What is the molarity in 650 ml of solution containing 63 grams of nacl

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The molarity of the NaCl solution is 1.66 M.


Molarity is the unit of concentration of a solution. It is defined as the number of moles of solute per liters of solution. In variable expression, molarity is

M =

To solve the problem, we are going to use the definition of molarity.


  • 650 mL solution
  • 63 grams of NaCl



Solve first the number of moles of NaCl from 63 grams. To do this, we will use the molar mass of NaCl which is 58.44 g/mol.

  • 63 grams NaCl ×
    = 1.078029 mol NaCl
  • M =
  • M =
  • M = 1.66 molar

Note that we convert the given volume of the solution from mL to L because the definition of molarity needs the volume of solution in terms of liters.

Therefore, the molarity of the NaCl solution is 1.66 M.

Know more about molarity here:




Taylor M.

asked • 04/09/18

i dont know how to do it can you guys please help me 

1 Expert Answer

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