What nut has the most fiber

The varieties of nuts you can find at most supermarkets are quite large, which means there is sure to be one or two you’ll love. Eating nuts is great for you because they contain lots of nutrients that benefit your health in many ways. Look for them in bulk so you can buy just how much you need or keep a canister in your pantry for a quick snack or cooking ingredient anytime the mood strikes. Check out these varieties of nuts to get yourself started.

Table of contents:

  1. Walnuts
  2. Brazil Nuts
  3. Almonds
  4. Pistachios
  5. Cashews
  6. Peanuts
  7. Pecans

What nut has the most fiber
Most nuts contain heart healthy fats, but walnuts are one of the varieties of nuts with the biggest benefits. Heart healthy fats are those that keep your cholesterol levels in check, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Walnuts are great plain, but they’re also yummy on oatmeal, in trail mix or tossed into a vegetable salad. These healthy fats also boost brain health, which can help ward off Alzheimer’s and related diseases.

What nut has the most fiber
Brazil nuts aren’t your most well-known nut, but they have a really great flavor that is super different from other nuts. They’re also fairly easy to find at the grocery store. You want to eat these nuts because they are absolutely stuffed with nutrients, from iron to magnesium to vitamin D to fiber. They’ve been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. Use them in cookies, trail mix or just grab a handful to keep you going at work.

What nut has the most fiber
I love almonds. They are the epitome of nuttiness if you ask me. They’re easy to find and easy to use. I like sliced almonds on steamed green beans and in crisp vegetable salads. They also make a great coating for fish or chicken breasts and taste awesome in your favorite muffin or sweetbread recipe. Almonds have been shown to have a positive effect on diabetes and can help lower cholesterol.

What nut has the most fiber
Pistachios are a nut variety that is one of the highest in fiber. Fiber is a magical little nutrient that can help you control your appetite and perhaps even drop some excess pounds. That’s because it digests slowly, which means pistachios can help keep you feeling full longer than other snacks. That translates to less temptation to reach for unhealthy snacks between meals. Fiber also promotes healthy digestion and helps reduce the risk of heart disease.

What nut has the most fiber
You know they taste great, but did you know that cashews can also keep heart problems at bay? Like many other nuts, cashews are high in fiber and heart healthy fats that help reduce the risk. However, they also contain arginine, which is an amino acid that can help relax your blood vessels, reducing the risk of issues with your heart.

What nut has the most fiber
Peanuts are rich in vitamin E, which is a nutrient your brain relies on for good health and function. By eating peanuts, you can help prevent cognition problems that occur with age. In addition, peanuts contain folate, which has been linked to improving the health of neurons in your brain, which in turn helps prevent them from giving in to the effects of aging.

What nut has the most fiber
I know that honey roasted pecans are probably one of the best foods on the planet, but if you want to reap the benefits, it’s better to opt for raw or roasted pecans. That’s because they won’t contain as much fat and calories or sugar as the candied ones do. Pecans, like many other nuts, can help lower cholesterol. They also have a high level of antioxidants, which means they fight free radical damage and can help ward off heart disease and many types of cancer.

What’s your favorite nut? Did you know it was so good for you? It’s important to keep in mind that nuts are higher in calories than some other snacks, so it’s a good idea to balance them with your other meals and snacks so you don’t overdo it. Even if they are super healthy, too many calories from eating nuts can cause weight gain. Which will you try first?


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Filling up on high-fiber foods is never a bad idea. This important nutrient is an essential part of any well-rounded diet, because it helps keep your digestive system regular, your blood sugar levels normal, and it promotes heart health and satiety. But actually fitting enough fiber into your daily diet isn’t exactly easy. The recommended daily intake for women rests at a hefty 25 grams. This high quota is hard for many to meet.

So what’s the best way to ensure you’re always getting the right amount of fiber? You have to know which foods to eat more of. So, what foods are high in fiber? The 36 ones on this list will help you fly past that daily recommendation in no time. We're not just talking about beans and prunes (though they make the list, obviously). There are quite a few tasty ways to get the fiber your body needs. Some of these high-fiber superfoods might surprise you.

