What means transfer of all rights and remedies with respect to the subject matter of insurance from insured to insurance?

APRA has statutory powers to deal with breaches and non-compliance of the legal and regulatory requirements, such as:

  • Wide investigative powers.

  • Disqualifying individuals from acting as responsible persons.

  • Seeking injunctive relief.

  • Imposing conditions on an institution's licence or issue directions related to particular matters.

  • Recapitalisation direction powers.

  • Applying to the Federal Court for various judicial penalties.

ASIC can also take enforcement actions and pursue a variety of remedies, depending on the seriousness and consequences of the misconduct by licensees and corporations. These include:

  • Wide investigative powers.

  • Issuing product intervention and stop orders.

  • Imposing infringement notices.

  • Revocation, suspension or variation of conditions of an AFS licence.

  • Applying to the Courts for various judicial penalties, including inunctions and pecuniary penalties.

Both APRA and ASIC can refer matters to the Commonwealth Department of Public Prosecutions for it to determine whether to undertake a criminal prosecution of the entity and/or persons involved.

There are some circumstances where directors and officers who breach the law can be personally liable.

The legal validity of a contract of insurance is not affected by an insurer's regulatory breach under the Insurance Act or the Life Insurance Act, and so the contract will remain enforceable.

ASIC has the authority to seek court orders that a contract issued by the regulated entity should not be enforced against the policyholder. However, the approach of the regulator is dependent on the nature and severity of the contravention committed.

The General Insurance Code of Practice (GICOP) is independently monitored and enforced by the Code Governance Committee which may impose sanctions on insurers who breach the Code. Possible sanctions include requiring insurers to:

  • Take particular rectification steps within a set timeframe.

  • Audit their compliance with the Code at their own cost.

  • Undertake corrective advertising.

For significant breaches, insurers can be required to:

  • Publish the fact they have committed a significant breach of the code.

  • Pay a community benefit payment up to a maximum of AUD100,000.

The Life Insurance Code of Practice (LICOP) is monitored by the independent Code Compliance Committee. Under the current code, the Committee can impose sanctions on insurers who do not correct breaches of the Code. The draft Life Insurance Code of Practice 2.0 amends the sanctions powers to allow the Committee to impose sanctions on insurers who commit a significant breach of Code. However, if adopted, it will also require the Committee to notify the insurer's Chief Executive Officer in writing, give the insurer 15 business days to respond, and consider that response before imposing any sanctions. Possible sanctions under the draft Code include requiring insurers to:

  • Take particular rectification steps within a set timeframe.

  • Undertake corrective advertising.

  • Write to consumers affected by the breach.

  • Publish their non-compliance on their websites and the Financial Services Council's website.

Any breach of the law or the terms of the licence by insurance intermediaries that are AFS licensees may give rise to a variety of regulatory actions by ASIC (depending on the nature and severity of the breach). The types of offences for which the ASIC has the power to seek penalties are defined in the Corporations Act and ASIC Act.

Below we explain each item briefly, including how each may relate to a potential injury lawsuit. These principles are open to interpretation. If you think one of these principles has been breached, or your insurance claim has wrongfully been denied, we recommend using our free case evaluation to help decide whether hiring a lawyer makes sense for you.

The Principle of Utmost Good Faith Both parties involved in an insurance contract—the insured (policy holder) and the insurer (the company)—should act in good faith towards each other. The insurer and the insured must provide clear and concise information regarding the terms and conditions of the contract This is a very basic and primary principle of insurance contracts because the nature of the service is for the insurance company to provide a certain level of security and solidarity to the insured person’s life. However, the insurance company must also watch out for anyone looking for a way to scam them into free money. So each party is expected to act in good faith towards each other. If the insurance company provides you with falsified or misrepresented information, then they are liable in situations where this misrepresentation or falsification has caused you loss. If you have misrepresented information regarding subject matter or your own personal history, then the insurance company’s liability becomes void (revoked). See how a social media post could ruin a personal injury case.

The Principle of Insurable Interest

Insurable interest just means that the subject matter of the contract must provide some financial gain by existing for the insured (or policyholder) and would lead to a financial loss if damaged, destroyed, stolen, or lost.

  • The insured must have an insurable interest in the subject matter of the insurance contract.
  • The owner of the subject is said to have an insurable interest until s/he is no longer the owner.

In auto insurance, this will most times be a no brainer, but it does lead to issues when the person driving a vehicle doesn’t own it. For instance, if you are hit by a person who isn’t on the insurance policy of the vehicle, do you file a claim with the owner’s insurance company or the driver’s insurance company? This is a simple but crucial element for an insurance contract to exist.

The Principle of Indemnity

  • Indemnity is a guarantee to restore the insured to the position he or she was in before the uncertain incident that caused a loss for the insured. The insurer (provider) compensates the insured (policyholder).
  • The insurance company promises to compensate the policyholder for the amount of the loss up to the amount agreed upon in the contract.

