Who was the first venom

Ah yes, a superhero story you can sink your teeth into. When Venom claws its way into theaters this weekend, it’ll mark the biggest moment yet for one of the most infamous villains that Marvel’s Spider-Man has ever faced. Tom Hardy is Eddie Brock, a down-on-his-luck journalist who fuses with a symbiotic alien entity to become the long-tongued, sharp-toothed, shape-shifting title character. Directed by Zombieland‘s Ruben Fleischer, the movie is set outside the Marvel Cinematic Universe of which Spidey himself is now a part, giving the character a chance to slobber and shine as an ultraviolent vigilante on his own.

But long before he became the star of a blockbuster movie (his second after Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 3), Venom began as an afterthought — a living breathing backstory for Peter Parker’s badass black costume. How did he go from these humble beginnings to holding down a franchise-approved solo film? (Albeit one that, shall we say, isn’t getting the most favorable reviews.) Wrap your tendrils around our guide to the character for the answers.

Before he was a character, Venom was a costume.
Imagine if the Joker started out as a clown outfit that Batman wore for circus-themed missions … and you’ll have some idea of just how odd the path that this character took to antihero superstardom really was.

Back in 1982, comics reader Randy Schueller submitted an idea to Marvel for a storyline in which Spider-Man acquired a black costume (with a red spider logo, rather than the familiar white one) made of “unstable molecules,” i.e. the Marvel Universe material from which the Fantastic Four’s Reed Richards made his team’s uniforms. More than mere fabric, this outfit would be able to adjust to Peter Parker’s needs, as well as enhance his powers. Controversial Marvel editor-in-chief Jim Shooter bought the idea from Schueller for a cool $220.

It took a couple of years for the new white-on-black look to make its first chronological appearance in the pages of the company-wide crossover “event comic” Secret Wars #8, courtesy of a design by artist Mike Zeck and a script by Shooter that saw the Webslinger acquire the costume on an alien planet.

Though the issue came out in December 1984, the costume had popped up several months earlier — first as a sketch in March’s comic-length newsletter Marvel Age #12, then in a Spidey story set after the events of Secret Wars in May’s Amazing Spider-Man #252, plotted by Roger Stern, written by Tom DeFalco, and illustrated by Ron Frenz.

Who was the first venom

Marvel Comics

… And also an alien parasite.
During their Amazing Spider-Man run, DeFalco and Frenz fleshed out the origin of the liquid-like black outfit, which would respond to Peter Parker’s thoughts; it would even hijack him in his sleep for late-night crimefighting binges. Sure, it looks badass, but it’s not merely a futuristic crimefighting costume or the self-repairing clothes writer/artist John Byrne had devised for the martial-arts hero Iron Fist (an influence on Stern’s concept for the costume). It’s a sentient, symbiotic alien entity, one which bonds to a human host and bestows them with incredible powers while still maintaining a mind of its own.

That “mind of its own” thing is the rub. Though he digs the power-up, Parker quickly learns that this “Symbiote” wants to bond to his body permanently. By exploiting the alien’s vulnerability to fire and sonic energy — and with a little help from the Fantastic Four — Spider-Man separates himself from the costume, which slithers off to find another host to inhabit.

Eddie Brock, the host with the most.
The entity that became known as Venom would go on to link itself to many Marvel characters, including Peter’s childhood bully Flash Thompson and the villain Mac “The Scorpion” Gargan in the main Marvel Universe and a T. Rex (!) in the post-apocalyptic Wolverine tale Old Man Logan.

But its most famous host is Eddie Brock, a journalist who blames Spider-Man for his failed career. His intense hatred of the Wall-Crawler, coupled with the symbiote’s intimate knowledge of Spidey’s secret identity and immunity to his danger-detecting “spider-sense,” made their combination — referred to collectively as Venom — one of the superhero’s most dangerous enemies.

Who was the first venom

Marvel Comics

In the Extreme 1990s, Venom was an antihero for the times.
The Brock/symbiote Venom debuted in Amazing Spider-Man‘s 300th issue in May 1988, written by David Michelinie and illustrated by a young superstar-in-the-making named Todd McFarlane.

