What is the length of a train if it is running at the speed of 60 km HR and crosses a pole in 9 seconds?

Discussion :: Problems on Trains - General Questions (Q.No.1)


A train running at the speed of 60 km/hr crosses a pole in 9 seconds. What is the length of the train?

[A]. 120 metres
[B]. 180 metres
[C]. 324 metres
[D]. 150 metres

Answer: Option D


Speed =
What is the length of a train if it is running at the speed of 60 km HR and crosses a pole in 9 seconds?
60 x 5
What is the length of a train if it is running at the speed of 60 km HR and crosses a pole in 9 seconds?
What is the length of a train if it is running at the speed of 60 km HR and crosses a pole in 9 seconds?
What is the length of a train if it is running at the speed of 60 km HR and crosses a pole in 9 seconds?
18 3

Length of the train = (Speed x Time).

What is the length of a train if it is running at the speed of 60 km HR and crosses a pole in 9 seconds?
Length of the train =
What is the length of a train if it is running at the speed of 60 km HR and crosses a pole in 9 seconds?
50 x 9
What is the length of a train if it is running at the speed of 60 km HR and crosses a pole in 9 seconds?
m = 150 m.

Video Explanation: https://youtu.be/q6Xy5JXNp-k

Sundar said: (Jul 28, 2010)  
Why we are multiplying the 60 with 5/18? The answer is simple. We are converting the 'kilo-meters/hour' value into 'meters/second'. Let me explain about converting km/hr into m/s in detail. 1 km = 1000 meters. 1 hr = 3600 seconds. 1 km/hr = 1000/3600 m/s = 10/36 m/s = 5/18 m/s. Therefore 1 km/hr = 5/18 m/sec. Similarly 60 km/hr = 60 x 5/18 m/sec.

You may ask me, why should I convert it from km/hr to m/sec?

Because, the time taken by the train is given in terms of seconds (9 seconds) and the 4 options are in terms of metres. But the speed of the train is given in terms of km/hr. So we have to convert the values from km/hr to m/s in order to find the solution in terms of metres/seconds.

Hope you understand better. Have a nice day guys!

Karthick said: (Jul 29, 2010)  
Nice explanation for beginners.

Dhesappan said: (Sep 27, 2010)  
Any one know the how many feet is one meter?

Sundar said: (Sep 27, 2010)  
Feet to Meter conversion: 1 feet = 0.3048 meter

Meter to Feet conversion: 1 meter = 3.28083 feet

Jain Thomas said: (Nov 12, 2010)  
Hi Sundar,

That was a damn good explanation

Rita said: (Nov 12, 2010)  
Very well explained Sundar. Thanks a lot for helping us with your valuable explanation

Kalimuthu said: (Nov 24, 2010)  
1000m=1km so 60000m goes in 1hour.
1 hour=3600 sec so 60000/3600 =16.666 so train cross in 1 second is 16.666m...so 9 seconds 16.6666*9=150meter .

B.V.S.Sharma said: (Dec 4, 2010)  
60*5/18*9=150 m...

Parashuram said: (Dec 10, 2010)  
How to calculate 16*5/18*9?

V.Navin Kumar said: (Dec 16, 2010)  
Nice to learn fast.

Naveen said: (Dec 30, 2010)  

60*(5/18)*9=150 m...

Poonam said: (Jan 2, 2011)  
No need of MBA & MCA coaching classes. Thank you.

Pooja said: (Jan 2, 2011)  
Hi.Thank you for guiding students for MCA & MBA...

Sunny said: (Jan 7, 2011)  
Great Job Sundar and Naveen.Thank You.

Vishnu said: (Jan 15, 2011)  
Do any one know the relationship betwen miles and kilometers?

Sudhakar said: (Jan 18, 2011)  
It's useful to science students,and every student know the how to change the units.
so thankyou very much sir.

Sudhakar said: (Jan 18, 2011)  
It's is very nice process to do this problem.

Prakash said: (Jan 23, 2011)  
v=d/t means

Gokulnath said: (Jan 30, 2011)  
Why se converting m/sec into km/sec?

Sairaj said: (Feb 3, 2011)  
1 mile=1.61 km

Hanumantha Reddy said: (Feb 4, 2011)  
Hi good morning this problem am not understand please explain me.

Reddy said: (Feb 4, 2011)  

Please explain this problem I am not understand.

Soundhar said: (Feb 20, 2011)  
Let length of the train be 'x' metres... Speed of the train = 60km/hr(given) Time = 9seconds(given) refer the formulas for train problems... As the time is given in seconds and answers are given in metre(train length) we are in need to convert from km/hr to m/s km/hr = 1000m/(60min*60sec) = 5/18 m/s Length of the train(distance covered a post)= speed * time = (60*(5/18))*9 = (50/3)*9 = 150 m

For the train related formulas,check the READ MORE in Left corner(Important formulas)...

Contactjerin said: (Mar 3, 2011)  
Any one know the how many feet is one meter?

Sundar said: (Mar 3, 2011)  
@Contactjerin Feet to Meter conversion: 1 feet = 0.3048 meter Meter to Feet conversion: 1 meter = 3.28083 feet This is what I mentioned already in this discussion. You can easily find the answer for your question that is:

3.28083 feet = 1 meter.

Suganthan.M said: (Mar 12, 2011)  
From the question we can predict speed= distance/hour ((by speed=60 km/hr)note the km/hr) As to calculate for 9 sec I am converting the whole things to seconds (i.e.)speed=60000/3600=16.666666(remember this is for one second) therefore for 9 seconds

16.666666*9= 150

Vishnu said: (Mar 15, 2011)  
(sqrt(3N))^3/2 = 90

How to find N value from this problem?

Matta.Srinuvasrao said: (Apr 2, 2011)  
I'M UNDERSTAND SIR BUT I'm suppose to be confusing to seeing above following questions so I'm kindly requesting you to explain the solutions above question, thank you.

Umesh said: (Apr 4, 2011)  
Hi Kalimuthu great explanation.

Palanivel said: (Apr 25, 2011)  
Hi i am palanivel i got ur explanation for above question..thak you..

Joseph said: (Apr 27, 2011)  
First convert the km into metres 60km will bcome 60000 metres then divide 60000 with 1 hour that is 60,60000/60 this will give us the speed of the train in mins n then 1000 with 60(to convert the speed in seconds)then multiply the ans with 9 seconds.ie 16.66*9 will give us 150 :)

Nagaraju said: (May 18, 2011)  
Here we have to think that they are asking the length of train. First we have conform that all the values given are same format or not . if not we have to convert them into one format depending on the answers given to us. Then it is possible to get the correct answer.

The first answer explanation by Sundar is very good .

Aradhana said: (May 29, 2011)  
The first answer which was given by sunder is best, even a kid can understand it well, well done sunder.

Dheeraj said: (May 29, 2011)  
Nice trick.

Sekhar said: (Jun 9, 2011)  
The first answer is the best answer

Ashwini said: (Jul 15, 2011)  
@ Kalimuthu Thanks...I understand your solution.

Geeth said: (Aug 3, 2011)  
Just now I know the formula for converting meter to feet. Thank you.


Sridhar said: (Aug 10, 2011)  
Can any one say me about pole in this question?

Aditya said: (Aug 20, 2011)  
Sonali invests 15% of her monthly salary in insurance policies. She spends 55% of her monthly salary in shopping and on household expenses. She saves the remaining amount of Rs. 12,750. What is Sonali's monthly income?

Sundar said: (Aug 24, 2011)  
Q. Sonali invests 15% of her monthly salary in insurance policies. She spends 55% of her monthly salary in shopping and on household expenses. She saves the remaining amount of Rs. 12,750. What is Sonali's monthly income? Solution: Let the monthly-salary be X. Total %-of-amount spent = (15 + 55) = 70% of X. Remaining amount saved is 30% of X. Now, 30% of X = 12750. Then 100% of X = ? X = (12750/30) x 100 = 42,500. Required answer X = Rs. 42,500. // Note:- Amount Spent in Insurance (15% of X) = (15/100) x 42500 = Rs. 6,375. Amount Spent in Shopping (55% of X) = (55/100) x 42500 = Rs. 23,375. Amount Saved (30% of X) = (30/100) x 42500 = Rs. 12,750.

Monthly Salary = Rs. (6375 + 23375 + 12750) = Rs. 42,500.

Jayanthi said: (Sep 5, 2011)  
Lets take mnthy salry to be x; then , x-15x/100+55x/100=12750; x-14x/20=12750; 6x/20=12750; x=(12750)20/6 x=42,5000;

monthly salry is Rs.42,500

Edger said: (Sep 12, 2011)  
60*5/18 = how to calculate this logic, but I'm clear next step --50/3*9=150---guys please explan this.

