Which is a challenge that returning students face when attending college?

If you’ve made the choice to enroll in college after a short (or lengthy) break, congrats! The first step is always the hardest. Like many students going back to school, you’re probably both excited and apprehensive about this new adventure.

Adult learners face unique challenges when returning to the classroom, but they also bring a lot of valuable life experience to the table. Don’t let your concerns hold you back from achieving your goals.

Read along for firsthand advice from other adults who made a successful return to college and overcame the same obstacles you’re currently facing.

Conquering 3 common concerns of adult students

You’ll be happy to hear that you’re not the first adult student to pursue a college degree –— and you certainly won’t be the last! Hear from three of our graduates who once faced the same obstacles you are. Their firsthand insight can help you find the same success they did.

1. Affording tuition

It’s no secret that higher education requires a significant investment of time, effort and money. Figuring out how to afford college as a working adult probably requires more planning than it did the first time you went. It takes careful consideration to add tuition costs on top of existing financial obligations like mortgage payments, bills, and raising children.

Luckily for you, there are many ways to help make college more affordable. Consider the following:

It’s also worthwhile to research loan forgiveness initiatives specific to your career, especially in human service fields such as teaching, nursing, medical school, and social work. Just ask University of Massachusetts Global alumna Sharon Ishida Nakama, who earned her Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership. Nakama was a 47-year-old special education teacher working full time and raising teenagers when she enrolled in the program.

Earning a doctorate was her dream, but the financial stress on her family was still a concern. Through networking with her cohort, Nakama discovered she was eligible for a teacher loan forgiveness program. She applied and was granted $17,000 in loan forgiveness, which significantly eased her financial burden.

2. Returning to school after a long hiatus

Adult students going back to school after an extended absence often find themselves asking things like:

  • Can I keep up with the class work?
  • Do I even remember how to write a research paper?
  • Will I fit in with other students?

These questions and feelings of doubt are normal, but you should address them head on, or you’ll risk developing imposter syndrome. To help ease your anxieties, ask for guidance from your academic advisor or at your student support office. They can help connect you with tutors, mentors, writing coaches and other services designed to help you succeed.

Barbara Pitts was 50 years old when she began working toward her bachelor’s degree in sociology, and she remembers wondering how the younger students would react to her age. But she quickly realized there was a healthy mix of students of all ages, which ended up benefitting everyone.

“This turned out to be one of the most rewarding experiences in building relationships,” Pitts shares. “Through the class discussions, I was able to share my experiences and learn about experiences of my younger classmates and compare with those my own age.”

For any adult students struggling with similar concerns, Pitts has some advice: “Just go for it! Don’t feel intimidated because of your age. You have a lot to give and will be rewarded with what you receive in return.”

3. Balancing work, school and family

The majority of adult students going back to school continue to work full-time jobs. Many also have family obligations. This inevitably sparks concerns about being able to succeed in all three areas simultaneously.

While it certainly takes planning, organization, and commitment, it is possible to achieve this balance. Here are some tips and tricks that can help:

  • Start implementing some tried-and-true time management hacks to squeeze the most out of each day.
  • Be transparent with family and friends about your commitments and how your availability may change temporarily as you go back to school — gaining their support upfront is critical.
  • Keep an open dialogue with your manager and team members at work. Negotiate for flexibility in work hours if possible.
  • Don’t overlook the importance of self-care.

University of Massachusetts Global graduate Elizabeth Bader went back to school amidst a divorce, while caring for her infant son. It had been 11 years since she attended school, but she felt strongly that an advanced degree was important for her future.

“I wanted a career that not only would allow me to feed my family but feed my soul as well,” Bader explains. With some hard work and diligence, she earned her master’s degree in organizational leadership in exactly two years. She credits part of this to the fact that University of Massachusetts Global accommodated the constraints on her life.

Her best piece of advice for other adult students juggling many priorities is this: “Pace yourself at first. Find a program that understands the demands of being a working, parenting student.”

Sharon Ishida Nakama also emphasized the importance of balancing family life with school. Her children were older when she made her return the classroom, so gaining their support was key.

“We discussed the ways they would be able to support me and how I could support them in return,” she shares. “It was a long discussion, but we ended in agreement that Mom’s success would be their success too.”

Start writing your adult student success story

Going back to school as an adult has its challenges, but the benefits far outweigh the sacrifices. Let these graduate stories inspire you to conquer any concerns you have and achieve your educational goals.

“Do not doubt your abilities,” Nakama says. “If the person next to you can do it, then you can too!”

University of Massachusetts Global offers programs designed specifically for adult students like you. Students feel at home because of their shared circumstances, challenges and goals.

Find out if it’s the right fit for you in our article 8 Signs you belong at University of Massachusetts Global.

It's becoming increasingly common for adults, years or even decades into their working lives, to realize it's time to go back to school. The motivations may vary: common reasons include wanting to set out on a new career path, doing more interesting work, making more money, changing fields, qualifying for a promotion, or trying to be more competitive in the job market. And the circumstances will vary as well: for some, it means completing a degree started long ago; for others, it means enrolling in college for the first time; and for still others, it means taking on a second bachelor's degree, a certificate, or graduate-level coursework.

