What is the abbreviated name for a tunnel interface in the output of your VPN boot sequence output?

What is the abbreviated name for a tunnel interface in the output of your VPN boot sequence output?



To set up a VPN tunnel, the Layer 3 interface at each end must have a logical tunnel interface for the firewall to connect to and establish a VPN tunnel. A tunnel interface is a logical (virtual) interface that is used to deliver traffic between two endpoints. If you configure any proxy IDs, the proxy ID is counted toward any IPSec tunnel capacity.

The tunnel interface must belong to a security zone to apply policy and it must be assigned to a virtual router in order to use the existing routing infrastructure. Ensure that the tunnel interface and the physical interface are assigned to the same virtual router so that the firewall can perform a route lookup and determine the appropriate tunnel to use.

Typically, the Layer 3 interface that the tunnel interface is attached to belongs to an external zone, for example the untrust zone. While the tunnel interface can be in the same security zone as the physical interface, for added security and better visibility, you can create a separate zone for the tunnel interface. If you create a separate zone for the tunnel interface, say a VPN zone, you will need to create security policies to enable traffic to flow between the VPN zone and the trust zone.

To route traffic between the sites, a tunnel interface does not require an IP address. An IP address is only required if you want to enable tunnel monitoring or if you are using a dynamic routing protocol to route traffic across the tunnel. With dynamic routing, the tunnel IP address serves as the next hop IP address for routing traffic to the VPN tunnel.

If you are configuring the Palo Alto Networks firewall with a VPN peer that performs policy-based VPN, you must configure a local and remote Proxy ID when setting up the IPSec tunnel. Each peer compares the Proxy-IDs configured on it with what is actually received in the packet in order to allow a successful IKE phase 2 negotiation. If multiple tunnels are required, configure unique Proxy IDs for each tunnel interface; a tunnel interface can have a maximum of 250 Proxy IDs. Each Proxy ID counts towards the IPSec VPN tunnel capacity of the firewall, and the tunnel capacity varies by the firewall model.

See Set Up an IPSec Tunnel for configuration details.

A VPN tunnel is an encrypted link between your computer or mobile device and an outside network.

A VPN tunnel — short for virtual private network tunnel — can provide a way to cloak some of your online activity.

How? A VPN tunnel connects your smartphone, laptop, computer, or tablet to another network in which your IP address is hidden and all the data you generate while surfing the web is encrypted.

By connecting to websites through a VPN tunnel — and not directly — you can help keep businesses, government bodies, hackers, or other snoops from tracking your online activity or viewing your IP address — which, like your actual address, identifies your location — while you’re online.

A VPN tunnel is useful when you’re logging onto the internet using public Wi-Fi at hotels, coffee shop, or library.

How does VPN tunneling work?

To connect to the internet through a VPN tunnel, you'll first have to sign up with a virtual private network service, better known as a VPN. The VPN is the key to hiding your IP address and shielding your online activity from snoops.

Before visiting websites, you'll log into your VPN provider’s service. When you then start searching online, the websites you visit and your own internet service provider — ISP, for short — won't see your IP address. Instead, they'll see the IP address of your VPN provider, helping to protect your privacy.

In essence, when you click on links or download files from a site, no one will know it’s your activity. It’s as if your VPN provider has built a tunnel around your online activity, providing a barrier between it and everyone else.

Using a VPN alone may not be enough to protect your online privacy, though. That’s why VPN providers take one more step to encrypt the data you send and receive while you are online. When your data is encrypted, it is scrambled so snoops can’t intercept and decipher it.

When you enable this added layer of protection, hackers, businesses, governments, or others won't be able to track what sites you visit, files you download, videos you stream, or online games you play.

Hiding your IP address and encrypting the data you send and receive is a powerful combination to help keep your online browsing sessions private.

VPN tunnel protocols

Not all VPN tunnels are equally effective in protecting your online privacy. The strength of a tunnel depends on the type of tunneling protocol your VPN provider uses.