Hifzur said: (Sep 14, 2011)  
Its simple no need of going that 5/18 it wil give confusion. Convert 60 km into meter i.e 60000m. Now speed is 60000m/hr... convert it into per second. i.e 60000/(60*60)=16.66 As we know length=(speed*time)

:.16.66*9 = 150.

Roshan Machhi said: (Oct 19, 2011)  
I understand it but just explain in detail.

Ghanshyam said: (Oct 21, 2011)  
Nice explanation in detail. Thank you very much.

Sara said: (Oct 22, 2011)  
Distance = Time *speed 1km =1000Meteres 1hr =3600 seconds Distance = 60*9/3600 =9/60 km Distane in Metres =(9/60)*1000 =150M

simple and fast way

Fuzail Ahmad said: (Nov 12, 2011)  
Very good to all.

Jayakumar said: (Nov 13, 2011)  
Jayanthi, Sundar, Kalimuthu Thanks for a lot to YOU all
I can easily understand your problem solving system and it is not only useful to me but also to all thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks

Baskar said: (Nov 17, 2011)  
Any one know the how many feet is one meter? well explanations sundar.

Ajay said: (Nov 21, 2011)  
Guy's why we multiply (speed x time) to find length. train is going with 50/3 meter in one second, suppose this train passes this pole in 1 second then train length would be 50/3 meter. (because 50/3 meter is covered by 1 second) now suppose this train passes this pole in 2 second then train length would be (50/3)x 2 meter

now here train passes this pole in 9 second so the train length would be (50/3) x 9 = 150 meter

Vikram said: (Nov 24, 2011)  
Here,The Train speed =60km/1hr & That Train was crosses a one Pole in 9 Seconds. So,Therefore we are converting Km into Meters And Hour into Seconds..... i.e.,That train speed=60km/60Minute. i.e.,that Train Speed=1km/1Minute. and 1km=1000meters ,1Minute=60seconds. So,The Train Length = 1Km/1Minute *9. that means ,Length of Train=(1000/60)*9.

=150 Meters.

Raja said: (Nov 30, 2011)  
What is the shortcut method to calculate gcf of numbers?

Thangaraj K. said: (Dec 15, 2011)  
Answer = sec/speed*1000 (i.e. - multiplied with 1000 to convert to metres )

=9/60*1000 = 150m

Sai said: (Dec 17, 2011)  
Simply sperb

Suresh said: (Dec 18, 2011)  
Imagine the pole as a car moving on the train(road) which has a distance of 150m. If the pole(car) takes 9 sec to complete 150m, then what is the speed? speed of the pole(car)=150m/9sec = 16.67ms-1 =16.67*(18/5)km/hr


Janeth said: (Feb 20, 2012)  
@Jayath how about -14x/100. I do not understand. Where did you get the number?

Thaya said: (Mar 14, 2012)  
@ Kalimuthu

This was a nice Explaination

Shubham said: (Mar 30, 2012)  
How did you calculate speed ?.

Gokul said: (Apr 3, 2012)  
Really nice explanation.

Hitesh said: (Apr 9, 2012)  
When I saw the explanation I was confused that why these gyes used 5/18 to multiply But now I got it. Thanks!

Sudharsan said: (Apr 15, 2012)  
Let the length of the train be x. 3600/9=6000/x.

X=150m !

Satish said: (Apr 20, 2012)  
Another simple way. We have to find the length of the train (in mts). Given in km/Hr ==> 5/18 mts/sec. (1). Also given time to cross the post i.e. in Sec.

Multiply 1 & sec => (mts/sec) *sec ==mts (ur answer).

Lokesh said: (Apr 21, 2012)  
Local Train Leaves from a station at an intervals of 15 mins at a speed of 16kmph. A man moving from oppsite direction meets the train at an interval of 12 min. find the speed of that man?

Sandeep said: (Jun 6, 2012)  
Firsst 60 km/sec need to be converted in to meter /second.
It could be by multiply by 60*5/18 and then it multiply by 9 secound and hence anse we get 150 meter.

Kusuma said: (Jul 4, 2012)  
In simple way, time/time = length/length. Here we convert the 1 hour into seconds and the given time is 9 seconds. We convert the kilo meters into meters then we can easily solve it. 3600/9 = 6000/x.

X = 150m.

Talada Sandeep said: (Jul 21, 2012)  
Since time is given in seconds , sure you have to convert velocity of train in units of m/sec Since 1 km = 1000 m and 1 hr =60 m = 60*60 sec, According to question,speed 60 km/hr = 60 * (1000/3600) = 50/3 m/sec, time = 9 sec We know that , distance=speed*time,

therefore length = (50/3)*9 =150 m.

Rakshith Devraj said: (Jul 24, 2012)  
Guys check this out. ! This comment is to make you understand conversion of km/hr to m/s by using easy method. , Observe carefully conversion of km/hr to m/s. , 12*1=12. 12*2=24. 12*3=36. 12*4=48. 12*5=60. For any number (which has to be converted to m/s from km/hr) coming as the result (r) of multiplication table of 12. , you can easily write it as (quotient*10) /3 m/s. ,

Example:- 60km/hr = 50/3 m/s.

Ashik said: (Aug 2, 2012)  
Dear Friends.

The problem is really nice ans soothing. I solved it firstly but when I saw the solution, I confused to see the calculation. After a deep concern and explanation I think it really a nice explanation. Okay friends after that thank to Sundar for posting another problem and solution. Thank to Kartik, Dhessappan, Jain Thomas, Rita, Valimithu, Jayanthi, Vishnu, Poonm, poja, Sunny, Sara and others.

Divya said: (Aug 19, 2012)  
Salary problem Let's take salary amount as X. she spends 15% of X on policy=15X/100 55% of X on shopping &house expe=55X/100 rem of salary=12750 so,X-(15X/100)-(55X/100)=12750 30X=1275000


Prashantkumar Nigadi said: (Aug 28, 2012)  
We know that 1km=1000meters 1hr=3600seconds 1km/1hr=1000/3600=10/36=5/18m/s 1km/hr=5/18m/s


Bangaru said: (Sep 26, 2012)  

Can you explain the problem which was mentioned by you ?

Srikanth said: (Oct 2, 2012)  
Can you explain the problem with diagrammatic representation ?

Anil said: (Oct 9, 2012)  
@Bangaru. If the total salary is 100%, in which 15% spent on insurance policy means 100-15 =85%. 55% spent as expenditure on shopping etc means 85-55 =30% Savings =salary -expenditure. 30% savings equals to 12,750. Percentage can be represented as per hundred i.e., 30/100, which is equals to 12,750. Assume that total salary be X X *30/100 =12,750 X =12750*100/30

X= 42500.

Manoranjan Samal said: (Oct 29, 2012)  
Let length of the train be 'x' metres... Speed of the train = 60km/hr(given) Time = 9seconds(given) Refer the formulas for train problems... As the time is given in seconds and answers are given in metre(train length) We are in need to convert from km/hr to m/s km/hr = 1000m/(60min*60sec) = 5/18 m/s Length of the train(distance covered a post)= speed * time = (60*(5/18))*9 = (50/3)*9 = 150 m

For the train related formulas,check the READ MORE in Left corner(Important formulas)...

Srinu said: (Dec 4, 2012)  
We know that 1km=1000meters 1hr=3600seconds 1km/1hr=1000/3600=10/36=5/18m/s 1km/hr=5/18m/s


Jagadeesh said: (Dec 31, 2012)  
Here, give train travels at a speed of (60*5/18) m/s, that is for one second it travels a distance of 50/3 m/s. So the distance traveled for 9 seconds gives the actual length of train, that is 50/3*9=150m.

Kishan said: (Jan 7, 2013)  
Similarly, Speed = [60*5/18]m/sec=50/3 m/sec.

50/3*9 = 150mtrs.

Raj said: (Jan 17, 2013)  
Speed = [60*5/18]m/sec=50/3 m/sec.

50/3*9 = 150mtrs.

Rasu said: (Jan 28, 2013)  
Speed convert km/h to m/sec speed=[60*5/18]m/sec speed=[50/3]m/sec. Distance=[speed*time] Length of the train=[50/3*9]


Santosh, Aps, Goregaon said: (Feb 7, 2013)  
Total exp= 15%+55%= 70% Let salary rs.100 Save= 100-70= Rs.30% Rs.30%= 12750.

100% = 12750/30x100=42500.

Udai said: (Mar 3, 2013)  
How to convert m/sec in to km/hour?

Hari Prasath said: (Mar 20, 2013)  
How to convert feet into meter?