In some ways, the bad guy is a supervillain cut from the old-school cloth: an evil mirror image of the hero he fights, like Superman and Bizarro, or the Flash and, er, the Reverse Flash. But future Spawn creator McFarlane’s wild style and penchant for horror-tinged aesthetics got punched up even further by his successor on the series, Erik Larsen, who emphasized those sharp teeth and that slobbering tongue, making him a very modern man-monster. With a ndesign that emphasized shape-shifting and sheer brute force, Venom was Spider-Man by way of Giger, Carpenter and Cronenberg.

But after Spider-Man rescued Brock’s estranged ex-wife, Venom realized the man he thought responsible for all their collective woes was actually a pretty alright guy, and something changed. Beginning with the 1993 miniseries Venom: Lethal Protector, launched by Michelinie and legendary Spider-Man artist Mark Bagley, the character repented of his villainous ways — though not his penchant for biting people’s heads off. So he became a vigilante.

Sharing both his murderous methods and his black-and-white look with another of the era’s most popular characters, the Punisher, Venom’s antihero incarnation sustained several solo series. He even teamed up with his one-time nemesis to take on one of several of the even more deranged symbiotes that the original Venom entity had spawned — a blood-red monstrosity that bonded with a serial killer called Cletus Kasaday and called itself Carnage. (Keep your eyes peeled, moviegoers.)

And yes, he made Tobey Maguire do an evil dance routine.
Remember Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man films? From the 2018 vantage point it’s easy to forget, since the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the Christopher Nolan Dark Knight Trilogy took pop-culture by storm while the Spider-Man franchise has been rebooted not once but twice. Still, the director’s first two outings were considered the highwater mark of the superhero genre.

Until Spider-Man 3 came along, that is. Marking Venom’s cinematic debut, the movie has a bad rap for being overstuffed and tonally inconsistent, which it deserves. Yes, the version of the character created when the symbiote bonds with Topher Grace’s Eddie Brock is pretty lackluster. But while it’s still attached to Tobey Maguire’s Parker, it turns him into a swaggering parody of emo coolness, which Raimi conveys with what can only be described as an evil dance routine.

Regardless, the movie stopped the Sony-owned Spidey series in its tracks. The Amazing Spider-Man reboot that followed in 2012 also ran out of juice after only two outings, but not before the Venom symbiote popped up in a brief cameo in the second installment. Plans for a solo outing set in that franchise went nowhere.

The Tom Hardy experiment.
After Sony inked their deal with Marvel to incorporate Spider-Man into the Marvel Cinematic Universe proper, they maintained the rights to handle related characters more or less on their own. Whatever else it might be, Venom is a test case for this parallel universe. The casting of Tom Hardy, an actor whose turn as Bane in Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises is either the best or worst thing about that whole series depending on whom you ask, indicates that the studio is willing to take some risks, while the edgy adolescent violence and humor align the project more with Deadpool and DC’s Suicide Squad than the squeaky-clean MCU.

Which brings us to October, 2018. Indeed, if Venom takes off, a solo movie for the vampiric Spidey villain Morbius starring Jared “The Joker” Leto is in the works. Considering that Spider-Man himself is nowhere to be found in these side projects starring his rogues gallery, this is all pretty strange. But for a character that started off as a cool new color scheme for his archenemy’s wardrobe, strangeness has always been the status quo.

Tom Hardy's son Louis Thomas Hardy is a fan of Venom, and Hardy took the role to please him: "I wanted to do something my son could watch. So I did something where I bite people's heads off." Louis also guided his father on how to appropriately portray Brock/Venom, since Hardy didn't know the character very well.

Tom Hardy recorded his lines for the Venom symbiote during pre-production, and they were played back to the actor through an earpiece on set during scenes where Brock and the symbiote talk to each other.

(at around 1h 30 mins) The Venom symbiote recommends chocolate. According to the 1995 miniseries "Venom: The Hunger", symbiotes need a chemical called phenethylamine which is available in brains, and chocolate.

(at around 44 mins) The restaurant scene was shot once with the live lobsters and once with the fake lobsters. The lobster that Tom Hardy bites into was actually candy-coated marshmallow filling with chocolate syrup.

Besides portraying Eddie Brock, Tom Hardy also provided the voice and physical stand-in for several scenes of Venom.