Some protocols are outdated and may not provide data encryption that is strong enough to deter online snoops so it’s a good idea for you to work with a VPN provider that relies on the strongest possible tunneling protocol.


Point to Point Tunneling Protocol — better known as PPTP — is one of the oldest versions still in use today. The strength of this protocol is its speed: It features extremely fast connection speeds.

This speed comes at a cost, though. PPTP is fast partly because its level of data encryption is weak by today's standards. This means it's easier for outsiders to crack the encryption provided by this protocol. If you want more protection, investigate a stronger form of protocol.


Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol, when used with Internet Protocol Security, is a step up from basic PPTP. That's because this level of tunneling protocol offers two stages of protection: Both the L2TP and IPSec portions of this protocol create their own encryption. This results in two layers of protection for your online data.

The downside? This type of tunneling protocol, because of the two layers of encryption, can result in slower online connection speeds. L2TP/IPSec sometimes gets blocked by firewalls, too. That's because this type of VPN tunneling uses fixed ports.


Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol is unusual because it is only available on Windows operating systems. This type of tunneling protocol is very secure, making it a safe choice. It also doesn't use fixed ports, so it's easier for SSTP to get through firewalls.

The problem, of course, is that this protocol isn't available for operating systems other than Windows. That shuts out many potential users.


If you're looking for the strongest protection while online, you should consider investing in a VPN service provider that relies on the OpenVPN protocol.

This protocol works with all the major operating systems, Linux, Window, and Mac, on the mobile operating systems of Android and iOS.

Maybe you prefer an independent operating system? OpenVPN might have you covered, because it works with such systems as FreeBSD, NetBSD, Solaris, and OpenBSD.

OpenVPN is currently considered the top form of VPN tunneling protocol. That's because its encryption is especially strong. It's also adept at getting past firewalls.

Protecting your privacy while online

The key to VPN tunneling is to actually use the service. A VPN can’t keep your identity private or encrypt the data you send and receive if you skip that extra step of connecting to your VPN provider first before you access the internet.

Remember, too, that to truly protect your online privacy, you’ll need to enable VPN protection on any device you use to reach the web from public locations. It doesn’t help to have your laptop protected by a VPN only to log onto the internet with your smartphone while you’re relaxing at the coffee shop.

The bottom line? VPN tunneling is a must for online privacy. Just make sure you use your VPN service once you sign up with it.

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What is the abbreviated name for a tunnel interface in the output of your VPN boot sequence output?

Written by a NortonLifeLock employee

What is the abbreviated name for a tunnel interface in the output of your VPN boot sequence output?

Our social networks can multiply the cheer of the holiday season. What’s nicer than a platform that allows us to interact easily with faraway loved ones, often in real time? However, social networks can also have their naughty — and downright dangerous — side during the holidays. Follow these tips to stay safe from social networking scams:

Beware Video Links

There’s a reason cat videos are so popular on social media — cats are cute! But watching cats playing with Christmas tree tinsel could, in fact, be risky. Tip: No video, no matter how cute, is worth giving up your personal information, even if all your friends are LOLing and sharing it. If you are required to provide your details in order to watch a video, just don’t.

Be Charitable, But Careful
Cybercriminals have learned how to turn our emotions against us. During the holidays, our desire to be extra kind and generous could make us vulnerable to fake charity scams that pop up in your social networks. If you receive an email or shared post soliciting monetary donations, don’t click on the links. Tip: Always verify the authenticity of the organization by checking on Give.org or Charitynavigator.org. Then go directly to the organization’s website to make your donation.

What is the abbreviated name for a tunnel interface in the output of your VPN boot sequence output?

On the second day of Christmas, my love put on my PC: A free software program that made it so totally wonky.

