What is promotion and transfer?

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What is promotion and transfer?
What is promotion and transfer?

  • Please note we are in the process of iterating on the below processes with the recent implementation of Workday. For assistance please contact people-connect via Slack or your People Business Partner. Thank you for your patience

Developing talent internally is a key component of our success at GitLab, and our promotion process is built to support that development in alignment with our values. Team members have two main avenues to pursue career advancement at GitLab: 1) Via our promotion process, and 2) By applying and interviewing for open positions that are approved in our headcount plan (transfers).

Promotions are reviewed and approved once per quarter to support a consistent, predictable, and fair process. We leverage public (to GitLab) promotion documents where we outline the business results, increasing job scope, and values alignment that a team member demonstrates which support their promotion. The People Business Partner and leadership team are responsible for calibrating promotion nominations aligned with the timeline below.

We encourage team members to take control of their own career advancement, and believe every team member deserves a great manager to support them. If you feel your title is not aligned with your skill level, come prepared with an explanation of how you believe you meet the proposed level and can satisfy the business need. Team members are empowered to own their development and can use the Individual Growth Plan as a tool to articulate and align on the skills they want to develop as they think about growing into a larger role.

In addition to promotions, this page captures information about transfers, realignments and career mobility.


  • Promotions occur when a team member increases in level within the same job family. For example, a Backend Engineer is promoted to a Senior Backend Engineer. Similarly, a Senior Backend Engineer would receive a promotion by moving to a Staff Backend Engineer or Manager, Engineering.
  • Transfers occur when someone changes job families. A Backend Engineer would transfer to a Site Reliability Engineer. Generally these happen based on an open req and application process via Greenhouse.
  • Change in specialty has no impact to job family. Therefore, this is not a promotion or a transfer.

Our promotion philosophy comprises core pillars surrounding the approach and process alignment to our values.


  • Promote based on performance, not based on potential. Team members are already executing at the next level (job grade) prior to promotion.
  • Career growth should be a partnership between team member and manager. As manager, it is important to create space to regularly discuss your team members' development and career aspirations, and identify opportunities to support them in their advancement and growth. If you as a team member feel you are approaching promotion readiness, it is encouraged for you to initiate this conversation with your manager.
  • When reviewing a proposed promotion, we should consider: 1) readiness of the individual, and 2) business need/opportunity
  • All promotions at GitLab require a promotion document. We believe in transparency around the promotion process.
  • We encourage team members to live our efficiency value, be a manager of one, and take ownership of their promotion document in partnership with their manager.
  • We calibrate promotions on a quarterly basis to ensure an equitable review, and through this process track metrics that help us understand if our promotions are occurring at a healthy and fair rate.

Values Alignment

Our promotion philosophy is also aligned with our values:

  • Collaboration: Cross-functional lens for feedback and calibration
  • Results: Business justification, scope, and team member results are demonstrated and documented to support promotions
  • Efficiency: Consistency and scalability in our processes
  • Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging: Fairness and equity reflected through a consistent approach and documentation to promotions at all levels in the organization and supported by our job frameworks and Total Rewards URG audit
  • Iteration: Process is improved each cycle. In FY23, we moved to quarterly promotions with calibration and updated our processes and metrics accordingly.
  • Transparency: Clarity and efficacy of promotion metrics, budget, and guidelines, in addition to transparency in promotion justification through internally public promotion documents.

Most promotions are processed through our Quarterly Promotion Calibrations, with exceptions going through Greenhouse or Workday depending on whether or not the individual interviews and accepts a position filling an approved headcount. More info on these 3 methods for processing a promotion below.

At GitLab, we promote on a quarterly cadence. This means that there is one effective date per quarter when team members can be promoted. There are three core stages to the promotion process: Planning, Calibration, and Processing.

Stage Purpose
Planning Managers and leaders to review their respective teams to determine promotion readiness, business need, and timeline for the upcoming quarters and project promotions
Calibration The calibration exercise is an opportunity for leaders (sync or async) to review projected promotions on a quarterly basis. This is an opportunity to create visibility and ensure consistency in who we are promoting and why.
Processing The final stage once promotions are defined, is to determine where to process the promotion to finalize (this will take place via Workday or Greenhouse).

Managers do not need to submit promotions that are part of the quarterly calibration process via Workday or Greenhouse. These will be processed by the PBP, Total Rewards, and People Connect team following calibration and Division leader approval. The exception to this rule are promotions that are submitted as exceptions and not part of the quarterly cycle and timeline outlined below.

Below is the timeline for FY23:

  • FY23-Q1:
    • Planning: December 15 to January 5
    • Calibrations: January 5 to January 15
    • Processing: January 15 to February 1 (Promotions must be added to Compaas by January 20)
      • Effective date for promotions: 2022-02-01.
      • Communication: In conjunction with annual compensation review raises. After communicated 1:1 with individuals, updates can be posted publicly in #team-member-updates.
  • FY23-Q2:
    • Planning: March 15 to April 1
    • Calibrations: April 1 to April 15
    • Processing: April 15 to May 1 (promotions must be added to HRIS by April 20)
      • Effective date for promotions: 2022-05-01.
      • Communication: After fully approved in either Greenhouse or HRIS
      • After communicated 1:1 with individuals on or after 2022-05-01, updates can be posted publicly in #team-member-updates. Managers should not communicate until promotions are effective in Workday.
  • FY23-Q3:
    • Planning: June 15 to July 1
    • Calibrations: July 1 to July 15
    • Processing: July 18 to August 1 ((promotions must be added to HRIS by July 20))
      • Effective date for promotions: 2022-08-01.
      • Communication: After fully approved in either Greenhouse or HRIS
      • After communicated 1:1 with individuals on or after 2022-08-01, updates can be posted publicly in #team-member-updates. Managers should not communicate until Total Rewards communicates that the promotions are approved and uploaded to Workday.
  • FY23-Q4:
    • Planning: September 15 to September 30
    • Calibrations: October 3 to October 14
    • Processing: October 17 to November 1 (promotions must be added to HRIS by October 20)
      • Effective date for promotions: 2022-11-01.
      • Communication: After fully approved in either Greenhouse or HRIS
      • After communicated 1:1 with individuals on or after 2022-11-01, updates can be posted publicly in #team-member-updates. Managers should not communicate until Total Rewards communicates that the promotions are approved and uploaded to Workday.

Please note that the Calibration timeline for Senior Director+ promotions will differ slightly from the timelines indicated above, as Senior Director+ promotions are calibrated at the quarterly E-group offiste.


