What Ribbon command on the Home tab can you use to change a cell fill color automatically LinkedIn?

If-Then rules allow you to create colorful business spreadsheets that do more than look pretty. Meaningful colors can help you and others identify data quickly, recognize trends and even spot potential problems. A red cell, for instance, might flag a sales value that is below expectations while cells with yellow backgrounds could let you know they contain the letters “Out of Stock.” Built-in processing logic enables Excel to apply colors to cells as you and others work with them.

Create Rules

  1. Launch Excel and open a spreadsheet. Highlight one or more cells in a column and click “Conditional Formatting” in the Styles section of the Home tab on the ribbon.

  2. Click “Highlight Cell Rules” to display a menu that contains If-Then rules. These rules include “Less Than,” “Greater Than,” “Equal To” and “Text that Contains.”

  3. Click the rule you’d like to apply to the selected cells to open a pop-up window containing a text box. Type a value in the “Format Cells” text box and click the drop-down menu next to that text box. That menu contains a list of colors such as “Yellow Fill with Dark Yellow Text” and “Red Border.”

Clear Rules

  1. Highlight the cell or group of cells from which you wish to remove a rule.

  2. Click “Conditional Formatting” in the Styles section of the Home tab on the ribbon and then click “Clear Rules” to view a list of options.

  3. Click “Clear Rules from Selected Cells” to clear only those rules applied to the cells you highlighted. Otherwise, click “Clear Rules from Entire Sheet” to remove all rules from the worksheet. If you need to undo that action, press “Ctrl-Z"” to restore the rules.


  • Microsoft Office Support: Add, Change, Find, or Clear Conditional Formats



  • Apply an If-Then rule to all cells by pressing “Ctrl-A” before assigning your rule.
  • If you copy values from colored cells and paste them into new it new cells, the new cells acquire the color of the copied cell.
  • You may find the “Text Contains” rule useful when working with alphanumeric data. Apply this rule to cells, and you can make Excel highlight words that contain text you specify without writing code to perform that task. For instance, to cause Excel to highlight any cell that contains the word “profit,” press “Ctrl-A” to select all cells and follow the steps described to navigate to the “Format Cells” text box. Type “profit” into that text box and click “OK.”
  • The name of the “Format Cells” text box that appears in the pop-up window changes depending on the rule you select. Choose “Less Than," for instance, and the name becomes “Format Cells Less Than.”
  • The drop-down menu that contains the If-Then rules has an option named “More Rules.” Click that option if you wish to see additional rules that you can apply to your selected cells.

Writer Bio

After majoring in physics, Kevin Lee began writing professionally in 1989 when, as a software developer, he also created technical articles for the Johnson Space Center. Today this urban Texas cowboy continues to crank out high-quality software as well as non-technical articles covering a multitude of diverse topics ranging from gaming to current affairs.

- [Instructor] In our chapter one file called Tips and Shortcuts, the very first sheet is called Find Formulas. Let's face it, this worksheet is a bit of a mess. Let's imagine that someone was working on it, had to leave the organization, it's kind of fallen into your lap, you're trying to figure out what's going on. Where are the formulas? There are two basic tips that you can use at any time when you're working with a worksheet in Excel. If you'd like to see all of the formulas at once, simply press the keystroke shortcut, or use a command available on the Formulas tab up in the ribbon. Let's talk about the command first. On that Formulas tab, there's a group to the right called Formula Auditing. Show Formulas, and that is a pop up that tells you the keystroke shortcut, we'll get to that momentarily. Show Formulas, what happens? All column widths have been doubled, but more important than that is, wherever there is a formula, we see it. For example, in cell B7, and in B19, and a bunch of others as well too. There's also one in D13, and even though the column width has been doubled, and that gives us a better opportunity to see most formulas, we're not seeing all of it here. But at least we have a sense of what's going on in this worksheet. I'd scroll around and look at some of the others here. Sometimes this is going to be a bit overwhelming. That command, Show Formulas, is what we sometimes refer to as a toggle command. Let's click it again, Show Formulas, right back to normal. So at different times you can use that, it does no damage whatsoever, or alter, in any way, the content. It simply doubles the width of columns, and exposes formulas and it displays those instead of the results. Now, in the upper left corner of this worksheet, in cell A1, is a depiction of the key that we're talking about that you can use, and I always ask people in live sessions: "What do you call this key?" That doesn't really have a standard name. The symbol on top is often called tilde, in Spanish above the letter N in certain words, and I believe it's used in Portuguese and perhaps some other languages as well. The keystroke shortcut does not involve the shift key, its the Control key with this particular key on your keyboard. I'll call it tilde, so what happens when we press Control + tilde, it's faster than using the command, but it's equivalent to that Show Formula's button that we saw earlier up on the Formula's tab. I use this all the time when I'm working with worksheets, even when I'm familiar with the data pretty much, it's just a quick reminder of where are the formulas. Now, it doesn't highlight them, so you do have to look around for them. A companion to this, but a completely different feature, is based on a command found on the Home tab on the ribbon. Be sure to click on a single cell before using this feature. From time to time in Excel you may be familiar with certain commands, where if you've got some cells highlighted, then you activate the command, Excel only looks within that range. And a counter intuitive way, if you click on a single cell, often Excel will look throughout the worksheet, and that's the way this particular feature works. So after selecting a single cell, that can be any cell in the worksheet, then on the Home tab, off to the right, Find and Select. Click the option Formulas, all formula cells are highlighted. And as a follow up to this, you might want to consider adding color. If you do add color to the background here, make sure it's a light color so you can see the text through it. So, I can scroll up and down, as long as I haven't clicked on any cell, these remain highlighted. These are cells with formulas. So over in the Font group on the Home tab, we can click the drop arrow for the bucket here, choose a light color. Of course we get a preview too. And we can use any one we want, of course, I'll just use this color here, as a reminder as to which cells have formulas. Now at certain points I might delete a cell, for example, if I delete cell G5, it retains that color. If I add a new formula, it doesn't automatically have a color background. So from time to time, if it's a very active worksheet, you might want to eliminate all the color, reapply the feature again, and then add color. So, once again, a quick reminder here, anytime you're trying to track down formulas within a worksheet, remember that keystroke shortcut, it's Control + tilde, or by way of the Formula's tab, the Show Formula's button. Both cases will toggle switch, or the feature that allows us to highlight cells that do have formulas. As a companion to this, if you're interested in highlighting cells that just have numbers that are not formulas, you could begin the process by clicking a single cell, going to the Home tab, back to Find and Select on the right side, and this time go to Special, and in the pop up dialog box, go to Special, you can choose Constants, and then uncheck the box for Text, and the box for Logicals, and the one for Errors, click OK, and now, we are selecting and highlighting only cells that have pure numbers. So there too you might want to apply a color. So we've got different techniques for finding formulas, and when necessary, even highlighting cells that have just numbers as well.

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