When you’ve budgeted all your money for Christmas gifts, paying for antivirus may be at the bottom of your list, but the old adage that you get what you pay for can often apply to free software — especially if it isn’t backed by a well-known, reliable company. Read these tips to stay clear of bad freeware:

Pay the Price for Reputation
Not all freeware is dangerous, but don’t take chances when it comes to protecting your devices and your identity. There’s always a price tag for freeware, and that fee can range from bothersome advertisements to constant alerts prompting you to upgrade to a paid version. Tip: Read the terms and conditions before you install that freeware. With less-proven security companies, downloading free software means you are the fee — because your personal information and data will be shared with third parties.

Don’t Fall for Fake Anti-virus Software
One common — and ironic — method cybercriminals use to con victims is to disguise malware as free anti-virus software. Typically, the victims download a free “antivirus” solution. Then not long after, the bogus software alerts the victims that their computer is infected with a virus and prompts them to use a credit card to pay to have the nonexistent virus removed. The victims then unwittingly provide their credit card information to a cybercriminal, opening themselves up to identity theft. Tip: Protecting your device and identity are worth a price that costs way less than 5 golden rings. Opt for a proven and trusted anti-virus suite like Norton Security, which includes protection for up to five devices.

What is the abbreviated name for a tunnel interface in the output of your VPN boot sequence output?

On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: A gold ring he bought online, which turned out to be phony.

Online shopping has made holiday shopping more convenient. No circling the mall for parking or standing in long lines for you! But online shopping comes with its own headaches if you’re not careful. Read these tips to shop safely online:

Follow the Signs of Security
When shopping online the most important step is to make sure the website you’re shopping on has a URL that starts with “https”. The “s” stands for “security” and means your transactions on that site are encrypted and secure.

Shop Sites You Know and Trust
The temptation to get a bargain may be strong, but sticking with reputable shopping websites you know and trust is key. Nobody wants to give their credit card information to a phony website and risk identity theft, or buy an important gift — like a ring — only to receive fake merchandise.

What is the abbreviated name for a tunnel interface in the output of your VPN boot sequence output?

On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: An email saying I’d won a shopping spree!

During what should be a joyous time of year, cybercriminals take advantage of people’s generosity and interest in shopping. Beware of spam and scams, and check out these tips:

Don’t Fall for Phishing Scams
Phishing emails seem to come from people you know, but they’re really from scammers who have enough of your personal information to entice you to open their email. For example, you might get an email from your “boyfriend” telling you to click on a link to claim your free shopping spree prize. Tip: If it seems to good to be true, it probably is. Never click links or open attachments in suspicious emails.

Be Smart About Spyware
Scammers can install spyware on your computer, giving them access to your personal information, which they’ll then use against you. If your computer is running slower or you start to see more popup ads than usual, you may have spyware. Tip: Be selective about what you download to your computer, and get anti-spyware protection from a strong security suite, such as Norton Security.

What is the abbreviated name for a tunnel interface in the output of your VPN boot sequence output?

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: A smartphone that’s totally trendy. 

For many of us, our smartphones have become extensions of ourselves, and we can’t imagine living without them. Because these devices are so important to our daily lives and hold so much personal information, it’s crucial to protect them. Follow these tips to secure your smartphones:

Start with the Basics
Smartphones are only as secure as we make them. Tip: Be sure to lock your smartphone with a passcode or touch ID.

Add on Mobile Device Security
When you think about all you do on a smartphone, it becomes clear that these devices are actually powerful mini computers. As such, they’re also vulnerable to some of the same viruses and malware as your PC or Mac. Tip: Install mobile device security software on your smartphone.

Think Before You Download
Many smartphone apps are fun and functional, which is why people love them — whether for keeping track of holiday cookie recipes or playing games. However, you should only download apps from reputable app stores, such as Google Play and the Apple App Store. These have rigorous standards to keep malware-laden apps off of your smartphones.

What is the abbreviated name for a tunnel interface in the output of your VPN boot sequence output?

