mL of those always, I’ll share that in a future article.


Yes, contrary to popular belief, nail clippers are allowed on planes. As are tweezers, small scissors and even small knives (except in the US for the latter). Therefore, there is no good reason not to travel light; you can bring everything you need.

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Featured image: nail clippers (photo credit: Silberfuchs)

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Any sharp objects in checked bags should be sheathed or securely wrapped to prevent injury to baggage handlers and inspectors.

Starting Thursday, certain items that used to be banned on airplanes — including small tools and scissors — will now be permitted on board. Renee Montagne talks to the director of the Transportation Security Administration, Kip Hawley.


We turn now to new regulations that will affect travel on airlines. Starting today, nail clippers, small scissors, even pocket knives will no longer be confiscated by airport screeners. Fully 25 percent of all bag searches involve these small, sharp items. It's a controversial rule change aimed at freeing up airport personnel to look for more dangerous things. Transportation Security Administration director Kip Hawley says box cutters are among the things that are still banned.

Mr. KIP HAWLEY (Director, Transportation Security Administration): Drills, knives, hammers, ice picks, any of that stuff is still prohibited. The only thing new that you're going to be allowed to bring onto a plane are your household scissors and then tools under 7 inches. And the reason we picked those specific lengths have a lot to do with the testing we did with our transportation security officers, and that was the break point at which they felt they could easily make the determination on the screen without having to open the bag. It actually was 6, 6 and 1/2 inches where the break point was, but we thought we'd make it seven inches.

MONTAGNE: Although couldn't somebody say a six-and-a-half-inch knife is pretty darn dangerous?

Mr. HAWLEY: Well, my hands are pretty dangerous and there are so many things that are on an aircraft today that could be used as weapons. And the risk of someone using those tools is not significant. I would much rather have our guys do a better job of finding explosives than rooting around in the bags for the scissors and tools.

MONTAGNE: In terms of the current risk environment, there are those who would applaud this because they would say nobody would allow a plane to be taken over by someone wielding small scissors the way they would have before September 11th.

Mr. HAWLEY: That's absolutely correct. That--in the days immediately after September 11th, there was emergency reaction to close down the opportunity for that to be repeated. And over the last four years, many, many, many things have gone into place, including hardened cockpit doors, that are a significant barrier to terrorists. And then all of the other things with the federal air marshals--all of those things have really made it very difficult for someone to hijack a plane with small tools or scissors. And as we look at our vulnerability in conjunction with what's the threat and what's the consequence, the explosives show up as something we need to put more resource against.

MONTAGNE: And why not do all of it, search for explosives and keep a ban on small scissors and tools?

Mr. HAWLEY: Well, if I had one more screener or a million more screeners, I would still make these changes to the prohibited items list because there are a lot of other things that make the scissors and tools at the very, very fringe area of possible threat.

MONTAGNE: You have some very powerful forces arrayed against you in making this change. They include relatives of victims of 9/11, flight attendants.

Mr. HAWLEY: We have met with flight attendants and families of 9/11 victims and I understand the point and I do sympathize with the point because if you are looking at any object, if it's a scissor or whatever it is, you can imagine that thing being used for terrible ends. We have to look at what is the threat to the aviation system, what is the threat to the United States. It's not really a difficult decision that says we should focus our resources where the risk is greatest and that risk is over on the explosive side.

MONTAGNE: Kip Hawley is director of the Transportation Security Administration.

And thank you very much for joining us.

Mr. HAWLEY: Thank you, Renee.

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