Tom Hardy did a ton of improvising off various weird bits he noticed in various filming locations. Including the infamous 'Lobster Tank' scene where Eddie climbs in and takes a seat in a lobster tank as he's burning up from a fever.

(at around 59 mins) Venom's line "Eyes! Lungs! Pancreas! So many snacks, so little time!" comes from "Amazing Spider-Man" #374.

Tom Hardy describes Venom as a tragic clown: "There's something funny about the circumstances of having a tragic gift. It's a superpower you don't really want, but at the same time, you love it. It makes you feel special. He's both a reluctant hero and an anti-hero."

In the comics, the Venom symbiote was initially worn by Peter Parker as a Spider-Man suit after he finds it on another planet before eventually separating and bonding with Eddie Brock. However, the movie makes the symbiotes independent discoveries of the Life Foundation, removing any connection to Spider-Man whatsoever. Indeed, the giant "white spider" insignia that typically appears on Venom's chest is absent.

(at around 9 mins) Anne reminds Eddie of his firing from the Daily Globe and his being forced to leave New York. In the Spider-Man comics, Eddie was a reporter for the Daily Globe, a rival newspaper of the Daily Bugle. In the comic, a serial killer known as the Sin Eater was going around and murdering people. Eddie interviewed a man who claimed to be the Sin Eater but, eventually Spider-Man caught the real Sin-Eater and it was discovered that the man Eddie interviewed was a compulsive confessor. Eddie was subsequently fired from his job because of this and shortly after becoming Venom moved to San Francisco.

According to an interview with director Ruben Fleischer, Tom Hardy developed a technique in which he would record all of Venom's lines first so that he could listen to them through an earpiece when doing Eddie's lines. Hardy came up with the process during the filming of Legend (2015) in which he plays twins.

Anne Weying works for a law firm called Michelinie & McFarlane. These are the names of Venom's creators David Michelinie and Todd McFarlane.

(at around 43 mins) Tom Hardy came up with the idea to have Eddie Brock get in the lobster tank when they were rehearsing the scene on location. The tank was not originally built to support having a person inside, so the crew had to build a special one.

Tom Hardy considers Venom the coolest Marvel hero because "he has a brazen swagger and a zero foxtrot attitude."

The name of Brock's apartment building, Schueller, after Randy Schueller, a Marvel Comics fan who in 1982 suggested the idea of giving Spider-Man a black costume. The costume would debut in 1984 and would later evolve into the concept of a sentient alien being, and later into a symbiote.

Michelle Williams told "The Hollywood Reporter" that Tom Hardy was a big reason why she decided to sign on for "Venom." "He's so talented and so committed. He also makes unusual choices in a moment-to-moment, scene-by-scene kind of way."

When asked about what it was like working with Tom Hardy, Michelle Williams told Screen Rant "one of the things that I so appreciate about working with him is that he's able to find what's real. Even when you're dealing with monsters and really wild physicality and language that you've never said before, ever, he's able to find what really grounds it."

Originally, Tom Hardy was going to portray Venom in motion-capture visual effects, but that plan was scrapped because the facial features couldn't be imitated: "Your eyes and teeth and tongue are not going to match with his, and you need a seven-foot tall basketball player in a Lycra suit for the physical shots!" Venom is fully computer graphics imagery in the film. However, Tom Hardy did perform as Venom on-camera in the costume of Brock, over which Venom was animated in key-frame to match the movements and stunts of Hardy.

The filmmakers cite the films of horror directors John Carpenter and David Cronenberg as an influence on the film, as well as the horror comedy films An American Werewolf in London (1981) and Ghostbusters (1984).

Tom Hardy cites The Ren & Stimpy Show (1991) as an influence on the relationship between Eddie Brock and Venom: "I always saw Venom as a lounge lizard, and Eddie Brock as an everyday kind of guy who's inherited this massive ego beast."

John Jameson is the astronaut who survived the shuttle crash. In the Marvel Comics, he becomes Man-Wolf after finding the "Moonstone" on the moon, which attaches to him similar to a symbiote.

