What is the burden of chronic disease?

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Page 2

Country Type of Care Co-payment Co-insurance Supplementary payments Uninsured services Protection measures
Belgium Outpatient NA GP and specialist consultations, GP home visits, physiotherapy, speech therapy, podology, etc. Non-convention healthcare providers Individual health services Household level annual maximum for co-payments and co-insurance from 450 to 1800 EUR according to income. A maximum for the chronically ill reduced by 100 EUR. Lower co-payments and co-insurance for low-income households.
Drugs NA Various % according to drug category NA Non-essential drugs (e.g. diarrhoea, stomach pain)
Inpatient Flat rate charge per day for inpatient stay, drugs; per stay for tests, radiology A A (e.g. one-person rooms) Individual health services
Czech Republic Outpatient Emergency visit fee 3.5 EUR; flat rate charge for therapeutic aids NA NA Individual health services Exemptions from emergency visit fee for defined vulnerable groups
Drugs Flat rate charge per package NA NA Non-essential drugs (e.g. diarrhoea, cold, pain); contraception Individual annual maximum for drug co-payments: basic (200 EUR); lowered for younger 18 and older 65 (100 EUR)
Inpatient NA NA Above standard services (one-person rooms) Individual health services NA
Germany Outpatient Physiotherapy 10 EUR per day 10% (min. 5 EUR and max. 10 EUR) for transport services, therapeutic aids NA Individual health services Individual annual maximum for co-payments: 2% of household gross income; 1% for chronically ill
Drugs NA 10% for prescription drugs (min. 5 EUR and max. 10 EUR); 10% for herbal remedies NA Non-essential drugs (e.g. diarrhoea, stomach pain)
Inpatient Flat rate charge 10 EUR per day for a maximum of 28 day per year NA Above standard services (one-person rooms) Individual health services

  1. A applicable, GP general practitioner, NA not applicable