What is a sentence for revision?

(1) the plan needs drastic revision

(2) undid revision LRB d RRB by.

(3) There's a revision of his work.

(4) There's a revision of her work.

(5) the scheme needs drastic revision

(6) hard day's revision on the morrow.

(7) but it also deserves our revision.

(8) The USB Power Delivery revision 2

(9) Have you started your revision yet?

(10) She did some revision for the exam.

sentence for "revision"

(11) 1Have you started your revision yet?

(12) 1She did some revision for the exam.

(13) Half my life is an act of revision.

(14) Tom is helping Mary in her revision.

(15) is open, genuinely open for revision

(16) A thoroughgoing revision of the text.

(17) He advocates a revision of the rules.

(18) At any rate, your plan needs revision.

(19) At any rate, your plan needs revision.

(20) Try and allot or hours a day to revision.

"revision" in a sentence

(21) 1. At any rate, your plan needs revision.

(22) He matured his novel by constant revision.

(23) I have got the revision of his dictionary.

(24) 2Try and allot or hours a day to revision.

(25) At any rate, your plan needs revision.

(26) expecting to find a revision worth noting.

(27) The ghost story may be in for revision too.

(28) Defines the maximum of revision to query.

(29) I've got to do some maths revision tonight.

(30) a total revision of the text was carried out

"revision" sentence

(31) These proposals will need a lot of revision.

(32) 1I've got to do some maths revision tonight.

(33) Constant revision keeps the book au courant.

(34) This decision reflected a revision of what

(35) a revision of the Hegelian concept of history

(36) Friday afternoons are left free for revision.

(37) This article is too wordy, it needs revision.

(38) 1Friday afternoons are left free for revision.

(39) it teaches kids to revision their communities

(40) You'd better buckle down to some revision now.

"revision" sentence examples

(41) 1This article is too wordy, it needs revision.

(42) When was the final revision of the code done

(43) Date of last revision of this page: 2010-11-03

(44) 1You'd better buckle down to some revision now.

(45) The ghost story may be in for revision too.

(46) Some girls prefer to do their revision at home.

(47) Their educational policies are due for revision.

(48) 2Some girls prefer to do their revision at home.

(49) The revision of this dictionary took six years.

(50) A taxonomic revision of the family Moraceae (1-.

sentence with "revision"

(51) Constant revision keeps the book au courant.

(52) 1 He matured his novel by constant revision.

(53) The process of revision continued at rehearsals.

(54) Smend (revision of Hitzig) (1880) in Kurzgefasst.

(55) 2The process of revision continued at rehearsals.

(56) Try and allot 2 or 3 hours a day to revision.

(57) Friday afternoons are left free for revision.

(58) he also required a revision surgery on his chest.

(59) lister, where have you put my revision timetable?

(60) You'd better buckle down to some revision now.

use "revision" in a sentence

(61) A taxonomic revision of the family Moraceae (1-3).

(62) The scheme has recently undergone drastic revision.

(63) The judge wants to see a revision of the procedures.

(64) then a revision of school rules will be recognized.

(65) 1The scheme has recently undergone drastic revision.

(66) The judge wants to see a revision of the procedures.

(67) He also required a revision surgery on his chest.

(68) She was doing some last-minute revision for her exams.

(69) this revision program is not only useful for the exam

(70) She was doing some last-minute revision for her exams.

sentence using "revision"

(71) It's time you got your head down and did some revision.

(72) In October Parliament approved a revision of the budget.

(73) 2It's time you got your head down and did some revision.

(74) She did no revision, but she still got a very high mark.

(75) 1She did no revision, but she still got a very high mark.

(76) After revision and enlargement by his former student E B

(77) Students should take notes so as to make revision easier.

(78) At present I'm engaged with the revision of my dictionary.

(79) 1Students should take notes so as to make revision easier.

(80) 2Or are they biased, faulty and badly in need of revision?

sentences with "revision"

(81) After revision and enlargement by his former student E B.

(82) She was doing some last-minute revision for her exams.

(83) What taxonomy was published alongside the 2003 revision?

(84) I know I haven't done enough revision for tomorrow's exam.

(85) 2I know I haven't done enough revision for tomorrow's exam.

(86) At present I'm engaged with the revision of my dictionary.

(87) A detailed revision of the coalfield areas commenced in 190

(88) In October Parliament approved a revision of the budget.

(89) What holiday led to the revision of the Gregorian calendar

(90) I neurotically edit my work, doing more than one revision.

sentence of "revision"

(91) Your memory has always been given to opportunistic revision.

(92) A detailed revision of the coalfield areas commenced in 1902.

(93) 1) At present I'm engaged with the revision of my dictionary.

(94) At present I'm engaged with the revision of my dictionary.

(95) The new tax law revision is very unfair to the middle class.

(96) A: When you do a revision, do you get a different part number?

(97) This page revision has been removed from the public archives.

(98) A : When you do a revision, do you get a different part number?

(99) On january 200personal tax of new revision implements officially.

(100) The phase of writing that is actually most important is revision.

"revision" sentences

(101) What was latent in the original becomes explicit in the revision.

(102) However for the 2009 revision the adapter is included inthebox.

(103) What was latent in the original becomes explicit in the revision.

(104) I always go over my revision notes just before I go into an exam.

(105) 1On january 200personal tax of new revision implements officially.

(106) 1I always go over my revision notes just before I go into an exam.

(107) 2The phase of writing that is actually most important is revision.

(108) Conversely, by the same token, no statement is immune to revision.

(109) The book can finally be published after revision and finalization.

(110) John�s revision is very thorough, without the slightest error.

"revision" use in sentence

(111) How do you think you are getting on with your Maths exam revision?

(112) The ASA standard underwent a major revision in 1960 with ASA PH2.

(113) What does the USB Power Delivery revision 2.0 specification cover

(114) Branching and merging are two basic operations of revision control.

(115) I always go over my revision notes just before I go into an exam.

(116) Deletion and revision hiding may be used to remove the information.

(117) How much of the population must have been in favor of the revision?

(118) A revision of subgenus Hymenanthes (Rhododendron L.) in Yunnan-Xizang.

(119) At this time of the year, all Belgian students are on revision break.

(120) Conversely, by the same token, no statement is immune to revision.

sentence on "revision"

(121) The taxonomy of the Gastropoda is at present under constant revision.

(122) A revision of subgenus Hymenanthes (Rhododendron L. ) in Yunnan-Xizang.

(123) My boss did not like the revision, so I switched back to the original.

(124) I wish he could do this with a revision, a Mark 2 version of his book.

(125) This revision of Darwin's ideas came under fire from academic positions.

(126) People were allowed to petition for a revision as long as they had what

(127) For the original version of this essay by Newyorkbrad see this revision.

(128) It is to be hoped that any subsequent revision will address these lacunae .

(129) There are likewise maps on smaller scales, which undergo frequent revision.

(130) Our conclusions are always open to revision in the light of fresh evidence.

"revision" example

(131) On january 1, 2006, personal tax of new revision implements officially.

(132) I've had my head down on the book all day, racing through the new revision .

(133) Winston Churchill's reputation has proved remarkably resilient to revision .

(134) 1Our conclusions are always open to revision in the light of fresh evidence.

(135) This has brought about a radical revision in the style of school management.

(136) Brit., and the present independent revision is in some points indebted to it.

(137) 2This has brought about a radical revision in the style of school management.

(138) 1The portfolio is due at the last class with the revision of the fourth piece.

(139) Our conclusions are always open to revision in the light of fresh evidence.

(140) Or are they biased(MakeSentenceWith.com), faulty and badly in need of revision?

"revision" in sentence

(141) A much more cost-effective way of spending bookfunds is through stock revision.

(142) The drafts so far published will be subject to further revision and negotiation.

(143) The work of the Code revision committee proceeded with calculated deliberation .

(144) Exhibitors have opposed any revision of the business norms in the film industry.

(145) The purpose of this study was to describe reasons for revision hip arthroscopy.

(146) A much more cost-effective way of spending bookfunds is through stock revision.

(147) This has brought about a radical revision in the style of school management.

(148) The internal classification of this group has undergone considerable revision.

(149) A spokesperson for the company said the revision corrected a typographical error.

(150) The portfolio is due at the last class with the revision of the fourth piece.

"revision" sentences in English

(151) Who may not be appointed cardinals according the revision of Code of Cannon Law

(152) It is an Haggadic revision of the Biblical history from Adam to the death of Saul.

(153) A spokesperson for the company said the revision corrected a typographical error.

(154) The USB Battery Charging Specification Revision 1. What does revision 1.2 remove

(155) Negotiate on our terms or not at all: that was the meaning of the second revision .

(156) Normally, prosecutors return case files they consider weak or in need of revision .

(157) Entrance Fee and Annual Subscription will be subject to revision from time to time.

(158) The purpose of this study was to describe reasons for revision hip arthroscopy.

(159) The most important battle between Edge and Hague involved constitutional revision

(160) A revision of the catechism was prepared by the Baptist minister Hercules Collins

make sentence with "revision"

(161) What we do is important. It deserves our care, but it also deserves our revision.

(162) Reference works, like guide books, need constant revision and sometimes replacement.

(163) The teacher read and edited each story and returned it to the student for revision .

(164) For instance, the company made a big revision of its Industrial Accident Management.

(165) Please review the attached document listing the file requirements for your revision.

(166) The most important battle between Edge and Hague involved constitutional revision.

(167) A revision of the catechism was prepared by the Baptist minister Hercules Collins.

(168) The revision of the constitution had estranged the two heads of the Liberal party, I.