Tom Hardy based his performance as Eddie Brock/Venom on three actors: Woody Allen ("the tortured neurosis and all the humor that can come from that"), martial artist fighter Conor McGregor ("the taste and capability for uber-violence"), and Redman ("out of control, living rent-free in his head.").

The film released in the 30th anniversary year of Venom's debut in Marvel comics (May 1988).

This film is well-known to have an extremely difficult production history. The film was originally envisioned as a direct spin-off from Spider-Man 3 (2007), though Topher Grace was not slated to return to the role. Shortly after the films were rebooted, the film was announced once again, though this time within continuity of the Webb series. Chris Zylka expressed interest in playing the characters Flash Thompson iteration, which was currently running in the comics at that time. Once The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) was released, Sony announced that "Venom: Carnage" would be a part of their Spider-Man Cinematic Universe. Soon afterward, Sony and Marvel decided to collaborate with the Spider-Man films, opting to reboot again, and placing a Venom spin-off on hold.

Paul J. Franklin, who supervised the visual effects on "Venom," recalls in an interview the different iterations of what he calls the "sonic freak out" effect. The "sonic freak out" is what happens when Venom hears certain frequencies of sound. One early idea was to do a full three-dimension effect of something "extruding" out of Eddie's skin, and evidence of this can be seen in the MRI scene.

Tom Hardy cites singer James Brown as an influence on Venom's voice.

In a recent interview, Ruben Fleischer, director of Venom (2018), talked about why Venom has been such an enduring character. He says, "To me, he's this perfect balance of the most scary, intense, menacing figure, but he undercuts it with a sense of humor, these great lines in the comics, and he has that goofy tongue, so there's this unexpected lightness to something really dark, and that's what we tried to embrace with the film."

This is Michelle Williams' first superhero film. When asked why she wanted to be a part of this movie, she said, "I always like to do things I haven't done before, genres, parts. I like a challenge, and one of those challenges has been stepping into a bigger world."

WILHELM SCREAM: heard when Venom throws a SFPD SWAT officer from over the office building lobby's railing. But it's not on the digital release

(at around 1h 35 mins) The prison Eddie visits is the same prison used in the CW's Arrow (2012)-verse as Iron Heights Penitentiary.

When "Screen Rant" asked Tom Hardy about his Venom voice, Hardy says, "Redman, Busta Rhymes, James Brown, as ingredients. And I played with it. The fusion to create what you hear, which sounds nothing like them."

It was rumored that Life (2017) is a prequel to this film, as the two movies' trailers shared some stock footage, though that rumor was later debunked.

Prior to the release of the second trailer, it was rumored that the movie would feature the Venom character only during the film's final act. Fans were relieved when the second trailer showed plenty of scenes with the character. The final film also heavily featured Venom in action sequences, though Tom Hardy has revealed that 30-40 minutes of the film, including his favorite sequences, was removed.

In an interview, Tom Hardy and Riz Ahmed both state that their favorite line from the movie is simply "Mrs. Chen."

After seeing Tim Burton's Batman (1989), Ruben Fleischer knew that he wanted to make his own superhero movie one day because of "...the dark tone of that film, the incredible production design and the great action, and (Jack) Nicholson's portrayal of the Joker and Michael Keaton's portrayal of Batman."

(at around 28 mins) The scene between Dora Skirth and Eddie Brock at the market was the first scene that Jenny Slate read. She said in an interview, "I've never played a character like this before. And it's also so one on one, you know? It's like, 'Wow, if I get this part, I'm truly going to be in a scene with Tom Hardy.' Like great, yeah."

Paul J. Franklin, the visual effects supervisor on "Venom," won Academy Awards for his work on Inception (2010) and Interstellar (2014). He also worked on director Christopher Nolan's "Batman" trilogy. Tom Hardy was in "Inception" and The Dark Knight Rises (2012), the last film in Christopher Nolan's Batman's trilogy.

According to an interview, Paul J. Franklin had his VFX team study the movement of slime molds, jellyfish, and amoeba in order to come up with the visual effects that represent Venom's movement.

Tom Hardy (Eddie Brock/Venom) had played the supervillain Bane in The Dark Knight Rises (2012). In the comics, Bane ingested a serum named Venom to gain super strength.