While making the decision to go back to school is certainly exciting, it also can be intimidating. Going back to school as an adult student is a very different experience from going back to school as a traditional-age student (between the ages of 18 and 22), and poses a unique set of challenges. Although all of these challenges are, with persistence and preparation, surmountable, it's important to enter your experience as an adult learner with open eyes and a plan for success.

We've compiled a list of some of the most common challenges facing adults returning to college, or enrolling in a degree program for the first time, to help you think about how school might impact your own life, and begin to come up with strategies for handling these challenges.

Common Challenges Facing Adults Returning to School

Fitting School Into a Busy Schedule

One of the biggest issues that comes up for working adult students is time. Adult learners, unlike traditional students, are often working full-time and have families to support, meaning that most are attending school part-time and must find creative ways to fit their schoolwork into their schedules. The solution is to find a program with a more flexible format, which usually means one that isn't full-time and on-campus.

Some students choose to take night classes or pursue low-residency campus options; however, these options are still limiting, since they're offered at set times that students must attend, and represent an additional time commitment in the form of travel to and from campus.

While some students can make this work for their schedules, many adults can't - their schedules are too unpredictable, or too full, to be able to attend on-campus classes. For these students, online learning is an excellent option. Online learning is flexible and, for the most part, asynchronous, meaning students can log in and attend class whenever it's convenient for them. This means that adults can go to school whenever they have free time - late at night, early in the morning, or in the middle of the day. While students still have to commit to making time for their schoolwork, this mode of learning allows them to fit it into their schedule in a way that works for their life.

Students should also have honest conversations with their families and friends, as well as with their employer. Asking your partner or children to take on more household responsibilities while you're taking classes, telling your friends you'll be less available for social gatherings, and letting your boss know that you may need additional flexibility in your schedule will help alleviate some of the pressure that comes with balancing your existing commitments with your schoolwork, and will help you build an understanding network to help support you through your program.

A Lack of Financial Resources

While the rising cost of college is a challenge for everyone, it's a particular issue for adult learners. Adult students have so many other financial responsibilities, from mortgages to families to existing debt, and so the idea of paying for college can be daunting to say the least. Adults are often saving up for their children's education, so spending money on their own degrees doesn't seem possible, or have already invested money in college experiences that they didn't complete.

For these reasons, many adults simply assume college isn't an option because of the financial commitment it would require - and when you look at the sticker price advertised by many colleges and universities, it's easy to understand why.

While taking on the cost of college tuition is a major decision, and one that shouldn't be taken lightly, there are many options out there to help make college more affordable - and realistic - option for adult students, and a variety of flexible ways to pay for your education. Certain kinds of colleges are less expensive than others. If you're pursuing an associate degree, or are getting started on a bachelor's, community college is an excellent option. For those who already have credits under their belts that can go towards a bachelor's, or are pursuing a master's degree, online schools tend to be less expensive than campus-based schools due to the lack of overhead associated with the programs they offer.

Additionally, adult students are eligible for financial aid, which can help offset the cost of tuition in the form of federal student loans and grants. Individual institutions may also offer scholarships and financial aid packages that can lower the cost of tuition even further, and many adults find that their employers offer some form of tuition assistance that can provide additional financial assistance.

And once a school has been selected, pursuing transfer credit opportunities can help students earn credits more quickly and affordably.

Fear Of Not Being Cut Out for College

Many adult students want to go back to school, but are afraid that they won't be successful in obtaining their degree. Many people think back to high school or to prior college experiences and remember the challenges they had, whether it was with the work itself, time management, or a lack of motivation and engagement. Some believe that it's been too long - that having spent years out of the classroom means that they won't be able to make school work for them again. And some worry about sticking out, or feeling out of place, in a classroom filled with students much younger than them.

All of these fears are understandable - and the good news is, they're incredibly relatable. Almost any adult learner experiences self-doubt at some point during their academic journey, but persistence and an eye on the ultimate goal - a degree - helps them to keep going.

Adult learners should seek out degree programs specifically designed with their unique needs in mind. For many, this means looking into schools that offer night classes or online programs that cater to working students. Not only do these academic options offer the flexibility that adult learners need, they're created to meet the learning needs of adults (which tend to be very different than the learning needs of traditional college-age students), and will draw on students' professional experiences. Adults will feel more at home in these programs, surrounded by classmates who understand their perspectives and challenges, and classrooms often become built-in support networks.

Additionally, these schools understand that adults need certain resources to help them overcome the struggles they might face in pursuing their degrees. For example, many schools will assign students a dedicated academic advisor as soon as they enroll, and that advisor will work closely with them throughout their college experience to help them achieve success. Instructors may offer additional flexibility when life challenges arise, and academic and technical support is made readily available to give students the assistance they need, when they need it.

Although the challenges of returning to school as an adult learner are very real, they're not struggles that you'll have to take on alone. By enrolling in a program designed for students like you, you'll find yourself in an environment that understands the unique obstacles you face, has resources in place to help you find ways to overcome them, and is ultimately dedicated to your success.

Senior Content Marketing Specialist

Sonya Krakoff is the Senior Content Marketing Specialist at Champlain College Online, where she is the voice behind the CCO blog and helps tell the school's story across multiple digital platforms. Sonya has extensive experience in writing, content marketing, and editing for mission-driven businesses and non-profit organizations, and holds a bachelor's degree in English (with a focus on creative writing) from St. Lawrence University.

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