What is the theme of There Will Come Soft Rains

In August of 2026, in California, a fully-automated house announces that it is time to wake up. Yet the house is empty. Breakfast is automatically made, but there is no one to eat it. Outside, where the automatic sprinklers come on, a wall can be seen where the paint has all been burned off except for a few silhouettes. There is a silhouette of a man and woman doing yardwork and of a boy and a girl throwing a ball. The rest of the neighborhood is charred and flattened, and a radioactive glow hangs over the city. A dog enters the house, covered with sores, and dies. The robotic mice that automatically clean the house take the dog away to the incinerator. As evening comes, the house automatically reads the woman's favorite poem, "There Will Come Soft Rains." The poem describes how, once man is utterly destroyed because of a war, nature will go on without man, as if nothing had happened. Later that night, a tree bough falls on the house, causing a fire that consumes all of the house but one wall.

In October of 2026, a rocket lands on Mars. It carries a husband and wife and three boys. They have a stockpile of food. They head down a canal in a boat. The Dad has a mysterious smile on his face, and his eldest (but still young) son Timothy tries to understand what is happening. Suddenly, they hear an explosion, as their rocket self-destructs. The Dad explains that he has brought them away from Earth to start a new life on Mars. The next day, the Edwards will arrive with their daughters, and together they will start life anew. The Dad lets his boys pick out a city to live in, and he burns a number of papers he brought from Earth, even a map of Earth. He then takes his boys to see some Martians. He has them look into the canal at their own reflections.


The irony of the story "There Will Come Soft Rains" is strong. The poem within the story describes how happy nature will be when man has destroyed himself, but the truth is that nature has been decimated by the war. The dog that comes in to die is lean and covered with sores. The rest of the city is "rubble and ashes." Radiation hangs in the air. Yet nature lives on in a mechanical form. Mechanical mice scurry about the house. The closest thing to soft rains that fall are the mechanical rains of the sprinkler system that goes off when the house catches fire. The poem, which seems pessimistic, is actually very optimistic compared to the reality. In this penultimate story, Bradbury shows his final example of the folly of thoughtless technological development. It is no wonder that some in the Science Fiction community accuse him of being anti-science.

If "There Will Come Soft Rains" brings Bradbury's criticisms of heedless advancement to a climax, then "The Million-Year Picnic" is a fitting denouement, or conclusion following the climax. It is his alternative to the pioneering style criticized in the rest of the book. Instead of making Mars as much like Earth as possible, Timothy and his family will adjust to Mars. The Dad tries to convince his boys that they will be Martians, and he symbolically burns a map of Earth. They decide to live in a Martian city instead of building a wooden, American town. They are fleeing Earth because they do not like it and want to be somewhere else. To Bradbury, this is the correct way to be a pioneer.

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Technology has became the new bomb we must defeat. According to Albert Einstein, “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” Nuclear bombs are able to destroy thousands of lives and can completely destroy cities and towns. In “August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains” by Ray Bradbury, the author uses setting, symbolism, and personification to convey the theme that technology will destroy mankind. The story explains how the city has only one house left standing after a nuclear bomb has hit the city. The house and voice-clock throughout the story play the roles of the people who used to live in the house. The house starts to disintegrate and vanish forever because technology has grown to strong and has taken…show more content…
The author writes, “Today is August 4, 2026,”...“in the city of Allendale, California” (1). This gives us the idea of the type of weather and climate the story has. California is known for being really warm and has lots of rain in the winter and spring. Bradbury shows us how something has gone wrong with the city: “ The house stood alone in a city of rubble and ashes. This was the one house left standing. At night the ruined city gave off a radioactive glow which could be seen for miles” (1). This shows how the main character the house is all alone and that technology is completely destroying the entire city. The setting portrays what the environment is in the story and how the world is beginning to get destroyed. The setting begins to guide us towards the theme of the…show more content…
The author says, “The weather box on the front door sang quietly: “Rain, rain, go away; rubbers, raincoats for today” (1)... This shows how the weather box is a major voice and gives direction to the house and the outside. The author also states, “The sun came out from behind the rain” (1). This shows how the author is personifying the weather box, to tell the house and all the other animated features of the house, the type of weather it is outside. I think that the weather box is almost like a weather reporter for the house, since ultimately there is no humans living. Personification helps really convey the theme to all of the readers and

‘There Will Come Soft Rains’ is, like many stories Ray Bradbury (1920-2012) wrote in the early 1950s, haunted by the fear of nuclear war. Sometimes known by the slightly longer title, ‘August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains’, the story appeared in Bradbury’s 1951 collection The Martian Chronicles and remains one of his best-known and most widely studied short stories.

The story is set in a house in 2026, when nuclear war has annihilated human life. However, the technological devices in the house, such as the mechanical clock and dishwasher, continue to perform their daily automated duties, until they, too, are overwhelmed and destroyed by the forces of nature.

‘There Will Come Soft Rains’: plot summary

The setting of the story is a house in the year 2026. A clock announces the date, August 4, 2026, and tells the members of the house that it is time to wake up. However, there are no signs of human activity, or even habitation, within the house.

The various contraptions in the house continue to prepare everything for the day, but the humans these machines are designed to ‘serve’ don’t show up. Machines in the kitchen prepare eggs and toast for breakfast, but the food goes untouched, and is poured down a waste-disposal unit, with the dirty plates being washed by an automated washer. Tiny robotic mice appear out of the wall and clean the house.

