When using scrum, who is primarily responsible for making scope versus schedule trade-off decisions

35 Questions | Total Attempts: 3905

  • What does the Product Owner do during a Sprint?

    • Protects the Team and the process

    • Clarifies requirements and answers questions

    • Guides the Team in its work

    • Intervenes when required to make sure the pace of work is sustainable

  • Which role is responsible for turning the Product Backlog into incremental pieces of functionality?

    • Everyone within the Project

  • If a Team member is consistently late for the Daily Scrum, what is usually the first thing a Team should do?

    • Report the Team member to his or her manager

    • Have the Team member do the testing

    • Meet with the Team member to determine a solution

    • Ask the ScrumMaster to move the Team member off the Team

  • During a Daily Scrum meeting, Olivia mentions she has found some open source code she thinks will solve one of the problems she has been working on. She wants to implement it immediately. What is the best next step?

    • The ScrumMaster tells Olivia to prepare an example and presentation for the Team so they can consider using the code

    • After the Daily Scrum meeting is held, a separate meeting is conducted to discuss the open source solution

    • All members of the Team are told to evaluate Olivia's solution and report back to the team at the next Daily Scrum meeting.

    • The Product Owner notes the impediment and solves the problem after the meeting

  • Who is responsible for facilitating the Sprint Retrospective Meeting?

  • Which role is MOST LIKELY to communicate an impediment during a Daily Scrum?

  • Who is primarily responsible for maintaining the Product Backlog?

  • What is the ScrumMaster's role in the Sprint Retrospective?

    • To determine the re-composition of the Team

    • To facilitate the Team's search for improvements

    • To lead the Team in the evaluation of each individual Team member

    • To provide answers to the challenges that the Team identifies

  • Which of the following is true concerning impediments?

    • The Team should not use daily Scrum meetings to report impediments

    • It is the ScrumMaster's top priority to remove impediments

    • It is the Product Owner's job to remove impediments

    • A slow running server is not considered an impediment

  • Why should the Product Owner attend the Daily Scrum?

    • To comment on the Team's progress

    • To make sure the Team is still on target for its Sprint goals

    • To tell the Team which tasks to work on next and update the Product Backlog

    • To see the progress being made and determine whether the Team needs help

  • In a 30-day Sprint, how long is the Sprint Review Meeting?

  • Which of the following is a responsibility of the Product Owner?

    • Determine the appropriate release dates

    • Determine the appropriate technical solution for the project

    • Determine the Team composition necessary for success

    • Determine the length of the Sprints

  • What are the desirable qualities of a Product Vision?

    • Features a detailed overview that enlightens and inspires

    • Provides a complete breakdown structure of the ROI formula

    • Describes why the project is pursued and the product desired end state

    • Outlines traceability back to overall corporate governance in IT investment

  • Which of the following statements is TRUE about Scrum teams and planning?

    • Scrum Teams place value in following a plan, but they value responding to change even more

    • Planning is not important in Scrum

    • Scrum is intended to be an efficient way to carry out plans that have already been made

    • Traditional planning is replaced by the Sprint Burndown chart

    • Controls the priority order of items in the team's backlog

    • Is the Team's Scrum expert

    • Creates, refines and communicates customer requirements to the Team

    • Is the keeper of the product vision

  • According to Scrum guidelines, who is responsible for hiring or assigning a new person into a Team?

    • This is outside of the scope of Scrum

  • If a Team determines that it has over-committed itself for a Sprint, who should be present when reviewing and adjusting the Sprint goal and work?

    • Product Owner and Stakeholders

    • Product Owner, ScrumMaster, and the Team

    • ScrumMaster, Project Manager, and the Team

  • What does Scrum's definition of done help a Team produce?

    • Functionality that has been deployed to the users and delivers real business value

    • Functionality that has been designed and analyzed

    • Product functionality ready to be tested

    • An increment of potentially shippable product

  • How do the principles behind the Agile Manifesto suggest approaching architecture?

    • Architecture is not important, but functionality is important

    • Architecture is defined and planned up front

    • Architecture is defined and implemented in the first iterations

  • How are the Product Owner's responsibilities BEST described?

    • Directing the Team's daily activities

    • Keeping stakeholders from distracting the Team

    • Managing the project and ensuring that the work meets the commitments to the stakeholders

    • Optimizing the business value of the work

  • After a Team has committed to a Sprint goal, what authority does it have?

    • The Team has authority to swap Sprint backlog items with Product Backlog items if it cannot finish them

    • The Team works under the authority of the Product Architect, who has set the definition of done

    • The Team works according to the priorities set by the ScrumMaster, as the ScrumMaster is committed to the Scrum framework

    • The Team does whatever is necessary to achieve the goal

  • Which of the following is the main purpose of a Sprint Backlog?

    • For the ScrumMaster to manage the progress during the Sprint

    • For the Team to manage themselves during the Sprint

    • For the Team to manage the number of hours spent on tasks in the Sprint

    • For the Product Owner to understand what the Team has committed to for a Sprint

  • What is the main purpose of a Sprint Review?

    • For the Team to review their work and to determine what is needed to complete the next set of backlog items

    • For Stakeholders to review what the Team has built and to give input on what to do next

    • For Stakeholders to "hold the Team's feet to the fire" - to make sure something is produced during the Sprint

    • For the Product Manager to be able to show progress to the Stakeholders

  • What does the Team do during the first Sprint?

    • Delivers design documents

    • Develops a plan for the rest of the Sprints

    • Accomplishes the Sprint goal

    • Predetermines the complete architecture and infrastructure

  • When using Scrum, who is primarily responsible for making scope versus schedule trade-off decisions?