(169) With the latest price revision last week, the price now stands at Rs 33.88 per litre.

(170) The paper describes a revision of assay of hesperidin Concentrated Decoction by HPLC.

sentences using "revision"

(171) The 1997 revision is even more of a reference work than any of the previous editions.

(172) The board proposed a revision to the county�s zoning laws, angering our community.

(173) As an oversighter you can still LRB 1 view this revision RRB if you wish to proceed.

(174) But the features which are held to indicate late date may be due to editorial revision.

(175) 5-1960 revision may be taken into account when comparing with newer ASA or ISO values

(176) Is the machine Program Name revision controlled to show traceability of program changes?

(177) However, they do not expect any radical revision to emerge in the run-up to legislation.

(178) This is a revision of the previous unofficial estimate, which was: everybody except A.C.

(179) Please review the attached document listing the file requirements for your revision.

(180) As an administrator you can still LRB 1 view this revision RRB if you wish to proceed.

sentence from "revision"

(181) Obviously, such a drastic revision created a significant amount of tension at the plant.

(182) In Western Europe, the defence and revision of the myths have run along different tracks.

(183) Now is not the right time to discuss the repeal or revision of the National Security Law.

(184) However, they do not expect any radical revision to emerge in the run-up to legislation.

(185) The revision bill would nullify the 198court decree that governs the Bell System breakup.

(186) This revision expands all technical subject areas from the previous edition, FAA-H-8083-.

(187) The paper describes a revision of assay of hesperidin Concentrated Decoction by HPLC.

(188) For instance, the company made a big revision of its Industrial Accident Management .

(189) And after weeks of study and revision they all agreed their results were worth the effort.

(190) Constant revision of the curriculum must be undertaken to ensure its continuing relevance.

(191) The commonest reason of revision of total hip replacement is loosening and osteolysis.

(192) Math quiz program for addition, subtraction, multiplication and revision of wrong answers.

(193) Constant revision of the curriculum must be undertaken to ensure its continuing relevance.

(194) Hello, xx. Ministry of Justice have made revision suggestion about Electron flow statement.

(195) Math quiz program for addition, subtraction, multiplication and revision of wrong answers.

(196) But the expansion and revision of the Decalogue were not limited to the Deuteronomic school.

(197) 1Hello, xx. Ministry of Justice have made revision suggestion about Electron flow statement.

(198) This is a revision of the previous unofficial estimate, which was: everybody except A.C.

(199) ASCII developed from telegraphic codes. When was the first major revision of the code done

(200) If the second edition of a book contains revision material, it is the first revised edition.

(201) Statistical revision is the wild card in that most inexact pack of jokers known as economics.

(202) 1If the second edition of a book contains revision material, it is the first revised edition.

(203) A revision on the scientific and Chinese name of the verrucose wild rice indigenous to China.

(204) Perhaps there are many others who agree that the government's blueprint draft needs revision .

(205) I didn't even look at yesterday's poem with a view to revision , and that's almost unheard of.

(206) The two community councils are currently seeking majority support for a speed limit revision .

(207) He allowed that others had proposed the Roman synod and the revision of the Code of Canon Law.

(208) The database transaction log could handle the erase as a delete of that particular revision.

(209) This page revision has been suppressed from the public archives and from administrator view.

(210) Revised English Bible (REB), completed in 198is a thorough revision of the New English Bible.

(211) That was a slight upward revision from the initial estimate of a 2.2% gain released last month.

(212) The revision bill would nullify the 1982 court decree that governs the Bell System breakup.

(213) That was a slight upward revision from the initial estimate of a 2.2% gain released last month.

(214) Well, it is a great chance to havve a discussion about any aspects of your geography revision.

(215) Lei Yihong says there are no plans to make any legal revision to the science popularisation law.

(216) 1Lei Yihong says there are no plans to make any legal revision to the science popularisation law.

(217) The value of different kinds of bibliography for stock revision purposes is discussed in Chapter

(218) This revision expands all technical subject areas from the previous edition, FAA - H - 8083 - 3 .

(219) Conclusion: Patients commonly required revision hip arthroscopy because of persistent impingement.

(220) Inasmuch as it is a revealed religion Christianity is not susceptible of human revision or rescue.

Short & Simple Example Sentence For "revision" | "revision" Sentence

(221) By doing so you will begin that vital process of critical analysis and revision at an early stage.

(222) He allowed that others had proposed the Roman synod and the revision of the Code of Canon Law.

(223) Design revision and supervision of electrical power system installation of Plant, Plant and Plant.

(224) In the recent revision of this part of the Pontifical a deliberate choice was made in this respect.

(225) 1Inasmuch as it is a revealed religion Christianity is not susceptible of human revision or rescue.

(226) In 198the Procedure Committee recommended drastic revision of parliamentary procedure on taxation.

(227) Conclusion: Patients commonly required revision hip arthroscopy because of persistent impingement.

(228) We request to remove the step on the rib (support carburettor gasket) added with the DWG revision:0

(229) Design revision and supervision of electrical power system installation of Plant, Plant and Plant.

(230) The ministry is in charge of the correctional facilities the courts and the revision of the laws.

(231) Try and do this halfway through the revision period, the sleepover can be a mixture of work and fun.

(232) Three patients with implant failure due to backing out of the screws healed after surgical revision.

(233) It shows the influence of the second revision of The Insurance Law of PRC on marine cargo insurance.

(234) However, I think that this ought to include a revision of the names of all the elementary particles.

(235) In 1983 the Procedure Committee recommended drastic revision of parliamentary procedure on taxation.

(236) Gwilliam, Tetraevangelium Sanctum (Oxford, 1901); its relations to Rabbula's revision are shown by F.

(237) At the airport the woman threw herself into revision for college so she could experience university

(238) We request to remove the step on the rib (support carburettor gasket) added with the DWG revision:05.

(239) Since modern policing began at the end of the 19th century, it has been subject to constant revision .

(240) Conclusion: Patients commonly required revision hip arthroscopy because of persistent impingement.

How do you write a good sentence with "revision"?

(241) Inasmuch as it is a revealed religion Christianity is not susceptible of human revision or rescue.

(242) Assignments include two smaller lab reports, one major lab report with revision, and oral report.

(243) At the airport the woman threw herself into revision for college so she could experience university.

(244) Did Purcell start with this because it needed revision and transposition before it could be published?

(245) I seem to be unable to write in prose at the minute; I think all that revision has screwed up my brain.

(246) It's not that this influx is a revision of history, or a layering of the facts with liberal propaganda.

(247) Many units perform revision hip arthroplasty with inlateral decubitus and utilise a posterior approach.

(248) 2Did Purcell start with this because it needed revision and transposition before it could be published?

(249) The value of different kinds of bibliography for stock revision purposes is discussed in Chapter 7.

(250) So, I immediately went to look up the 2009 online edition, expecting to find a revision worth noting.

(251) These are individual opinions, subject to revision by that court of appeals, the institutional judgment.

(252) Its present form is due to an orthodox revision which discarded, so far as possible, all Gnostic traces.

(253) It's not that this influx is a revision of history, or a layering of the facts with liberal propaganda.

(254) This revision was a further stage in the territorial reordering which Edward undertook between 14And 147

(255) We suggest ten golden rules for exam revision, but like all rules, they need to be interpreted flexibly.

(256) 2Many units perform revision hip arthroplasty with inlateral decubitus and utilise a posterior approach.

(257) Three patients with implant failure due to backing out of the screws healed after surgical revision.

(258) There is a cost to each edit each revision stored and each time a page is viewed even without editing.

(259) I was lazy at school but usually sailed through exams with minimal revision and maximum guilt and stress.

(260) They also expect pupils will have time to play sport, do revision and homework and enjoy arts activities.

English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "revision".

(261) Please include the following disk drive information: model number, number and current firmware revision.

(262) Retroactivity of criminal law is a striking problem in law application after the revision of criminal law.

(263) I initiated an internal revision of each expense account to identify further potential expense reductions.

(264) Sometimes it is not easy or even possible to get the permanently planned revision made in a single edit.

(265) We imagine this revision will quickly become the default console as retailers run through their old stock.

(266) In every pedagogical grammar, there should be a plan for systematic revision of previously taught material.

(267) Many units perform revision hip arthroplasty with inlateral decubitus and utilise a posterior approach.

(268) Please include the following disk drive information: model number, number and current firmware revision.

(269) Other groups of plants require a thorough revision before we can be sure of the proper name for the species.

(270) 2Other groups of plants require a thorough revision before we can be sure of the proper name for the species.

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(271) In the revision of Article 29, what was a binding provision for a new delimitation of the federal territory

(272) This revision was a further stage in the territorial reordering which Edward undertook between 1473 and 1475.

(273) The British and American governments accepted the rejection of treaty revision without too much perturbation .

(274) He said the government and the House had yet to agree on several articles in the proposed revision of the law.

(275) 2In order that the scheme remains popular, it is vital that revision is conducted with regard to users' needs.

(276) Method: To analyze cases of pathological diagnosed myoma of uterus after hysterectomy using revision analyze.

(277) In February the editor made four new criticisms on technical matters, which we dealt with in a third revision.

(278) 1892), are more suitable for revision purposes; the second of these deals rather fully with irrational numbers.

(279) I felt it was my reward for managing to do five hours of revision yesterday, which is pretty impressive for me.

(280) The top schools cater for a cohort of students whose parents can afford to pay for grinds and revision courses.

How to Use "revision" with Example Sentences.

(281) Daniel Eaton, a lawyer who serves on the rules revision commission, says the old dispensation was not working.

