What is the maximum number of points of intersection of two circles which have unequal radii

If two circles are different, then they can only intersect 0, 1, or 2 times.

What are the maximum possible intersections between two different circles?

Two circles can intersect in at most two points (excluding the case where two circles coincide with each other). So by looking at all possible pairs of circles, the maximum number of intersection points is given by 2(82)=56.

Does two diameters of a circle will necessarily intersect?

Answer: Both the statements are true Hence, the two diameters of a circle will necessarily intersect at the center.

How do you find where two circles intersect?

To do this, you need to work out the radius and the centre of each circle. If the sum of the radii and the distance between the centres are equal, then the circles touch externally. If the difference between the radii and the distance between the centres are equal, then the circles touch internally.

What is the intersection of two circles?

Two circles may intersect in two imaginary points, a single degenerate point, or two distinct points. The intersections of two circles determine a line known as the radical line.

What are two intersecting circles called?

Venn diagrams
Venn diagrams normally comprise overlapping circles. The interior of the circle symbolically represents the elements of the set, while the exterior represents elements that are not members of the set.

What is the maximum number of points of intersection of two circles which have unequal radii?

The maximum number of points of intersection of 8 circles of unequal radii is 56 .

What is the maximum possible number of intersections between 4 unique circles?

Each line intersects 4 circles at 8 points. Hence, 4 lines intersect four circles at a maximum of 32 points. Thus, required number of intersections = 6 + 12 + 32 = 50.

What is the point of intersection of two diameters of a circle?

point of intersection of two diameter of a circle is called CENTER OF THE CIRCLE….

Is every diameter of a circle also called?

(a) Yes, every diameter of a circle is also a chord because a chord of a circle is any line segment joining two points on the circumference of the circle.

What do you call the intersection of two circles?

The intersections of two circles determine a line known as the radical line. If three circles mutually intersect in a single point, their point of intersection is the intersection of their pairwise radical lines, known as the radical center.

What are two overlapping circles called?

Venn diagram
A Venn diagram consists of multiple overlapping closed curves, usually circles, each representing a set.

How many points of intersection are there in a circle?

1 If the line cuts through the circle, there will be two points of intersection 2 If the line is a tangent to the circle, there will be one point of intersection 3 If the line misses the circle, there will be no point of intersection

When do two circles intersect in a graph?

Two circles will touch if the distance between their centres, (d), is equal to the sum of their radii, or the difference between their radii. Two circles will intersect at two points when ({r_1} – {r_2}textless dtextless {r_1} + {r_2}) The centre of one circle will lie on the other circle when (d = {r_1}) or (d = {r_2}).

How are the diameter and radius of a circle related?

The diameter is the length of the line through the centre that touches two points on the circle’s edge. The radius is half of the diameter. It starts from a point on the circle and ends at the centre of the circle. The diameter divides the circle into two equal halves called semi-circles

Which is more important the diameter or the circumference?

The circumference is the distance around a circle (its perimeter!): Fascinating! The ratio of the circumference to diameter of both circles is This turns out to be true for all circles, which makes the number one of the most important numbers in all of math!

Given a number n, we need to find the maximum number of times n circles intersect.


Input : n = 2 Output : 2 Input : n = 3 Output : 6

Description and Derivation

As we can see in above diagram, for each pair of circles, there can be maximum two intersection points. Therefore if we have n circles then there can be nC2 pairs of circles in which each pair will have two intersections. So by this, we can conclude that by looking at all possible pairs of circles the mathematical formula can be made for the maximum number of intersections by n circles is given by 2 * nC2
2 * nC2 = 2 * n * (n – 1)/2 = n * (n-1)

    cout << intersection(3) << endl;

    static int intersection(int n)

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException


    static int intersection(int n)

public static void Main()


function intersection($n)


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There's a simple answer that probably anyone could understand.

Let's take the example of eight 10" circles placed in a line along the X-axis. Let's arrange these so that their center is along the X-axis, and their centers are at (0,0), (1,0), (2,0), (3,0)...(7,0). That is they all overlap and cross in two points with all the other circles.

So, if each of the 8 circles crosses the other 7 circles twice, that would be 7x8x2. But wait! When this is done, you end up counting each pair of circles twice, ie. Circle 1 crosses circle 5 and circle 5 crosses circle 1. So the answer is really 7x8 or 56.

Two circles of unequal radius can intersect at maximum how many points. If the radius is equal then how many points ????

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