Ranjeet_Great said: (Mar 26, 2013)  
@Udai. Its very easy to convert m/sec in to km/hour, Just multiply 18/5. For example if we want to convert 5meter/sec in to km/sec then we will convert meter into km and sec in to hour. That is 5meter=(5/1000)km and 1sec=(1/3600)hour. So 5m/sec={(5/1000)/(1/3600)} km/hour. or (5*3600)/(1*1000) km/hour or (5*36)/(10) km /hour or (5*18)/(5) km/hour

or 5 km/hour.

Anbu said: (Apr 30, 2013)  
How to calculate percentage(%) in marketing?

Utpalkant said: (Jul 2, 2013)  
To calculate% = (total obtain/total)*100.

Agni said: (Jul 5, 2013)  
Easy method. 60 km per hr. 1hr = 60 mins. That means. Per km = 60km/60mins = 1. Per km 1 min. Per km = 1000 meters. Per min = 60 sec. Train is running per second = 1000/60 = 16.666 mtrs.

Cross the pole in 9 second = 16.666*9 = 150 mtrs.

Naresh Thummala said: (Jul 15, 2013)  
Distance = Speed x time. Length = (60 x 5/18) x 9.

= 150 MTRS.

Digvijaysinh said: (Aug 4, 2013)  
In 3600 sec. train travel 60000 meter than in 9 sec. How many meter it travels?

9*60000/3600 = 150 meter.

Saran said: (Aug 7, 2013)  
Distance = time*speed. Distance = 9sec*60(km/hr). Here the the time is in 'seconds' and answer will given into the 'm', so we will convert all the values into the 'm&sec'. 1km = 1000m. 1hr = 3600sec. Then, Distance = 9*60(1000/3600). Distance = 9*60(5/18).

Distance = 150m.

Guna Sekhar said: (Aug 8, 2013)  
What is the pole it is any terminal?

Srikanth said: (Aug 20, 2013)  
Velocity = distance/time. Distance = velocity*time. = 60*(0.27)(9).

= 150 m/s.

Nehru said: (Aug 23, 2013)  
Answer = (sec/meter)*1000(multiple with 1000 to convert to speed).

Speed = 9/150*1000 = 60.

Sikkanthar said: (Aug 30, 2013)  
Here they are converting the unit of speed from kmph into m/s. So they are taking the equal value of each one like. Km = 1000m. 1 hour = 3600s. So they are using the value of 5/18 here. They what formula they were used to solve this problem means. Length/time = speed.

So we can calculate unknown with help of given data.

Palakananda said: (Aug 31, 2013)  
Thanks for nice explanation you can solve same as followed. Total exp = 15%+55% = 70% Let salary Rs.100 Save = 100-70 = Rs.30% Rs.30% = 12750.

100% = 12750/30x100 = 42500.

Arun said: (Sep 3, 2013)  
To remember the formula velocity = d/t (M/s). d is distance measured in metre(m). T is the time taken in seconds(s).

So the unit of velocity is (m/s).

Atul said: (Oct 5, 2013)  
1hr = 60Km. 3600sec = 60000 m. 1sec = 60000/3600 = 50/3.

9 sec = (50/3)*9 = 150m.

Ramesh said: (Oct 7, 2013)  
3600sec = 60*10^3m. 9sec = ?. answer = 9*60000/3600 = 150m. Its very simple,

But I like your methods of solving for answer.

Nagesh said: (Oct 11, 2013)  
Distance = speed*time(50/2*9 = 150)m.

So, 150 m is distance traveled by the train, length of the train can be lower than distance. So can't say 150 m exact.

Latha said: (Oct 25, 2013)  
Hi Vishnu. (sqrt(3N))^3/2 = 90. N=?

Answer: N=10.

Ravi1 said: (Nov 19, 2013)  
Length always in meters so in order to get meters we just multiply it.

Raju said: (Dec 29, 2013)  
(60*1000*9)m/3600s = 150m.

Nithya said: (Dec 31, 2013)  
Hi @Latha! Can you explain this problem (sqrt(3N))^3/2 = 90?

Elamathi.A said: (Jan 6, 2014)  
A bus crossing a 42 kilometers in 50 minutes. What is the average speed of the bus?

Savitha said: (Jan 7, 2014)  
Hi please help me to get the answer for (sqrt (3N))^3/2=90..

Pradeep said: (Jan 8, 2014)  
The answer is simple. We are converting the 'kilo-meters/hour' value into 'meters/second'. Let me explain about converting km/hr into m/s in detail. 1 km = 1000 meters. 1 hr = 3600 seconds. 1 km/hr = 1000/3600 m/s = 10/36 m/s = 5/18 m/s.

Therefore 1 km/hr = 5/18 m/sec.

Pradeep said: (Jan 8, 2014)  
Distance = speed*time(50/2*9 = 150) m.

So, 150 m is distance traveled by the train, length of the train can be lower than distance. So can't say 150 m exact.

Kuldeep said: (Jan 11, 2014)  
*Simple solution* We know that, 1) 60km/1hr= 60000m/3600sec , (1hr=3600sec). *Calulation = 60000/3600 = 16.66m/sec.

16.66x9 = 149.99 = 150m answer.

Raji said: (Jan 21, 2014)  
I couldn't expect that for a single question which is having so many methods.

Abhi said: (Jan 27, 2014)  
Can you explain this problem (sqrt(3N))^3/2 = 90?

Vijay Katwal said: (Feb 1, 2014)  
(60*1000*9)m/3600s = 150m.

Geetha(Vg) said: (Feb 3, 2014)  
Can you explain the encoding and decoding problems?

Siri said: (Feb 5, 2014)  
I too want to know encoding and decoding?

Sanket said: (Feb 17, 2014)  
Give me Different type of Examples on same logical base.

Sathya Moorthy said: (Feb 19, 2014)  
60 km/hr *speed= 60 x 5/18 m/sec.

Pinku said: (Mar 20, 2014)  
Why in this question, you are saying to find out length of train it must be distance covered by the train?

Muni said: (Mar 24, 2014)  
60 km/hr *speed = 60 x 5/18 m/sec.

Giri said: (Apr 17, 2014)  
1 km = 1000 meters. 1 hr = 3600 seconds.

1 km/hr = 1000/3600 m/s.

Qaazi said: (May 14, 2014)  
Where has the 50/3 come from? please explain.

Moupiya said: (May 15, 2014)  
Train Cross Stationary object without length. t = Lt/St. Lt = length of train. St = speed of train. Can I follow this formula for this question as I follow made easy book and for this type of question this formula is used but I'm not getting the answer thru this formula. Can any 1 help.


Prashanth said: (May 17, 2014)  
Speed = (60*(5/18)) divide 60&18 by 6, then, Speed = (10*(5/3)) multiply 10 & 5, Speed = (50/3).

That's all @Qaazi.

Santosh Kumar M said: (Jul 5, 2014)  
I'll Give Simple Logic Answer. i.e., WKT, Speed = Distance/Time. So, The speed of the train is given 60km/hr. Convert Train Speed In meters and hours into Seconds. That is,(60*1000)/(60min*60sec). i.e.,1 km=1000m. 1 Hour=60min. 1 min= 60sec. We get 16.67m/s. That is, the train traveled 16.67 meters in 1 second. Then multiply 9 seconds with 16.67 meters.

Then length of the train traveled 150 meters in 9 seconds.

Amol said: (Jul 5, 2014)  
Why will take 18/5 please tell me?

Rahul said: (Jul 12, 2014)  
We get 16.67m/s. That is, the train traveled 16.67 meters in 1 second. Then multiply 9 seconds with 16.67 meters.

Then length of the train traveled 150 meters in 9 seconds.

Shankaranathan .K said: (Jul 19, 2014)  
Really its very nice guys. Thank you all for the explanation and your time spent in answering the question raised by other.

Akhil said: (Jul 19, 2014)  
How many square feet is 1 metre ?

Sumit said: (Aug 8, 2014)  
Why it is divide by 5/18?

Subhasri said: (Aug 13, 2014)  
Another easy method for solving it. In 3600 sec the train go 60 km. In 1 sec the train will go 1/60km.

Then in 9 sec it will go (1/60) *9 = .15km = 150 meter.

Anu said: (Aug 20, 2014)  
Why is the length of train calculated with the formula speed*time?

Vijay Dabasiya said: (Sep 3, 2014)  
Easy method. 1km=1000 m. 1 hr=3600 sec. Formula length of = velocity*time. = 60*1000/3600 *9.

= 150 m.

Madhan said: (Sep 4, 2014)  
They asked to find length of the train? but we gave an answer of distance traveled in 9sec, how these answers are same?