(282) This is one good reason for planning a long-term programme of revision incorporating a number of subject areas.

(283) The abrupt contradictions to which such development leads of necessity compels revision of the principle itself.

(284) It's easy to think you're doing 4 hours of revision a day but when you tot it up, you realise it's only an hour.

(285) 1However, lengthy and complex consultative committees can hinder revision and make for a slowly changing scheme.

(286) However, lengthy and complex consultative committees can hinder revision and make for a slowly changing scheme.

(287) Objective To observe the effect of revision endoscopic sinus surgery for caseous sinusitis and caseous rhinitis.

(288) Many such places in Qinghai are not consistent-they undergo constant decay, revision, restructuring or erasure.

(289) We investigated the impact of fasciotomy revision and delayed release on combat casualties after air evacuation.

(290) This is one good reason for planning a long-term programme of revision incorporating a number of subject areas.

(291) A good approach is to allow one dream per novel. Then, in the final revision, go back and get rid of that, too.

(292) The seasonally adjusted data series is subject to routine revision when more up-to-date figures become available.

(293) In order that the scheme remains popular, it is vital that revision is conducted with regard to users' needs.

(294) A good approach is to allow one dream per novel. Then, in the final revision, go back and get rid of that, too.

(295) Children too are finding the Internet at home and school invaluable as a research tool for homework and revision .

(296) The World Health Organization expects to finish a major revision of its Laboratory Biosafety Manual in mid -2019.

(297) In February the editor made four new criticisms on technical matters, which we dealt with in a third revision.

(298) Many such places in Qinghai are not consistent - they undergo constant decay, revision, restructuring or erasure.

(299) The repetition of the acrostic word, far more frequent in Psalm cxix.); and some disappear on revision of the text.

(300) York students have seen weeks of revision go down the drain after a blundering examination board lost their papers.

(301) As the Secretary of State for Education embarks on secondary curriculum revision, can we hope he will seize a tide?

(302) I do agree with raising the age allowable to purchase an air weapon and with some revision on the supervision laws.

(303) It has been billed as the most radical revision to the criteria for awarding such grants ever undertaken in the UK.

(304) Notice that the fact that the concept of health is open, genuinely open for revision, does not make it vacuous.

(305) However, lengthy and complex consultative committees can hinder revision and make for a slowly changing scheme.

(306) This stimulus lasted until the Finance Act of 197which introduced a major revision of the system of corporation tax.

(307) Method: To analyze 23 cases of pathological diagnosed myoma of uterus after hysterectomy using revision analyze.

(308) In October 2001, the EU Council of Ministers gave the commission a mandate to negotiate a revision of the convention.

(309) That the adjustment was attended with considerable revision of the passages appears from a careful comparison of Neh.

(310) Miss Sullivan, who is an excellent critic, made suggestions at many points in the course of composition and revision.

(311) Revised English Bible (REB), completed in 1989, is a thorough revision of the New English Bible. MakeSentenceWith.com

(312) Background: Hip arthroscopy has become increasingly popular; however, little is known about revision hip arthroscopy.

(313) This audio file was created from an article revision dated and does not play the most recent changes to the article.

(314) This stimulus lasted until the Finance Act of 1973 which introduced a major revision of the system of corporation tax.

(315) Mr Leslie said he was would be pressing for a return to the old timetable when there is further revision in the summer.

(316) Therefore it is necessary to discuss the use and revision of the net present value method in practical decision-making.

(317) The revision of retrieved results is of great importance for CBR system to realize its self-improvement and ampliation.

(318) We have been specialized more than years in the construction and revision of aerosol can filling systems and perfumery.

(319) 2Therefore it is necessary to discuss the use and revision of the net present value method in practical decision-making.

(320) Now the 1986 tax-revision measure that shut down shelters and closed some loopholes might best be called a museum piece.

(321) As each news bulletin heralds an upwards revision of long past obscene totals, alternative conclusions are easy to avoid.

(322) Background: Hip arthroscopy has become increasingly popular; however, little is known about revision hip arthroscopy.

(323) Ryan brought the pen he was holding to his lip to chew the pen lid, mulling the answer to a question on his revision over.

(324) We have been specialized more than 25 years in the construction and revision of aerosol can filling systems and perfumery.

(325) Retrenchment in expenditure formed a major item in his programme, together with a prompt and thorough revision of taxation.

(326) The great teacher Neville Goddard offered the following process in 195in a lecture entitle The Pruning Shears of revision.

(327) All organizations especially those that are growing, walk a tightrope between stability and change, tradition and revision.

(328) Therefore it is necessary to discuss the use and revision of the net present value method in practical decision-making.

(329) The internal classification of this group has undergone considerable revision. When was the APG II system published fully

(330) Therefore, penal code revision bill(seven) regulation rules settled organization, leadership spread to sell movable offense.

(331) We investigated the impact of fasciotomy revision and delayed compartment release on combat casualties after air evacuation.

(332) I wish all those an unhurried night who want a revision of the existing copyright laws, but actually all the others too.

(333) He was afraid he might die before finishing his last revision of the Institutes Because of this he forced himself to work.

(334) These young men are then examined by a revising body (Conseil de revision cantonal) composed of civil and military officials.

(335) 2In the event of substantial revision being necessary to the manuscripts, we reserve the right to revise this royalty figure.

(336) In the event of substantial revision being necessary to the manuscripts, we reserve the right to revise this royalty figure.

(337) In 1951 and 1955, the Easter liturgies underwent revision, most notably including the reintroduction of the Easter Triduum

(338) The ASA standard underwent a major revision in 1960 with ASA PH2. What did the 1960 changes to film speed measures lead to?

(339) To solve fundamentally the problem of executory contract can be achieved only by the revision on the bankruptcy law in whole.

(340) To solve fundamentally the problem of executory contract can be achieved only by the revision on the bankruptcy law in whole.

(341) Casley then lodged a claim under the Law of Tort for 52 million in the belief the claim would force a revision of the quota.

(342) The great teacher Neville Goddard offered the following process in 1954, in a lecture entitle The Pruning Shears of revision.

(343) After revision, the evaluation results showed that the Cognitive-affective volitional Model could effectively explain the data.

(344) We have been specialized more than 25 years in the construction and revision of aerosol can filling systems and perfumery.

(345) However, the product manuals on this site are not updated with every revision of product manuals that come with the products.

(346) If no agreement is reached, the revision shall be effected by a federal law, which shall provide for an advisory referendum.

(347) In 1870 he was appointed one of the first members of the committee for the revision of the English version of the Old Testament.

(348) He developed a further septic inflammation in his knee after the meniscal transplantation and required further revision surgery.

(349) In the event of substantial revision being necessary to the manuscripts, we reserve the right to revise this royalty figure.

(350) This paper revises the computational method of PQI by weighed geometric mean and demonstrates the reasonability of the revision.

(351) 1This paper revises the computational method of PQI by weighed geometric mean and demonstrates the reasonability of the revision.

(352) He completed the revision of his Bengali translation of the Scriptures and received progress reports of the mission's activities.

(353) Therefore, penal code revision bill(seven) 4 regulation rules settled organization, leadership spread to sell movable offense.

(354) Read the article s talk page and revision history to see if there are any outstanding questions over the content of the article.

(355) After revision, the evaluation results showed that the Cognitive - affective volitional Model could effectively explain the data.

(356) The coordinating committee at that time predicted that the next revision would be a rewrite in 1997-8, so a new version is overdue.

(357) Such modifications need not necessitate wholesale institutional change and they need not await the revision of a competencies list.

(358) It adjusted to this quality, individual revision algorithm new is developed, optimum hand being off-center revision is actualized .

(359) The other chapters have undergone a thorough revision, modernising of the content and retaining the clarity of the earlier edition.

(360) 2The other chapters have undergone a thorough revision, modernising of the content and retaining the clarity of the earlier edition.

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(361) It adjusted to this quality, individual revision algorithm new is developed, optimum hand being off-center revision is actualized .

(362) The final revision dropped the four constraints included in the Senate proposal, thus protecting the flexibility of the block grant.

(363) This stimulus lasted until the Finance Act of 197which introduced a major revision of the system of corporation tax./corporation tax

(364) They are also subject to sharp revision, often in ways which suggest that political factors were at work in the numerical reckoning .

(365) Their work is interesting and esoteric and ideologically exclusionary , although we seem to be in a time of revision and eclecticism.

(366) Gunther, On the Structure and Affinities of Mnestra parasites Krohn; with a revision of the Classification of the Cladonemidae, Mitt.

(367) He completed the revision of his Bengali translation of the Scriptures and received progress reports of the mission's activities.

(368) Accomplish other assignments, including annual budgeting process, completing annual standard cost revision and inventory revaluation.

(369) Auden's literary executor and chief posthumous explicator recounts in his book what the poet recalled as his thoughts during revision.

(370) Accomplish other assignments, including annual budgeting process, completing annual standard cost revision and inventory revaluation.

(371) The layout and print is easy on the eye and the revision passages for dictation becomes increasingly difficult as the book progresses.

(372) The electorate gave its approval to the revision by a vote of 26,771 to 21,606, and with this the agitation over representation ceased.

(373) The layout and print is easy on the eye and the revision passages for dictation becomes increasingly difficult as the book progresses.

(374) It adjusted to this quality, individual revision algorithm new is developed, optimum hand being off-center revision is actualized .

(375) This credit is subject to the uniform customs and practice forcredits, 1993,[MakeSentenceWith.com] revision ICC Publication No.500.

(376) Additionally in the 2008 revision the hard drive graphics front side bus processor memory battery and port connections were upgraded.