Quarterly Promotion Planning is generally done via spreadsheets to maintain confidentiality and enable collaboration across department leaders where appropriate. Prior to the Planning phase in the timeline above, People Business Partners will make sure the spreadsheets are up to date before going into the Calibration phase.

The promotion document is required for all promotions.

As the audience are other GitLab team members, the text should be written in third person using the team member's name and appropriate pronouns (he/she/they) to highlight the work and skills as evidence of the team member's suitability for the role.

Promotion documents should demonstrate values alignment, business need for the role, and team member readiness through delivery of impactful business results. The core sections in our promotion document are:

  1. Promotion Summary
  2. Values Alignment
  3. Business Results
  4. Business Justification

When creating promotion documents, remember:

  • Promotions are based on performance, not potential
  • Promotion documents should not exceed 3 pages total.
  • Please reference the job frameworks in the handbook for guidance pertaining to expectations at the various levels at GitLab. The job levels should help guide data chosen to be included in the promotion document, in addition to discussion during calibration sessions.
  • Please be sure that the promotion document has “comment” access enabled to ‘Anyone at GitLab who has the link!’ to ensure the review and approval process is not delayed. Please delete the instructions associated with each section of the promotion document below before submitting the promotions.


Each quarter, Department/Division Leadership and the aligned People Business Partner plan a calibration session to review projected promotions. The goal of these calibration sessions is to set a fair and consistent standard in the Department for promotions, peer review promotions, and provide an opportunity for leaders to ask questions. These sessions can be async or sync.

During calibration sessions, leaders should be prepared to discuss:

  1. Core themes of the promotion document: Values alignment, business justification, business results.
  2. Development areas: The promotion document outlines strengths, but we also want to highlight how we will support a team member's opportunity to develop at the next level.
  3. Cross-functional feedback: As our business goals and initiatives become increasingly cross-functional, managers should have a picture of how their team member collaborates effectively within their immediate teams, and with their core cross-functional partners and stakeholders.
  4. Performance against with the current and (some) next level expectations aligned with the job framework.
  5. Competencies: Where available and applicable.
  6. Most recent talent assessment (and any relevant changes since)

Calibration should be aligned to the following levels of leaders and people managers:

Promotion Level Level Calibrated
Under Director level (Job Grade 5-9.5) Calibrated at the Department level
Director level (Job Grade 10) Calibrated at the Division level
Senior Director+ level (Job Grade 11-15) Calibrated at the E-Group level

Note that calibration structure may vary by division and department depending on size/scope/etc.

Philosophically, all promotions at GitLab are approached in the same way, follow the same high level process (Planning, Calibration, Processing), and use the same promotion document template.

Promotions to Senior Director+ level (job grade 11 and above) have the following differences:

  1. Planning: Senior Director+ promotions need to be added to E-group's promotion project sheet at least two quarters ahead of the desired promotion quarter for visibility. For example, if I want to promote an individual effective in Q1 (February), then I need to have this team member added to E-group's projection sheet within Q3 (latest October). Please work with your aligned People Business Partner, who will ensure the promotion projection is added.
  2. Calibration: All Senior Director+ level promotions are calibrated at the E-group level, as opposed to at the Department level. Calibration timeline will align to the timing of the E-group offiste, and will thus differ from the Calibration timeline of the rest of the organization. All promotion documents need to be completed and shared with the E-group for visibility and preparation at least 2 weeks before the off-site date.

The only exception to this process is when there is an open budgeted and publicly advertised vacancy for a Director or above level role that an internal team member interviews for and is offered. If external candidates have been considered and interviewed, and the internal candidate earns the role through a standard hiring process (screening, full interview process) then the recruiter may make an offer to the candidate as soon as the offer is approved. There should be no difference in the timing or process of making and accepting an offer for open roles between internal and external candidates.

GitLab tracks the following promotion metrics in Sisense

Internal Mobility

GitLab tracks Internal Mobility rate. Market data indicates that a 12% rolling promotion rate as the guideline for what we should see on average across the company for promotions. This is a guideline, not a cap.

Average % Compensation Change

GitLab targets an average of 5-10% compensation change in general for promotions. This metric is in place to ensure we are consistent and equitable across the company when allocating promotion compensation raises to team members, in addition to ensuring competitive and meaningful promotion increases across the board.

Budget Impact (see below)

FP&A tracks budget impact by Department/Division on a quarterly basis

Promotion budget is held at the division leader level, and optionally scaled down to department heads on a quarterly basis depending on department size. Decision to scale budget down is at the division leader's discretion.

Please review the Compensation Program Budget to understand how quarterly promotion budget is allocated and the process to review potential tradeoffs if divisions/departments are over/under budget for any given quarter.

Certain types of promotions/transfers can be handled outside of the Quarterly Promotion Calibration process:

  1. Application to a new, approved headcount in Greenhouse:
    • Internal candidates go through an interview process as defined further in the Greenhouse Promotions/Transfers section.
  2. Promotions stemming from individuals in interim/acting roles.
  3. Change in Territory, Segment, or Specialty:
    • Reviewed and approved through the Workday Change Job Process and Approval Flow for any change in territory, segment, or specialty when there is no change to the job family or level, there is no compensation or stock adjustment and no backfill request.
  4. Exceptions that are outside of the quarterly process and not aligned with any of the types listed above.

For exceptional situations where a promotion is not handled through the quarterly promotion process or Greenhouse, managers can submit promotions and job changes through Workday. Managers should align with their People Business Partner and leadership before submitting the exception in Workday.

Please see the Workday Guides for more information on how to submit the request. Managers should include justification for the exception and for any compensation increase recommendations above 10%.

Exception Approvals

Promotion Level Approvals Required
Under Director level (Job Grade 5-9.5) 1) Direct Manager, 2) Department Head, 3) People Business Partner, 4) Total Rewards, 5) FP&A
Director+ level (Job Grade 10-15) 1) Direct Manager, 2) Department Head, 3) People Business Partner, 4) Total Rewards, 5) FP&A, 6) E-Group Leader

Approvals for the Director+ level off-cycle promotion exceptions require E-Group approval, and off-cycle promotions for levels under Director require approval through Department head.

Regardless of the promotion level, it is critical that leaders work with their People Business Partner, Total Rewards, and FP&A as outlined to identify tradeoffs we can review to fund the promotion.

