What was the name of the group of soldiers composed of Americans of African descent that fought for the Union Army during the Civil War?

By Jim Percoco

What was the name of the group of soldiers composed of Americans of African descent that fought for the Union Army during the Civil War?
Frederick Douglass (Library of Congress)

Leading abolitionist Frederick Douglass famously wrote, “Once let the black man get upon his person the brass letter, U.S., let him get an eagle on his button, and a musket on his shoulder and bullets in his pocket, there is no power on earth that can deny he has earned the right to citizenship.” When the Civil War erupted in April 1861, Douglass began placing a steady stream of pressure on the Lincoln Administration to include African Americans in the Union Army. This pressure, concurrent with his pleas for immediate and uncompensated emancipation, persisted as the conflict continued. As the war raged on, the inclusion of African American soldiers in federal forces would prove both imperative to the Union war effort and to African Americans’ struggle for freedom.

Almost immediately after the start of the war, questions began to emerge regarding African Americans’ in the struggle. In August of 1861, Congress passed the First Confiscation Act, stating that all enslaved persons fighting or working for the Confederate military were freed and relieved of obligations to their masters. In July of 1862, Congress expanded this legislation with the passage of both the Second Confiscation Act and the Militia Act. The Second Confiscation Act declared that the enslaved persons of Confederate civilians and military officers were to be “forever free.” However, there was a catch – this act could only be enforced in Union-occupied areas of the South. The Militia Act provided another limited step forward. The legislation allowed the president to receive African Americans into the military, but it did not clear them for combat. 

Though legislative permission was required for participation in combat, African American Union regiments were raised in places like Louisiana, South Carolina, and Kansas in the fall of 1862. The First, Second, and Third Louisiana Native Guard were organized out of New Orleans. In South Carolina, the First South Carolina Infantry included men of African descent who participated in coastal expeditions during November of 1862. Additionally, the First Kansas Colored Infantry saw service at Island Mound, Missouri, in October of 1862, before officially mustering into service. African American men serving in these early forces demonstrated their fierce passion for freedom by taking up arms and fighting for Union, even when they often received very little support from the federal government. 

On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. Not only did the proclamation establish freedom for the enslaved African Americans living in Confederate states, but it also cemented this freedom by verifying their ability to serve in the United States military. The proclamation stated that “the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons [enslaved persons], and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.” Following the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation, the Federal government began the process of recruiting and enlisting African Americans into the official ranks of Union soldiers. For Frederick Douglass, these changes marked the reality of a long-held dream: the transformation of the Civil War from a conflict centered solely on the restoration of Union into a moral crusade for freeing the enslaved people of the South. 

On May 22, 1863, the War Department issued General Order No. 143 to establish a procedure for receiving African Americans into the armed forces. The order created the Bureau of Colored Troops, which designated African American regiments as United States Colored Troops, or USCT. USCT regiments were led by white officers, and African American troops encountered little opportunity to advance within the ranks. The Bureau set out to create an ordered structure for training, drilling, and equipping large numbers of African Americans, who they feared would seek revenge on their former masters. 

Initially, Lincoln was reluctant to recruit African American soldiers to take up arms against the South. However, as the war continued, his attitude shifted, particularly in the wake of continued military exigencies. As more and more African American men enlisted in the Union Army, Lincoln faced increasing pressure from white Unionists who opposed the use of colored troops. On August 26, 1863, the president penned a letter to his longtime friend, James C. Conkling of Springfield, Illinois. Knowing the letter would be made public, Lincoln wrote: 

“You say you will not fight to free negroes. Some of them seem willing to fight for you; but, no matter. Fight you, then exclusively to save the Union. I issued the proclamation on purpose to aid you in saving the Union. Whenever you shall have conquered all resistance to the Union, if I shall urge you to continue fighting, it will be an apt time, then, for you to declare you will not fight to free negroes.”

As Lincoln made clear in his letter, military necessity was a driving factor in the inclusion of African Americans in the Union Army. By the end of the war, he would come to regard their role in the conflict as crucial to Northern victory. In spite of the widespread opposition to their service, the USCT distinguished themselves valiantly on the battlefield. 

What was the name of the group of soldiers composed of Americans of African descent that fought for the Union Army during the Civil War?
William Carney - 54th Massachusetts. Medal of Honor Recipient

In 1989, the motion picture Glory paid tribute to the service of one such USCT regiment: the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. Organized in early 1863 under the leadership of Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, the 54th Massachusetts was the first “officially” recruited regiment of African American soldiers. Freemen and former slaves living in the North, even as far as Canada, flocked to fill its muster roles. The 54th’s ranks were filled so quickly that another regiment, the 55th Massachusetts, was organized shortly after. On July 18, 1863, the 54th Massachusetts achieved immortality in their forlorn assault of Battery Wagner near Charleston, South Carolina. The eyes of the Union and Confederacy alike were on this singular regiment, which destroyed the persistent perception that African Americans couldn’t perform heroically in battle. In the futile assault on Confederate positions, the 54th lost more than half of its men. One of the 54th’s soldiers, Sergeant William Carney, was the first African American to win a Medal of Honor after saving the regiment’s colors. When he returned to the decimated battle line, Carney reportedly claimed, “Boys! The old flag never touched the ground.” The 54th paved the way for subsequent black regiments who continued to prove their worth at places like Big Cabin and Honey Springs, Port Hudson, Petersburg, and New Market Heights, where 14 members of the United States Colored Troops were awarded Medals of Honor. 

