What is an ethical behavior?

Simply put, “ethical behavior” is knowing “right” from “wrong,” whether in the workplace or in personal life, and acting accordingly. Various factors can determine what an individual would deem to be “right” or “wrong,” including personal values derived from one’s own upbringing, religion, government, society and/or popular media, but in business, a code of ethics published by the company or organization can provide its own definition.

As such, ethical behavior guidelines in the workplace tend to be very general, relying on such universally basic concepts as “honesty,” “fairness” or “integrity,” but lack specificity when it comes to determining whether an employee has in fact behaved ethically after the fact. This shouldn’t be surprising, however, as the principle of ethics itself is often not clearly defined and at times self-conflicting, as we shall see.

In the context of the business world, however, we can understand it as an obligation that each company or organization has to make clear to its employees, clients and business partners what it upholds as ethical behavior. When this is done correctly, it can in fact empower those same to act with a clear conscience, and do what is expected of them.

Ethical Behavior Examples

Basic Principles

In most situations, but in medicine/health care and law in particular, ethical behavior can be reduced down to 3 (or 4) basic principles.


Autonomy, or “respect for persons,” is about respecting the right of people to make their own decisions about their own lives, and affording them the dignity of their own personhood.

There are two corollaries to this idea: one, that we should not interfere with the right of persons to self-rule, and two, we should protect the same rights of those who are less capable.

Here we already have the potential for ambiguity and conflict – by protecting the rights of those who we deem as being less capable (and how is this determined?), we could in fact be running counter to the idea of self-rule, as, for instance, in law, when “power of attorney” is invoked for those deemed incapable of making decisions for themselves, as in the case of the elderly or the mentally challenged.


Beneficence is the idea that our actions should “do good,” and “do no harm” (the latter sometimes being categorized as a separate principle, that of “Non-maleficence” – the distinction has to do with the degree of intent; whether to simply prevent harm from being done, or do actively ensure that one’s actions do not cause harm).

Since the idea of “doing good” or “no harm” can be presented as a binary state (on or off) and therefore not very helpful, the corollary maxim of doing “maximum good” and “minimal harm” is often cited. This is similar to the idea of utilitarianism, coined in the 18th Century by the British philosopher Jeremy Bentham as the “greatest good for the greatest number.”

Again, this points to potential conflict, as clearly principle no. 1 (autonomy) can and must be overruled in certain cases in the interest of beneficence (as, for example, when an individual wishes to intentionally harm others).


“Justice” can best be explained through the concept of “fairness” – each person should be afforded what is rightfully owed them in the grand scheme of things. In other words, we have an obligation to treat each person equally, fairly, and impartially.

The corollary to this is of course to place no “undue burden” on any one individual or group based on their (perceived) affiliation or background.

Real-life Examples

Here are some simple real-life examples illustrating each principle, in both business and personal situations:

  • Autonomy – In place of announcing a pay raise freeze, a company offers flex-time benefits to all of its employees, allowing them to choose between a pay raise or a flexible schedule. In lieu of banning all mobile devices at the dinner table, a mother gives her children the choice between leaving the table early (no devices) or staying until everybody has finished eating (devices allowed).
  • Beneficence – Rather than chiding employees for sub-par performance, a manager holds monthly meetings to recognize achievements, encouraging them to aim higher with additional incentives. After a disastrous first date, one party contacts the other to reassure them that they had a good time, that they did nothing wrong – only that the circumstances were not aligned.
  • Justice – During “downsizing,” all employees are reviewed for their contribution, not for their seniority or affinity with management. After a “Friendsgiving” dinner, all guests stay to help with clean-up instead of dashing off.


Entities, whether individuals, organizations or businesses, make decisions every day. Usually, the premise of these decisions is straightforward. Mostly, these entities base those decisions on underlying information. This information makes the process straightforward and enables the decision-maker to reach a conclusion. In some instances, the premise of a decision may not be as simple.

Sometimes, entities may face decisions that challenge moral principles. Usually, these decisions require them to evaluate the good and the bad. In most cases, the differences between the available options may not be as apparent. Therefore, the decisions made based on those differences can be highly crucial. The higher the level at which this decision-making process occurs, the more risks it will involve.

In modern business environments, the criticality of these decisions has become significantly higher. Consequently, these decisions must consider all the moral dilemmas and challenges. This process falls under ethical behaviour that most entities must ensure to follow. Therefore, it is crucial to understand it and how it works.

What is Ethical Behavior?

The definition of ethical behaviour is not straightforward. In essence, it involves using integrity, fairness and equity in decisions. Similarly, it may also cover the relationship between several entities. Ethical behaviour respects the dignity, diversity and rights of all entities. However, this behaviour may differ from one situation to another. While most entities will have the same principles for ethical behaviour, some may not agree with them.