The following types of promotions/transfers can be processed through Greenhouse:

  • Interim Roles: Interim roles at all levels should go through the Greenhouse interview process (regardless of the number of applicants for the role).
    • Example: Senior Backend Engineer applies to become a Manager, Engineering (interim)
  • Interim roles that transition to the permanent role: All team members that started the Greenhouse process and were hired into the interim role will make the transition to the permanent role via Greenhouse as well. While on the interim the req will be paused by Talent Acquisition and reopened to process the hire into the permanent role.
    • Example: Manager, Engineering (interim) transitions to Manager, Engineering.
  • Lateral Transfers to a different job family: apply and approval through the Greenhouse hiring process.
    • Example: Backend Engineer applies to a Site Reliability Engineering role.
  • Change in territory, segment, or specialty that requires a change in job family or level, change in compensation or stock adjustment or requires a backfill request: Apply and approval through the Greenhouse hiring process.
  • Promotions or Applications to Senior Manager level roles: Any net new Senior Manager role as planned in Headcount planning should be opened via Greenhouse for team members to apply.
    • For Senior Manager roles that are not net new as part of the Headcount planning but are a continuation of someone's Career progression can be processed via Workday. If processed via Workday they are subject to the Promotion Quarterly cycle. This could for example apply if there's not a significant change in scope, or the team member has been identified and there are no other qualified candidates for that role. Whether an interim period should apply for the Senior Manager promotion when there's not a significant change of scope, will be determined by the manager, Department Head and People Business Partner for that group.

Greenhouse Process Requirements

For any transfer being submitted through Greenhouse hiring process, the following is required:

  • The positions must be open for a minimum of 24 hours
  • There must be a minimum of 2 interviews completed before moving to an offer for a candidate

Hiring for VP+ Roles

In order to ensure a consistent level of review for both internal promotions and new leadership roles, any net new VP and above "To be Hired" roles will be reviewed and approved by e-group. Senior leaders should partner with their People Business Partner to create a justficiation document for their proposed role. The justification document allows for e-group to better understand the business need for the role and how it will align within the organization.

This review is part of our organizational design discussions that occur during the e-group offsite.

Proposed roles can be reviewed as soon as the organization has visibility to the business need. However, if the need for a new VP+ role comes up outside of those organizational design discussions, it can be reviewed during the weekly e-group meeting to continue to ensure that we are agile and competitive in our hiring practices.

The justification document needs to be used when:

  1. We decide to backfill an existing role at a higher level (VP+)
  2. We open a net new headcount for a VP+ role (that is was not accounted for in the current fiscal year headcount plan)

Annual Compensation Review

When the promotion cycle is running concurrently with our Annual Compensation review (FY23-Q4) we will use Workday for processing promotions to eliminate the need for two tools. These steps will be updated as part of our Annual Compensation Review planning.

Things to consider before you start the process:

  • There will be situations when a team member is ready to move to the next level through a promotion, however, due to the nature of the business, that particular role or next level may not be available for business reasons. For example, the team member is ready for a Manager or Director role, however, the business does not have the need, budget or scope for an additional manager/director at that time. The position may or may not become available in the future but it is not a guarantee.
  • If the vacancy is being advertised via the jobs page the individual must submit an application for the role in order to be compliant with global anti-discrimination laws. Similarly, if there is no vacancy posting, one must be created and shared on the #new-vacancies slack channel so that everyone has the opportunity to apply and be considered.

Recommending a Compensation Increase

At GitLab, we ensure that promotions are impactful from the compensation perspective, stay within range of the compensation calculator, and are equitable to peers in the same role. Managers propose a recommended increase in cash compensation for their direct report using the compensation calculator. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to your People Business Partner or the Total Rewards Team.

  • When a team member is promoted from one level to the next in the same job family, it is typical to be brought between the minimum and median of the compensation range.
  • The Total Rewards Team typically recommends a 5%-10% increase as part of the promotion to cash compensation. Additional equity is fixed based on equity for promotions.
  • Any promotions with the following conditions will require additional justification to the Total Rewards team and executive approver. Please add the business justification as a comment in the promotion worksheet.
    1. An increase of more than 10%
    2. The promotion exceeds the range in the compensation calculator (would be paid over the top end of the compensation range).

Transfer Compensation Guidelines

When reviewing compensation for a transfer in Greenhouse, the Total Rewards team will ensure internal equity among like roles ahead of approving the offer details using the following general guidelines:

  1. Lateral Transfer (different or same job family, same grade): Typically we expect a team member to receive no increase or an increase in the amount of the benchmark differential for a lateral transfer.
    • This includes team members receiving a change in territory, segment, or specialty with no change in grade or job level.
  2. Promotional Transfer (different or same job family, higher grade): We recommend a 5-10% increase (aligned to the promotional expected increase) and/or the difference in the benchmark for the transfer to a higher grade.
  3. Other Transfer types: There are other transfers that can be reviewed on a case by case basis. For example, if someone is transferring to a lower grade in a different or same job family, compensation may be adjusted down to ensure alignment to market rates for the role. Please tag the Total Rewards team in Greenhouse to conduct a review.

This section describes the approval chain after a manager submits a promotion or compensation change request in Workday.


  1. If the request is approved, the People Connect Team will process the change in Workday and stage the Letter of Adjustment in DocuSign.
  2. DocuSign will prompt the manager to discuss the promotion with the team member. The Manager will communicate the change to the team member in their 1-1 meeting by sharing the letter of adjustment on the call. The Manager and the team member will process/sign the letter on the same call or any other scheduled call (in case of further disccussion about the promotion). Post acceptance by the team member, the Manager will announce the promotion on Slack #team-member-updates channel. In the announcment the manager will describe how the individual met the promotion criteria and include a link to the merge request where the individual's title is updated on the team page.
  3. When announcing or discussing a promotion in the Slack #team-member-updates channel, please include the link to the promotion Google Doc to increase visibility for the reasons behind the promotion.
  4. For change of departments or change of roles (individual contributor to managers), People Connect Team members will create a Career Mobility Issue.


  1. After the Planning and Calibrations People Business Partners make sure to notify Total Rewards of the upcoming promotions.
  2. Once added to Workday the People Business Partner (PBP) will receive an email titled Promotion Request: [Team Member Name].
  3. Confirm the promotion document is included in the request.
  4. Review the content of the promotion document.
    • Job family alignment
    • Values alignment
    • While not a requirement, some promotion documents also include: references from other team members and improvement areas
    • Check the sharing settings, as this should be readable by everyone at GitLab with a link
  5. Review Bonuses received by the team member.
  6. Ping the manager requesting the promotion via Slack to confirm that the department leader and E-Group leader are aware and supportive of the promotion.
  7. Align with the Total Rewards in the private #promo_compensation Slack channel to ensure Compensation notes are added in Workday.
  8. Cross-check Compensation adjustment in accordance with the compensation calculator.
  9. We want for promotions and compensation changes in Engineering that they are approved by all leaders up to the CTO. As Workday has a limit in the amount of approvers use the Division specific slack channel to have approval of all leaders.
  10. If an approver is skipped in Workday: Share the promotion information in the private Division-specific promotion Slack channel with an overview of:
    • Team member name
    • Promotion request (current job title and new job title)
    • Compensation notes (current compensation, proposed compensation, increase %, additional stock options, compensation calculator)
  11. @mention the skipped department leader for approval in the Division-specific promotion Slack channel. Example: Promotion for Backend Engineer to Senior Backend Engineer. The Workday process includes the direct manager, department Director and CTO. The missing department leader here is the VP of Development. In this case @mention the VP of Development for approval.
  12. Once feedback has been received and the missing department leader has given their approval the People Business partner will initiate the Workday Change Job Process and Approval Flow.