At noon, the family dog returns and the automated front door recognises the sound of its whine and opens to let it inside. It is shivering, emaciated, and covered in sores: although it’s not stated, it’s implied that this is a result of the nuclear attack which killed the dog’s owners. The dog traipses mud into the house, and the robotic mice promptly clean up after him. The debris is then deposited in an incinerator which the narrator likens to ‘evil Baal’, a ‘false god’ from the Bible.

In the afternoon, the automated devices in the house continue to prepare things for its owners, but there are still no humans in sight: the cards laid out for a game remain untouched and are cleared away. A robotic voice reads a poem chosen at random (something it does every day for the mother of the family): today, the poem is Sara Teasdale’s ‘There Will Come Soft Rains’, a poem about ‘wartime’ which describes what the world would be like if ‘mankind perished utterly’: in summary, nature would not care and the world would carry on.

Next, a wind gets up and causes a fire in the house. The house responds by turning on water sprinklers to douse the fire, but this fails to put the fire out. The house is destroyed and the technology in it fails, with only the mechanical voice which opened the story ‘surviving’ to announce, the next morning, the new date of August 5, 2026, over and over again.

‘There Will Come Soft Rains’: analysis

‘There Will Come Soft Rains’ takes its title from Teasdale’s poem, which was written during the First World War of 1914-18: the first mass industrial war. By 1951, when Bradbury borrowed Teasdale’s title for his story, technology had made war on an even vaster and more destructive scale possible, as the bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had shown in 1945.

This is the main theme of Bradbury’s story: nuclear annihilation. But there are several grim ironies which Bradbury explores and reveals in ‘There Will Come Soft Rains’. First, the technology in the story, all of the robotic mice and mechanical labour-saving devices, are part and parcel will the technological and scientific ‘progress’ which led to the development of the atomic bomb. Bradbury is inviting us to ask whether technological progress is in itself a good thing: instead, much comes down to how it is used by humans.

Second, the technological aids which fill the house were powerless to protect the house’s inhabitants from a horrible death in the nuclear blast. The robotic mice may continue to clean and the clock persist in announcing the date and time, but this is just a reminder of the

What is the theme of There Will Come Soft Rains
emptiness which otherwise fills the house which was designed for human habitation. This makes all of these technological developments almost laughably pathetic when some other scientific breakthrough – nuclear fission – can make it possible for humans to wipe each other from the face of the earth. Having a mechanised voice read you a poem every evening is a small consolation for the prospect of a nuclear winter.

Finally, and perhaps most poetically of all, there is the dark irony which Bradbury took from Teasdale’s poem, ‘There Will Come Soft Rains’. Even the most powerful man-made device of them all, the atom bomb, is dwarfed by the hardy persistence of nature. All it takes is a gust of wind to start a fire, and these two natural phenomena succeed in wiping out all of the remaining technology with the (again, almost grimly comical) voice of the mechanical clock announcing the new day.

With this in mind, Bradbury’s story might be productively compared – in a sort of comparative analysis – with the Wallace Stevens poem, ‘A Postcard from the Volcano’, which was published fifteen years before Bradbury’s story but which also offers a post-apocalyptic landscape (specifically, one written, like Bradbury’s from an American perspective) in which mankind has been forgotten and nature goes on.

It’s worth remembering that the United States of the 1950s was, for many, a time of great optimism: America had helped the Allies to win the war in 1945, and, particularly for middle-class America, this was an era of great hope and prosperity. But it was also a time when the Cold War between the US and the USSR was starting to worry the authorities: the 1950s was the decade of Senator McCarthy’s anti-Communist witch hunts, and Americans were only too aware that their victory in the recent world war had largely been made possible by unleashing a dangerous new weapon upon their enemies. What would happen if the Soviet Union developed, and then launched, atomic bombs on America?

Of course, in an era in which our houses are filled with voice-activated technology, security cameras, electric dishwashers, broadband, and the rest of it (and living, lest we forget, in an age dangerously close to the year in which Bradbury’s story is set, 2026), Bradbury’s vision of a home dominated by such technology has largely come true. It was the architect Le Corbusier who declared that a house is ‘a machine for living in’, but in Bradbury’s story the machine has been stripped of its life. All of the technology mimics human activity in some way: the clock mimics human speech, and the mechanical mice (almost like something out of a fairy tale or Tchaikovsky ballet) mimic human cleaners.

Bradbury also uses a number of similes and metaphors which describe the house as a human body of sorts: he describes the house as having a ‘paranoia’ which is ‘old-maidenly’ in its nature, and he refers to the ‘nerves’, ‘veins’, and ‘capillaries’ of the house, as if it were a vast living organism itself. The irony should not be lost on us: the simile is there to point up the ironic distance between the technological house and the recently destroyed humans for whom it was built. However, what does unite the house with its former occupants is that both will ultimately be destroyed by forces greater than themselves.

Bradbury’s reference to the incinerator, which he likens, in another simile, to ‘evil Baal’, is also revealing on several levels. The vent of the contraption is described as ‘sighing’: yet another sign of the house’s imitation of human behaviour. But Baal was a false god worshipped by people in the Old Testament. Bradbury’s point is obvious: like Baal, this incinerator – and, by extension, all technology – is a false god or idol which we worship at our peril.

The fact that the machine so described is an incinerator, something which destroys things by fire, both looks back to the nuclear fire which destroyed the family of the house but also prefigures the burning up of the house in the conflagration at the end of the story. If we recall that Baal also features as a character in Milton’s Paradise Lost (1667), in which he is a close associate of Satan in (fiery) hell, we realise that, whilst Bradbury’s story is not overtly religious, he is drawing on such Christian associations in order to suggest the hell, not just of nuclear war, but also a world overly reliant on technology at the cost of human life.