What is the difference between the two multimodal text

Learning Task 4: Copy and complete in your notebook the dialogue by supplying phrases or modals + verbs expressing permission, obligation or prohibiti … on which- ever is necessary. Once Upon a Pandemic There is no perfect time and age to becoming responsible and well-informed citizens. Anyone can be especially in this time of crisis.​

theuth thinks that the medium of writing will improve people's memory,while thamus thinks that it will cause forgetfulness.How can we explain this dif … ference?​

what do you mean by contemporary?

construct a paragraph about the importance of washing hands,underline once the simple subject and twice the simple​

Choose the letter of the BEST summary of each passage.39.It was late afternoon when Daisy and Baily were let out of their kennels. They ran outside an … d searched for their toys. They played frisbee, fetch with a ball and chased squirrels. After about an hour they began to get hungry. They barked and barked until their owner came out to feed them. The food was yummy and they ate it all up. After that, they laid out in the yard in the sunshine. The sun was warm on their fur. What a nice afternoon Daisy and Baily had together. A. Daisy and Baily played all afternoon. They laid out in the yard. Then they went back to their kennels. B. Daisy and Baily are dogs. They like to bark and play. They played in the sun. They got out of their kennels. They had a nice afternoon together. C. Daisy and Baily played together. They ate some food. They laid out in the sun. They had a nice afternoon.40.One morning Matt and Sam went to World of Fun. Matt's mom dropped them off at the gate and told them she would be back at 5:00 to pick them up. Matt and Sam were very excited and couldn't wait to explore the whole place. First, they rode on all the roller coasters. Then, they rode on other rides. Next, they had some lunch and walked around. In the afternoon, they rode on all the rides again. They spent all day having fun. Around 5:00 mom came to pick them up. Matt and Sam were very excited and told her all about it during the ride home.A. Matt and Sam told mom all about their day. Then they rode all the rides at Worlds of Fun. They went to Worlds of FunB. Matt and Sam went to Words of Fun for the whole day. They rode rides and had fun. Mom dropped them off in the morning.C. Mom dropped Matt and Sam off at Worlds of Fun. They spent all day there. Mom picked them up in the afternoon.41. It was a sunny, hot day. Mom decided to take us swimming. We got all our swimming things packed, got in the car, and drive to the pool. When we arrived I saw some of my friends. We played and swam around the pool. The sun was burning hot as it reflected off the water. The water was cool and soothing. I wish I could have stayed there all day.A. A mom takes her children to the pool. The pool was fun and cool. The character wanted to stay there all day.B. The character wanted to stay there all day. A mom takes her children to the pool. The pool was fun and cool.C. A mom takes her children to the pool. The character wanted to stay there all day. The pool was fun and cool.​

match by drawing a line from beginning to ending Beginnings " Many hands " When it rains " The early bird " Where there is smoke " Kill two birds Endi … ngs it pours there is fire " make light work " catches the worm " in one stone "​

1. Discuss your own concept of Physical Education using web diagram. You can write words/ phrases or use pictures to explain your answers 2. List down … the role of Physical Education to one’s life.​

introduction part caregiving role of a house Husband?​

Write at least 200 words in English where you want to be after 5 years​

Choose the correct proverb for each . The first one has been done for you . Being early is a good thing The early bird gets the worm . 1 .. Rumors are … usually based on truth 2. You should be appreciative when something is offered3. When there is one problem , often many follow 4. A lot of people helping makes a job easier 5. Doing two things at the same time is an excellent way to save time​

According to the president, until a vaccine is available, face to face conduct of classes is not allowed​

complete the sentences with a modal verb. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. CAN'T-COULD-MIGHT-MUST-MUSTN'T-NEED-NEEDN'T-SHOULD-WILL-WOULD1.T … hat___be jake.it's impossible.He said he was going to Spain.2.You___step into the headmaster's office without permission3.Tell your sister she___stay the night here if she wants too4.You have already drunken a glass of wine.You___not drive.Let me5.You____see the eiffel tower and the Louvre when you go to paris6.I ____to take orders from you.You're not my boss!​

MISSION 1 Smar Change the direct speech to reported speech. Write your answer on the line. Use the tag "he said." 1. "I will study hard." He said that … he will study hard. 6. 2. "I will talk about family." He said that he will talk about his family 3. "The family is the smallest unit of society." He said that the family is the smalles] unit of Society 4. "No amount of success can compensate for failure in the home." He said that no amount of success can compensate For Failure in the homes "He 5. He said that he runs weekly. "I don't like my schedule of classes." 2 6.”l don’t like my schedule of classes.” Yung lang pong six

least 5 definition of management and the prominent personalities who gave them aside from the other prominent personalities discussed in the lesson.​

what did you do to come up with tha meaning of the given word​

What are the causes of reward?​

51 TR There hore than one may 1) Fog covered the mountains. Why 3.) Joshua # taught his little brother how to cheat a baskeball did the prices of gaso … line rise? co y beach (4.) Caina had laid the beach towed on an ant hill, 5.) The family had a reunion in hands. 6 Arolt Eugene sat by the five rubbing his hands. qilw some culturess, people sit on the floor to dive 3.) can birds fly ocean? across an 9.1 My cousin taught my sister how to drive a car in the park 101 Cleanliness is next to godliness. a Flip a switch and alight goes on- 12) Eevery time you flip a light switch, you make billions of little electroms go to work for you. (1135 Uncountable hours of work have your electricity, you need to twow gove into providing you with the turn that on. experienced an electrical shock when hair (1614.) Have you ever touched a you for seen sparks fly when you brushed you 15.) Without electricity you wouldn't have elephores TV. video games and many other thing you every day. use doorkidd​

Directions: Arrange the following words based on its parts of speech category. Copy and Fill in the table below. Write your answers in your English no … tebook. Accept Achieve adjustment active massively​

“My Ideal english class instruction “ 5 paragraph essay

Exercise 1: Jumbled sentences: put the words in the correct order to make statements or questions. Underline the modals used in each sentence. You mus … t not park here. Example: here-not-you-park-must. 1. You -put- can- shoes-your- coat- and - there- over,2. These-may-pages-photocopied-be-classroom-for-use. 3. can- the-she- violin - play? 4. you- see- can- bird- the-on- roof- the? 5. bag- be- worn- may- the- over-the-shoulder. These modal verbs exercise checks your understanding on the use of modals. Do you think you can choose the correct modal verb for each situation? Find out below. 6​