(377) This week imprisoned leaders of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group began publishing a revision of their previous understanding of jihad.

(378) 1This week imprisoned leaders of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group began publishing a revision of their previous understanding of jihad.

(379) The final revision dropped the four constraints included in the Senate proposal, thus protecting the flexibility of the block grant.

(380) The duke of Sully carried out a revision in 1604, and other attempts were made by Mazarin and Colbert, but the extravagarces of Louis XV.

(381) Such revision procedures are more difficult to perform for many reasons, including the presence of scar tissue from the original surgery.

(382) It is certain, however, that no such classification can be considered final at present, but must undergo continual revision in the future.

(383) Such revision procedures are more difficult to perform for many reasons, including the presence of scar tissue from the original surgery.

(384) With each revision to IAS the criteria for applying the pooling method of accounting for a business combination have become more specific.

(385) The New York Fed said it made the revision to the companies' estimated value during a quarterly update performed at the end of last month.

(386) Production and software revision codes were imprinted as stamps on the back label to correspond with the software version and producer.

(387) However, a formal classification was published alongside the 2009 revision in which the flowering plants form the Subclass Magnoliidae.

(388) The feudalists called for a still further revision of the constitution, and urged that even the reforms effected by Stein should be undone.

(389) Such revision procedures are more difficult to perform for many reasons , including the presence of scar tissue from the original surgery.

(390) 1With each revision to IAS the criteria for applying the pooling method of accounting for a business combination have become more specific.

(391) At the same time light irradiance and environmental temperature are monitored, which are used for the standard revision of the test result.

(392) 2With each revision to IAS the criteria for applying the pooling method of accounting for a business combination have become more specific.

(393) This week imprisoned leaders of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group began publishing a revision of their previous understanding of jihad.

(394) The New York Fed said it made the revision to the companies' estimated value during a quarterly update performed at the end of last month.

(395) He could not in the time have assimilated all the materials even then extant, and later accumulations would necessitate a complete revision.

(396) Although the time-scheme of this calendar is subject to frequent revision, a ballpark set of figures is good enough to drive home the point.

(397) However several of the species have a number of recognized subspecies and the taxonomy of the family is thought to be in need of revision.

(398) The mass of new information which started to accumulate with the pre-war coalfield revision was greatly augmented during the wartime period.

(399) The mass of new information which started to accumulate with the pre-war coalfield revision was greatly augmented during the wartime period.

(400) It is interesting that both of these organisations are using a competency based approach in the current revision of their courses./competency

(401) At the same time, the Court reaffirmed the requirement for a territorial revision as a binding order to the relevant constitutional bodies

(402) The internal classification of this group has undergone considerable revision. What internal component has undergone considerable revision?

(403) 1Yet the concept of self-advocacy and the parallel emergence of normalisation, demand a radical revision of professional roles and approaches.

(404) The tasteful little revision works wonders , enhancing the cultural and economic subtext , bringing richer meaning to the story 's morals.

(405) In dealing with nonconformity he was tolerant, and even advocated a revision of the Prayer Book if that would allay the scruples of dissenters.

(406) At the same time light irradiance and environmental temperature are monitored, which are used for the standard revision of the test result.

(407) The process of erasing a revision should require some special authority to avoid editwars that would use erase to negate other contributions.

(408) CONCLUSIONS: Balloon dilation of the frontal ostia has a posttreatment patency rate comparable to those of other endoscopic revision techniques.

(409) Among patients under 60, about 35 percent of men and 20 percent of women need a revision surgery, according to a November article in the Lancet.

(410) But the detached and piecemeal way in which the revision had been carried out naturally caused certain inequalities in the execution of the work.

(411) His professional attainments were great, and in 1856 he was a member of a board entrusted with the revision of light artillery drill and tactics.

(412) Among patients under 60, about 35 percent of men and 20 percent of women need a revision surgery, according to a November article in the Lancet.

(413) This paper discusses the composition of the poem Kubla Khan by the English poet Coleridge, its revision and its meaning, especially its ideology.

(414) Yet the concept of self-advocacy and the parallel emergence of normalisation, demand a radical revision of professional roles and approaches.

(415) The import volume of goods and services is estimated to expand by 13.7 percent, an upward revision from the earlier projection of 11.3 percent.

(416) Objective To explore the presence of tubercle bacillus L form in the focus of bone and joint tuberculosis in cases undergone revision procedures.

(417) If you make a change to section you can easily note that a revision was made to section on a particular date and explain what the change included.

(418) 1Objective To explore the presence of tubercle bacillus L form in the focus of bone and joint tuberculosis in cases undergone revision procedures.

(419) With each revision to IAS 22, the criteria for applying the pooling method of accounting for a business combination have become more specific.

(420) Steady progression Language learning progresses at an easy pace, with plenty of reinforcement and revision to ensure lessons are thoroughly learnt.

(421) Methods patients with chronic occupational n-hexane poisoning were tested with Minnesota Multiphatic Personality Inventory(MMPI, Chinese revision).

(422) The Family Planning Council and demographers need to stop ignoring the facts and put the revision of China's population policy onto the fast track.

(423) This revision also saw significant changes in the definition of film speeds in order to accommodate then-recent changes in the American ASA PH2.

(424) 2Steady progression Language learning progresses at an easy pace, with plenty of reinforcement and revision to ensure lessons are thoroughly learnt.

(425) CONCLUSIONS: Balloon dilation of the frontal ostia has a posttreatment patency rate comparable to those of other endoscopic revision techniques.

(426) This paper discusses the composition of the poem Kubla Khan by the English poet Coleridge, its revision and its meaning, especially its ideology.

(427) To the latter we are indebted for a valuable map of Caucasia, 1:210,000, which since the first publication (1863-1885) has undergone careful revision.

(428) Her supporters took to Wikipedia, to tweak the Paul Revere entry to suit her syntax, touching off a Bunker Hill of Wiki revision and counter-revision.

(429) The Rapporteur of the process, Professor Michael O'Flaherty, has made immense contributions to the drafting and revision of the Yogyakarta Principles.

(430) The charter of 1908 is a revision of this proposed charter of 1905 with the objectionable features eliminated; it was adopted by a large majority vote.

(431) The Rapporteur of the process, Professor Michael O'Flaherty, has made immense contributions to the drafting and revision of the Yogyakarta Principles.

(432) Methods To compare the effect of revision endoscopic sinus surgery with traditional surgery (Ke-lu surgery) for caseous sinusitis and caseous rhinitis.

(433) There is an urgent need for a radical revision of our current concepts of the nature of consciousness and its relationship to matter and the brain.

(434) Steady progression Language learning progresses at an easy pace, with plenty of reinforcement and revision to ensure lessons are thoroughly learnt.

(435) In this grotesquely acquisitive society, all cultural markers are subject to violent revision as the inhabitants seek to fulfil their various appetites.

(436) The translation of Aristotle's Politics, the revision of Plato, and, above all, the translation of Thucydides many times revised, occupied several years.

(437) The internal classification of this group has undergone considerable revision. Who published an influential reclassification of the angiosperms in 1998

(438) Methods To compare the effect of revision endoscopic sinus surgery with traditional surgery (Ke - lu surgery) for caseous sinusitis and caseous rhinitis.

(439) The markdown in growth for the region as compared with the Bank's November forecast is percentage points, the sharpest revision among developing regions.

(440) Retroactivity of criminal law is a striking problem in law application after the revision of criminal law. There exist some difficult problems in dispute.

(441) Methods 23 patients with chronic occupational n-hexane poisoning were tested with Minnesota Multiphatic Personality Inventory(MMPI, Chinese revision).

(442) This stimulus lasted until the Finance Act of 1973 which introduced a major revision of the system of corporation tax.MakeSentenceWith.com/corporation tax

(443) His all too short performance in this office is represented by a posthumous volume which had not received his own final revision, International Law (1888).

(444) An appeal, however, to such devices, though a permissible first vintage is relatively an imperfection of method, and a proof that the tables need revision.

(445) The succeeding clause they are given from one shepherd may refer to a collection or revision by one authoritative person, but its relevancy is not obvious.

(446) States for a revision of what is known as the Olcott Award in connexion with the Orinoco Steamship Company was in 1905 met by a refusal to reopen the case.

(447) 2Cryopreservation of bone and osteochondral allografts has significance in revision surgery of large bone defects and oseoarticular reconstructive surgery.

(448) Her supporters took to Wikipedia, to tweak the Paul Revere entry to suit her syntax, touching off a Bunker Hill of Wiki revision and counter-revision.

(449) Matthew Wald, the executive director of Drive Forward Seattle, a group of 2,000 drivers opposed to unionization, said the council�s revision solves nothing.

(450) On Sunday, that stereotype, our commitment to it and Rembrandt's daring revision will be the topic of an interfaith panel hosted by the Philadelphia museum.

TranslateEN.com Online Free Dictionary

(451) After long years, the core language of the world wide web (HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language) is finally undergoing a major revision with the release of HTML

(452) Cryopreservation of bone and osteochondral allografts has significance in revision surgery of large bone defects and oseoarticular reconstructive surgery.

(453) After long years, the core language of the world wide web (HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language) is finally undergoing a major revision with the release of HTML

(454) It has proved difficult to clarify the relationships between the orders in Polyneoptera because of constant new findings calling for revision of the taxa.

(455) If you make a change to section 1.3, you can easily note that a revision was made to section 1.3 on a particular date and explain what the change included.

(456) Cholakov said that during Thursday's meeting, they tried to reach a concordance on a possible revision of the Personal Income Tax Act concerning the patent tax.