(at around 58 mins) In Vincent Frei's interview with Paul J. Franklin, Franklin said that the most complex part of the bike chase was the "SUV sandwich" when Eddie is nearly crushed between two vehicles. That particular moment was filmed on a soundstage, with additional details added later: the glass on the vehicles, the backgrounds, the wheels of the vehicles, and the "webs of gooey tentacles."

Director Ruben Fleischer wanted to make sure "Venom" looked tonally different from other comic book movies. In a recent interview he said, "...I wanted to make a darker, grittier, kind of edgier comic book movie that also has a strong horror element, which is inherent to the character and the comic. Those were the aspects: darker, edgier, grittier."

Emilio Rivera has appeared in both live action movies featuring Venom. In Spider-Man 3 (2007) he played a police officer and in Venom he was the security guard.

According to a "CinemaBlend" interview with director Ruben Fleischer, there was an earlier version of the movie that showed Venom's home planet full of symbiotes.

Jenny Slate's character, Dora Skirth, is an original character exclusive to the movie.

"Venom: Lethal Protector" (1993) describes Eddie Brock's life before meeting the symbiote. While investigating a serial killer, Brock was pressured to accuse the wrong man. Spider-Man catches the real killer and Brock's reputation is destroyed. Brock ends up hating Spider-Man for ruining his career.

Ruben Fleischer said in an interview that there are many Easter eggs throughout the film. He commented, "That was really gratifying to me to see that people appreciated that we literally lifted iconic frames from the "Venom" comic book and put them in the movie."

(at around 1h 30 mins) At the end of the last scene before the credits, a sign can be seen for Ron Lim Herbal. Ron Lim is an artist who worked on the first Venom solo series.

Topher Grace, who portrayed Eddie Brock/Venom in Spider-Man 3 (2007), praises Tom Hardy as Venom.

Before Riz Ahmed was cast as Carlton Drake, Matt Smith, Pedro Pascal and Matthias Schoenaerts were considered for the part.

(at around 41 mins) The "airport" where the old woman takes over the small girl's body is actually the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta.

Though hints of the character had appeared earlier, Venom's grand introduction into the comics was in "The Amazing Spider-Man" #299 and #300. These comics also established Venom's weaknesses to fire and sonic waves.

The Malaysian market scene was filmed on a dirt lot in Rex, Georgia that was heavily dressed by set decorator Larry Dias and his crew.

On set during production, the VFX team had a Venom stand-in who was 6'7'' tall, and made even taller with a helmet on which a VFX sphere reference was placed, for the cast to have an appropriate eye-line.

In preparing for the film, director Ruben Fleischer visited SpaceX, a rocket manufacturer and launch facility in California. The facility's modern look influenced the look of the mission control set in "Venom."

Scientist Dora Skirth is played by Jenny Slate. Slate told "Backstage" that she knew a lot of people who auditioned for her role in "Venom." The part was originally written as a male character, but the casting department saw both men and women for many of the supporting roles in the film.

The Venom symbiote was bonded to Eddie in the comics. However, its connection to his body was essentially in the form of a glorified second layer of skin that would often take the appearance of civilian clothes. This film sees Eddie bonded to the symbiote similarly, but it's also become a part of his body, similar to how his Ultimate version was bonded to the Black Suit.

According to an interview with VFX supervisor Paul J. Franklin, much of the bike chase was filmed in Atlanta, Georgia. The art department spent a lot of time dressing the streets of Atlanta to look more like San Francisco, including the removal of many CNN and Coca-Cola logos.

Eddie's motorcycle is a Ducati Scrambler Classic. Six bikes were used during filming. Stuntman Paul J. Franklin jumped a bike off San Francisco's "Bullitt Hill," named for the Steve McQueen movie, Bullitt (1968).

The film's official movie poster is designed in a similar fashion to one of Spider-Man 2 (2004)'s movie posters. In each poster, the design presents the main character's face partially covered by part of his costume.

In the comics, Eddie Brock is 6'3" and has strawberry-blond hair, although this has varied with different interpretations of the character. Tom Hardy, who plays Eddie Brock in the film, is 5'9" and has dark-brown hair.

