What is a customer benefit package

Assignment #1, Course Marks: 10%

Customer Benefit Package

Background information:

Many goods and services are "bundled" in a certain way to provide value to customers. This not only enhances what customers receive, but can also differentiate the product from competitors. Such a bundle is often called a customer benefit package. A customer benefit package (CBP) is a clearly defined set of tangible (goods) and intangible (service) features that the customer recognizes, pays for, uses, or experiences. The CBP is a way to conceptualize and visualize goods and services by thinking broadly about how goods and services are bundled and configured together.

A primary good or service is the "core" offering that attracts customers and responds to their basic needs. For example, the primary service of a personal checking account is convenient financial transactions. Peripheral goods or services are those that are not essential to the primary good or service, but enhance it. A personal checking account might be supported and enhanced by such peripheral goods as a printed monthly account statement, designer checks and check books, a special credit card, and such peripheral services as a customer service hot line and online bill payment.

Finally, a variant is a CBP feature that departs from the standard CBP and is normally location-or firm-specific.

The CBP attributes and features are chosen by management to fulfill certain customer wants and needs. For example in a car dealership, financing and leasing, which are peripheral services, meet the customer's wants and needs of personal financial security. In fact, if two vehicles have similar prices and quality levels, then the leasing program may be the key to which vehicle the customer buys.

When defining a CBP, it is important not to confuse the features determined by management with customers' wants and needs. For example, if a customer need is to ensure the safety of their valuables in a hotel, a CBP feature that management might select is a room safe. Thus, you would not put "safety of valuables" in a CBP, but rather you would include "room safe."

  1. Describe the differences in the customer benefit package for the Super 8 Motel chain versus the CBP for the Fairmont Hotel chain. Explain the reason for the differences.
  2. What group of customers are being targeted by Super 8? What group of customers are being targeted by Fairmont Hotels?
  3. In approximately 500 words, define a customer benefit package (CBP) for a brand new restaurant designed mainly for children.

Introduction to Operations Management, Assignment #1

Customer Benefit Package

  1. Describe the differences in the customer benefit package for the Super 8 Motel chain versus the CBP for the Fairmont Hotel chain. Explain the reason for the differences.

Though the primary function is to provide lodging to travellers, the following are the descriptions of the benefit package offered by Super 8 Motel Chain VS Fairmont hotel chain.

A Customer Benefit Package (CBP) forms part of the Operations Management (OM) toolkit. It involves a clearly defined set of tangible (goods) and intangible (services) features that the customer recognizes, purchase or use. This can be the real or perceived value that a customer experiences or believes he/she is receiving through dealing with a com...
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Learn Customer Benefits Package definition in total quality management with explanation to study “What is Customer Benefits Package”. Study customer benefits package explanation with TQM terms to review total quality management course for online MBA programs.

Customer Benefits Package Definition:

A customer benefit package (CBP) identifies what a firm is offering as a service to the customers. A CBP helps an organization to develop an effective service strategy. However determining what an organization must not provide is as important as identifying what should be provided. Using CBP, a firm can identify the attributes that should be considered while providing service, rating the attributes relative to each other, segment the market and properly position the benefits package accordingly. The stages involved in CBP design process are idea generation, definition of service package, selection and definition of process and definition of facility requirements. Some of the packages that can be offered by a firm are unique services package, selective services package, restricted services package and generic services package.

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A customer benefit package (CBP) forms part of the operations management (OM) toolkit. It involves a clearly defined set of tangible (goods) and intangible (services) features that the customer recognizes, purchase or use. This can be the real or perceived value that a customer experiences or believes they are receiving through dealing with a company.


A combination of a primary product with additional goods and services defines the total product to the customer.[1] In other words, a CBP is a combination of services and goods that adds value to the primary product acquired by the customer. The primary product is the “core” offering that attracts customers and satisfy their basic needs. These goods and services adding value to the primary product are called peripheral goods and services, which are not essential to the primary product, but enhance it. Examples of peripheral goods and services in the fast food industry include toys (peripheral goods) that are offered as part of a kiddie’s meal and a kids' play area (peripheral service) inside the fast food restaurant.

The CBP may also contain some variants as part of the product offering. A variant is an attribute that departs from the CBP overall theme.[2] Adding unique goods or services like free Internet access inside the fast food restaurant gives the customer the ability to surf the Internet while enjoying a meal. Often a variant will become part of the CBP on a continuous basis, thus it becomes a permanent peripheral good or service.

Customer benefit package

Benefits of a CBP

  • Defines the services or products offering to the customer.
  • Serves as guidelines for employees when selling the product.
  • Provides a marketing and communication channel to reach the customer.[3]

CBP integration as part of OM

The CBP cannot stand on its own as a system or tool. OM requires effective management of the whole value chain starting with identifying the customer’s needs and ending with supplying a final product that meets or exceeds the customer’s expectations. Developing the CBP through all these stages of the value chain is essential to create and deliver a process for each peripheral good or service adding to the overall development of the final product to the customer.

More example CBPs

Automobile industry

The requirements of the customer (client) are clearly defined within a contract agreement between the contractor and the customer. However, there are a number of peripheral good and services that can be developed in this highly controlled environment. Disciples like quality management and risk management in conjunction with information technology (IT) systems and operations management (OM) processes can be used to develop systems with the ability to capture real-time data and report directly to the customer. This is just one example of many more possibilities that can differentiate a contractor from the competition.


Medicine is evolving daily; there are new cures to diseases, new vaccines and new diagnostic technology that once thought impossible. "There is however an extreme lack in incorporating information technology (IT) and OM processes within medical practices. I have therefore decided to re-evaluate the value chain within my new general practitioner (GP) practice", a South African doctor comments. Living in the information age, patients want to know everything, so much a new term "googlelitis" is used in describing many patients. Embracing this new culture (need) amongst patients can be satisfied with the use of short message service (SMS) technology to report medical results and confirm future appointments.


  1. ^ Lindsay, James R.; Evans, William M. Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence (Eighth ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. ISBN 0324783221.
  2. ^ Evans, David A.; Collier, James R. (2009). OM3 (Student ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. ISBN 0538479132.
  3. ^ Netessine, Serguei; Tang, Christopher S., eds. (2009). Consumer-Driven Demand and Operations Management Models: A Systematic Study of Information-Technology-Enabled Sales Mechanisms. New York, NY: Springer. ISBN 0387980180.

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