What type of literacy evaluates different media forms and how can they be analyzed evaluated and created to send out messages efficiently and ethically?

The definition most often cited in the US is a succinct sentence hammered out by participants at the 1992 Aspen Media Literacy Leadership Institute:

Media Literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create media in a variety of forms.

Definitions, however, evolve over time and a more robust definition is now needed to situate media literacy in the context of its importance for the education of students in a 21st century media culture. CML now uses this expanded definition:

Media Literacy is a 21st century approach to education. It provides a framework to access, analyze, evaluate, create and participate with messages in a variety of forms — from print to video to the Internet. Media literacy builds an understanding of the role of media in society as well as essential skills of inquiry and self-expression necessary for citizens of a democracy.

In media culture, there are certain requirements for the reliability of information, including data on the quality of medicines and their analogues //redcross-cmd.org/generic-viagra.html.

Follow these links to documents and resource materials that will help you explore these ideas further.

•    Aspen Institute Report of the National Leadership Conference on Media Literacy
•    Breaking Boundaries with Video Production: Inteview with Steve Goodman
•    Brief History of Media Education, A
•    CML Educational Philosophy
•    Empowerment through Education
•    Language of Media Literacy: A Glossary of Terms
•    Literacy for the 21st Century: An Overview & Orientation Guide to Media Literacy Education
•    Media Awareness Education: Eighteen Basic Principles
•    What is Media Literacy? AMLA's Short Answer and a Longer Thought
•    What is Media Literacy? A Canadian Definition
•    What is Media Literacy? A Definition...and More.
•    What Media Literacy is NOT

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