Patricia Puentes of "CNET" interviewed visual effects supervisor Paul J. Franklin, who said that they had to do very accurate body tracking on Tom Hardy in order to create the effect of Venom taking over Eddie's body. They used three, sometimes four, additional cameras to make sure they captured all of Hardy's movement.

Eminem performs the title song 'Venom.' According to a recent interview, both Tom Hardy and Riz Ahmed are fans of the rapper.

It is the first film in Sony's Spider-Man Universe (SSU), adjunct to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

This is the fourth Marvel movie set in San Francisco following Hulk (2003), Ant-Man (2015), and Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018).

It was important to director Ruben Fleischer to make the San Francisco in "Venom" seem real. He tells "The San Francisco Chronicle," "The world in which it takes place, we wanted to feel very grounded and of reality, not a heightened world, but real-life San Francisco - where this journalist unexpectedly goes through a transformation that results in a larger-than-life experience."

(at around 10 mins) When Eddie is going through Anne's emails, there is an email from someone named "Bodhi". Riz Ahmed played a character named Bodhi in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016).

Venom was ranked as the 22nd Greatest Comic Book Villain of All Time, in IGN's list of the top 100 comic villains. IGN also ranked Mac Gargan's incarnation of Venom as #17, in their list of "The Top 50 Avengers", while the Flash Thompson incarnation, was ranked as #27. The character was also listed as #33, on Empire's 50 Greatest Comic Book Characters.

(at around 1h 30 mins) The scene where Venom catches a robber, lays a hand on his shoulder and threatens him is very similar to Tom Hardy's last foray into comic books The Dark Knight Rises (2012). His prey even asks "What the hell are you?"

According to an interview with VFX supervisor Paul J. Franklin, director Ruben Fleischer was inspired by films like director John Carpenter's The Thing (1982) and director John Landis' An American Werewolf in London (1981)" when making "Venom."

This is production designer Oliver Scholl's fifth comic book film, after Batman Forever (1995), Elektra (2005), Suicide Squad (2016), and Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017).

Out of the five Marvel-based films released in 2018, this one is the only non-sequel. However, Black Panther (2018) was the start of its own sub-franchise, even though it is a spin-off of Captain America: Civil War (2016) and part of the combined Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Paul J. Franklin (VFX supervisor) shared in an interview with "CNET" that the part of the bike chase where Eddie goes up the hill was actually shot in San Francisco. There are a few other points during the chase where Eddie rides through well-known intersections and those were also filmed in San Francisco.

Michelle Williams played a parasitic alien from outer space in Species (1995), as the young Sil.

Riz Ahmed mentioned on Jimmy Kimmel Live! (2003) that he has known Tom Hardy for years. They met each other in 2006 on an episode of the British reality show The Play's the Thing (2006).

Tom Hardy told "RTE Entertainment" recently that he drew upon MMA fighter Conor McGregor when developing his character in "Venom" because "he wants to have a scrap with everybody." Hardy also mention being inspired by the "neuroses of Woody Allen" and Harrison Ford from "Indiana Jones."

Readers were introduced to Spider-Man's black costume in "The Amazing Spider-Man" #252. Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four later discovers that the costume is actually an alien symbiote.

In March 2012, Chronicle (2012) director Josh Trank was negotiating with Sony about his interest in directing.

When "The Hollywood Reporter" asked Michelle Williams if she'd be interested in playing a superhero on screen someday, she said yes. "When these films are good," she said, "they can provide such a fun outlet for that, both for the actors who make them and the audiences who watch them."

Alex Kurtzman and Dante Harper were originally set to direct and write the film respectively.

Ron Cephas Jones, who plays Eddie Brock's boss, also appeared in Marvel's Luke Cage series as Bobby Fish.

Principal photography began in October 2017, taking place in Atlanta, New York City, and San Francisco.

Zac Efron joked that he is playing Eddie Brock on April Fool's Day.

The fourth time Tom Hardy has played in a live action remake of well known TV/Movie characters after Shinzon (aka Jean-Luc Picard's evil Clone) in Star Trek: Nemesis (2002), Bane in The Dark Knight Rises (2012) and Mad Max in Mad Max: Fury Road (2015).

Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) and Dr Skirth (Jenny Slate) communicate with the IMQQ chat platform. IMQQ is owned by Tencent, a Chinese-owned technology/media conglomerate. Tencent has exclusive distribution rights to Sony pictures in China and offices in San Francisco where this movie takes place.