Essentially, this is the part of the contract that matters the most for the insurance policyholder because this is the part of the contract that says she or he has the right to be compensated or, in other words, indemnified for his or her loss.

The amount of compensation is in direct proportion with the incurred loss. The insurance company will pay up to the amount of the incurred loss or the insured amount agreed on in the contract, whichever is less. For instance, if your car is inured for $10,000 but damages are only $3,000. You get $3,000 not the full amount.

Compensation is not paid when the incident that caused the loss doesn’t happen during the time allotted in the contract or from the specific agreed upon causes of loss (as you will see in The Principle of Proximate Cause). Insurance contracts are created solely as a means to provide protection from unexpected events, not as a means to make a profit from a loss. Therefore, the insured is protected from losses by the principle of indemnity, but through stipulations that keep him or her from being able to scam and make a profit.

The Principle of Contribution

  • Contribution establishes a corollary among all the insurance contracts involved in an incident or with the same subject.
  • Contribution allows for the insured to claim indemnity to the extent of actual loss from all the insurance contracts involved in his or her claim.

For instance, imagine that you have taken out two insurance contracts on your used Lamborghini so that you are covered fully in any situation. Let’s say you have a policy with Allstate that covers $30,000 in property damage and a policy with State Farm that cover $50,000 in property damage. If you end up in a wreck that causes $50,000 worth of damage to your vehicle. Then about $19,000 will be covered by Allstate and $31,000 by State Farm.

This is the principle of contribution. Each policy you have on the same subject matter pays their proportion of the loss incurred by the policyholder. It’s an extension of the principle of indemnity that allows proportional responsibility for all insurance coverage on the same subject matter.

The Principle of Subrogation

This principle can be a little confusing, but the example should help make it clear. Subrogation is substituting one creditor (the insurance company) for another (another insurance company representing the person responsible for the loss).

  • After the insured (policyholder) has been compensated for the incurred loss on a piece of property that was insured, the rights of ownership of this property go to the insurer.

So lets say you are in a car wreck caused by a third party and your file a claim with your insurance company to pay for the damages on your car and your medical expenses. Your insurance company will assume ownership of your car and medical expenses in order to step in and file a claim or lawsuit with the person who is actually responsible for the accident (i.e. the person who should have paid for your losses).

The insurance company can only benefit from subrogation by winning back the money it paid to its policyholder and the costs of acquiring this money. Anything paid extra from the third party, is given to the policyholder. So lets say your insurance company filed a lawsuit with the negligent third party after the insurance company had already compensated you for the full amount of your damages. If their lawsuit ends up winning more money from the negligent third party than they paid you, they’ll use that to cover court costs and the remaining balance will go to you.

The Principle of Proximate Cause

  • The loss of insured property can be caused by more than one incident even in succession to each other.
  • Property may be insured against some but not all causes of loss.
  • When a property is not insured against all causes, the nearest cause is to be found out.
  • If the proximate cause is one in which the property is insured against, then the insurer must pay compensation. If it is not a cause the property is insured against, then the insurer doesn’t have to pay.

When buying your insurance policies, you will most likely go through a process where you select which instances you and your property will be covered for and which ones they will not. This is where you are selecting which proximate causes are covered. If you end up in an incident, then the proximate cause will have to be investigated so that the insurance company validates that you are covered for the incident.

This can lead to disputes when you have suffered an incident you thought was covered but your insurance provider says it’s not. Insurance companies want to make sure they are protecting themselves but sometimes they can use this to get out of being liable for a situation. This might be a dispute where you’ll need a lawyer to help argue for you.

The Principle of Loss Minimization

This is our final principle that creates an insurance contract and the most simple one probably.

  • In an uncertain event, it is the insured’s responsibility to take all precautions to minimize the loss on the insured property.

Insurance contracts shouldn’t be about getting free stuff every time something bad happens. Therefore, a little responsibility is bestowed upon the insured to take all measures possible to minimize the loss on the property. This principle can be debatable, so call a lawyer if you think you are being unfairly judged under this principle.

And That, Ladies and Gentlemen, is What Makes Up an Insurance Contract

If you think you’ve been the victim of a breech of contract or that your provider has failed to maintain their duty to you, call us for a free consultation. We can help you work the ins and outs of insurance company jargon and combat their track record of unfair treatment towards policy holders.

About the Author: Justin McMinn is a partner at McMinn Law Firm. Justin McMinn handles personal injury cases for clients in Austin and the surrounding areas. He focuses on cases involving injury in auto wrecks including car, truck, and bicycle accidents. He has been a personal injury accident lawyer at McMinn Law Firm since 2007. Follow him on Avvo.com