What happens when you see a neurosurgeon?

What happens when you see a neurosurgeon?
Neurosurgeons are highly educated and trained to deal with any neurological issue that any patient may have, including brain tumors, bulging discs, brain condition treatments, and brain surgery.

Neurologists and neurosurgeons specialize in the nervous system in the body. They typically focus on the brain and the spinal cord within that system, and that is because those areas are typically where neurological problems stem from. They are highly educated and trained to deal with any neurological issue that any patient may have, including brain tumors, bulging discs, brain condition treatments, and brain surgery.

There are over 1.5 billion people in the world who are living with some sort of chronic pain. Although this number may make the issue seem normalized, no one should be living with pain like that. Most of the time, these people need to see a neurosurgeon help with the problem. What else warrants a visit to a neurosurgeon? Here are three common signs that you should probably seek the medical assistance of a neurosurgeon. 

Atypical Headaches or Migraines

Headaches can be caused by a multitude of issues. They cause pain and discomfort in the head as well as the rest of the body. Many people have occasional headaches, and some people even have migraines from time to time, which is known as a very severe version of a headache. However, when these headaches or migraines seem to be frequent or significantly more painful, it could be a sign that something is wrong. 

Dizziness or Balance Issues

From time to time, being dizzy or lightheaded can happen to anyone. However, if this seems to be happening often, this is not a good sign. If you are walking around and feel dizzy often, or even lose your balance and fall, it’s probably time to find a neurosurgeon.

Unusual Pain or Numbness

As stated before, many people are living with pain. Continuous pain and/or numbness can be a sign of nerve damage. Nerves send information from parts of the body to the brain and spinal cord, which control pain. When miscommunication occurs, pain can be felt by the body, even if there is nothing painful happening.

The nervous systems are very sensitive in the body, and they need to be kept in balance. If you are experiencing symptoms like unusual headaches, dizziness, or atypical pain and numbness, it’s time to find a neurosurgeon to fix the problems.

You may want to seek care from a neurosurgeon if you’re experiencing severe illness or pain or you have a referral from your physician. Many people live their entire lives and never visit a doctor of neurosurgery. These clinical professionals are trained to diagnose and treat conditions of the nervous system, including the brain and spine. 

Neurosurgeons are trained in surgery, and can provide these treatments in addition to other types of life-saving treatments. The majority of neurosurgery cases treat back, neck, and leg pain. 

Some of the typical symptoms that would prompt you to seek care from a neurosurgeon include:

  • A weak hand grip 
  • Back or neck pain
  • Dizziness or balance issues
  • Impaired ability to move normally 
  • Persistent numbness or pain in the extremities
  • Seizures, either moderate or severe
  • Unusual and severe headaches or migraines

What happens when you see a neurosurgeon?
Neurosurgeons can treat patients with:

  • Aneurysms
  • Birth defects
  • Blocked arteries
  • Brain damage
  • Brain tumors
  • Chronic low back pain
  • Epilepsy 
  • Peripheral nerve disease
  • Spinal trauma
  • Spinal tumors
  • Stroke

While this is by no means a comprehensive list, neurosurgeons can handle everything from treating Parkinson’s disease to low back pain or carpal tunnel. They can also surgically remove brain tumors and potentially save your life.

Chronic back pain is a very common problem with more than 65 million Americans suffering from it. This condition may first be treated by a primary care physician with anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, or other non-surgical treatments. If the condition worsens or is chronic, you may be referred to a neurosurgeon to talk about other treatment options.

You’ve been to the doctor in the past, but if you’ve never seen a neurosurgeon, you may wonder what to expect. These clinical visits follow the same structure as any doctor visit, including a history, exam, diagnosis, and treatment plan.

The caring and experienced team at Orlando Neurosurgery understands you may be scared and concerned when visiting their practice. Each patient undergoes a thorough consultation, exam, and medical history, along with a careful discussion of the treatment options available to alleviate their condition. Unlike smaller practices, Orlando Neurosurgery offers the full-spectrum of treatments for your spine and neurological conditions. 

Once you arrive, your medical history and basic symptoms will be confirmed. Then your physician will conduct a focused neurological exam and review any test results. The doctor will also talk candidly with you about your options and any benefits or risks of your medical treatment options.

Our goal is that you leave with a treatment plan of action in place. Your doctor and our experienced support team will take as much time as you need to answer any questions about your condition and your options on treatment.

To get the most out of your visit with the neurosurgeon, there are a few things you can do before, during, and after your visit.

Before the Appointment

What happens when you see a neurosurgeon?

If you are a new patient, you will have medical history and personal information to complete. We can provide these forms in advance, so you have plenty of time to complete them. 

It’s good to take time before your visit to gather any documentation you may have about your symptoms. Some patients create a kind of symptom journal, tracking which days were difficult or days that were pain free. Knowing your allergies and bringing a list of medications you’re on is important for any medical visit. If you have copies of your radiographic images, such as a CT scan, MRI, or X-ray film, please bring them to the appointment.

Try to jot down any questions you have about your condition, your doctor, or even Orlando Neurosurgery. Your clinical team will answer any questions you have and make sure you understand how to keep moving forward in your health journey. Coming prepared with lots of questions will help put your mind at ease about your illness and the treatment we can provide.

During Your Appointment

If possible, we ask that you arrive about 15-minutes early for your appointment. That gives us a cushion of time to review your new patient paperwork.

As you meet with the doctor and the clinical staff, be as honest as possible about what you’ve been feeling, your lifestyle, or any other information you can share that will aid our diagnosis and treatment plan. We are here to help you get better, so be sure to share the reality of the pain you’re experiencing, the exercise you’re getting, or even your dietary choices. Every answer gives us a better sense of how we can help you get better.

We try our best to keep appointments running as smoothly as possible for all our patients and this includes spending as much time as you need to discuss your treatment plan. Every question you ask will be answered with care. 

After Your Neurosurgery Visit

Once you and your doctor have agreed to a treatment plan, it’s important to follow your neurosurgeon’s instructions to the letter. This will speed your recovery and give you the best possible quality of life you can have. Know that we are in this with you, and together, we can help you heal. 

If you’re seeking a referral to a neurosurgeon, we hope you will consider our practice. Please don’t hesitate to call us at 407-975-0200 or schedule your appointment online.