What fruits are high in vitamin c

It’s extremely difficult to overdose on vitamin C through food alone, but it is possible to experience side effects if you somehow overdo it on supplements. The NIH recommends that adults get no more than 2,000 milligrams (mg) a day. It’s equally difficult to be vitamin C deficient, unless you live somewhere with little access to fruits and vegetables. Moore says at the very minimum your body needs 10 mg of vitamin C per day, but the recommended daily allowance (RDA) varies depending on age, gender, life stage, and lifestyle choices like smoking.

According to research published by the U.S. Food and Nutrition Board, among people age 19 and older, the RDA is 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women. Anyone who smokes regularly needs extra vitamin C, and should get an additional 35 mg per day. Pregnant women need 85 mg, and lactating women require 120 mg of vitamin C.

The Office of Dietary Supplements lists certain groups of people who have a higher risk of vitamin C deficiency. Research, such as a study published in July 2020 in the journal Nutrients, has shown smokers have lower vitamin C levels than nonsmokers, and thus they need a little extra in their diet. Infants who are fed evaporated or boiled milk, both of which are deficient in vitamin C, may not be getting enough of the nutrients they need. Medical conditions that cause malabsorption and certain chronic diseases may reduce the body’s ability to absorb vitamin C, increasing the amount the body needs, according to the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders.

Michael Wald, MD, ND, PhD, a registered dietitian in Chappaqua, New York, and the host of the podcast Ask the Blood Detective, says the RDA is the minimum amount needed to prevent vitamin C deficiency, and it isn’t necessarily representative of the ideal vitamin C value each person needs.

What Foods Are the Highest in Vitamin C?

Because, per the NIH, the FDA does not require food labels to list the vitamin C that naturally occurs in foods, only the amount of vitamin C that has been added, it can be difficult to know which packaged foods are good sources. Luckily, plenty of whole foods such as fruits and vegetables are chock-full of C. Some, like red bell peppers, can provide more than 100 percent of the DV of the vitamin in one or two servings, as USDA data demonstrates.

“People should always begin with a diet high in fruits and vegetables,” says Dr. Wald. “Age, genetics, absorption, disease, exercise, stress, sleep, alcohol, and various other lifestyle factors all play a role in the amount of vitamin C one needs.”

Note that cooking affects the nutrient content of foods. Because vitamin C is heat sensitive and water soluble, the longer you cook a food with vitamin C, the more C it loses, notes an article published in April 2018 in the journal Food Science and Biotechnology. The authors wrote that microwaving a food with vitamin C led to better retention of the nutrient than boiling. It's even better if you can eat high–vitamin C foods raw.

Vegetables That Are High in Vitamin C

Here are some of the foods recommended by the NIH that contain vitamin C, as well as flavonoids and bioflavonoids (powerful antioxidants found in fruits and veggies) that work with vitamin C. The following vegetables are excellent sources of vitamin C, according to USDA data.

Fruits That Are High in Vitamin C

Citrus fruits and fruit juices are famous for being high in vitamin C, but they aren’t alone — or even the best source. The following fruits are considered excellent sources of vitamin C, according to USDA data.

What Does Science Say About Vitamin C for Specific Health Conditions?

There’s no disputing vitamin C is a vital compound needed for the healthy functioning of our bodies. The list of afflictions and conditions vitamin C is suggested to improve or prevent is ever growing, but not all claims are backed by science.

  • Neurodegenerative diseases These include Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Huntington’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. Authors of a review published in July 2017 in the journal Nutrients looked at the literature on vitamin C and neurodegenerative diseases and found promising results for the treatment of neurological diseases in animal studies, but human studies are both limited and lacking in evidence.
  • Various cancers While the National Cancer Institute notes that intravenously administered high-dose vitamin C may improve the quality of life of cancer patients, vitamin C as a cancer treatment isn’t approved by the FDA. A study published in the July 2018 International Journal of Cancer surveyed 182,000 women over 24 years and found that breast cancer risk for those who consumed more than 5.5 servings of fruits and veggies daily was lower by 11 percent. While there is an association between eating lots of fruit and veggies and having a reduced risk of cancer, there’s no direct link to vitamin C as a cancer treatment yet.
  • Eye issues like cataracts and macular degeneration The eye has a high metabolic rate, which causes the production of harmful free radicals that damage cells. The prevailing theory is that because vitamin C is such an effective antioxidant — a protector of the body’s molecules — it may play a role in fighting off free radicals that lead to eye disease. But a review in the October 2020 issue of Nutrients found no connection between the incidence of cataracts and vitamin C intake in humans.
  • Psychiatric disorders, including depression and anxiety Several smaller scale studies have shown an association between vitamin C and its positive effects on mood and related disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Several studies referenced in a November 2020 review in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry revealed lower rates of depression and anxiety among subjects (human and animal) with higher levels of vitamin C. Because vitamin C helps maintain organs like the brain, the study notes there are “biological justifications for a positive effect of vitamin C on mood,” but more research is needed to prove that vitamin C can beat the blues. Given the lack of evidence, it’s still best to consult your healthcare provider about any mental health issues you are experiencing.
  • The common cold How many times have you been told to take vitamin C when you’re sick? When you feel the flu coming on, Moore says gulping down a bunch of vitamin C supplements probably won’t do much to prevent it. “Vitamin C might help to decrease the duration of a cold, but taking it preventively — the research doesn’t necessarily support that,” she says. A 2017 study by the Department of Public Health and University of Helsinki found that people who regularly take vitamin C even before getting sick didn’t contract fewer colds, but they did seem to get over them more quickly than those who didn’t supplement with the vitamin.