(457) In 1683 he appeared at the Old Bailey as a witness in defence of Lord Russell, and in June 1685 he protested alone against the revision of Stafford's attainder.

(458) Might this revision navigate science finally towards a first solution to combine Heisenberg's and Planck's quantum physics with Einstein's space-time continuum?

(459) (1) The revision of the economic growth. There are downward revisions on domestic demand and a larger reduction in inventories than the previous projection.

(460) On Sunday, that stereotype, our commitment to it and Rembrandt's daring revision will be the topic of an interfaith panel hosted by the Philadelphia museum.

(461) Post-exilic revision has also hopelessly obscured the offence of Moses and Aaron, although there was already a tendency to place the blame upon the people (Deut.

(462) 1Probability theory captures a number of essential characteristics of human cognition, including aspects of perception, reasoning, belief revision, and learning.

(463) AIM To analyze the difference of different treatment methods and stuff for plerosis and curative effect of acetabular defects in revision total hip arthroplasty.

(464) The markdown in growth for the region as compared with the Bank's November forecast is 4.8 percentage points, the sharpest revision among developing regions.

(465) It is interesting that both of these organisations are using a competency based approach in the current revision of their courses.MakeSentenceWith.com/competency

(466) The Second Vatican Council made no changes to the Roman Missal, but in the document Sacrosanctum Concilium mandated that a general revision of it take place.

(467) But the revision does not analyze the essence and element of insurable interest. The problem of insurable interest in marine cargo insurance could not be resolved.

(468) 2But the revision does not analyze the essence and element of insurable interest. The problem of insurable interest in marine cargo insurance could not be resolved.

(469) Implied terminal value is composed of three components�estimated implied terminal value, realized implied terminal value and revision in the implied terminal value.

(470) Probability theory captures a number of essential characteristics of human cognition, including aspects of perception, reasoning, belief revision, and learning.

(471) Schools in more affluent areas and fee paying schools are more likely to have students whose parents can and will pay a lot of money for grinds and revision courses.

(472) The report is not soft enough to deter a December rate hike but it will contribute to a downward revision in central bankers� policy guidance for rate hikes in 2019.

(473) If at any point in time the standard cost materially differs from the actual cost, the Standard revision account should be used to adjust inventories to actual cost.

(474) AIM To analyze the difference of different treatment methods and stuff for plerosis and curative effect of acetabular defects in revision total hip arthroplasty.

(475) The last great undertaking in which he was employed was the revision of his codification of the canon law, which had been all but completed before the death of Henry.

(476) In Alexander's last years Arakcheev was not merely his chief counsellor, but his dearest friend, to whom he submitted all his projects for consideration and revision.

(477) Objective: To investigate the revision rates after the operations of double eyelid and augmentative rhinoplasty, analyze the reasons and seek the method to deal with.

(478) The report is not soft enough to deter a December rate hike but it will contribute to a downward revision in central bankers� policy guidance for rate hikes in 2019.

(479) Objective: To investigate the revision rates after the operations of double eyelid and augmentative rhinoplasty, analyze the reasons and seek the method to deal with.

(480) After 12 long years, the core language of the world wide web (HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language) is finally undergoing a major revision with the release of HTML5.

(481) But the revision does not analyze the essence and element of insurable interest. The problem of insurable interest in marine cargo insurance could not be resolved.

(482) 1. Implied terminal value is composed of three components�estimated implied terminal value, realized implied terminal value and revision in the implied terminal value.

(483) 2Change tracking, inline comments, side-by-side compare, compare and merge, compare versions, and text highlighter features support document revision and collaboration.

(484) If at any point in time the standard cost materially differs from the actual cost, the Standard revision account should be used to adjust inventories to actual cost.

(485) Objective: To investigate the revision rates after the operations of double eyelid and augmentative rhinoplasty, analyze the reasons and seek the method to deal with.

(486) In order to make up the flaw on the legislation of the patent law in China, it is essential to restudy the principle and to take a revision to the articles of patent law.

(487) Definitive treatment of iliopsoas impingement often requires surgical revision or iliopsoas tenotomy, although many cases remain undiagnosed or are managed conservatively.

(488) 1In order to make up the flaw on the legislation of the patent law in China, it is essential to restudy the principle and to take a revision to the articles of patent law.

(489) The new company policy manual has been in effect for two months. This manual contains many needed revision to standard operating procedure in all phases of our operations.

(490) Change tracking, inline comments, side-by-side compare, compare and merge, compare versions, and text highlighter features support document revision and collaboration.

(491) Reason can however be used to convince people that their basic values are in need of revision, because reason can reveal when values are inconsistent and self-destructive.

(492) The obligatory Referendum obtains in the case of all laws, while 1500 citizens have the right of initiative whether as to laws or the revision of the cantonal constitution.

(493) If efficacy in psychosis and tardive dyskinesia is confirmed, it is likely to lead to revision of our understanding of the pathophysiology and treatment of these disorders.

(494) Methods patients with chronic occupational n-hexane poisoning were tested with Minnesota Multiphatic Personality Inventory(MMPI,(/personality inventory) Chinese revision).

(495) 1The new company policy manual has been in effect for two months. This manual contains many needed revision to standard operating procedure in all phases of our operations.

(496) Definitive treatment of iliopsoas impingement often requires surgical revision or iliopsoas tenotomy, although many cases remain undiagnosed or are managed conservatively.

(497) Definitive treatment of iliopsoas impingement often requires surgical revision or iliopsoas tenotomy, although many cases remain undiagnosed or are managed conservatively.

(498) His most important work is his standard History of English Dramatic Literature to the Age of Queen Anne (1875), re-edited after a thorough revision in three volumes in 1899.

(499) If efficacy in psychosis and tardive dyskinesia is confirmed, it is likely to lead to revision of our understanding of the pathophysiology and treatment of these disorders.

(500) If efficacy in psychosis and tardive dyskinesia is confirmed, it is likely to lead to revision of our understanding of the pathophysiology and treatment of these disorders.

(501) Following the revision of the index a selection of cities from this region has been added, including Doha in Qatar (Rabat in Morocco (Banjul in Gambia (and Abuja in Nigeria (

(502) University of Life. Year One - Advance Adventure Playgrounds. Part One Exam - go to the Third World and survive. No revision, interest, intellect or sensitivity required.

(503) The internal classification of this group has undergone considerable revision. What system did Arthur Cronquist put forth in 1968, but not publish in full form until 1981

(504) 2Following the revision of the index a selection of cities from this region has been added, including Doha in Qatar (Rabat in Morocco (Banjul in Gambia (and Abuja in Nigeria (

(505) It would be a lot easier to warn new users early on that just because they SAVE after every change as a new revision those changes are not safer or somehow more permanent.

(506) Definitive treatment of iliopsoas impingement often requires surgical revision or iliopsoas tenotomy, although many cases remain undiagnosed or are managed conservatively.

(507) The new company policy manual has been in effect for two months. This manual contains many needed revision to standard operating procedure in all phases of our operations.

(508) Her supporters took to Wikipedia, to tweak the Paul Revere entry to suit her syntax,[www.MakeSentenceWith.com] touching off a Bunker Hill of Wiki revision and counter-revision.

(509) Knox), almost purely linguistic and lexical, and include Assyriology: its Use and Abuse in Old Testament Study (1885), and the important revision of Gesenius, undertaken with S.

(510) If at least one tenth of those entitled to vote in Bundestag elections were in favour of a revision, the federal government had to include the proposal into its legislation.

(511) The exact date of the revision is also doubtful: the editors of the Wycliffe Bible, judging from the internal evidence of the Prologue, assume it to have been finished about 1388.

(512) As for the Expiry Date of L/C for order 090is upcoming, our department promise to accept the defect bill of exchange instead of amending the L/C, due to cockamamie revision routine.

(513) In these districts there were cadastres, or compoixterriers (land registers), which allowed of a non-arbitrary assessment; and at the end of the ancien regime merely needed revision.

(514) For some little time previously he had been harassed by a suspicion that certain errors had crept into the computations, and accordingly he addressed himself to the task of revision.

(515) He began by measures of liquidation: the Chambre ardente of Colbert 1661 to 1665 to deal with the fa,rmers of the revenue, ~ the condemnation of Fouquet, and a revision of the funds.

(516) As for the Expiry Date of L/C for order 090is upcoming, our department promise to accept the defect bill of exchange instead of amending the L/C, due to cockamamie revision routine.

(517) The and parameters are LRB strongly RRB recommended because they allow readers to identify the exact source and target revisions without searching through the revision histories.

(518) The revision was passed by Convocation and again revised in 1571, when the queen had been excommunicated by papal bull, and an act was passed ordering all clergy to subscribe to them.

(519) As for the Expiry Date of L/C for order 090is upcoming, our department promise to accept the defect bill of exchange instead of amending the L/C, due to cockamamie revision routine.

(520) In fact they are little ignoramuses who leave high school believing that their country has made nothing but mistakes, and they never do learn what revisionist history is a revision of.

(521) He was the member of the committee of revision selected to draft the constitution in its final form, and that document is a monument to the vigour and simplicity of his literary style.

(522) This result was not, however, achieved before President Kruger had done his utmost to induce Sir Henry Loch to promise some revision in favour of the Transvaal of the London Convention.

(523) The Catholics had a majority in both, but not enough to enable them to dispense with the assistance of the Liberals, the constitution requiring for every revision a two-thirds majority.

(524) This date, then, is a likely lower limit for Hermas's revision of his earlier prophetic memoranda, and their publication in a single homogeneous work, such as the Shepherd appears to be.