On the sixth day of Christmas, my PC gave to me: Malware that almost drove me to insanity.

Malware, short for malicious software, refers to cybersecurity risks such as viruses, adware, spyware, and Trojan horses — the equivalent of online coal in your stocking. These programs are specifically engineered to compromise a computer’s security features and give hackers access to your personal data. Read these tips to avoid malware:

Keep Your Software Up to Date
Start by installing a computer security software suite from a reputable and trusted brand. Then be sure to keep that software up to date by always installing the latest patches and updates as soon as they’re available. Tip: Patches and updates are typically released to fix recently discovered vulnerabilities in software. Updating your software whenever prompted is the best way to stay secure.

Power Up Your Password
Using a password or passcode to secure your devices is fundamental, but not everybody takes this basic step. Create passwords that are complex, using a combination of numbers, special characters, and upper and lowercase letters. Tip: If you struggle to remember all your passwords, try a password manager.

Think Before You Link
Malware is most often distributed via spam emails containing links or attachments that, when clicked on or opened, install malware on your system. Stop to think before you decide to click on a link, even if the email appears to be sent by a reputable company or a good friend, because hackers can spoof email accounts. Tip: Always check links before clicking on them by hovering your cursor over the link. If you don’t recognize the destination URL, don’t click.

What is the abbreviated name for a tunnel interface in the output of your VPN boot sequence output?

On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: A smart watch that’s oh so sporty.

In addition to tablets and smartphones, wearable devices are highly desired Christmas presents. Follow these tips to use yours safely or to gift along with your smart present:

Read the Fine Print
Wearable fitness trackers are almost ubiquitous today, but these smart devices can sometimes know too much. Think about all the daily data they record: your location, your schedule, what you eat, where you like to run, and your vitals. Considering this, you may want to think about who you’re sharing this information with, like your fitness social network or — unknowingly — hackers and cyberstalkers. Tip: Know what data is being accessed by the app. Always read the app’s privacy policy before downloading it.

Secure Your Wearable and Yourself
Although wearable devices access a lot of your personal data, these technologies lag far behind others when it comes to built-in security. Many apps for wearables transmit login credentials through clear text. If you use a fitness tracker, chances are most of your data is transmitted via Bluetooth LE or wireless Internet, and is not encrypted. Smart hackers could intercept data if they are within range. Tip: Turn off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi when you’re not actively sending data. A fun fake username, like Rudolph2016, plus a strong password will keep you safer from hackers and stalkers.

What is the abbreviated name for a tunnel interface in the output of your VPN boot sequence output?

On the eighth day of Christmas, my PC gave to me: A locked screen demanding money.

In the olden days, highway robbery was a real threat. Now, in the online days, Internet superhighway robbery in the form of ransomware is becoming all too common. Follow these tips to avoid having your computer held for ransom:

Start Secure and Stay Secure
Computer security software, whether a basic anti-virus program or a full Internet security suite, is your first line of defense to prevent falling victim to ransomware. These programs will alert you to viruses or other malware that could leave your system vulnerable to hackers. Tip: Choose solid security software from a trusted brand. Avoid free anti-virus, especially from companies you’ve never heard of.

Back It Up
Hackers deploy ransomware to encrypt the data on your computer and prevent you from accessing your own information. Although dealing with ransomware can be scary, backing up your files will make the ordeal less so. If you have backup copies of all your important data, then you won’t have to worry about the files the cybercriminals encrypted. Tip: Back up your files regularly.

Never Pay the Ransom
If you find a ransom note on your computer screen demanding money in exchange for unlocking your computer, don’t panic. And never pay the ransom. Once paid, the cybercriminals rarely, if ever, decrypt your files. Paying them may even encourage them to try to extract more money from you. Tip: With backed-up files, you can tell the hackers to bah-humbug off and you won’t have to worry about paying ransom.

What is the abbreviated name for a tunnel interface in the output of your VPN boot sequence output?