Arunkumar said: (Sep 10, 2014)  
It's simple but don't use our brain in finding the answer.

Santosh said: (Sep 11, 2014)  
The problems and you people's explanation and coordination and sharing knowledge. I like these very much.

Najrul Shaikh said: (Oct 19, 2014)  
Save = (1-0.55-0.15)x = 12,750.
Salary = x = 42,500.

Na Shilpa said: (Nov 6, 2014)  
Nice way of teaching maths who don't understand.

Sushmi said: (Nov 16, 2014)  
Length of a train = (speed *time). 1 km - 1000 meter. 60 km - ? 60*1000 = 6000 meter = speed. 1 hr - 3600 seconds. ? - 9 second. 3600/9 = time. So, LENGTH OF TRAIN = 6000*3600/9 = 150 METER.


Sai Nath said: (Nov 17, 2014)  
Length of the train = L. L = Speed (s)*Time (T). L = S*T. L = 60*5/18*9. L = 60*5/2.

L = 300/2=>L = 150 m.

Sri said: (Nov 22, 2014)  
If the answer means options are in KM what is the process?

Iram said: (Nov 22, 2014)  
How its possible L = 60*5/18*9 = 60-5/2?

In this 2 is where from come give reply?

Kalden said: (Nov 26, 2014)  
Guys nice explanation but I have confusion that km/hour and meter/sec. Then what about minute? Actually we should take meter/minute.

Apurva said: (Dec 21, 2014)  
SOLUTION: 60 km/hr. 1k m = 1000 m. 1 hr = 60 min. Therefore 60km/60min. i.e. 1 km = 1 min. 1 min = 60 sec. 60 km/hr = (60*1000)/60 m/min. 60 km/hr = (60*1000)/(60*60) m/sec. = 1000/60. 16.67 m/sec.

Distance in 9 sec = 16.67*9 = 150 m.

Ashok said: (Jan 21, 2015)  
How to calculate please explain clearly. = (60 x 5/18) x 9.

And the 5/18 how to multiple.

Pankaj Kumar said: (Jan 24, 2015)  
Hi @Apurva. You are saying that 60km/hr. 1 km = 1000 m. 1 hr = 60 min. Therefore 60km/60min. How 60km/60 min.

What you want to explain it? I'm not understanding.

Gowtham Reddy said: (Jan 30, 2015)  
Length of the train = 9*50/3 = 150. If train crosses pole in 20 seconds. Length of the train = 20*50/3?

Is the length of the train depend on the time the it crosses the pole? Please answer.

Rubiya said: (Jan 31, 2015)  

If train length is more then it takes more time to cross the pole. If it is small train then it takes less time to cross the pole.

Rubiya said: (Jan 31, 2015)  
If train takes 20 seconds means taking more time to cross the pole. It means length of train is more 20*50/3 is 333.3. Therefore here train length increases.

Dinesh said: (Feb 17, 2015)  
It has come approximately 150.03 is this correct or exact answer should be 150.

Satyapal Khetlan said: (Feb 20, 2015)  
Given: Train velocity = 60 km/hr; It's mean that at 1 hr, traveled distance by train, is 60 km; 1 sec. travel distance = 60,000/(3600) m (1 hr = 3600 sec. & 1 km = 1000 m). So, 9 sec " " = (100/6)*9 m. = 150 m.

So, 150 m, should be correct answer;

Grace said: (Mar 11, 2015)  
60000 = 3600. x = 9. Cross multiply. = 3600 x/60000*9.

Answer is 150.

Arvind_Ap said: (Mar 29, 2015)  
1 km = 1000 meters. 1 hr = 3600 seconds. 1 km/hr = 1000/3600 m/s. = 10/36 m/s. = 5/18 m/s. 1 km/hr = 5/18 m/sec. 60 km/hr = 60 x 5/18 m/sec. = (60 x 5)/18. = 300/18. So in 1 sec speed is 16.66.

9 sec = 16.66*9 = 150.

Mohammed Asif said: (Apr 8, 2015)  
Similarly 60 km/hr = 60 x 5/18 m/sec.

Kindly explain how this line how 150 meters came?

Bob Matthew said: (Apr 8, 2015)  
@Mohammed Asif. 60x5/18=50/3. Now since the train crossed the pole in 9 seconds you multiply 50/3x9=150.

Hope this helps.

Peter said: (Apr 8, 2015)  
Can someone please explain how 60x5/18=50/3?

Simon Newfield said: (Apr 12, 2015)  
@Peter. 60x5/18 = 50/3 because 60x5/18 = 16. 66666666666667 Now we must convert this to a whole number which is 50. To get 50 you must multiply 16.66666666666667 with 3.

So you write it down as 50/3 because 50/3 equals 16.66666666666667.

Tapan Kumar Majhi said: (Apr 26, 2015)  
60*5/18*9 = 150.

Darshan Thakur said: (May 1, 2015)  
60 km/3600 sec = 0.016667. 0.016667 km/sec*9 sec = 0.15 sec.

0.15 sec*1000 meter = 150 meter.

Mothi said: (May 8, 2015)  
Its simple but we should remember how 5/18 exists?

Mark said: (Jun 1, 2015)  
Length of the train = (Speed x Time) = 50x9 m = 150 m.

Balaram Barik said: (Jun 5, 2015)  
Very nice way to to learn.

Mahima said: (Jun 17, 2015)  
Thanks a lot for having such a nice discussion!

Nikita said: (Jun 25, 2015)  
Please explain the logic for this question.

Priya said: (Jul 2, 2015)  
All the explanations are very easy understand and it is more useful for beginners hopeful thanks.

Soumya Panda said: (Jul 5, 2015)  
Excellent explanation.

Vivek said: (Jul 6, 2015)  
Super explanations thanks.

Malar said: (Jul 11, 2015)  
Why you are divided by 18?

Shuvro Jyoti said: (Jul 11, 2015)  
This math is simple. But your explanation makes the math more easy to learn specially for beginner like me. Thanks a lot.

Keith said: (Jul 13, 2015)  
So when the questions says find the length of the train, in such case we have to find the distance i.e. by using the distance formula. D=S*T. S=D/T.


Sachin said: (Jul 16, 2015)  
This math is simple. But your explanation makes the math more easy to learn specially for beginner like me. Thanks a lot.

Jaibheem said: (Jul 19, 2015)  
Sir nice explanation thank you so much.

Komala R said: (Jul 22, 2015)  
Yes nice thank you so much.

Priyesh said: (Jul 24, 2015)  
60*(5/18)*9 = 150 m.

Yahya Haider said: (Aug 1, 2015)  
60 km = 60 x 1000 m = 60000 m. 1 hour = 60 x 60 = 3600 seconds. So, Length/Distance = Speed x Time. = 60000 m/3600 s x 9 s. = 149.999. = nearly 150m.

Therefore option D is correct answer.

Farhat said: (Aug 5, 2015)  
Speed = 60 km/hr. Time = 9 sec. Distance = ? Then, 1 km = 1000 m. 1 hr = 3600 sec. Because we are to find the distance in metre/sec.

60000*9/3600 = 15 m.

Sushmitha said: (Aug 8, 2015)  
Great explanations.

Ghule Santosh said: (Aug 9, 2015)  
Always train high speed that means m/s.

Swamy Chukkala said: (Aug 21, 2015)  
Well, In my view 36 sec ---- 600 mt.

So, 9 sec ----150 mt.

Jdajose said: (Aug 21, 2015)  
Why don't we just convert 9 sec into hour? It would be easier to do the v = d/t formula. 9 s (1 min/60 s) (1 hr/60 min) = 0.0025 hr. Then substitute: 60 km/hr = d/0.0025 hr. D = 0.15 km/hr (1000 m).

Distance = 150 meters.

Meenakshi said: (Aug 24, 2015)  
Thanks for all of you for the kind explanation it's very easy to understand.

Annamalai said: (Aug 30, 2015)  
1 km = 1000 m. 60 km = 60000 m. 1 hr = 3600 sec.

= (60000/3600)*9 = 150m.

Sudheer said: (Sep 4, 2015)  
How it come 50/3 m/sec? Can you tel me please?

Umesh said: (Sep 7, 2015)  
I just want to check how this module? That's way I comment here.

Sai Mohan Reddy said: (Sep 7, 2015)  
In the above question we can change minutes for seconds. 60*5/18 = (50/3) m/sec.

Length of the train is = (Speed*Time) = 50/3*9 = 150 m.

Sugandhi said: (Sep 9, 2015)  
Thanks, good details of question is well said.

Mandla Kavitha said: (Sep 14, 2015)  
The speed of train is 60 km/h. Time taken by train is 9 sec. Then length of train is (d = velocity*time). (60*5)/18*9 =150 m.