What nut has the most fiber
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Bet you didn’t know that this spring veggie packs more fiber per serving than any other vegetable. Just one artichoke has about 7 grams. They taste great in pastas, dips, and on pizzas, but they're under appreciated in most kitchens! Maybe because they seem complicated. Head over here to learn some easy ways to use artichokes in your home cooking. They're deceptively simple to prepare and, if we're being honest, are classy af to serve at a dinner party.

What nut has the most fiber
Getty Images/Justine Gordon / EyeEm

Here’s another spring vegetable that packs the fiber: One cup has about 8 grams. Peas are also a great affordable ingredient. You can buy them fresh or frozen and add them to everything from fried rice to pasta. Next time you make a stirfry and want to make it a little more substantial without adding much effort, just throw in some frozen peas and voilà!

What nut has the most fiber
Getty Images/Julia Khusainova

Berries are perhaps the best thing about summertime (next to rosé) and they’re full of fiber. Raspberries have about 8 grams per cup. Snack on them, throw them into your cereal or oatmeal, or a top a salad with them. They're delicious in all ways.

What nut has the most fiber
Getty Images/Westend61

The Internet’s favorite fruit may be primarily known for its healthy fat content (and the amazing way it tastes on toast), but it’s also secretly a good source of fiber. One half an avocado has 7 grams; please pass the guac! Seriously, whether you mash it up and spread it on toast or add slices to a sandwich or salad, avocados are a delicious way to get some fiber.

What nut has the most fiber
Getty Images/Sasha Bell

A medium sized pear packs 6 grams of fiber, providing about 24 percent of your recommended daily value for fiber. Tip: The skin of the pear contains the majority of the fiber, so no peeling necessary.

What nut has the most fiber
Getty Images/Francesco Perre / EyeEm

Spaghetti is a delightfully fibrous meal—if you’re using whole wheat pasta, that is. Just one cup has 9 grams of fiber. Kick up that count even more by topping your dish with hearty veggies like artichokes and peas. What's more delightful than a quick, delicious meal that's also nutritious?

What nut has the most fiber
Getty Images/John Scott

Good news: One cup of brown rice has 3 grams of fiber so store a bag of this in your pantry at all times for easy access to high-fiber meals.

What nut has the most fiber
Getty Images/imagenavi

There's a reason that prunes are known as one of the best foods to eat when you're constipated. In addition to the sugar alcohols in dried fruits that give them a laxative effect, pitted prunes have 8 grams of fiber per cup. Prunes aren't just useful, they're also a really tasty snack, so don't wait to try them out!

What nut has the most fiber
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This dish is such a beloved breakfast, because it’s so nutrient-packed and it's also hearty, filling, and delicious, especially on chilly mornings. In addition to a high fiber count fiber, it also has lots of protein. Each cup of multigrain oatmeal has 10 grams of fiber. Throw some dried fruit and nuts into your next bowl of oats for a truly filling meal.

What nut has the most fiber
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Edamame—the Japanese restaurant appetizer mainstay of soy beans in their shells—packs 8 grams of fiber into one cup. It’s also high in protein and makes a delicious snack. Keep the frozen kind on hand for whenever you want a quick, filling snack.

What nut has the most fiber
Getty Images/G.G.Bruno

Grind up flax seeds and throw them into baked goods like muffins and pancakes. Just one tablespoon of flax will provide you with 3 grams of fiber. They're also a great source of healthy fats. If you want to use flax seeds but aren't much of a baker, you can also throw them into your blender and drink them in your smoothie.

What nut has the most fiber
Getty Images/EyeEm

As if you needed another reason to love this affordable and nutritious barbecue option, corn has 3 grams of fiber per cup. But hey, don't sleep on the canned stuff either. It makes a great side dish as well as the perfect ingredient to throw into a stirfry, soup, or salad.

What nut has the most fiber
Getty Images/Phichay Cheiyw Sa Ri Kic / EyeEm

Whether you love okra, can’t stand it, or aren’t exactly sure what to do with it, one thing to know is that this veggie is pretty high in fiber. Half a cup has about 2 grams of fiber. Not sure how to cook it? Try it pickled or roasted.

What nut has the most fiber
simona flamigni / Getty Images
What nut has the most fiber
travellinglight / Getty Images

Potatoes get a bad rap, but it's not really fair. (We blame French fries—and, um, we'll take a side of them, please.) They're really a wholesome and nutritious food. One medium potato packs in 2 grams of fiber, along with potassium and vitamins C and B-6.