  1. If the request is approved through Workday, the People Connect Team will create the Letter of Adjustment, whereas if the request is through Greenhouse the People Connect Team will be notified via the People Connect team email inbox that the Letter of Adjustment has been created by the CES team and signed. If this is the case, only data systems will need to be updated.
  2. If the request comes through Workday, approve the request, then update the entries in Workday to ensure that there are the proper dates, amounts, job information. Also, ensure to add stock options to the job tab if applicable. If the team member is moving to a Manager position, update their access level in Workday.
  3. Notify Payroll of the changes. This can be done in the following google docs: United States: "Payroll Changes", Everyone else: "Monthly payroll changes for non-US international team members". Payroll does not need to be notified for Contractors.
  4. If the team member is employed in Canada notify Total Rewards of the salary change (so they can update their salaries on Canada Life and Collage platforms).

Letter of Adjustment


  1. For all the GitLab entities and Independant Contractors create letter of adjustment as per the steps mentioned below. For PEO's, check if a notification to the PEO is required for the creation of letter of adjustment. Currently only Remote Technology requires a notification to generate the letter of adjustment for their respective team members.
  2. Make a copy of the Letter of Adjustment template and enter all applicable information based on the Workday request. The effective date is as follows:
    • For sales personnel with a variable change, the effective date is always the 1st of the month regardless of their entity.
    • For US team members, the effective date should be either the 1st or the 16th. If the payroll cut off date has passed for the current pay period, the effective date should be made for the start of the next pay period. The GitLab Inc and Federal Payroll calendar should be referenced when determining the effective date.
    • For example, if the change is being processed on June 22, since this date is before the payroll cut off date of June 23, the effective date should be June 16.
    • If the change instead is being processed on June 25, the effective date should be July 1 since this is after the payroll cut off date.
    • For Canada team members, the effective should be the start of the pay period closest to, but not after the payroll cut off date depending on when the change is processed. The GitLab Canada Corp Payroll calendar should be referenced when determining the effective date.
    • For example, if the change is being processed on June 15, since the payroll cut off date of June 6 has passed, this would go to the next pay period with cut off date of June 20. The corresponding start of the pay period for the June 20 cut off date is June 21 so June 21 should be the effective date.
    • For all other changes, the effective date should be the first of the current month if processed on or before the 8th of the month and the first of the next month if processed after the 8th of the month.
    • For example, if a GitLab Ltd team member has a change being processed on June 7, this would be effective June 1.
    • If the change was instead being processed on June 15, this would be effective July 1.
  3. Stage the letter in DocuSign and add the following team members to sign:
    • Add radio button (Delete the additional one) for the Total Rewards Analyst to audit
    • Add signature field for the Total Rewards Authorized Signatory
    • Add radio button (Delete the additional one) for the Manager to communicate the change to the team member by sharing the letter of adjustment during the 1:1 Zoom call and then again add one radio button to (Delete the additional one) announce on the #team-member-updates Slack channel.
    • Add signature field for the team member
    • Add sign date field for the team member
    • Note: Make sure that a) "Set signing order” option has been selected while preparing the doc, and b) Select radio button instead of checkboxes as only radio button allows you to select the required field/mandatory field option. This prohibits the Total Rewards Analysts and Manager to process the letter without checking the tasks on the letters.
  4. Once signed by all parties, save the letter to the respective team members Documents Tab within their Workday Profile.
  5. If some amount of onboarding in the new role or offboarding from the old role is required (for example a change in access levels to infrastructure systems; switch in groups and email aliases, etc.), notify People Connect Team members in the internal Promotions/Transfers spreadsheet tracker (using the alias). Once the tracker is filled in, sort it by effective date.
  6. the People Connect Team members will create an associated Career Mobility Issue with the Slack Command list and track associated tasks for the previous and new manager. Tag or mention the aligned People Business Partner in the Career Mobility Issue.
  7. The previous manager will be prompted to create an Access Removal Request Issue and the new manager will create an Access Request Issue to ensure the correct access is given for the new role and deprovisioned for the previous role, if need be.

Note Letter of adjustment is sent to team member's GitLab email address.

Interim and Acting Roles


As part of the career development structure within the Engineering division, interim and acting role opportunities occasionally arise. For more information on how interim and acting roles fit into Engineering career development, please reference the Engineering career development handbook page. For information on the interim and acting processes, please continue reading below.

Beginning Interim Period

As highlighted in the Defition section, all interim roles (regardless of the number of applicants) should go through the Greenhouse application and interview process. The interview process steps will be determined by the hiring manager and next level leader. This will contain several steps of the standard GitLab hiring process. The process for team members interested in applying for an interim role is as follows:

  1. Team Member: Apply for the interim position in Greenhouse.

Once a team member successfully completes the interview process and is selected for the interim period, the following steps should be taken to ensure the team member is set up for success in their interim role.

  1. CES: Issue a Letter of Adjustment to finalize the beginning of the interim period. The Letter should include: interim job title, start date, and end date (if known). Letters of adjustment are important as this is the process by which Total Rewards is notified of change from Greenhouse.
  2. People Connect: Update the team member's job and business titles in Workday to reflect that they have started an interim role e.g. Senior Manager, Engineering (Interim). This update serves as the SSOT for tracking interim start and end dates, in addition to providing transparency pertaining to who is currently executing in an interim role. Job code and job grade will remain the same, as interim periods have no impact on compensation i.e. do not update any other fields when initiating the Change Job Process.
  3. Current Manager: In the instance that there are direct reports that need to be moved to an Interim Manager this change needs to be initiated by the Current Manager or where neccessary the People Business Partner for the respective group in Workday by following the Change Manager Process. The philosophy here is that if a team member has successfully gone through the interview process and has demonstrated they are ready/able for an interim period in a manager role, they have the required level of EQ and discretion to have direct reports in Workday. It is, of course, expected that should the interim period not end in promotion, the team member continue to treat confidential information confidentially.

