Why are deserts dry and hot?

Why are deserts dry and hot?

Despite all the ice and snow on the ground, most of Antarctica is a desert. Click for more detail.

When you picture a desert, you may think of heat, sand, and a lot of empty space. While this can oftentimes describe a desert, it doesn’t always. As an example, think about the continent of Antarctica.

Antarctica is covered in ice and has minimum temperatures that reach below a chilling -80˚C (-112˚F). But Antarctica receives very little rain and snow, which makes it a desert. The low amount of rain or other precipitation that falls from the clouds, like snow or sleet, is often what defines a desert.

Most deserts get less than 20 inches of precipitation per year. But some deserts, like the Atacama Desert of South America, get almost no rain at all. So how come some biomes, like tropical rainforests, get so much water, while deserts get very little water? Or to think of it another way, what locations and conditions can create a desert?

One main thing that affects where deserts occur is a physical property of air—it can hold more water when it is warmer.

Why are deserts dry and hot?

Vicugnas live in one of the driest deserts, the Atacama. Click for more detail.

Drying Deserts with Air

Deserts cover around 20% of the Earth and are on every continent. They are mainly found around 30 to 50 degrees latitude, called the mid-latitudes. These areas are about halfway between the equator and the north and south poles.

Remember that moist, hot air always rises from the equator. As this air climbs higher in the sky, it cools. Cool air can hold less water than warm air. This means that as the air cools, clouds form that release most of the water they hold. Because the cooling air is above the equator, the moisture rains back down on the tropics.

Why are deserts dry and hot?

Rainforest and deserts are wet and dry due to the cycle of the air. Click to enlarge the image. You can also listen to Geoscientist, Joellen Russell, talk about the Hadley Cells below.

As warm air keeps rising from the equator, it pushes the cooler air away. The cool air moves north and south before falling back toward the ground at around 30 to 50 degrees north and south of the equator.  

With warm air rising above the equator and the cooled air falling to the north and south, two circular patterns of air movement are created around the equator. These patterns of air circulation are called Hadley cells.

When the cool air begins to fall back toward the ground, or descend, it starts to warm up again. This warm, dry air can hold a lot of water, so the air starts to suck up what little water is around. At 30 to 50 degrees north and south of the equator, this falling air makes dry air drier. It also turns the land below it into a desert.

Listen to Joellen Russell discuss Hadley Cells in the audio download here


Oftentimes you will find a desert on one side of a mountain range, but not the other. Why might that be? If we think again about the rising and falling air that helps make deserts, it might make a little more sense.

Why are deserts dry and hot?

Here we see the dry side of a rainshadow. Click image for more detail.

Imagine warm clouds full of water vapor always moving toward a tall mountain range from the same direction. As the clouds cross the mountain range, the clouds are forced to rise up over the crest. This cools the air and the water being carried as vapor, or water-air, is squeezed out as liquid water. This action forces most of the water vapor out as rainfall, and this rain falls on that side of the mountain the clouds moved toward, called the windward side. This side of the mountains gets lots of rain.

But then, after the clouds have crossed the mountains and have dumped most of their water, they move down on the far side of the mountains, called the lee side. Wind continues to drive the now cool, dry air, but as that air moves down the lee slope of the mountains, it becomes warmer. This means that the air can again hold lots of water, so it again starts picking up water. This pulls water out of the soil and creates extra dry areas of desert on the lee side of the mountain range—what we call a dry shadow.

Water Blankets

Why are deserts dry and hot?

While this geyser is found in the forest, it is a good example of water vapor. Click for more detail.

You may have heard of water beds, but what about water blankets? Not a blanket made of liquid water, but one made of water vapor. Water vapor is essentially water-air, like the vapor that comes off of a boiling pot of water. Because deserts are so dry, they have very low humidity—the measure of water vapor in the air. So what does water vapor do for a biome?

A lot of water vapor in the air makes the air act as a water blanket, keeping in the heat or the cold better than air with low water vapor. Because deserts have such little water vapor in the air, it makes it harder to trap heat or cold in a desert.

Why are deserts dry and hot?

A Joshua tree in the desert is surrounded by snow in winter. Image by Thomas.

At night, the sun no longer heats the desert and the heat from the day doesn’t stay trapped. Because of this, some deserts can get cold at night, dropping to below 40F, which is definitely coat weather.

In the daytime, the cold air from overnight doesn’t stay trapped. Because of this, when the sun rises, it can get very hot very quickly. Sometimes it can reach over 120F in the desert the very next day.

Additional images by Tomas Castelazo and Tahoenathan.

Karla Moeller earned her PhD in Biology at Arizona State University, studying how animals survive in extreme environments like the desert. She is an animal physiologist, a science writer, and a children's book author.


Why are deserts dry and hot?

Mar 8, 2021

Why are deserts dry and hot?

Deserts heat up and cool down rapidly. / MarioGuti/iStock via Getty Images

Why are deserts dry and hot?
Why are deserts dry and hot?
Why are deserts dry and hot?

As extremes of nature go, the marked contrast in temperature of a desert during the day and at night is one of the most impressive. Searing heat can torture human occupants. After dark, the problem is reversed, and a winter jacket might prove useful. On average, temperatures in Africa's Sahara Desert can swing an astounding 75 degrees in 24 hours, rising to an average 100°F with the sun out and plummeting to 25°F after it sets. What causes this?

Blame the sand.

When the sun is out, sand proves to be an effective distributor of heat, reflecting it back into the air. But it’s not very good at retaining heat. Once the sun goes down, heat from the sand is released quickly.

The thing that could help retain warm air overnight is humidity, but deserts don’t have much of that. Water vapor in the air traps heat: Think of it like an insulating blanket, preventing either heat or cold from dispersing into the air. When the heat source is taken away, that vapor will retain it for long periods. Without sun or humidity, daytime heat isn’t being held anywhere, and the desert will cool rapidly.

Humidity is also why deserts can feel hotter than other places even though the temperature is the same. The water vapor needs lots of solar energy to heat up, while a dry climate takes that energy head-on.

All of this happens quickly because of that lack of humidity. Just as warm air escapes when night falls, there’s no humidity to trap the chilly evening weather. When the sun rises, it’s back to scorching.

Other factors can come into play. Clouds that help moderate temperature and wind can both help keep temperatures from dropping. But generally, you’ll roast in a desert and then freeze because the combination of sand and low humidity isn’t really suited for comfortable and consistent climates.

[h/t Live Science]

Why are deserts dry and hot?
Why are deserts dry and hot?
Why are deserts dry and hot?