Therefore;the length of train is 150 m.

Venkat Reddy said: (Sep 16, 2015)  
Good @Sai Mohan Reddy. We can also show like this; for 3 sec_____50 mtr, then 9 sec____? mtr; 50*9/3 = 450/3 or (50*3) = 150 mtr length of the train.

(It is a time saving problem, calculation should take place in seconds. 60 kmph means 60000/3600 (m/sec) = 50 mtr in 3 sec. Then calculate for 9 sec).

Priyanka Padhi said: (Sep 23, 2015)  
Thanks @Sundar. That's was a very nice explanation. For those who are not strong in this section, this is the best way to make them easily understandable.

Rashmi said: (Sep 23, 2015)  
Thank you sir. Nice explanation.

Ghore said: (Oct 6, 2015)  
Very good explanation.

Roko Meena said: (Oct 11, 2015)  
By using unit logic we can solve this question easily in question (given unit are km, m, sec). Length of train in meter. So, 60 km/hr. = 60*1000 m/1*3600 sec. 1 km = 1000 m and 1 hour = 3600 sec. = 1000 m*9 sec/3600 sec.

Sec unit cancel so I find (meter) 150 m.

Divya said: (Oct 15, 2015)  
Difference between kmph/mps?

Selva said: (Oct 15, 2015)  
How will you find the length of that pole?

Suganthi said: (Oct 20, 2015)  
Hey really all are explanation is super. So thank you for all.

Sachinkumar said: (Nov 6, 2015)  
Thank you, you explained this question in a simple way I'm which we can understand easily.

Omkar said: (Nov 6, 2015)  
Does the formula of the length of the train is (Speed*Time)?

Sajan said: (Nov 26, 2015)  
= 9/3600*60*1000. = 9 seconds/3600 seconds (We convert hours to seconds). = 60*1000 (Convert KM to M).

= 9/3600*60000 = 150 M.

Chandu said: (Nov 27, 2015)  
1 sec = 5/8 m.

36 sec = 5/18*36 = 10 m.

Sam said: (Jan 5, 2016)  
1000/60 = 16.666. = 16.666x9 = 150. One more 1000/10 = 100. = 60/10 = 6. = 100 mtr/6 sec. = 50 mtr/3 sec.

So 150 mtr in 9 sec.

Naveen said: (Jan 6, 2016)  
Time = Distance/Speed. From this Distance = Time*Speed. = 9*(60*(5/18)) = 149.9999.

= 150.

Bulu said: (Jan 30, 2016)  
How 1 hr can be written as 5/3 km/hr?

Tripta said: (Feb 8, 2016)  
1 km = 1000. 1 hr = 3600 s.

Why it is changed into 10/36 and 5/18?

R Subramani said: (Feb 17, 2016)  
Easy to improve our knowledge. 1 hour = 3600 secs. 1 km = 1000 m. 3600/1000 = 36/10 = 5/18.

60*5/18*9 = 150 m.

Shivaraj said: (Feb 17, 2016)  
10 and 36 can be divisible by 2. So 5*2/18*2.

Vino said: (Feb 25, 2016)  
It's very useful. Thank you.

Rasika said: (Feb 26, 2016)  
Nice explanation Sundar, very helpful.

Sunnynikks said: (Mar 1, 2016)  
Ya, now all the people can solve these type of questions.

Test said: (Mar 7, 2016)  
ta, now all the people can solve these type of questions.

Dinesh said: (Mar 18, 2016)  
Nice sir I don't know aptitude but this type explanation should be given that time so easy to learn. Thank you once again.

Surya said: (Mar 19, 2016)  
The word "thank you" is not for your explanation @Sunder. But I got one doubt evar bike also maintain same speed and then length of bike is?

Neeraj said: (Mar 22, 2016)  
Much better explanation sir I am very impress by your solution that's very easy and easy understandable,

Thank you very much.

Silpa said: (Apr 3, 2016)  
Thanks for your explanation.

Kumar said: (Apr 18, 2016)  
Why are we making 10/36 to 5/18?

Rohit said: (Apr 22, 2016)  
Much better explanation sir I am very impressed by your solution that's very easy and easily understandable.

Sanjay said: (Apr 28, 2016)  
Very good explanation @Sundhar.

Shalini said: (Apr 30, 2016)  
This explanation is good and useful for beginners.

Muhammad Abdurrehman said: (May 4, 2016)  
Solution: All Quantities are given in question. Note: Answer is in the meter so will convert km/hr to m/s. Given Data: 1. Speed = 60km/hr = 60*(1000/3600) = 100/6 m/s = 16.666m/s. 2. Time = 9 sec. Sol: We know that speed = distance/ time. Speed(s) = v/t or v = s * t = 16.666m/sec*9 sec.

So, s = 150 meters.

Sada said: (May 16, 2016)  

This explanation is good and useful for beginners. Thankyou.

Manoar Biswas said: (May 18, 2016)  
Now I understand. Thank you sir.

Makvana Disha said: (Jun 14, 2016)  

The value of N = 134.44.

Suresh said: (Jun 14, 2016)  
10/36 m/s = 5/18 m/s. Therefore 1 km/hr = 5/18 m/sec. Similarly 60 km/hr = 60 x 5/18 m/sec.

I'm not understanding this section, please explain.

Shri said: (Jun 21, 2016)  

Short, simple and logically understandable answer .

Afzal said: (Jun 27, 2016)  
Hello @Sundar, I'm not understanding this 1 km/hr = 1000/3600 m/s. But. How come this? = 10/36 m/s. = 5/18 m/s.

Please explain.

Datta Pawar said: (Jul 5, 2016)  
First convert value: 60km = 60000mtr. 1 hour = 3600sec. Calculation. 60000/3600 = 16.666 mtr/sec (this value for only one meter).

So 9 * 16.666 = 150mtr.

Divakar M S said: (Jul 12, 2016)  
Good explanation, I understood. Thank you all.

Srinivasan said: (Jul 12, 2016)  
60000m = 6km.

I.Mahindra Reddy said: (Jul 13, 2016)  
Nice and clear explanations. Thank you all.

Vikas Prasad said: (Jul 14, 2016)  
I can't solve the problem and also can't read it properly what can I do?

Gnanavel said: (Jul 16, 2016)  
If they asking to find the length of the pole, then how to solve it?

Srinivas said: (Jul 23, 2016)  
Yeah@ obviously. Mr. Sundar your answer was right but I think your solution is complicated. I need as simple as possible. Will you provide?

Sonali said: (Jul 24, 2016)  
@Latha, Please explain the solution. (sqrt(3N))^3/2 = 90.

N = 10.

Ihhhh said: (Jul 28, 2016)  
I can't understand. Please help me.

Sonali said: (Jul 30, 2016)  
Hey, guise your answer is really good. But I have 1 prob how to convert km/hr 1000/3600. In that form 5/18.

But thanks to Arvind. I understand. How to convert. Really thanks again Arvind.

Vikas Prasad said: (Aug 4, 2016)  
I am not able to solve the problem. Please help me by explaining the simple method.

Marylyn Kaka said: (Aug 4, 2016)  
Speed = distance(length of train) / Time. Length of train = speed * time. First, express 9 seconds in hours since speed is in hours. 9 / 3600 = 0.0025. Length = speed * time. = 60 * 0.0025. = 0.15 km. Convert 0.15 km to meters since options are in meters. =0.15 * 1000.

=150 m.

Pooja said: (Aug 9, 2016)  
I agree with your comment @Sonali.

Solomon said: (Aug 10, 2016)  
Can you please go over again.

Dayanand said: (Aug 11, 2016)  
I agree to given solution.

Shashi Kant Gupta said: (Aug 20, 2016)  
1hr = 60min and 1km = 1000m. Let 1min = 6km. And 1min = 60sec. 1000/60 = 16.6. 16.6 * 9 = 150m.

This is the answer.

Lovepreet Singh said: (Aug 22, 2016)  
Well explained @Sundar and @Kalimuthu.

Padmalochan said: (Aug 24, 2016)  
Why you multiply 5 in 60? How you found 5?

Sathya said: (Aug 27, 2016)  
10/36 = 5/18. If both numerator and denominator can divide by a Single number, then you can divide it.

Here in above problem 10 and 36 both are dividing by 2, that's why the answer is 5/18.

Parth said: (Aug 30, 2016)  
60min -> 60km. 1min ->1km. 10sec ->166.

So, 9sec -> 149.5.

Sagar said: (Sep 2, 2016)  
1 Hour = 60 Min. 1 Min = 60 Sec. (Min * Sec = 60 * 60 = 3600). 3600 Sec= 60KM. 9 Sec = ? 60 * 9/3600= 0.15.