Ending Interim Period

When the interim period comes to a close, one of two outcomes can occur:

  • The team member successfully completes the interim period aligned with the success criteria and moves into the interim role permanently.

    • As a general guideline, the interim period should last no less than 30 days, and no more than 4 months .
    • The People Business Partner should submit the promotion request through Workday using the Change Job job aid including the promotion document to make the change official. In Workday, the reason for the change should be Promotion - Promotion. The accomplishments leading up to the interim and during the interim can be used for the promotion document. The manager is responsible for creating the promotion document and recommending a compensation increase. Note: Promotion documents are only required if the team member move results in a promotion. For lateral moves, we do not require promotion documents.
  • The team member does not complete the interim period successful or decides that the manager track is not something they want to pursue, and moves back to their role prior to the interim period.

    • A feedback session between the team member and hiring manager should take place, so it is clear to the team member why the interim period was not successful.
    • The People Business Partner at the request of the Manager should submit a Workday Change Job Process and Approval Flow in Workday to revert the team member's job title once the interim period comes to an end.
    • Not successfully completing the interim period does not mean the team member can not move into a similar role in the future

Irrespective of the outcome, when the interim period ends, the manager should review the Criteria For Eligibility for the Interim Bonus and submit an interim bonus request for the team member. Please ensure that the full bonus calculation is laid out in a comment of the bonus submission.


A person "acting" in the role is someone who occupies a role temporarily and will move back to their original role after a set amount of time or other conditions. "Acting" in a role may be experimenting with the role as a part of determining an individual's career development path, or may be filling in for a vacant role while we hire someone to fill the role permanently. While interim is only applicable to the Engineering division, acting is used across GitLab.

Interviews are not required role Acting roles as they generally do not end in promotion, nor are direct reports in Workday generally moved to Acting managers. The process for selecting someone for an acting position is:

  • Upcoming Acting roles will be discussed over Staff meetings.
  • Leadership can gather interest from their team members for the upcoming acting roles.
  • The hiring manager will determine the most suitable team member for the acting role.
  • Please make sure that the department head is in the loop and supportive of the acting period and candidate selected before moving forward.

When the acting period ends, the manager should review the Criteria For Eligibility for the Interim Bonus and submit an interim bonus request for the team member.

Updating Interim Movements in Workday

If you receive a job change or letter of adjustment to an interim role here is how to process the change.

  1. Save the letter to Documents > Contracts folder - Share with employee
  2. Review for compensation change
  3. Access Level
    • Interim roles - Access changed (if required)
  4. Update Job title (if required)
  5. Update Manager (if required)
  6. Update Acting/Interim Tracker Spreadsheet
  7. Update Transition Tracker Spreadsheet (if required)

Note: There are no changes that are made in Workday for acting roles. To track acting positions please follow this process.


To demote one of your direct reports, a manager should follow the following steps:

  • The manager should discuss any performance issues or possible demotions with the People Business Partner or Team Member Relations.
  • To initiate the process, the manager must obtain agreement from two levels of management.
  • Proposed changes to a current vacancy description or a new vacancy description should be delivered with request for approval by the second level manager and the People Ops Manager.
  • Demotions should also include a review of compensation and equity in the google doc. Managers should consult with Total Rewards team on these topics; and of course always adhere to the Global Compensation Calculator.
  • Once agreement is reached on the demotion and changes (if any) in compensation, the total rewards team will act as the point of escalation to have any demotion reviewed and approved by the Compensation Group once the relevant google doc is complete.
  • Once approved, the manager informs the individual. Please cc '' once the individual has been informed, so the changes can be processed in the relevant administrative systems. A Letter of Adjustment will then be created.
  • The People Connect team should then follow the process listed under the For People Connect Team: Processing Promotions & Compensation Changes.
  • Communication should be on a need-to-know basis only and should not be made public out of respect for the individual.
  • The manager will initiate any necessary access requests or access change requests.

Job information changes are anything that requires an update to the team member's profile in Workday that is not compensation related. The current manager is the person who needs to submit all job information change requests (including requests to change team member's manager). These changes need to get requested through Workday to have an approval trail for compliance reasons.


Process for the current manager:

This job aid will help provide people managers with instructions on how to move team members to another manager within Workday. If the manager you need to move your direct report to is not available, it likely means they do not have a supervisory organization set up. Even if their management level shows “Manager” a supervisory organization is needed in Workday for a team member to have a direct report. Supervisory organizations should have a name unique to the team they are managing (e.g. Commercial Sales - EMEA, Content Marketing (John Smith), Backend Engineering - Ruby). Please reach out to #people-connect with the name of the team member who needs the supervisory organization set up, the unique name, and the effective date of the supervisory organization. We can gladly help get it set up in Workday.

Note for Sales Managers: If team members are not moved under the correct sales manager in Workday, credits will not be rolled-up to the correct manager for sales commissions. See additional promotion and transfer considerations for commissionable roles here.

For People Connect: Processing Manager changes

  1. The People Connect Specialist logs into Workday via Okta to approve the transfer in Workday > click on Inbox in top right corner
  2. Review the business process titled 'Transfer' and reason 'Manager to Another Manager' > click: approve
  3. Log into BambooHR and update the manager, as this is currently connected to PTO by roots: Click on tab: Job > scroll to: Job Information > Click on: Update Job Information > Fill in the following fields: Under 'Effective Date' add the same effective date as in Workday and select under 'Reports To' the applicable new manager > click: save

Process for EBA to update senior leadership:

  1. Send an email to People Connect, requesting the changes to be made in Workday
  2. The People Connect Team will process the changes in the system
  3. The People Connect Team will save the email communication revieved from the EBA in each of the team member's Contract Changes folder.
  4. Once complete, the team will follow-up with the EBA to let them know all changes have been made
  5. The EBA will then need to make the changes on the Team Page
  1. Audit the team member's department, division and cost center against the new manager's.
  2. For US team members, the entity must also match with the manager's. For any changes in entity, update the payroll file.
  3. In case of Job Title Specialty change requests, managers will reach out to the People Connect Team to have a team members Speciality updated in Workday.
    • The People Connect Team member should check whether the title already exists in Workday. If not, check whether the Job Speciality has been added to the respective departments Handbook page (example: https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/development/enablement/sharding/) or if the People Connect Team members are tagged in a respective issue to have it added. If unclear, reach out to the respective People Business Partner
    • In the event of a Job Speciality change and a manager change, the People Connect Team will be notified in the internal Transition Tracker spreadsheet tracker (using the alias) and the People Connect Team members will create an associated Career Mobility Issue with the Slack Command list and track associated tasks for the previous and new manager. Tag or mention the aligned People Business Partner in the Career Mobility Issue.