African American soldiers continued to prove their mettle throughout the conflict, even while waging two wars at the same time: physical combat and racial bigotry. Members of the United States Colored Troops were paid less than white soldiers and were restricted from serving as officers, even in their own units. African Americans who were clergy or doctors could reach the ranks of officers, but not in combat positions. In many cases, black troops were used only for supply and guard details or manual labor. African American soldiers often faced additional dangers in the field, especially after the Confederate Congress issued a statement that any black man captured fighting against the South would be subject to immediate execution for servile insurrection, as would their white officers. In contrast to men serving on land, the United States Navy was not segregated during the Civil War. Aboard warships, African American sailors served directly alongside their white counterparts.

By the war’s conclusion in 1865, 180,000 African American men served in the Union Army, and another 19,000 served in the United States Navy. On the day that Lee surrendered at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, on May 9th, 1865, there were more African American soldiers fighting for the Union than the total of all Confederate forces. More than 40,000 African American soldiers paid the ultimate price for their country, and for their journey towards self-emancipation. Abraham Lincoln credited the place of African Americans in the US Army as the tipping point in the war. Among those who served were two of Frederick Douglass’s sons, Charles and Lewis. While Lincoln saw the service of African American soldiers as crucial to turning the tides of the war, many African American soldiers saw their service as the beginning of a journey to secure their freedom in a land that promised liberty for all. 

What was the name of the group of soldiers composed of Americans of African descent that fought for the Union Army during the Civil War?
More than 160,000 African American soldiers served in the Union Army.  Library of Congress

The Emancipation Proclamation also allowed Black men to serve in the Union army. This had been illegal under a federal law enacted in 1792 (although African Americans had served in the army in the War of 1812 and the law had never applied to the navy). With their stake in the Civil War now patently obvious, African Americans joined the service in significant numbers. By the end of the war, about 180,000 African Americans were in the army, which amounted to about 10 percent of the troops in that branch, and another 20,000 were serving in the navy.

Still, military service did not erase the bigotry that characterized Northern society at the time. African American soldiers were placed in segregated units, few of which saw action in battle, and their regiments were commanded by white men (see Robert Gould Shaw). Only a handful of African Americans achieved an officer’s rank. Most Black troops were put on guard duty or asked to build forts. (The U.S. armed forces would not be integrated until 1948.) Because they tended to be in camps, these men were at far greater risk of contracting a disease than were troops on the march. As a result, nearly three-fourths of the 40,000 African American soldiers who died in the war succumbed to either disease or infection rather than battle wounds. Initially, Black troops were paid significantly less than their white counterparts. White privates made $13 a month, and their uniforms were paid for. Blacks earned $10 a month, with $3 deducted each month for uniform costs. By June 1864 this had become enough of an embarrassment that Congress deemed that white and Black troops should be paid equally and made the action retroactive. African American soldiers were routinely issued equipment that was much older or poorly made in comparison with the equipment their white comrades received. Black soldiers also faced a threat that no white troops faced: when they were captured by the rebels, Black troops could be put into slavery, whether they had been free or slaves before the proclamation. They also suffered much harsher treatment if they were held as prisoners of war.

American Civil War: 54th Massachusetts regiment

Despite the many disadvantages under which they laboured, Black troops who saw battle performed admirably. African Americans participated directly in fights at Milliken’s Bend, Louisiana; Port Hudson, Louisiana; Fort Wagner, South Carolina, where the famed 54th Massachusetts Regiment lost two-thirds of its officers and nearly half its enlisted men; Petersburg, Virginia; and Nashville, Tennessee. Twenty-five Black men were awarded the Medal of Honor for their bravery during the war.

Jennifer L. Weber

Military events, meanwhile, were transpiring in other arenas.

In the Trans-Mississippi theatre covetous Confederate eyes were cast on California, where ports for privateers could be seized, as could gold and silver to buttress a sagging treasury. Led by Henry Sibley, a Confederate force of some 2,600 invaded the Union’s Department of New Mexico, where the Federal commander, Edward Canby, had but 3,810 men to defend the entire vast territory. Although plagued by pneumonia and smallpox, Sibley battered a Federal force at Valverde on February 21, 1862, and captured Albuquerque and Santa Fe on March 23. But at the crucial engagement of La Glorieta Pass (known also as Apache Canyon, Johnson’s Ranch, or Pigeon’s Ranch) a few days later, Sibley was checked and lost most of his wagon train. He had to retreat into Texas, where he reached safety in April but with only 900 men and 7 of 337 supply wagons left.