So, As per the Option Length is 150 MTR.

Swathi Shetty P said: (Sep 5, 2016)  
Thanks to all.

Sathiyaraj said: (Sep 5, 2016)  
Cross 60000(60 km) meters in 3600 seconds(1 hour). 60,000 m => 3600 seconds, 100 m => 6 seconds, Hence 3 sec => 50 m,

So, 100 + 50 mts = 150 m (6 + 3 = 9 seconds).

Akash said: (Sep 17, 2016)  
I agree with you @Satyapal.

Bhiva said: (Sep 19, 2016)  
Nice explanation @Parth.

Ranganath.S.J said: (Sep 24, 2016)  
Very nice explanation. Thank you to all.

Angelina said: (Sep 26, 2016)  
Easy to understand this method very nice explanation. Thank you to all.

Padma said: (Oct 1, 2016)  
I cannot understand this problem (6 * (5/18) * 9) = 150. Pease explains briefly.

Rupesh said: (Oct 1, 2016)  
Very good explanation @Sundar. Thank you.

Ravi said: (Oct 10, 2016)  
Awesome explanation @Sundar.

Zohaib Akram said: (Oct 14, 2016)  
Very nice explanation. Thank you to all.

Logan Dpm said: (Oct 15, 2016)  
One hour = 60 Km, 3600 Seconds = 60 Km, 60 Seconds = 1 Km, 9 Seconds = 0.15 Km, 1 Km = 1000 Meter.

0.15 Km = 150 Metter.

Geet said: (Oct 15, 2016)  
Nice explanation @Sundar.

Santhosh said: (Oct 20, 2016)  
(60 x 1000)/(60 x 60) = 150.

Sandeep said: (Oct 21, 2016)  

Thank you, I can easily understand now.

Cm_07* said: (Oct 28, 2016)  
Thank you all very nice explanation to understand.

Mns said: (Nov 2, 2016)  
One more time explain me.

I cannot understand this step (6 * (5/18) * 9) = 150. Pease explains briefly.

Asuthosh said: (Nov 20, 2016)  
Well explained. Thank you all.

Hari Mahe said: (Nov 23, 2016)  
That is (60 * (5/18) * 9) = 150. Actually, the train speed is given in 60km/hour. We just convert that into m/sec as follows:

60km/hour = 60 * (5/18)m/sec that is equal to 150.

Ayushi said: (Nov 25, 2016)  

Very good explanation thanks a lot for helping us.

Suraj said: (Nov 27, 2016)  
Why it is divided by 5/18?

Sam Prakash Shine said: (Dec 1, 2016)  

5/18 is for converting the km/hour into m/sec.

Manjesh said: (Dec 1, 2016)  
60 * 5/18 = 16.6666667. Then, Why it is divided by 50/3?

Siva said: (Dec 8, 2016)  
Can anybody tell me clearly how 50/3 m/sec came?

Pratiksha said: (Dec 10, 2016)  
It's really a nice explanation. It really helpful for beginners. I understood easily. Thank you all.

G Hari Krishna said: (Dec 10, 2016)  
You all converted km --> m. Why don't you convert seconds into hours? Then S=d/t, Then D=s*t. But t=9 sec. If we convert it into hours form we will get 1/400. Then d=60*1/400.

Is it correct method. Let me explain in this way guys.

Radhakrishnan L said: (Dec 28, 2016)  
Thank you for all your answers.

Mohd Siddique said: (Jan 4, 2017)  
Thanks for explanation.

Teja said: (Jan 7, 2017)  
@Sundar, @Kalimuthu & @Sungathan.

Really great explanation. Thank you all for your explanations.

Dillip Kumar said: (Jan 23, 2017)  
Well explained, Thanks @Sundar.

Sai Lakshmi said: (Jan 24, 2017)  
I agree @Pradeep.

Renu Patel said: (Feb 8, 2017)  
Really great explanation of the solution. Thank you all.

Amod Kulkarni said: (Mar 12, 2017)  
I easily understand the conversion. Thanks for the given explanations.

Vikas said: (Mar 17, 2017)  
If you divide 1000/3600 = 0.27. But it is showing 10/36 after that 5/18. I am not understanding how it came 10/36 then 5/18?

Please help me by explaining it.

Rohit Sable said: (Mar 21, 2017)  
Thank you all, very nice explanations.

Harish Arora said: (Mar 26, 2017)  
Many time we need to change speed from km/h to mtr/sec or mtr/sec to km/h. In the question, to change a speed from km/h to mtr/sec you have to multiply with 1000 and divide with 3600 and then u get speed in mtr/sec. For eg 90km/hr in mtr/sec? We need to do 90*1000/3600 and u ll get 25m/s. because we do this mainly on every question. so we prepare ourselves in advance by cutting these two cake to serve immediately. Again same eg. 90k/h to m/s. 90 * 5/18 = 25 m/s. And yes if we want to change m/s to k/h just multiply with 18/5 and you'll get your speed.

Eg. 25m/s to k/h ----25 * 18/5 = 90 k/h.

Rayees Khan Aryan said: (Mar 27, 2017)  
Length of a Train. T = (LT+LP)/S LT = LENGTH OF A TRAIN = ? LP = LENGTH OF A PLATFORM = 0 S = SPEED = (60*5)/18 = 50/3 T= TIME= 9. NOW AS PER THE QUESTION. 9 = (?+0)/ (50/3),

=> ? = (9 * 50)/3 = 150 M.

Litukander said: (Apr 2, 2017)  
Train of length = x. Speed of train is 60km/hr. 1km is 1000 * 60 =60000. 1hr is 60 minutes * 1hr =3600. 60000 ÷ 3600=16.6667. Said that 9sec crosses a pole ,then X = 16.667 * 9sec = 150m.

Distance = speed * time.

Vinay Kumar said: (Apr 21, 2017)  
Good explanation. Thank you all.

Faisal said: (Apr 21, 2017)  
Thanks for giving the explanation of the solution.

Rohit said: (Apr 25, 2017)  
Good Explanations. Thank you all.

Niloy Chakma said: (May 21, 2017)  
Good explanation, thank you all.

Ravesh said: (May 22, 2017)  
Good explanation. Thank you all. I help me a lot.

Ragavi said: (May 22, 2017)  
how 50/3 comes? Please, anyone explain me.

Hitesh said: (May 29, 2017)  
How 50/3 comes?

Please, anyone, explain me.

Rakesh Kumar said: (Jun 11, 2017)  
Very good explanations, Thank you very much for all.

Without Formula said: (Jun 23, 2017)  
@Aditya. 15%+55% = 70, 30%?

12750÷ 30 = 425*70 = 29750 + 12750 = 42500ans.

S Siva said: (Jun 30, 2017)  
Good explanation, thank you all.

Ajay said: (Jul 4, 2017)  
Really great explanation @Kalimuthu.

Faris K.P said: (Jul 5, 2017)  
Good Explanation. Thank you all.

Manju said: (Jul 6, 2017)  
Thank you all.

Sai said: (Jul 17, 2017)  
Thank you for all the given explanations.

Hemanth said: (Jul 21, 2017)  
Excellent explanation. Thank you @Sundhar.

Durai said: (Jul 22, 2017)  
Good Explanation. Thanks.

Harendra Yadav said: (Jul 24, 2017)  
GIVEN:- Speed of the train = 60 km/h. Time = 9 sec. Length of the train = ? Formula : All lenth / time * 18/5 = speed. Solution:- All length/ time * 18/5 = 60, ?/9 * 18/5 =60, ? * 2/5 =60, ? * 1/5 = 30, ?*1 =30*5, ? = 150.

Answer :- 150 meter.

Vivek Kumar said: (Jul 28, 2017)  
Time taken by a train of length l metres to pass a pole or standing man or a signal post is equal to the time taken by the train to cover l metres. How? explain me with simplification, please.

Shubhankar said: (Aug 18, 2017)  
Nice explanation. Thank you all.

Gopi said: (Aug 24, 2017)  
Distance = Time *speed. 1km =1000Meteres, 1hr =3600 seconds, Distance = 60*9/3600 =9/60 km,

Distane in Metres =(9/60)*1000 =150M.

Priyanka said: (Aug 25, 2017)  
Very useful explanation. Thanks.

Subashini said: (Aug 29, 2017)  
1 km=3000m. 60 km=60000. 1 hr=3600sec, =(60000/3600)*9,


Kumar Verma said: (Sep 6, 2017)  
When we say a train passes a pole in given time then basically we consider that pole as stationary point (having 0 speed) whose length is zero means actually train crosses its own length in given time frame. If we say a running train passes another train (stationery or running) then we have to consider the total length of two trains crossing each other also we have to consider the relative speed of the trains if both trains are running in same direction then relative speed is the difference of their speed and if both are running in opposite direction then their relative speed is sum of their speed.