On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love set up for me: All of my fancy new IoT.

Who doesn’t want a brand-new TV for Christmas? And a high-def smart TV playing a continuous loop of a burning Yule log may be even more desirable. But it’s not only smart TVs that are popular; smart homes themselves are trending with people who want convenience paired with wireless technologies. These tips can keep your new Internet of Things devices protected from cybercriminals:

Fortify Your Connected Home Network
When it comes to IoT, your smart things are only as secure as your home’s Internet router — which is also the easiest point of entry for hackers. Be sure your home Wi-Fi network is using WPA2 encryption and change the default name and password on your router. Tip: Also make sure the main devices you use to control your smart home (think desktops and smartphones) are protected with strong passwords, two-factor authentication, or good security software.

Control Your Data
Every smart device collects data that it uses to make your life easier, but it’s up to you to decide what types of data are collected and how that data is used. Start by reading the privacy policy that comes with your devices or the apps that control them. Then choose the level of privacy you want for each device. Tip: Turn on privacy settings whenever possible to make sure your data isn’t shared with third-party partners.

What is the abbreviated name for a tunnel interface in the output of your VPN boot sequence output?

On the tenth day of Christmas, cybercriminals stole from me: My personal information and my identity.

Identity theft is a growing problem that consumers can only do so much to prevent. It’s important to know which preventive steps you can take, but also how to get your identity back if it is stolen. Read these tips to stay one step ahead of identity thief Grinches:

Protect Your Computer
Identity theft is especially hard to prevent because you have to protect your identity both online and off. The access point for your digital information is most likely your computer, so make sure it’s secure. Tip: Install a full Internet security suite for optimum protection.

Secure Your Mailbox
Would-be identity thieves often target unsecured mailboxes to access your information. The mail you receive — and send — is full of personally identifying information that thieves could use to access your existing accounts or to create new ones using your identity. Tip: Put a lock on your mailbox, or pay for a P.O. Box. That way you won’t have to worry about having your new credit cards or health insurance cards stolen and then used to compromise your identity and ruin your credit.

Call in the Professionals
No matter how vigilant you may be about shredding all mail and documents containing your personal information, or how careful you are about securing your online life, you can’t control all of your data. It’s already out there — at your doctor’s office, your school, your favorite local store. And, depending on how secure their systems are, your information could end up being part of the growing number of data breaches. Tip: Many companies offer identity theft protection, with varying features.

What is the abbreviated name for a tunnel interface in the output of your VPN boot sequence output?

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: A powerful and shiny new PC.

Starting fresh with a new PC is on many people’s Christmas lists. Whether you’re receiving or giving, keep your digital gifts more secure this holiday season by following these basic tips:

Create a Strong Password
Use passwords to keep your device secure when not in use — or in case it gets misplaced or stolen. Choose passwords that are complex, using a combination of numbers, special characters, and upper and lowercase letters. Tip: Create a password by using a favorite song (or Christmas carol) for inspiration, but swapping some numbers or special characters for letters. Like, T12dOxMa$.

Choose Reputable Security Software
Always install Internet security software from a trusted company to protect your new PC or Mac.

Update All of Your Software
Whether your laptop or other device is old or new, always updating to the latest software can keep it protected. Tip: Most software updates or patches are released to fix vulnerabilities found in a previous version, so installing the latest version will always offer maximum protection.

What is the abbreviated name for a tunnel interface in the output of your VPN boot sequence output?

On the twelfth day of Christmas, Norton gave to me: A new sense of security.

Wishing you a secure and happy holiday season!

Editorial note: Our articles provide educational information for you. NortonLifeLock offerings may not cover or protect against every type of crime, fraud, or threat we write about. Our goal is to increase awareness about cyber safety. Please review complete Terms during enrollment or setup. Remember that no one can prevent all identity theft or cybercrime, and that LifeLock does not monitor all transactions at all businesses.

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