Department Transfers

If you are interested in a vacancy, regardless of level, outside your department or general career progression, you can apply for a transfer through Greenhouse or the internal job board, link found on the #new-vacancies Slack channel.

Please undertand the following eligibility guidelines that need to be met to be able to proceed with an opportunity here at GitLab:

  • Guidelines for performance eligibility:
    • Team members who are assessed at a Performing or Exceeding Performance level during Talent Assessment are eligible to be considered for another role
    • Team members whose Performance is assessed as Developing or are actively undergoing written performance management, may not be eligible. These situations require manager and/or PBP approval to proceed.
    • Team members that have not had a Talent Assessment require manager and/or PBP approval to proceed
    • Time in role eligibility will be 6 months in current role. Exceptions to this:
  • Job Family specialty changes
    • Business Impact (revenue-dependencies, interim role to perm)
    • Business driven transfers (example of realignments)
    • SDR/BDR 12 month in role

Please note that internal applicants are required to speak with their current manager or People Business Partner prior to application submission. An official application is signaled by a team member applying to the open role or reaching out to the talent acquisition team. Informal conversations about the role do not require a team member to inform their manager. If you have concerns about communicating your interest in an internal role to your manager, please reach out to your People Business Partner.

For more information please visit our Internal Hiring Process handbook page.

For Internal Applicants

Different Job Family

  • If you are interested in a transfer, simply submit an application for the new position. If you are not sure the new role is a good fit, schedule time with the hiring manager to learn more information about the role and the skills needed. If after that conversation you are interested in pursuing the internal opportunity, it is recommended that you inform your current manager of your intent to interview for a new role. While you do not need their permission to apply to the new role, we encourage you to be transparent with them. Most will appreciate that transparency since it's generally better than learning about your move from someone reaching out to them as a reference check. You can also use this as an opportunity to discuss the feedback that would be given to the potential new manager were they to seek it regarding your performance from your current and/or past managers. We understand that the desire to transfer may be related to various factors. If the factor is a desire NOT to work with your current manager, this can be a difficult conversation to have and shouldn't prevent you from pursuing a new role at GitLab.
  • Transfers must go through the application process for the new position by applying on the jobs page. The team member may go through the entire interview process outlined on the vacancy description. Common exceptions to the standard interview process are behavioral or "values alignment" stages. The Recruiter will document the reason behind alterations to the standard interview plan in the team member's Greenhouse profile. If you have any questions about the role or the process, please reach out to your Department or Division's People Business Partner and/or please visit our Internal Hiring Process handbook page. In all cases, the applicable People Business Partner should be informed via email, before a transfer is confirmed.
  • In the case of transfers, it is expected and required that the gaining manager will check with internal references at GitLab limited to the previous and current managers; please do not conduct internal reference checks with peers or direct reports. For questions or exceptions, please engage your recruiter and people business partner.
  • It is recommended (but not required) that the applicant, current manager, or gaining manager create a private Slack channel to help coordinate the transfer. Invite anyone who will be involved such as the relevant managers, directors, people business partners, finance business partners, and recruiters for the current team and gaining team.
  • If the current manager needs to backfill the role in Engineering they should follow this process. For other divisions they should work with their department leader, recruiter, and the Finance Business Partner to confirm that a backfill is available. When the transfer is confirmed, current manager should work with recruiter and Finance Partner to obtain a GHP ID for the backfill and open the role in Greenhouse.
  • Before the offer is made the recruiter will confirm with the team member and the gaining manager that they have indeed reached out to the current manager. They will discuss the new internal opportunity and that an offer will be made to the team member.
  • Talent Acquisition team will ensure that, if applicable, the position has been posted for at least three business days before an offer is made.
  • Compensation and stock options may be reviewed during the hiring process to reflect the new level and position.
  • If after interviews, the manager and the GitLab team-member want to proceed with the transfer, internal references should be checked. While a manager cannot block a transfer, there is often good feedback that can help inform the decision. It is advised that the GitLab team-member talk to their manager to explain their preference for the new team and to understand the feedback that will be given to the new manager. It should also be noted, that performance requirements are not always equal across roles, so if a GitLab team-member struggles in one role, those weakness may not be as pronounced in the new role, and vice versa. However, if there are systemic performance problems unrelated to the specific role or team, a transfer is not the right solution.
  • The Recruiter and Hiring Manager will review the offer details with the internal candidate and a Letter of Adjustment will be sent out by the Total Rewards team following the hiring process
  • If the team member is transferred, the new manager will announce in the #team-member-updates Slack Channel and begin any additional onboarding or offboarding necessary. Before the new manager makes the transfer announcement they must confirm with the team members current manager that the current team has been informed about the team members new position and transfer.
  • Team members changing functional roles should complete onboarding for the new function. For example, a Backend Engineer who transferring to become or work on Frontend work should do Frontend Engineer onboarding.

Same Job Family, Different Department or Specialty

If the team member is staying in the current benchmark for the Job Family, but changing their Specialty or Department (ex: moving from Plan to Secure or moving from Development to Infrastructure), the above steps will be followed. Solely the recruitment procedure might be shortened if the requirements for the role are the same. At a minimum we would ask for the hiring manager to have an interview with the team member.

If selected for the role, a Letter of Adjustment will be sent by the Total Rewards team outlining the changes to department and specialty for the Total Rewards team to process in Workday. If the current manager needs to backfill the role they should reach out to the Finance Partner.

Internal Department Transfers

If you are interested in another position within your department and the manager is also your manager you must do the following;

  • Present your proposition to your manager with a google doc.
  • If the vacancy is advertised on the jobs page, to be considered, you must submit an application. If there is no vacancy posting, one must be created and shared in the #new-vacancies channel so that everyone has the opportunity to apply and be considered.
  • The manager will assess the function requirements; each level should be defined in the vacancy description.
  • If approved, your manager will need to obtain approval from their manager, through the chain of command to the CEO.
  • Compensation and stock options will be reevaluated to ensure it adheres to the compensation calculator. Don't send the proposal to the CEO until this part is included.
  • If the team member is transferred, the manager will announce in the #team-member-update Slack channel and begin any additional onboarding or offboarding necessary.

If a GitLab team-member is chosen for a new role, the managers should agree on a reasonable and speedy transfer plan. Up to 4 weeks is usually a reasonable period, but good judgment should be used on completing the transfer in a way that is the best interest of the company, impacted people, and projects.