Sowmiya said: (Sep 7, 2017)  
Nice explanation, I understand your solution Thanks @Sundar.

Devkar Sunil said: (Sep 8, 2017)  
1hr(3600sec)=60 * 1000. 9sec=?.

Cross multipication =150m.

Santhosh said: (Sep 10, 2017)  
Nice explanation. Thanks.

Prasad said: (Sep 12, 2017)  
s=60*5/18,t=9; s=d/t;


Irine said: (Sep 12, 2017)  
I have one doubt.

Why don't you change 9sec into hours and then calculate distance?

Dileepkumar said: (Sep 30, 2017)  
Nice explanation.

Shwetha said: (Oct 8, 2017)  
Very nice explanation. Thank you all.

Raja Tiwari said: (Oct 10, 2017)  

Deepanshu Sharma said: (Oct 29, 2017)  
Am i the only one who sucks in logic?

Chithra said: (Nov 7, 2017)  
Thanks for all who have give explanation for this question, without your help I can't understand this problem.

Shoaib Soudagar said: (Dec 4, 2017)  
You can simply solve like this. 1 0mtrs/1hr * second.

1000/60 * 9 = 150.

Sazzad said: (Dec 8, 2017)  
Thanks a lot for the given explanation.

Siddhesh Anavkar said: (Dec 24, 2017)  
Formula. 1. Distance = speed * time 2. km/hr --> m/sec conversion For ex. convert 90 km/hr to m/sec Solution:- 90 km/1 hr = 90,000 m/3600 sec

= 25 m/sec.

Pinky said: (Jan 2, 2018)  
Can anyone explain me this step 60*5/18 =50/3?

Dorji said: (Jan 4, 2018)  
For (√(3N))^3/2=90.
I found N=134.44.

Iqbal Rasool said: (Jan 8, 2018)  
Nice and thank you sir.

Rahul Singh said: (Mar 22, 2018)  
Thanks for the explanation.

Asif Bilakhiya said: (Mar 26, 2018)  
Train Speed=60km/hr. Take 9 seconds to cross the pole. 60km =60000 metres, 1hr=3600 seconds, Ans=150 metres, Explanation: =(9x60000)/(3600),

=150 metres.

Vivek said: (Mar 28, 2018)  
We calculated the train length with reference to the pole. But what about the length of the pole. Doesn't it come to picture here?

Please, anyone, clarify it.

Rajneesh said: (Mar 30, 2018)  
Speed = Ditance/Time. Distance = Speed * Time. Or lenght = Speed * Time . =( 60 *5/18) * 9, = 50/3 * 9, = 50 * 3 ,

= 150 meter.

Santosh said: (Apr 4, 2018)  
Nice explanation, Thanks @Sundar.

Alok Dhiman said: (Apr 12, 2018)  
Nice explanation, thanks all.

Charmi said: (May 1, 2018)  
Out of his total income, Mr. Sharma spends 20% on house rent and 70% of the rest on household expenses. If he saves Rs 1,800 what is his total income (in rupees)?

Please explain the answer.

Tarasankar Dey said: (May 1, 2018)  
Thanks to all for explaining the answer.

Sarang said: (May 3, 2018)  
Distance = speed*time. 60*5/18*9, 60*5/2,

300/2 = 150.

Swapnali said: (May 14, 2018)  
Thanks to all for explaining the answer.

Sunil Sharma said: (May 18, 2018)  
Tse speed of train 60km/h, cross the poll with in 9 sec. speed of train in 1 mint. = 1km, Now, speed of train in 1 sec.= 1000/60= 16.67,

Now the length of train= 16.67*9 = 150 m.

Alpesh said: (May 21, 2018)  
1 km = 1000 m, 1 hours= 60 min. 60km=6 hours that 1km=1 hours, 1000/60*9=150,

So, D. 150 is correct.

Nilesh Nande said: (Jun 13, 2018)  
Best explanations, thank you all.

Anomi said: (Jun 20, 2018)  
@Charmi. 20%+70%+10%(1800) =100%, 10% is 1800, so 10x1800 = 18000.

12600(70%) + 3600(20%) + 1800 (10%) = 18000 (100%).

Gopi said: (Jun 30, 2018)  
Thank you all for explaining the answer.

Mansoor said: (Jun 30, 2018)  
Superb explanation, Thanks @Sundar.

Nicky said: (Jul 3, 2018)  
Hi Raneesh, You have explained in very clear but I have a doubt =( 60 *5/18) * 9, how did *5/18. Speed = Distance/Time. Distance = Speed * Time. Or lenght = Speed * Time . =( 60 *5/18) * 9, = 50/3 * 9, = 50 * 3 ,

= 150 meter.

Aman said: (Jul 19, 2018)  
We have to multiply 5/18 to convert the km/hr to m/s.

We have to convert it because time is given in seconds.

Prasanna said: (Jul 30, 2018)  
Nice explanation. Easy to understands. Thanks all.

Mahabir said: (Aug 3, 2018)  
Superb explanation. Thanks all.

Kavi said: (Aug 6, 2018)  
Nice explanation. Easy to understands. Thanks all.

Tulsi Tiria said: (Aug 7, 2018)  
Nice explanations, it's very easy to understand. Thanks all.

Rahul said: (Aug 11, 2018)  
Nice explanation.

Subasish Halder said: (Aug 12, 2018)  
What about the length of pole?

Sumana Chamanthala said: (Aug 19, 2018)  
Nice Explanations Thank you all.

Abhi said: (Sep 5, 2018)  
How to take the 5/18 directly?

Rampavi said: (Sep 13, 2018)  
Here we convert the 1 hour into seconds and the given time is 9 seconds. We convert the kilometres into meters then we can easily solve it. 3600/9 = 6000/x.

x = 150m.

Amruta said: (Sep 24, 2018)  
Nice explanations. Thanks all.

Mohana said: (Sep 27, 2018)  
Nice explanations. Thank you all.

Raj said: (Oct 1, 2018)  
They are given speed in terms of km/hr, Hence we have to convert that unit into m/hr because of all the 4 options are in terms of *meter and they are asking us the length in * 9 seconds. After we convert in terms of m/s, then just we have to multiply the value we have converted (m/s) with 9 seconds.

I hope you will understand.

Nani said: (Oct 2, 2018)  
Very good explanation, thanks to all.

Jahed said: (Oct 13, 2018)  
Very good explanation and thank you @Sundar.

Rakesh Karnal said: (Oct 15, 2018)  
Thanks all for explaining the answer.

Akhiruzzaman said: (Oct 25, 2018)  
60km per hour(60 minutes). 1km (1000 meter) per minute (60 second).

So, length= 1000/60 * 9 = 150m.

Vyshnavi said: (Oct 29, 2018)  
Why are you taking 5/18 in this problem?

Naveen said: (Oct 30, 2018)  
Nice explanations. Thanks all.

Saira said: (Nov 1, 2018)  
Really helpful, thank you all.

Priyanka said: (Nov 16, 2018)  
Thank you all for explaining the answer.

Akash said: (Nov 21, 2018)  
Thank you everyone.

Keerthi Ramya said: (Dec 8, 2018)  
Well explained. Thanks all.

Rakesh said: (Dec 11, 2018)  
Nicely explanation. Thanks all.

Anugraha B said: (Dec 18, 2018)  
Clear explanation, thanks all.

Vagdevi said: (Dec 21, 2018)  
Speed=distance/time -> Distance=speed * time. As time in seconds, we have to change the speed to m/sec from km/hr. For doing so we have to multiply the speed with 5/18 (km/hr=1000m/3600 sec=5/18). Then the distance travel by train is 60*9*5/18=150m. Because of the train crosses the pole, The distance travelled by the train equal to the length of the train.

Therefore the length of the train is 150 m.

Sadvika said: (Jan 2, 2019)  
Thanks all for explaining the answer.

B.Srikanya said: (Jan 23, 2019)  
Super, clear explanation. Thanks @Sundar.

Rider said: (Mar 9, 2019)  
60 km / hour means 1km per min and also 500m in 30s and 250m in 15 sec . So, 250m per 15sec divide 250 and 15 by 5.

So we get 3sec speed which is 50m and we multiply 3 and 50 m by 3 we get the 9sec speed which 150m.

Kanth said: (Mar 26, 2019)  
Thanks all.

Madhu said: (Apr 7, 2019)  
The train covers its own distance/length in 9 seconds. Therefore, its length is the distance it covers in 9 seconds. Now lets convert the speed into metres and time in seconds. The train covers 60000 metres in 3600 seconds. Therefore in 9 seconds, it would cover;

(60000/3600*9) = 150 metres.