Battle of Wilson's Creek

Farther eastward, in the more vital Mississippi valley, operations were unfolding as large and as important as those on the Atlantic seaboard. Missouri and Kentucky were key border states that Lincoln had to retain within the Union orbit. Commanders there—especially on the Federal side—had greater autonomy than those in Virginia. Affairs began inauspiciously for the Federals in Missouri when Nathaniel Lyon’s 5,000 Union troops were defeated at Wilson’s Creek on August 10, 1861, by a Confederate force of more than 10,000 under Sterling Price and Benjamin McCulloch, each side losing some 1,200 men. But the Federals under Samuel Curtis decisively set back a gray-clad army under Earl Van Dorn at Pea Ridge (Elkhorn Tavern), Arkansas, on March 7–8, 1862, saving Missouri for the Union and threatening Arkansas.

The Confederates to the east of Missouri had established a unified command under Albert Sidney Johnston, who manned, with only 40,000 men, a long line in Kentucky running from near Cumberland Gap on the east through Bowling Green to Columbus on the Mississippi River. Numerically superior Federal forces cracked this line in early 1862. First, George H. Thomas broke Johnston’s right flank at Mill Springs (Somerset), Kentucky, on January 19. Then, in February, Grant, assisted by Federal gunboats commanded by Andrew H. Foote and acting under Halleck’s orders, ruptured the centre of the Southern line in Kentucky by capturing Fort Henry on the Tennessee River and Fort Donelson, 11 miles (18 km) to the east, on the Cumberland River (both forts located in Tennessee). The Confederates suffered more than 16,000 casualties at the latter stronghold—most of them taken prisoner—against Federal losses of fewer than 3,000, and Grant’s victories at Forts Henry and Donelson marked the first real successes for the Union in the war. Johnston’s left anchor fell when Pope seized New Madrid, Missouri, and Island Number Ten in the Mississippi River in March and April. This forced Johnston to withdraw his remnants quickly from Kentucky through Tennessee and to reorganize them for a counterstroke. This seemingly impossible task he performed splendidly.

The Confederate onslaught came at Shiloh, Tennessee, near Pittsburg Landing, a point on the west bank of the Tennessee River to which Grant and William T. Sherman had incautiously advanced. In a herculean effort, Johnston pulled his forces together and, with 40,000 men, suddenly struck a like number of unsuspecting Federals on April 6. Johnston hoped to crush Grant before the arrival of Don Carlos Buell’s 20,000 Federal troops, approaching from Nashville, Tennessee. A desperate combat ensued, with Confederate assaults driving the Federals perilously close to the river. But, at the height of success, Johnston was mortally wounded. The Southern attack then lost momentum, and Grant held on until reinforced by Buell. On the following day the Federals counterattacked and drove the Confederates, now under Beauregard, steadily from the field, forcing them to fall back to Corinth, in northern Mississippi. Grant’s victory cost him 13,047 casualties, compared with Southern losses of 10,694. Halleck then assumed personal command of the combined forces of Grant, Buell, and Pope and inched forward to Corinth, which the Confederates had evacuated on May 30. With this battle and its huge losses, the people of both the Union and the Confederacy came to realize that this war would be longer and costlier than many on either side had thought in 1861.

Battle of Corinth

Beauregard, never popular with Davis, was superseded by Braxton Bragg, one of the president’s favourites. Bragg was an imaginative strategist and an effective drillmaster and organizer, but he was also a weak tactician and a martinet who was disliked by a number of his principal subordinates. Leaving 22,000 men in Mississippi under Price and Van Dorn, Bragg moved through Chattanooga, Tennessee, with 30,000 troops, hoping to reconquer the state and carry the war into Kentucky. Some 18,000 other Confederate soldiers under E. Kirby Smith were at Knoxville, Tennessee. Buell led his Federal force northward to save Louisville, Kentucky, and to force Bragg to fight. Occupying Frankfort, Kentucky, Bragg failed to move promptly against Louisville. In the ensuing Battle of Perryville on October 8, Bragg, after an early advantage, was halted by Buell and impelled to fall back to a point south of Nashville. Meanwhile, Federals under William S. Rosecrans had checked Price and Van Dorn at Iuka, Mississippi, on September 19 and had repelled their attack in the Battle of Corinth on October 3–4.

Buell—like McClellan cautious and a Democrat—was slow in his pursuit of the retreating Confederates and, despite his success at Perryville, was relieved of his command by Lincoln on October 24. His successor, Rosecrans, was able to safeguard Nashville and then move southeastward against Bragg’s army at Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He scored a partial success by bringing on the bloody Battle of Stones River (or Murfreesboro, December 31, 1862–January 2, 1863). Again, after first having the better of the combat, Bragg was finally contained and forced to retreat. Of some 41,400 men, Rosecrans lost 12,906, while Bragg suffered 11,739 casualties out of about 34,700 effectives. Although it was a strategic victory for Rosecrans, his army was so shaken that he felt unable to advance again for five months, despite the urgings of Lincoln and Halleck.

Warren W. Hassler Jennifer L. Weber