The agreed upon transfer date should be reflected in the offer letter in Greenhouse to ensure transfer date alignment between current manager, new manager, and transferring team member. This is essential to ensure that both teams are able to plan and be set up for success. It is important to note that it is typically the former team of the team member that shuffles to ensure workload of the departing team member is covered while a backfill is hired for. This is to ensure a smooth and speedy transfer and a positive team member experience. When aligning on a start date, please also considering payroll alignment when selecting a start date.

Delaying transfers should be avoided to ensure a good team member experience for the transferring individual, however, if due to extenuating circumstances a transfer date needs to be pushed out, both managers need to agree on a new transfer date to communicate to the team member.

Department Transfers Manager Initiated

If you are a manager wishing to recruit someone, the process is the same as a team member-initiated transfer.

  • We highly encourage the hiring manager to be transparent with the team member's current manager. Doing so will allow the current manager the maximal amount of time to plan for the transfer and speed up the overall process.
  • The hiring manager should post the open role in internal public forums to attract all potentially interested candidates.
  • It is highly discouraged to reach out to a potential candidate directly without talking to their manager first. The hiring manager should share their intention of reaching out to the current manager's team member to ensure transparency and awareness.

If a team member sees a vacancy posted that is the next level up within their job family (for example an Intermediate Frontend Engineer sees a vacancy for an Senior Frontend Engineer), the team member should have a conversation with their manager about exploring that opportunity. Once that discussion is completed the team member should follow the internal department transfers guidance above.

It is the manager’s responsibility to be honest with the team member about their performance as it relates their promotion readiness. If the manager agrees that the team member is ready, then they will be promoted to the next level. If they do not think the team member is ready for the promotion, they should walk through their career development document, as well as work on a promotion plan with the team member. The manager should be clear that the team member is not ready for the promotion at this time and what they need to work on. If the team member would still like to submit an application for the role after the conversation with their manager, they can apply and go through the same interview process as external candidates. The recruiter will confirm with the manager that the promotion readiness conversation has taken place before the internal interview process starts.

For Internal Applicants - Different Job Family

If the role is in a completely different job family (within their own division or in a completely different division, for example, if a Product Designer is interested in a Product Manager role), the team member must submit an application via the posting on GitLab’s internal job board on Greenhouse.

After the team member applies, the recruiter will reach out to the team member to connect regarding compensation for the role. In some cases, the compensation may be lower than the current one. Once the team member understands and agrees with the compensation for the new role, they can continue the interview process.

Internal and external candidates will have the same process with the same amount of interviews and when possible the same interviewers, with the exception of the full screening call (which will be instead a short conversation to discuss compensation, as mentioned above). However, if the internal applicant will be staying in the same division and the executive level interview is a part of the process, the executive may choose to skip their interview. All interview feedback and notes will be captured in the internal team member’s Greenhouse profile, which will be automatically hidden from the team member. After interviews are completed, internal “reference checks” will be completed with the applicant’s current manager by the new hiring manager.

It is recommended that team members inform their manager of their desire to move internally and their career aspirations. Your manager should not hear about your new opportunity from the new hiring manager; it should come from you prior to the new hiring manager checking in for references with the current manager.

If you are unsure of the role, set up a coffee chat with the hiring manager to introduce yourself. Express your interest in the role and your desire to learn more about the vacancy requirements and skills needed. If after that conversation you do not feel that you are qualified or comfortable making the move, ask the hiring manager to provide guidance on what you can do to develop yourself so you will be ready for the next opportunity. It may also be possible to set up an internship for learning situation with the hiring manager.

While the Career Mobility Issue Issue aims to kick off the logistics of switching roles, the guidelines below are meant to guide the communication of internal promotions and transitions to ensure consistency and alignment from all parties involved.

  1. Prior to any company-wide announcement, the team member should be given the opportunity to share the news with their immediate team members.
  2. The new manager should post the announcement in the #team-member-updates Slack channel. This should ideally happen (timezome permitting) on the same day that the candidate signs their Letter of Adjustment.
  3. For cases where announcing on the same day the Letter of Adjustment is signed is not possible, the announcement should no more than 24 hours after the candidate has signed.
  4. Following this initial announcement, the current manager can proceed with making this announcement in other relevant team-specific channels.

NOTE: Though the Total Rewards and People Connect Team may have visibility into promotions or transfers due to the administration of updating information as part of their roles, they should not communicate with the team member about their promotion/tranfer until an announcement has been made.–

Realignment of team members impacting multiple teams

Company priorities can change and occasionally some or all members of a team may be asked to transfer to high priority vacancies within other teams.

Early and ongoing communication with affected teams is key to ensuring a successful realignment. Hiring managers should clearly articulate the business need and quantifiable benefits from the realignment, as well as position a team focus and roadmap that gives affected teams an understanding of how their future contributions will benefit GitLab.

Consideration should be given to impacts on product category maturity commitments for teams with departing team members.

Relevant items that can assist include:

  • Links to Team handbook page outlining goals and vision
  • Roadmap, issue backlog, and links to key Epics.
  • Staffing allocation plans
  • Expected impact or success criteria

When possible, realignments should respect the Product Development Timeline to allow impacted teams to complete existing work.

Realignment Process

In cases where multiple individuals are asked to transfer to high priority roles:

  1. Legal counsel and the People Business Partner for the group should be notified to align on the process and impact of the team member realignment.
  2. Select a DRI to coordinate the overall realignment process. This DRI should work closely with their People Business Partner to ensure we comply with all local labor laws.
  3. Document the realignment decision in a confidential issue with details such as impacted parties and reasoning for realignment.
  4. Communicate the reassignment decision to effected team members. Emphasize this is not about poor performance, but rather a way to shift high value individuals to the highest priorities.
  5. Organize one or more Team Pitch Office Hours meeting where individuals considering transfers can learn about teams that are hiring. Hiring managers should attend the office hours to talk about what is interesting about their teams. Team Pitch Office Hours video
  6. Encourage individuals considering transfers to meet with hiring managers to get more information about the roles they are interested in.
  7. Ask for and record the role each individual's transfer preference. Also ask for their second choice and third choice.
  8. After individuals gave their preference, the skills/requirements of the roles will be matched to the skills of the individuals. For example: level, product/technical skills, potentially soft skills.
  9. DRI work with People Business Partner to ensure all legal requirements are met as these vary between countries.
  10. Ask hiring manager to approve transfer. If they don't approve look at the individual's first or second choice.
  11. Once choices are finalized, approved, and rationale is documented, current manager should communicate the decision directly with individual impacted team members.
  12. Current manager follows the standard process for updating job information in Workday. Before communicating company-wide, all changes should be reflected in Workday.
  13. Move the confidential issue to the Product project, and label it with ~"realignment".
  14. Product Leader announces the realignment in #product (for smaller realignments) or #company-fyi (for larger realignments)
  15. The new manager follows the steps outlined forannouncing transfers in the handbook.
  16. After the realignment the DRI opens a retrospective issue to gather feedback from affected teams in order to improve this process.
  17. After the realignment the DRI makes the realignment issue public and closes it. This is because only planned realignments are not public. In cases where the issue does contain public information the DRI may choose to leave the issue confidential with a comment explaining the reason.