Anitha said: (May 14, 2019)  
Nice explanation. Thanks all.

Sk Anwar said: (Jun 13, 2019)  
Change the km/hr to m/sec using: 0.278*60=16.68; 16.68*9=150.12,

Answer is near the 150.

Sana said: (Jun 20, 2019)  
Nice explanation, thanks all for explaining.

Evan said: (Jun 26, 2019)  
Thanks all for the explanation.

Pallavi said: (Jul 6, 2019)  
Explanations are very clear to understand. Thanks all.

Zuberali said: (Jul 17, 2019)  
Best and easy explanation, thanks @Sundar.

Thiru said: (Jul 26, 2019)  
36sec ---> 600m.
9sec ------> 600 * 9/36 = 150meters.

Bahauddin said: (Aug 10, 2019)  
Some thing is missing in the question and solution because if train crosses the pole means train will has to cross the extra length as much the length of train.

Savita said: (Oct 11, 2019)  
Nice explanation. Thanks all.

Koushik Reddy said: (Oct 17, 2019)  
Why we used 5|18 can you please explain it.

Srks said: (Nov 6, 2019)  
If you will convert Speed of the train which is 60km/hr. Then it will be ( 150/9)m/sec,

You get the answer directly which is 150m.

Sowndar said: (Nov 30, 2019)  
Can you explain the speed formula module?

Parem said: (Dec 6, 2019)  
Can you explain the speed formula module?

Dharanish said: (Jan 2, 2020)  
Convert km to m - 60000. Convert hr to sec - 3600.

60000/3600 = 16.666(speed)*9 (time) = 150.

Madhav Kulkarni said: (Feb 2, 2020)  
Train Speed is 60km/h ----- 60*(5/18)---------16.66 m/s. time taken to cross the pole=9sec. S=Distance(Length)/time. s=16.66 time=9. Distance(Length)=Speed*Time = 16.66*9 = 149.94 ===150.

So, Length = 150m.

Priya said: (Feb 3, 2020)  
@Koushik Reddy.

We use 5/18 to convert from km/hr to m/s in order to find the solution in terms of metres/seconds.

Teju said: (Feb 19, 2020)  
Speed of train: 60km/hr, Train reaches the pole :9 sec, Convert speed of Train from "Km/hr toM/sec, 60,000m/3600sec = 16.666 m/sec,

Length of train = 16.66*9 = 149.994M.

Tej said: (May 30, 2020)  
Very well explained. Thanks all.

Nayak said: (Jun 20, 2020)  
Well explained. Thanks all.

Dharmaraj Gaikwad said: (Jun 21, 2020)  
Well explained, thanks.

Monali said: (Jun 23, 2020)  
Very well explained, thanks all.

Harry said: (Sep 14, 2020)  
Very well explained, thanks all.

Shweta Singh said: (Sep 18, 2020)  
Very well explained thank you guys.

Onkar Babar said: (Oct 5, 2020)  
Nice explanations. Thanks all.

Onkar Babar said: (Oct 5, 2020)  
Nice explanation, Thank you all.

Vaniya Jignesh said: (Oct 8, 2020)  
Thank you all for explaining.

Renuka.P said: (Oct 10, 2020)  
Nice explanation. Thanks a lot.

Ibrahim said: (Oct 15, 2020)  
Nice explanations. Thank you all.

Parthiban said: (Dec 8, 2020)  
Nice explanation. Thanks all.

Irfan said: (Dec 30, 2020)  
Good explanation. Thanks all.

Damcho Lhenxup said: (Feb 24, 2021)  
Thank you all for explaining.

Sonam said: (Mar 18, 2021)  
Thanks all for explaining.

Vaijinath Raygonda said: (Apr 1, 2021)  
Thank you for explaining this @Sundar.

Anjali said: (May 11, 2021)  
Thanks all.

Sathiyan Js said: (May 16, 2021)  
Thanks all for clearing my doubts.

Rashmi said: (May 31, 2021)  
60km = 1hr 60km = 60min so 1km = 1min. 1km = 1000metres, 1min=60sec then 1000 = 60 sec cancelation, For 100=6, 50=3, 150=9,

Here 9 sec 150 metres.

Rajneesh Singh said: (Jun 7, 2021)  
125/10 * 18/5 + 5 = 50km/hr.

Mitali said: (Jun 24, 2021)  
Thanks, everyone for explaining.

Sparsh said: (Jul 25, 2021)  
I thought the timelapse is started when the front portion of the train just comes in contact with the bridge. If that were the case then the total length covered in 30 seconds is the length of the train twice plus the length of the bridge. So, the answer comes to be 115m.

Deepak said: (Sep 10, 2021)  
Thanks everyone.

Ali Azam said: (Sep 16, 2021)  
60km/hr convert into meters = 60*5/18 = 16.66 meter/sec. This is for 1 second = 16.66 meter. For 9 seconds just multiply by 9 = 16.66 * 9 = 150meter. We already know that 1km/hr = 5/18meter/second.

1 meter/second = 18/5 km/hr.

Ali Azam said: (Sep 16, 2021)  
60km/hr convert into meters = 60*5/18 = 16.66 meter/sec. This is for 1 second = 16.66 meter. For 9 seconds just multiply by 9 = 16.66 * 9 = 150meter. We already know that 1km/hr = 5/18meter/second.

1 meter/second = 18/5 km/hr.

Nishad Peta said: (Sep 28, 2021)  
Very excellent explanation and very useful link.

Thank you so much.

Niharaslam said: (Oct 21, 2021)  
Nice, Thnks everyone.

Amudeeswari said: (Nov 15, 2021)  
Thanks for all your answers. It helps me a lot to understand.

Suriya said: (Dec 30, 2021)  
How come 60*5/18 into 50/3? please explain.

Bijay said: (Jan 22, 2022)  
@All. We know that; Velocity = Distance/Time. so we can write, Distance = Velocity*Time. = (16.66)*(9) meters [=> 60km/hr convert into meters = 60*5/18. = 16.66 meter/sec.].

= 150 meters. [ANS].

Harshil Nakrani said: (Jan 30, 2022)  
Great, Thanks all for explaining the answer.

Raju said: (Feb 1, 2022)  
Super, thank you for your detailed explanation.

Ansu said: (Feb 23, 2022)  
Thank you so much for all your explanation.

Hariharan. said: (Mar 4, 2022)  
Thank you everyone for explaining the answer.

Vignesh Ernesto said: (Mar 10, 2022)  

Micheal Raj P said: (Mar 10, 2022)  
60km is converted to 60000m and 1 hour to 3600sec, there for 60000/3600 answer to 16.66 and multiple to 9sec and answer is 149.999.

So, here, the full value as 150 metres.

Shradha said: (Apr 2, 2022)  
Thank you all for explaining very well.

Saranya said: (Apr 12, 2022)  
There for 9seconds convert into hours. 60km convert into meters.

9/3600 * 60000 = 150.

Rishi Nigam said: (May 11, 2022)  
According to antenna, which we design we say that frequency is between 1 to 5 Mhz or other think we can define values between 1 to 2 Mhz and can use them for infinite frequencies because if we consider frequency between 1 to 2 MHz then if we see then the output can be 1.1,1.111,1.115677,1.9876,1.11153565.....infinity now. Then why we are using this is because if you increase the value before a point it will have a large change as compared to adding values after the point.

And this is because even if there is a small change in frequency then both signals are uncorrelated to large extent.

S. Gayathri said: (Jun 1, 2022)  
Speed = distance/time taken. 60 *1000 = length/ 9/3600. 1 hr = 3600 seconds.

9/3600*60*1000 = 150 m.

Adaeze Thompson said: (Jun 17, 2022)  
Thanks for the explanations.

Bharathi. D said: (Jun 23, 2022)  
Thanks all.

Bharathi. D said: (Jun 23, 2022)  
Thanks all for explaining the answer.

Brahma said: (Jun 25, 2022)  
Thank you everyone for explaining the answer.

Atungire Andrew said: (Jun 28, 2022)  
Thanks everyone for explaining.

Rahul said: (Jul 25, 2022)  
Thanks everyone for the answer.

Nithish.S said: (Aug 5, 2022)  
Convert km to m - 60000. Convert hr to sec - 3600.

Sso, 60000/3600 = 16.666(speed) * 9 (time) = 150.

Santosh said: (Aug 21, 2022)  
Thanks all for explaining the answer.

Swarit said: (Sep 25, 2022)  
60*5/18 = 50/3. 50/3 *9, Then 50*3.

Answer = 150.