What is the best method for communicating stakeholders information project management?

As a project manager, one of your most essential tasks is stakeholder communication. This job involves communicating with all of the different people who have a vested interest in your project. These stakeholders can include internal team members, external partners and investors, and even customers or clients.

If you want to ensure that your stakeholders are well-informed and engaged in your business, you need to find effective ways to communicate with them. In this article, we will discuss some of the best methods for stakeholder communication and why it is crucial to keep the lines of communication open in every part of your business.

Define Your Stakeholders

The first step in effective stakeholder communication is identifying who your stakeholders are. These stakeholders are groups or people who have a vested interest in your project or company. Stakeholders may be directly involved in the project, or they may be affected by the project’s outcomes. Types of stakeholders include:

  • Internal team members
  • External partners or investors
  • Customers or clients

Once you have identified which group of stakeholders you are working with, you need to assess their needs and objectives. What information do they need from you? What are their goals and objectives? By understanding what your stakeholders want, you can tailor your communication to meet their needs.

Create A Relationship With Your Stakeholders

After you have identified and assessed your stakeholders, it’s time to create a relationship with them. This involves building trust and rapport so that they feel comfortable communicating with you. It’s important to remember that stakeholder communication is a two-way street. You need to be open and honest with your stakeholders and listen to their concerns.

By creating a solid relationship with your stakeholders, you will be able to communicate with them about the project at hand effectively. They will also be more likely to trust you and give you honest feedback. Ways to create a relationship with your stakeholders depend on the type of stakeholders they are and it will differ between internal, external, and customers.

Internal team members are the most accessible group to communicate with since you should already have a relationship with them. These team members will already be very close to the project, and you can start sharing with them by being open and honest about the project and involving them in the decision-making process from day 1.

External partners or investors will be more challenging to communicate with since you might not have a preexisting relationship.To establish this relationship, you will need to take extra steps and be as transparent about the project as possible and provide them with regular updates on the project’s progress.

Customers or clients are a very similar group to external partners or investors – with this group, you need to be responsive to their needs and concerns. It would help if you also kept them updated on the project’s status and any changes that may affect them.

6 Effective Ways To Communicate With Stakeholders

After identifying each of your stakeholder groups, creating ways to communicate with them is the next plan. While these groups will have their own unique needs, how you communicate with them will be similar. Below are six ways to communicate with your stakeholders – no matter how involved the project is.

1. Create a communication plan:

This should include what information you need to communicate when you need to express it, and how you will share it. This communication plan will help keep everyone on the same page and ensure that no one is left in the dark about the project.

2. Regular stakeholder meetings:

Meetings provide an excellent opportunity to update your stakeholders on the project’s progress and get their feedback and input. These meetings should be scheduled regularly, such as monthly or bi-weekly.

3. Status reports:

Status reports are another great way to keep your stakeholders updated on the project. These reports can be sent out via email or shared at stakeholder meetings.

4. Project website or portal access:

A project website or portal is another way to share information with your stakeholders. This can be used to post project updates, share documents, and track progress.

5. Stakeholder surveys:

Stakeholder surveys can be used as a way to get real-time feedback from your stakeholders about a project.

6. Set aside room for Q&A:

At each stakeholder meeting or update, make sure to set aside some time for questions and answers. This will allow your stakeholders to ask any questions they may have and help ensure that they understand the project.

Stay On Track With A Project Management Program

One of the best ways to keep the lines of communication open is to use stakeholder or project management software. This type of software allows you to track all stakeholder communication in one place. It also provides a central location for storing documents and files related to the project.

One good stakeholder management software to look at is Hive. Hive allows you to create tasks and subtasks, set deadlines, assign team members, and add comments. It also has a naive chat feature that will enable you to track all stakeholder management communication with stakeholders in one place. Hive has the ability to integrate with thousands of other programs so your external team doesn’t have to change any of their internal processes, and the automation features keep everyone tracking along in a timely manner.

Benefits of Stakeholder Communication

With the relationship with your stakeholders established, you need to continue to keep the lines of communication open. This means regular communication, even when there is no news to share. Stakeholders need to feel like they are part of the process and that their input is valued. Keeping these lines of open communication offer many benefits, which include:

  • Improved project outcomes
  • Increased transparency
  • Greater stakeholder engagement
  • Better decision making
  • Faster issue resolution

Stakeholder communication is essential for any project manager who wants to see their project succeed. By following the tips in this article, you can ensure that your stakeholders are always well-informed and engaged in your business.

It is of crucial importance to any project manager to work closely with stakeholders – relevant people affiliated with your project whose opinions and actions will directly impact the project outcome. I label it “crucial” because of the whopping 30% of projects that experience failure due to poor communication.

Establishing ground rules for effective stakeholders communication will save time, remove obstacles and ultimately, finish the project on time and within budget. There are several communication methods you should implement when communicating with stakeholders in your company. All methods of communication described below have their upsides and downsides, so make sure you pick the right one depending on the message you are trying to send to your stakeholders.

Schedule a meeting

Stakeholder meetings are the most common communication method in place for corporations, especially since they can save time in conveying the message to a large number of people. Best ways to communicate the message would be PowerPoint, Prezi or any of the mind mapping software solutions available online. Being in the same room with stakeholders should avoid misinterpretation issues.

However, beware that with growing distributed teams, scheduled meetings are becoming a thing of the past. With growing online platforms that ensure real-time transparency, clients are no longer passive consumers of information. Delivering periodic reports without continuous communication will not cut it anymore.

Send out a newsletter

Using the company’s intranet or collaboration platform already in place, you can act proactively and define a newsletter to be sent out to stakeholders at given time periods. It can be great for including even stakeholders who are not directly involved with your project. Beware that e-mail is a one-way communication channel, so you should avoid it for issues that require immediate feedback.

Separate online “screen to screen” meetings

As time-consuming as they can be separate face to face meetings are the best way to get the message across stakeholders. Not everyone responds to your presentation style equally, so by meeting stakeholders separately, you can address their concerns in more detail and with greater control. Of course, again, as a result of the graphically dispersed teams and the growing trend of including independent contractors in projects “screen to screen” is becoming the new “face to face”, since so many of the meetings are held via online communication and collaboration platforms. Having a presentation is optional; you are better off focusing on the dialogue.

Project summary report

Project summary reports are usually sent out in predefined periods (weekly, monthly). The protocol is already agreed upon here, so if your project is running on time and within budget, you should not have any concerns. Backed up with data and statistics you should highlight the top performing parts of your project and reassure the stakeholders you have the situation in control.

Schedule a conference call

Conference calls are most commonly used in situations where the issue is too urgent for a meeting. So whenever you feel there is an obstacle that needs to be resolved immediately you can schedule a conference call, which can be arranged in the matter of minutes/hours. Have in mind that conference calls are better for one way communication so it would be a good idea to have an agenda prepared before the conference call starts.

Lunch meetings

Lunch meetings would fall into the informal communication category of stakeholders meetings. They would be a great idea for getting honest feedback or getting stakeholders to sign off on a particular idea you have in mind. Have in mind that informal meetings can be just as effective as the official ones.

Stefan Jordev


Stefan Jordev is e-business management MSc and marketing specialist for Seavus’ Project Viewer. Passionate about project management & mind mapping, he is constantly looking for ways to innovate and combine these two. He is a regular contributor to 4 project management blogs and has written over a dozen e-books on the subject.

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