For People Success & Talent Acquisition Team

Vacancies will be posted internally using the Greenhouse internal job board for at least 3 business days. If a role is not posted internally there must be a business case documented in the HRIS file of the team member who received the new role. See Department Transfers for additional details.

More details can be found on the Internal Applications page and the Letter of Adjustment section.

Leveling Up Your Skills

There are a number of different ways to enhance or add to your skill-set at GitLab, for example, if you do not feel like you meet the requirements for an inter-department transfer, discuss with your manager about allocating time to achieve this. This can be at any level. If you're learning to program, but aren't sure how to make the leap to becoming a developer, you could contribute to an open-source project like GitLab in your own time.

As detailed in our Learning & Development Handbook, team members will be supported in developing their skills and increasing their knowledge even if promotion is not their end goal.

Career Mobility Issue

A Career Mobility Issue is created when the one of the following criteria is met;

  • Migration from Individual Contributor to Manager
  • Migration from Manager to Individual Contributor
  • Migration of Team

When a career mobility may not be needed (but can be requested);

  • Team/Speciality change but no access request needed

Career Mobility Issue Creation Process

The People Connect Team will notify the People Connect Team of a pending migration of a team member via @ mention in the Promotion/Transfer Tracker. The People Connect Team member currently in the assignment rotation will assign the migration for support.

The Career Mobility Issue will then be created by the People Connect Team member assigned by using the automated Slack command three days prior to the effective date to allow for the managers to start preparing for the team members transition.

Important things to ensure:

  1. Add a due date of two weeks from the migration effective date.
  2. Check to see that the previous Manager and new Manager is listed correctly in the issue.
  3. Complete all applicable tasks under the People Experience list.

Important Tasks once Career Mobility has been finalised

  1. This needs action from both the current and new managers to set the migrating team member up for success in their new role. This may include:
  • Creating the correct Access Requests for systems needed and for systems no longer needed.
  • Create any training issue that may be required.
  • Reminding the team member to update their title on the team page, on their GitLab profile, in Zoom, in Slack and on professional networks like Linkedin. If relevant, remind them to order new business cards as well.
  • If we are in the middle of company wide 360 reviews, it is encouraged that the current manager and new manager arrange a successful handover of the feedback, whether sync or async.

Career Mobility Retrospective

The team member going through this transition and assigned to their Career Mobility issue have a set of tasks to complete. An important one is to create a retrospective thread within their Career Mobility issue, so that they and their respective previous and current managers can discuss any questions, comments, proposals and more about their issue within said issue. Retrospectives are used in many ways at GitLab, such as which are used after GitLab product releases and describing the Product retrospective workflow. For the Career Mobility issue, simply comment in the issue, starting a thread titled Retro thread or Retrospective. Please feel free to ping your assigned People Connect Team member in your issue if you have any questions.

This section describes the steps required for promoting or transferring employees with a Sales Commission Plan. When a promotion or transfer occurs it is important for Sales Managers to follow specific steps to ensure a smooth employee experience during the transition. The Sales Operations, Sales Finance, and the Commissions team all need to be informed so the necessary systems can be updated and the team member can receive a new compensation plan.

Note These steps are in addition to all other steps required for promotions and transfers in partnership with the People team.

For the Current Sales Managers:

  1. Deteremine the right path for the promotion and/or transfer. Our promotion process can be found in the handbook. For transfers, please confirm if there is an open role with your Sales recruiting team. Ensure necessary stakeholders and processes are followed in advance of processing a promotion and/or transfer.
  2. Open a Territory Change Request issue to inform Sales Operations of the change so they can update Salesforce and the Territory Mapping SSOT.

For Sales Recruiting:

  1. Open a Utilizing Backfill Headcount issue to inform Sales Finance of the promotion/transfer so they can update Adaptive.
  2. Tag the appropriate members of the Sales Finance and Sales Commissions team as indicated in the 'Approval' section of the issue template.

For Sales Finance:

  1. Update the team members's profile in Adaptive to account for the promotion/transfer.
  2. Partner with leadership and the People team on whether we need to open a requisition to backfill the empty role from which the team member was promoted/transferred.

For Sales Commissions:

  1. Every month identify new hires, promotions, and transfers in Workday.
  2. Create a monthly issue to notify the Sales Strategy and Analytics team of headcount changes. The Sales Strategy and Analytics team assigns quotas1 to sales employees within 4 weeks of the employee's hire/promotion/transfer date.
  3. The quotas are submitted to the Commissions team to then add to the Xactly system where all commissions are managed and monitored.
  4. Issue new compensation plan to the New Sales Manager for approval and release to team member.


The People Connect Team member completes a bi-weekly audit of all career mobility issues that are still open and checks that all tasks have been completed by all members applicable. In the event that tasks are still outstanding, the People Connect Team member will ping the relevant team members within the transition issue to call for tasks to be completed.

Once all tasks have been completed and the issue is still open, the People Connect Team member will close the transition issue accordingly. The transitioning team member can also close the issue once satisfied all the tasks are complete.

All migration tasks by the applicable team members needs to be completed within 2 weeks of the migration start date.

For Team Members: Transitioning To A New Manager

There are several situations at GitLab that could lead to team members changing managers, including promotions, lateral transfers, company restructuring, manager resignation, etc. The process of building a new relationship with a new manager can be uncertain at times, but there are resources to help this transition process go smoothly:

  • Transitioning 1-1s is a very important part of manager transitions. This helps ensure the new manager is up to speed on important discussions, deliverables, etc. so this information does not get lost in the transition.
  • The career mobility template helps to ensure accomplishments, strengths, development areas, etc. are all captured with evidence moving forward. This makes sure career development progress continues and is not lost with manager changes.
  • Sharing your most recent 360 feedback review and most recent performance review with your new manager can also be a great way to align on your strengths and improvement areas and discuss how they can partner with you in developing both.

  1. During fiscal year planning Sales Strategy and Analytics work closely with Sales Management to assign values (full quota) to all the different Sales Territories. When a new sales employee joins, their ASM assigns them a territory (at which point there is a pre-determined value), and Sales Commissions applies a ramp schedule based on the employee's start date and role to arrive at their carried quota. ↩