The first film in Sony's Marvel Universe.

Released on the same day as A Star Is Born (2018). Both films were shot by Matthew Libatique.

Stephen Farrelly and Kellan Lutz wanted to play Venom.

One of the reasons why Michelle Williams was attracted to the project was because of the future prospect of playing She-Venom.

Venom's first appearance on the big screen was in director Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 3 (2007). In that film, photographer Eddie Brock, played by Topher Grace, bonds with the alien symbiote and transforms into Venom after the symbiote is discarded by Spider-Man.

Tom Hardy's first role for a Marvel-related production, his second superhero film since The Dark Knight Rises (2012) (from DC Comics/Entertainment, Marvel's longtime competitor) and his first Columbia/Sony Pictures associated production since Marie Antoinette (2006).

Riz Ahmed sees his character of Carlton Drake as someone who's trying to "navigate an ethical framework within the logic of the conflict and morality."

Josh Emerson was a fan favorite to play Eddie Brock/Venom.

Previous adaptations pronounce "symbiote" as "sim-BEE-oat." Here, Dora Skirth suggests it's pronounced "sim-BYE-oat" ...and later Carlton Drake pronounces it as, "sim-BEE-oat". It really just depends on how each character pronounces it.

Gary Ross was in talks to direct the film.

Woody Harrelson starred in director Ruben Fleischer's first feature film, Zombieland (2009) alongside stars Jesse Eisenberg, Abigail Breslin, and Emma Stone. Stone and Eisenberg have their own comic book movie connections, with Eisenberg appearing in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) and Justice League (2017) and Stone appearing as Gwen Stacy in The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) films.

In the opening scene where Riot controls the E.M.T., her ponytail blocks the M on her jacket so it appears to say E.T. (as in Extra Terrestrial).

Eddie drinks Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.

Venom had its world premiere at the Regency Village Theatre in Westwood, Los Angeles on October 1, 2018.

(at around 1h 9 mins) Anne comments to Eddie that high frequency sound is the symbiote's 'kryptonite,' a DC Comics reference to Superman. Tom Hardy (Eddie Brock/Venom) played Bane in DC's The Dark Knight Rises (2012). Also DC's Shazam! (2019) trailer is shown in theaters before the feature presentation of "Venom."

Michelle Lee's role was rumored to be Donna Diego.

Jenny Slate would play Harley Quinn in The Lego Batman Movie (2017) and Tom Hardy would play Bane in The Dark Knight Rises (2012) both in the Batman DC universe.

Casey Jayne auditioned for the role of Anne Weying.

The seventh highest grossing film of 2018.

Six Ducatti motorbikes were used in the film.

Michelle Williams described herself in a recent interview as "a person who's drawn to making small films with a small group of people." She's done several films with director Kelly Reichardt including Wendy and Lucy (2008) and Certain Women (2016).

Both Jenny Slate and Riz Ahmed have appeared in HBO's popular series Girls (2012), which was created by Lena Dunham and executive produced by Judd Apatow.

Dr. Dan Lewis is not the first doctor that Reid Scott has played. He's also been Dr. Todd Mauer on The Big C (2010) and Dr. Jeff Zegay on The Secret Life of the American Teenager (2008).

This is Jenny Slate's first Columbia movie.

Tyler Williams was considered a perfect fit, due to the similarities between his back story and that of Flash Thompson aka Venom Spaceknight.

Now Playing Podcast reviewed Venom. This film received two "recommends" and one "not recommend".

Computer Advisory Services were provided by Walter O'Brien of Scorpion Computer Services. This is the real life person that the main character and TV show Scorpion (2014) were based on.

The first film from Marvel to have a October release date.

Featured in "The A to Z of Superhero Movies: From Abar to ZsaZsa via the MCU", written by Rob Hill.

Filmed between October 2017 and January 2018.

Michelle Williams' schedule had to be kept fluid as she was in demand for reshoots for Ridley Scott's All the Money in the World (2017) following the excision of Kevin Spacey from that film. Ridley Scott also directed the first Alien (1979) movie as well as Prometheus (2012) and Alien Covenant (2017).