What nut has the most fiber
Julia_Sudnitskaya / Getty Images
What nut has the most fiber
Drazen Stader / EyeEm / Getty Images

So well known for its vitamin C power, oranges probably don't get their due for also packing in a bunch of healthy fiber. One medium orange has 4 grams of fiber.

What nut has the most fiber
julpho / Getty Images

Get this: A cup of navy beans—AKA white beans or pearl haricot beans—contains 13 grams of fiber. What's more, they're a great (vegetarian) source of protein and iron.

What nut has the most fiber
Westend61 / Getty Images
What nut has the most fiber
Vesna Jovanovic / EyeEm / Getty Images

A cup of popcorn has just over one gram of fiber in it (but you're going to want to go ahead and eat more than that). It's kind of the perfect snack: filling, fibrous, and a whole food, to boot. Add chocolate and almonds for a sweet, salty, protein boost.

What nut has the most fiber
Ilka & Franz / Getty Images

Great for muscle cramps and bloating due to their potassium content, bananas can also help get you to your daily fiber goals. One medium banana has 3 grams.

What nut has the most fiber
Agnese Siciliano / Getty Images

A cup of cooked split peas has 16 grams of fiber. Makes you really appreciate an old fashioned bowl of split pea soup, doesn't it?

What nut has the most fiber
Aniko Hobel / Getty Images
What nut has the most fiber
Kirk Mastin / Getty Images

Don't sleep on pecans as a great high-fiber snack. A cup of pecan halves has 10 grams of fiber. But again, a serving size of pecans is about an ounce or two.

What nut has the most fiber
Thomas Damgaard Sabo, Damgaard Photography / Getty Images

A heartier alternative to raspberries, blackberries also have about 8 grams of fiber per cup.

What nut has the most fiber
Harald Walker / EyeEm / Getty Images
What nut has the most fiber
Mary Ellen Bartley / Getty Images

It's a shame that lima beans are so often used as an example of a gross vegetable that kids don't want to eat, don't you think? Well, don't let their poor reputation (or childhood memories of mushy dinners) discourage you. A cup of these beany beauties pack 9 grams of fiber.

What nut has the most fiber
Schon & Probst / Getty Images

Nuts, like beans, are known for being high in fiber and protein. And wouldn't ya know: Almonds have 4 grams of fiber per one ounce serving.

What nut has the most fiber
Westend61 / Getty Images
What nut has the most fiber
PeopleImages / Getty Images

These might be the first thing you think of when you think about high-fiber foods. (For better or for worse, if you catch our drift.) Black beans have 15 grams of fiber per cup and they also pack a lot of protein. Get creative with these guys; their mild flavor and sturdy texture makes them easy to work into so many different recipes. Did you know you can make brownies out of black beans? Here's how, plus six other surprising ways to use them.

What nut has the most fiber
Vesna Jovanovic / EyeEm / Getty Images

We all know the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” and while it may not be entirely true, eating apples is a great way to keep your digestive track well-oiled. One medium apple has 4 grams of fiber.

What nut has the most fiber

This may be surprising, but dried figs are actually more fiber-heavy than prunes. Sure, prunes may be known for their digestive assistance, but dried figs have more fiber per cup—15 grams to prunes’ 12.

What nut has the most fiber

There is a whopping 2 grams of fiber per ounce of chocolate made from 60-69 percent cocoa. In other words, chocolate is even more magical that you might've realized.

What nut has the most fiber

A medium onion has 2 grams of fiber. Of course, that's not a ton, but it makes onions an even nicer bonus topping/addition to a sandwich, salad, soup, stew, or dip.

What nut has the most fiber
m-chin/Getty Images

These babies have a whopping 10 grams of fiber per ounce. When they meet with water, they form a gel that is great for thickening smoothies, making nutritious puddings, or replacing eggs in cakes and cookies. Chia seeds are versatile enough that they can take center stage (as in chia puddings) or be totally hidden in smoothies, so whether you want to experience their unique jellylike texture or avoid it entirely, you have options.

What nut has the most fiber
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Rivaling other fiber sources such as psyllium, wheat bran, oat bran, and rice bran, a tiny (2-in-by-2-inch) piece of coconut supplies an impressive 4 grams of fiber. Bonus: Coconut is delicious and you can eat it and add it to recipes in tons of different ways.