(525) An innocuous change?Quite the opposite.The effect of this revision, if promulgated, would be that only the largest, most powerful shareholders will be able to use the proposal mechanism.

(526) A special type of revert could indicate that the prior revision was merely hacked text with the result that both the hacked reverted entries would be skipped under a History listing.

(527) As for the Expiry Date of L/C for order 0902 is upcoming, our department promise to accept the defect bill of exchange instead of amending the L/C, due to cockamamie revision routine.

(528) The text soon began to deteriorate by admixture with the Old Latin, as well from the process of transcription, and several attempts at a revision were made before the invention of printing.

(529) After another reading or revision in the reading closet it is sent to the compositors, who make the final corrections in the type and hand the forme to the printing department to deal with.

(530) Along with the promulgation of the constitution revision bill, the warm discussion about whether private property right should be written into the constitution finally reached a conclusion.

(531) Has passed through different circles, with excision or revision of older material, and with the incorporation of other material, sometimes of older origin and of independent literary growth.

(532) Unfortunately, Dr Sommer, in his study on the Sources of Malory, omitted to consult these texts, with the result that the sections dealing with Lancelot and Queste urgently require revision.

(533) His revision (to quote Dr Swete) was doubtless an attempt to revise the (or ' common text ' of the Septuagint) in accordance with the principles of criticism which were accepted at Antioch.

(534) The second, or Later Version, being a thorough revision of the first, is ascribed to the year 1388 by Sir Frederic Madden and the Rev. Joshua Forshall in their edition of these two versions.'

(535) Guided by the design characteristics of electric fan blades, the writer proposes a method of revision through true measurements on the basis of the design procedures of equivalent axial fans.

(536) Star-rating standard for tourist hotels is a banner of the development of Chinas hotel industry,(/foreshow) and its revision and execution foreshow the developing trend of the hotel industry.

(537) Guided by the design characteristics of electric fan blades, the writer proposes a method of revision through true measurements on the basis of the design procedures of equivalent axial fans.

(538) As more information becomes available, the description, definition, and diagnostic criteria may undergo revision, although we do not usually redefine the disease to include inconstant features.

(539) His range of learning was wide, and he published a handbook of Jewish history, a historical calendar intended to supersede the Roman Saints' Calendar, and a revision of the Latin Old Testament.

(540) Since 1875, 1000 citizens can claim a popular vote (facultative Referendum) on all bills, or can exercise the right of initiative whether as to laws or the revision of the cantonal constitution.

(541) In crafting the latest revision of the 197Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), House and Senate lawmakers gave President Bush much of what he sought during months of tough negotiations.

(542) Methods 23 patients with chronic occupational n-hexane poisoning were tested with Minnesota Multiphatic Personality Inventory(MMPI,(MakeSentenceWith.com/personality inventory) Chinese revision).

(543) As noted in the preface to the third edition , further treaty revision will take place following the next IGC proposed for 2004, which has now been established and has commenced work in Brussels.

(544) Not only the Sadeer faction opposed that the Iraqi Shiah being in power alliance on 19th also issues the statement, requests to consider the draft agreement partial contents to make the revision.

(545) FYI Colombia performed a botched Tummy Tuck and I had to go into emergency revision surgery in the U. S. I had two potential fatal infections and I also had a drain that was removed from my body.

(546) This suggested revision reduces the word count to from which doesn't seem like much perhaps. However, it also reduces the character count to 1from 133,(/word count) which is nearly percent lower.

(547) CVS helps to parallelize software development and fullfills the need in the UNIX community for a freely available tool to manage software revision and release control in a multi-group environment.

(548) In crafting the latest revision of the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), House and Senate lawmakers gave President Bush much of what he sought during months of tough negotiations.

(549) 2The difference between the inventories valued at the old and the revised standard should be recognized in the standards revision reserve and charged to the income statement as change in inventory.

(550) Senior county planner Tess Harris said there was a delay as officials waited to get authorizations from property owners and a revision on one net to prevent it from blocking a popular hiking trail.

(551) In crafting the latest revision of the 197Foreign Intelligentce Surveillance Act or FISA House and Senator lawmakers gave President Bush much of what he thought during months of tough negotiations.

(552) From idea through revision, the process of writing editorials offers lessons that can benefit any writer, from scriptwriter to sonneteer , from those churning out cop shorts to long-form narratives.

(553) 4 In 1 9 10 the question of the permissive use of vestments, in connexion with that of the revision of the Prayer Book generally, was still under discussion in the convocations of the two provinces.

(554) Ecclesiastical tradition further ascribes to Gregory the compilation of an Antiphonary, the revision and rearrangement of the system of church music, and the foundation of the Roman schola cantorum.

(555) Senior county planner Tess Harris said there was a delay as officials waited to get authorizations from property owners and a revision on one net to prevent it from blocking a popular hiking trail.

(556) In consequence of this change the number of local electors increased by more than onethird between 1887-1889; it decreased, however, as a result of an extraordinary revision of the registers in 1894.

(557) Senior county planner Tess Harris said there was a delay as officials waited to get authorizations from property owners and a revision on one net to prevent it from blocking a popular hiking trail .

(558) Not only the Sadeer faction opposed that the Iraqi Shiah being in power alliance on 19th also issues the statement, requests to consider the draft agreement partial contents to make the revision.

(559) In crafting the latest revision of the 1978 Foreign Intelligentce Surveillance Act or FISA House and Senator lawmakers gave President Bush much of what he thought during months of tough negotiations.

(560) An innocuous change? Quite the opposite. The effect of this revision, if promulgated , would be that only the largest, most powerful shareholders will be able to use the proposal mechanism.

(561) Following the revision of the index a selection of cities from this region has been added, including Doha in Qatar (110), Rabat in Morocco (112), Banjul in Gambia (164) and Abuja in Nigeria (205).

(562) The difference between the inventories valued at the old and the revised standard should be recognized in the standards revision reserve and charged to the income statement as change in inventory.

(563) That of course does not exclude the possibility of the bulk of the poem having been composed at an earlier period; it only ascribes its completion or perhaps final revision to Nasir's sojourn in Egypt.

(564) If the advantaged opportunity is chosen, the oscillation of accessional attack angle may be reduced greatly. So the effect would be close to the expecting revision result while acting on the centroid.

(565) This revision of the credit regulations has attracted attention from the international circle the world over and people in this profession set great store by the influence to be born of such a reform.

(566) Preferably the first revision of all new articles would be beefed up enough so the suitability of an article for inclusion in the encyclopedia could be assessed without needing to look at potential.

(567) Russia, Persia, Afghanistan, Baluchistan, India and China have all revised their borders, and with the revision the political relations between these countries have acquired a new and more assured basis.

(568) He worked for a revision of Ellsworth's judiciary act of 1789, and especially to relieve justices of the supreme court 1 The plan was not drafted by Randolph, but he presented it because he was governor.

(569) If the advantaged opportunity is chosen, the oscillation of accessional attack angle may be reduced greatly. So the effect would be close to the expecting revision result while acting on the centroid.

(570) As for the Expiry Date of L/C for order 0902 is upcoming, our department promise to accept the defect bill of exchange instead of amending the L/C, due to cockamamie revision routine. MakeSentenceWith.com

(571) But the slight revision was not enough to ease market fears over further U.S. economic slowdown on the back of trade tensions, a waning boost from tax cuts and tightening monetary conditions for companies.

(572) But the slight revision was not enough to ease market fears over further U.S. economic slowdown on the back of trade tensions, a waning boost from tax cuts and tightening monetary conditions for companies.

(573) All the revision in the world will not save a bad first draft: for the architecture of the thing comes, or fails to come, in the first conception, and revision only affects the detail and ornament, alas!

(574) Now that's a method that starts from observations and experiments and moves to generalizations about nature called natural laws, which are always subject to revision or rejection should new evidence arise.

(575) This suggested revision reduces the word count to 20 from 22, which doesn't seem like much perhaps. However, it also reduces the character count to 120 from 133,(word count) which is nearly 10 percent lower.

(576) Sclater published in the Ibis a classification which was mainly a revision of the system of Huxley, modified by the investigations of Garrod and Forbes and by his own large acquaintance with museum specimens.

(577) Fessor of ecclesiastical history, Episcopal Theological school, Cambridge, Mass., who in 1907 published at New York, in a single volume, Phillips Brooks, an abbreviation and revision of the earlier biography.

(578) Star-rating standard for tourist hotels is a banner of the development of Chinas hotel industry,(MakeSentenceWith.com/foreshow) and its revision and execution foreshow the developing trend of the hotel industry.

(579) Listening to it, I often sensed that Verdi altered passages for the 1865 revision not because they were inferior but because he wanted to bring the opera up-to-date by reflecting developments in his musical style.

(580) Listening to it, I often sensed that Verdi altered passages for the 1865 revision not because they were inferior but because he wanted to bring the opera up-to-date by reflecting developments in his musical style.

(581) He was a contributor to the Handworterbuch of Liebig, Willer and Poggendorff, and to the Graham-Otto Textbook of Chemistry, and for many years was a member of the committee of revision of the Pharmacopoeia Germanica.

(582) The same qualities appear in Walton's Considerator Considered (1659), a reply to the Considerations of John Owen, who thought that the accumulation of material for the revision of the received text tended to atheism.

(583) Driving Friday�s downward revision was an even bigger decline in exports of a category that includes industrial machinery, as well as slower consumer spending on nondurable goods such as gasoline and energy products.

(584) Driving Friday�s downward revision was an even bigger decline in exports of a category that includes industrial machinery, as well as slower consumer spending on nondurable goods such as gasoline and energy products.