Ethical behaviour involves the application of moral principles in a moral situation. When entities behave ethically, they must follow the moral standards set by society. Sometimes, these standards relate to a governing body or other sources. Regardless, ethical behaviour involves using moral standards to deal with dilemmatic situations.

Ethical behaviour applies to both individual and professional relationships. For the latter, it has become much more prevalent due to the changes in the perception of modern businesses. The concept also applies to companies and organizations. Regardless of whom this behaviour relates to, ethical behaviour is vital in most cases.

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Ethical behaviour is crucial for the world to survive as a society. Similarly, it helps entities and those involved with them function properly. In some cases, it can introduce entities to several challenges and costs. However, it can also be highly beneficial. In the absence of ethical behaviour, entities and societies may incur significant losses. While not behaving ethically can benefit selective entities, it causes a loss to society.

Overall, ethical behaviour involves using moral principles and values in individual and work relationships. The scenarios when this behaviour is necessary arise regularly. Therefore, entities must behave ethically when they must. By doing so, they can ensure they benefit society as a whole. In business environments, ethical behaviour applies to everyone, including employees, management, etc.

Why is Ethical Behavior important?

Ethical behaviour can have several beneficial impacts on society. In modern business environments, behaving ethically can also provide profits. When applying moral principles to business situations, entities can get significant benefits. Although it may involve some costs, ethical behaviour can be highly critical. Some of these points that elaborate on that importance for businesses include the following.

Enhances reputation

When companies and businesses behave ethically, they build a reputation for themselves. For already established entities, ethical behaviour can enhance their status with customers. Similarly, it can create a positive image in the marketplace, leading to more customers. On the other hand, companies can also lose business if they behave unethically. The use of ethical behaviour in business relates to the reputation of those entities.

Creates customer loyalty

In the modern world, most customers prefer companies that behave ethically. Therefore, ethical behaviour enhances the loyalty that customers have to a company. In essence, companies attract and retain customers with ethical behaviour. However, if they choose not to use moral principles in professional relationships, they can lose their customers.

Creates a positive work environment

As mentioned above, ethical behaviour applies to all levels within a company. When the management and employees of a company behave ethically, it creates a positive work environment. Furthermore, it enhances their professional relationships and promotes a trusting environment. Therefore, the company can grow more due to this positive environment. In contrast, the absence of ethical behaviour can adversely impact the environment.

Retains employees

When ethical behaviour creates a positive work environment, employees are more likely to remain with a company. Similarly, due to the trusting relationship with the company, they will have higher job satisfaction. Therefore, ethical behaviour can enable companies to retain employees. In most cases, it can lower costs related to hiring expenses.

Avoids legal problems

One of the most significant reasons ethical behaviour is crucial is that it avoids legal problems. When companies behave ethically, they don’t cut corners to achieve profits. It also means they are more likely to follow regulations and laws that promote social responsibility. Therefore, ethical behaviour can help avoid legal problems associated with not complying with those rules.

What are the components of Ethical Behavior?

The components of ethical behaviour may differ from one company to another based on their needs. Every company decides on what these components should be. Sometimes, they may also use a code of ethics to guide them when developing an ethical behaviour strategy. Regardless of that, some of the primary components of ethical behaviour include the following.


Transparency is one of the most crucial parts of any company or business. When companies are transparent, they are more likely to behave ethically. Usually, this process involves representing facts accurately and not hiding them. Similarly, it involves clear communications and openness in general. Through transparency, companies can also promote ethical behaviour internally.

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Integrity is a fundamental part of ethical behaviour. Usually, it involves standing by moral principles regardless of the outcome. Therefore, even if companies suffer losses, they must abide by what they believe is ethically correct. This idea falls under integrity, which is also a crucial component of the code of ethics. Integrity also includes fairness and equality in various relationships.


Accountability relates to companies accepting their roles in society and taking responsibility. When companies behave ethically, they are also like to acknowledge duty. Due to this, they are more likely to admit to any errors or mistakes they commit. Similarly, it also involves accepting the consequences of their decisions.


Ethical behaviour requires companies to respect the rights, privacy, and dignity of others. These may include internal and external stakeholders. It also relates to the social responsibility that companies have towards others. Respect also applies to professional relationships since companies may come across private information from other parties.


Loyalty includes all relationships that a company has with its stakeholders. Through it, companies can make decisions that benefit all those relationships. Therefore, ethical behaviour can positively impact all stakeholders. When behaving ethically, companies consider the needs and requirements of all their stakeholders. Based on that assessment, they make decisions that benefit all parties involved.


Ethical behaviour involves the use of moral principles in individual and professional relationships. However, it is not straightforward in most situations. For companies and businesses, it is of notable concern. When companies don’t behave ethically, they can face significant losses. Ethical behaviour has several components that contribute to its importance.

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