(585) The work was probably published with little, if any, revision by the author's nephew, who, when telling the story of a tame dolphin, and describing the floating islands of the Vadimonian Lake, thirty years later (viii.

(586) To counteract and supersede all these unauthorized editions, Tyndale himself brought out his own revision of the New Testament with translations added of all the Epistles of the Old Testament after the use of Salisbury.

(587) Under William III., Tenison was in 1689 named a member of the ecclesiastical commission appointed to prepare matters towards a reconciliation of the Dissenters, the revision of the liturgy being specially entrusted to him.

(588) Maintaining that the position of the Pentateuch alone explains the books which follow, conservative writers concede that it is composite, has had some literary history, and has suffered some revision in the post-exilic age.

(589) C. P.) More ambitious attempts at amending the new version were not lacking, but they all proved fruitless, until in February 1870 the Convocation of Canterbury appointed a committee The to consider the subject of revision.

(590) Real equality is immensely difficult to achieve, it needs continual revision and monitoring of distributions. And it does not provide buffers between members, so they are continually colliding or frustrating each other.

(591) When all homework or student work has a number or a letter on it, and counts towards a final grade, rather than being used for practice, mistakes, feedback and revision, we send the message that school is a performance zone.

(592) Even at the later sessions the cardinal of Lorraine with the French prelates supported the German representatives in requests for the cup for the laity,the permission of the marriage of priests, and the revision of the breviary.

(593) According to the Spina Bifida Association of America, nearly 40 percent of shunts malfunction and may need to be replaced within one year, 60 percent will require revision within five years, and 80 to 90 percent within ten years.

(594) Finding himself unequal to the labour of teaching, he resigned his professorship in 1785, and devoted himself to the revision of his lectures, which he published (1792) under the title of Principles of Moral and Political Science.

(595) It is clearly a revision of the second stage, as WH saw, but we can now add that it was not merely a literary revision but was influenced by the tendency to revive readings which are found in the first stage but rejected in the second.

(596) In passing over these matters Monroe and Pinkney had disregarded their instructions, and Jefferson was so displeased with the treaty that he refused to present it to the senate for ratification, and returned it to England for revision.

(597) Had been to Ames- a large extent a personal ruler, but William II., sion of though for a time following in his father's steps, had William been moved by the revolutionary outbreaks of 1848 III' to concede a revision of the constitution.

(598) In the Sophist criticism predominates over reconstruction, the Zenonian logic being turned against the Parmenides metaphysic in such a way as to show that both the one and the other need revision: see 241 D, 244 B seq., 257 B seq., 258 D.

(599) He died on the 2nd of July 1816, having occupied his latter years in the composition and revision of an autobiography (published in 1817), which, with all its egotism and partiality, is a valuable work, and the chief authority for his life.

(600) The Western bishops who remained confirmed the previous decisions of the Roman synod; and by its 3rd, 4th and 5th decrees relating to the rights of revision, the council of Sardica endeavoured to settle the procedure of ecclesiastical appeals.

(601) In 1867 he was a delegate-at-large to the convention for the revision of the state constitution, and in 1869 and 1870 he was the Republican candidate for controller of the state and member of Congress respectively, but in each case was defeated.

(602) By the latest enactments (one dating from 1905) 2500 citizens can claim a vote ( facultative referendum ) as to any legislative project, or can exercise the right of initiative as to any such project or as to the revision of the cantonal constitution.

(603) It is not, however, a revision of the Fragmentary Targum - for it is clearly independent of that version - but is rather a parallel, if somewhat later, production, in which the text of Onkelos is already combined with a number of variants and additions.

(604) On the 30th of August, however, he stated that this had been discovered to be a forgery by Colonel Henry, but he refused to concur with his colleagues in a revision of the Dreyfus prosecution, which was the logical outcome of his own exposure of the forgery.

(605) Later he devoted himself to the revision of the Syriac version of the Bible, and with the help of his chorepiscopus Polycarp produced in 598 the so-called Philoxenian version, which was in some sense the received Bible of the Monophysites during the 6th century.

(606) Memory offers up its gifts only when jogged by something in the present. It isn't a storehouse of fixed images and words, but a dynamic associative network in the brain that is never quiet and is subject to revision each time we retrieve an old picture or old words.

(607) It must be remembered, however, that these laws have passed through more than one stage of revision and that the original regulations have been much obscured by later glosses and additions; it is therefore somewhat hazardous to base any argument on their present form.

(608) These breaks in continuity show what might also be inferred from frequent repetitions of lines which have appeared earlier in the poem, and from the rough workmanship of passages in the later books, that the poem could not have received the final revision of the author.

(609) Their programme for home affairs involved the amelioration of the position of the peasantry and artisan classes, whose progress they considered had been overlooked, the irremovability of the magistracy, and a revision of the communal law in the sense of decentralization.

(610) When this question was so submitted for the first time, in 1866, the vote was to revise; but the revision prepared by a convention called for the purpose was rejected at the polls The revision by the Constitutional Convention of1907-1908was adopted by popular vote in 1908.

(611) Prior to Charlemagne .it is probable that several other collections of homilies had obtained considerable popularity, but in the time of that emperor these had suffered so many mutilations and corruptions that an authoritative revision was felt to be imperatively necessary.

(612) The bones which bear the two occipital condyles have given rise to much discussion, and the definition given by Huxley in the previous edition - two occipital condyles, the basi-occipital region of the skull either very incompletely or not at all ossified - requires revision.

(613) Signs of such revision may be traced back to the compiler of H, but the evidence shows that the process must have been continued down to the latest period of editorial activity in connexion with P. To redactors of the school of P belong such phrases as the sons of Aaron (xxi.

(614) This resolution or analysis into simple, because clear and distinct, elements may be brought to a standstill again and again by obscurity and indistinctness, but patient and repeated revision of all that is included in the problem should bring the analytic process to fruition.

(615) Although much work has been done recently in measuring parallaxes, the number of stars included in such a list has not been increased, but rather has been considerably diminished; many large parallaxes, which were formerly provisionally accepted, have been reduced on revision.

(616) The experience gained on the northern survey under Argelander's direction enabled Schdnfeld to introduce some improvements in the methods employed, which increased the accuracy of this work, which was practically accomplished in March 1881, some revision only remaining to be done.

(617) Xxxii., for example, looks upon Edom and Sidon as dead), and while the continued revision of the book allows the presumption that the tradition ascribing its inception to the time of Josiah may be authentic, it is doubtful how much of the original nucleus can be safely recognized.

(618) At the revision of the Prayer-Book in 1552 all mention of reservation is omitted, and the rubric directs that the communion is to be celebrated in the sick person's house, according to a new form; and this service has continued, with certain minor changes, down to the present day.

(619) The obligatory Referendum obtains in the case of all laws, and of decrees relating to an expenditure of over half a million francs, while 12,000 citizens have the right of initiative in the case of legislative projects, and 15,000 may demand the revision of the cantonal constitution.

(620) To deny their historical character is to reject them as trustworthy accounts of the age to which they are ascribed, and even those scholars who claim that they are essentially historical already go so far as to concede idealization and the possibility or probability of later revision.

(621) Any application for a revision of the award must be based on the discovery of new evidence of such a nature as to exercise a decisive influence on the judgment and unknown up to the time when the hearing was closed, both to the tribunal itself and to the party asking for the revision.

(622) But there is also a greater degree of similarity between them than can be explained by accidental coincidence, and there is thus an a priori case for the theory that one of the two is a revision of the other, or that there was an older version, now lost, which was the original of both.

(623) The first state constitution gave the veto power to a council of revision composed of the governor, the chancellor and the judges of the supreme court, but since 1821 this power has been exercised by the governor alone; and in 1874 it was extended to separate items in appropriation bills.

(624) At the same time it was given to be understood that the new theory of the solar system might be held ex hypothesi, and the trivial verbal alterations introduced into the Polish astonomer's book in 1620, when the work of revision was completed by Cardinal Gaetani, confirmed this interpretation.

(625) In the eyes of others a man is a poet if he has written one good poem. In his own he is only a poet at the moment when he is making his last revision to a new poem. The moment before, he was still only a potential poet; the moment after, he is a man who has ceased to write poetry, perhaps forever.

(626) Constant work, constant writing and constant revision. The real writer learns nothing from life. He is more like an oyster or a sponge. What he takes in he takes in normally the way any person takes in experience. But it is what is done with it in his mind, if he is a real writer, that makes his art.

(627) A cry went up that to allow dissident churches to announce their presence was to insult and persecute the Catholic I at Rome the decree was attacked as unconstitutional, and a breach of diplomatic propriety all the more reprehensible as negotiations for a revision of the concordat were actually pending.

(628) Owing to the sparse population and difficulties of communication in a great part of the dominion, the inquiry, though referred to a single date, is not completed on that day, a month being allowed to the enumerator for the collection of his returns and their revision and transmission to the central office.

(629) The numerous editions of the various portions - for, despite Hume's wrath and grumblings, the book was a great literary success - gave him an opportunity of careful revision, which he employed to remove from it all the ' villainous seditious Whig strokes, and plaguy prejudices of Whiggism that he could detect.

(630) The conquest of Serbia, however, once more closed the ranks of the Yugosla y s, who saw in unity their sole hope for the future: and the desertions to the Entente which were so marked a feature of the first winter, became so rife as to render necessary a drastic revision of the Austro-Hungarian regimental system.

(631) During his long life enormous strides were made by others in collecting the materials of American history, and while in the main he kept pace with them by ruthless revision, yet even the latest edition of his work disregards some minor facts which others knew for the insertion of much which the author alone knew.

(632) 362 Cyril would find a natural occasion for the revision of the public creed by the skilful insertion of some of the conciliar language, including the term which proclaimed the restoration of full communion with the champions of Nicaea, and other phrases and clauses adapted for impressing on the people positive truth.

(633) Venezelo and his followers, having obtained an amnesty, laid down their arms. A commission appointed by the powers to report on the administrative and financial situation drew up a series of recommendations in January 1906, and a constituent assembly for the revision of the constitution met at Canea in the following June.

(634) To soothe the populace and protect the frontier more was required than the resumption, as in all grave crises of the Revolution, of terrorist measures such as forced taxation or the law of hostages; the new Directory, Sieys presiding, saw that for the indispensable revision of the constitution a head and a sword were needed.

(635) The last ten years of his life were passed in complete retirement at Brantwood, in the loving care of the Severn family, to whom the estate was transferred, with occasional visits from friends, but with no sustained work beyond correspondence, the revision of his works, and a few notes and prefatory words to the books of others.

(636) Therein we are told that the threefold ministry of bishops, priests and deacons may be traced back to apostolic times, and in the final revision of 1662 a clause was added to the effect that no one is to be accounted a lawful bishop, priest or deacon in the Church of England, unless he has had episcopal consecration or ordination.

(637) The amalgamation of the ministry of commerce with the ministry of ways in 1889 further enabled Baross to realize his great idea of making the trade of Hungary independent of foreign influences, of increasing the commercial productiveness of the kingdom and of gaining every possible advantage for her export trade by a revision of tolls.

(638) At present, therefore, classifications of the Hydromedusae have a more or less tentative character, and are liable to revision with increased knowledge of the life-histories of these organisms. Many groups bear at present two names, the one representing the group as defined by polyp-characters, the other as defined by medusa-characters.

(639) Apart from the importance of seeing the Russo-Japanese War through, there were important negotiations on foot for a renewal or revision of the treaty with Japan; and it was felt that on these grounds it would be a mistake for the government to allow itself to be driven into a premature dissolution, unless it found itself unable to maintain a majority in parliament.

(640) P the effect that Convocation should nominate a body of its own members to undertake the work of revision, who shall be at liberty to invite the co-operation of any eminent for scholarship, to whatever nation or religious body they may belong ; and shortly afterwards two companies were formed for the revision of the Authorized Version of the Old and New Testaments.

(641) The weight of authority, however, is against any further revision of the code having been made after the formal revision which it underwent in the reign of the emperor Leo, who appointed a commission of jurists under the presidency of Sympathius, the captain of the body-guard, to revise the work of his father, to which he makes allusion in the first of his Novellae.

(642) While the council was still sitting the Bavarian minister, Prince Chlodwig zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfiirst, suggested to Bismarck that the 'Powers would do well to bring its deliberations to an end; and immediately after the publication of its decrees Austria notified the pope that so vast an extension of the Church's claims would necessitate a revision of the concordat.

(643) The chief subjects of discussion were: the relations of faith and modern thought, the supply and training of the clergy, education, foreign missions, revision and enrichment of the Prayer-Book, the relation of the Church to ministries of healing (Christian Science, c.), the questions of marriage and divorce, organization of the Anglican Church, reunion with other Churches.

(644) Finally he endeavoured, though unsuccessfully, to secure the introduction of juries into the courts of chancery, and - a generation and more before the fruition of the labours of Romilly and his coworkers in England - aided in securing a humanitarian revision of the penal code, 4 which, though lost by one vote in 1785, was sustained by public sentiment, and was adopted in 1796.

(645) But though von Richthofen's general conception of the Kuen-lun system was broadly sound and in accordance with facts, the details both of his description and of that of his pupil Wegener' require now very considerable revision, and need even to be in part recast, as a consequence of explorations and investigations made since they wrote by, amongst others, the Russian explorers N.

(646) Identifying himself with the Democratic party, he served in the state House of Representatives in 1848, and was a prominent member of the convention for the revision of the state constitution in 1850-1851, a representative in Congress (1851-18s5), commissioner of the United States General Land Office (1855-1859), a United States senator (1863-1869), and governor of Indiana (1873-1877).

(647) (It is to be noted the words null and void were in Madison's first draft of the Virginia resolutions, but that they were omitted by the Virginia legislature.) It is notable, besides, that Madison had always feared that the national congress would assume too great power, that he had approved of Supreme Court checks on the national legislature, and of veto power by a council of revision.

(648) A special Ministry - that for the unification of legislation and administrative organization - has been entrusted with the unification of the law s for the whole republic; and two commissions of legal experts under the control of the Ministry of Justice were in 1921 at work on a careful revision of the old codes, which when completed would be issued as a uniform code for the entire republic.

(649) There is, however, no doubt that he abrogated in a formal manner the ancient laws, which had fallen into desuetude, and the more probable opinion would seem to be, that he caused a revision to be made of the ancient laws which were to continue in force, and divided them into forty books, and that this code of laws was subsequently enlarged and distributed into sixty books by his son Leo the Philosopher.

(650) It takes a fearless, unflinching love and deep humility to accept the universe as it is. The most effective way he knew to accomplish that, the most powerful tool at his disposal, was the scientific method, which over time winnows out deception. It can't give you absolute truth because science is a permanent revolution, always subject to revision, but it can give you successive approximations of reality.

(651) With but few exceptions the provenance of the individual sections may be said to have been finally determined by the labours of the critics, but even a cursory examination of their contents makes it evident that the sequence of events, which they now present, cannot be original, but is rather the outcome of a long process of revision, during which the text has suffered considerably from alterations, omissions, dislocations and additions.

(652) Social rank has always been one of the pricier commodities sold in the great American department store, and the ceaseless revision of what constitutes society gives rise to the great American comedy that has been playing continuous performances since the beginning of the Republic. As one generation of parvenu rich acquires the means to buy the patents of nobility, it looks down upon the next generation of arrivistes as clubfooted upstarts.

(653) Next come the four palatine prelates, the majordomo, the superintendent of the household and its staff, and successor of the ancient vicedominus; the master of the chamber, who presides over the arrangement of audiences; the auditor, or private secretary; and finally the master of the sacred palace (magister sacri palatii), a kind of theological adviser, always a Dominican, whose special duty is nowadays the revision of books published at Rome.

(654) Five years later, with unrestricted reciprocity relegated to the background, and with a platform which demanded tariff revision so adjusted as not to endanger established interests, and which opposed the federal measure designed to restore in Manitoba the separate or Roman Catholic schools which the provincial government had abolished, Laurier carried the country, and in July 1896 he was called by Lord Aberdeen, then governor-general, to form a government.

(655) His concessions to the demands of the ministers of war and marine for additional estimates for the army and navy exposed him to the attacks of Villaverde in the Cortes; and still fiercer criticism was provoked by the measure, laid by him before the Cortes on the 23rd of June, for the revision of the concordat with Rome, and more especially by the proposal to raise a loan at 4% to indemnify the religious orders for their estates confiscated during the Revolution.

(656) Hackett) of the enlarged American edition of Dr (afterwards Sir) William Smith's Dictionary of the Bible (1867-1870), to which he contributed more than 400 articles besides greatly improving the bibliographical completeness of the work; was an efficient member of the American revision committee employed in connexion with the Revised Version (1881-1885) of the King James Bible; and aided in the preparation of Caspar Rene Gregory's Prolegomena to the revised Greek New Testament of Tischendorf.

(657) What is the modern definition of "revision"?

(658) How to Use "revision" with Example Sentences.

(659) If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what "revision" is, what would you say?

(660) Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word "revision" can get slippery.

(661) The Best Definition of "revision" I’ve Heard So Far.

(662) "revision" - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage note.

(663) What is the best definition of "revision"?

(664) What is the definition of an "revision"?

(665) What Is "revision"? Detailed Definition and Meaning.

(666) Use "revision" in a sentence.

(667) The Word "revision" in Example Sentences.

(668) English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "revision".

(669) What is definition of "revision" by Merriam-Webster.

(670) "revision" in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...).

(671) How do you write a good sentence with "revision"?

(672) "revision" sentence examples.

(673) "revision": In a Sentence.

(674) Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word "revision".

(675) How do you explain "revision"?

(676) What can I say instead of "revision"?

(677) What is a synonym for "revision"?

(678) What is a antonym for "revision"?

(679) What do you mean by "revision"?

(680) What is another word for "revision"?

(681) What is the best definition of "revision"?

(682) What is "revision" definition and meaning?

(683) How to use "revision" in a sentence.

(684) The Word "revision" in Example Sentences.

(685) "revision" meaning in english, "revision" definitions.

(686) Primary meanings of "revision".

(687) Full definitions of "revision".

(688) Full meaning of "revision".

(689) The Word "revision" in Example Sentences.

(690) Best definition of "revision".

(691) Define "revision" in one sentence, define "revision" in one word.

(692) What is the meaning of "revision" in a sentence.

(693) The Word "revision" in Example Sentences.

(694) What is the origin and root of "revision".

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True, there are still words that you don’t know. But if you learn whole sentences with "revision", instead of the word "revision" by itself, you can learn a lot faster!

Focus your English learning on sentences with "revision".

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Sentences are more than just strings of words. They’re thoughts, ideas and stories. Just like letters build words, words build sentences. Sentences build language, and give it personality.

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- The Word "revision" in Example Sentences. - "revision" in a sentence. - How to use "revision" in a sentence. - 10 examples of sentences "revision". - 20 examples of simple sentences "revision".

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