Moore says there is strong evidence that vitamin C helps the body absorb more iron from food, especially nonheme iron from meat-free food sources. Pairing vitamin C–rich foods with iron-rich foods — for example, spinach with orange segments, or black beans with salsa — is especially important for people who are vegan, vegetarian, or anemic, and for women of childbearing age, Moore says.

A Bonus Potential Benefit of Vitamin C? Younger, Healthier Skin

A case can be made that vitamin C will keep you looking young and vital. Per an October 9, 2020 article in Scientific Reports, vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen — a protein that helps keep your skin firm and full. Diets rich in vitamin C are likely to have other positive benefits for the skin, too. Some benefits noted in the study included reducing the formation of scars, preventing wrinkles, and maintaining skin's overall health.

Vitamin C creams and serums have been on the market for a while now, and the review study found that topical applications of vitamin C produced better results for collagen formation, although further research is needed.

Additional reporting by Cristina Holtzer.

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Keeping our immune system healthy is top of mind right now, and vitamin C supplements and pills have never been more abundant. But this water-soluble vitamin is naturally present in all different types of foods that you probably enjoy on a regular basis. When we eat vitamin C-rich foods as opposed to isolating it in pill form, we're also reaping the benefits of the other incredible vitamins and minerals that the whole food has to offer.

Food should always come first, and we know that vitamin C in particular functions as an antioxidant and also plays a major role in immune function (not to mention helping reduce risk of several chronic diseases). Vitamin C can even help individuals with iron deficiency anemia, as it enhances absorption of iron-rich foods. The recommended dietary allowance for healthy adults is 75mg of vitamin C daily for women and 90mg for men, so this vitamin C foods list only includes good or excellent sources of vitamin C that meet 10-20% or more of the daily value. Read on to learn which foods are best to incorporate into your diet to reap their vitamin C benefits.

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Probably the mascot of vitamin C foods, oranges are in fact abundant in the micronutrient. Just one medium sized orange contains 70mg of vitamin C, making it an excellent source as it provides 78% of the daily value. Our favorite kind is Sumo Citrus, an enormous super-sweet fruit that is exceptionally easy to peel and packs in 163% of the daily value. If you prefer orange juice, opt for "100% Orange Juice" with no added sugar varieties.

This crudite favorite packs in 95mg or over 100% of the daily value for vitamin C in just half a cup. As one of the richest food sources of vitamin C, red bell peppers have a slew of health benefits and flavor. Try them chopped in salad or transformed into red pepper hummus.

Although green bell peppers don't boast as much vitamin C as their red counterparts, they still offer 60mg in just a 1/2 cup serving which provides 67% of the daily value. They pair great sautéed with fajita veggies or make a perfect sturdy veggie for dipping.

We love this vibrant citrusy fruit that boasts 39mg vitamin C or 43% of the daily value in just half of a medium grapefruit. Eat an entire one and you'll be close to hitting your daily vitamin C requirements for the day. The juice itself also has quite a bit of vitamin C, just be sure to look for "100% Grapefruit Juice" with no added sugar.

Mango salsa anyone? This refreshing tropical fruit is just as nutritious as it is delicious. A 3/4 cup serving of mango pieces packs in 45mg of vitamin C or half your day's worth. Plus, it's a good source of folate and copper too.

Those juicy tomato slices on your daily lunch sandwich are actually doing some good for your body. One medium tomato packs in 17mg of vitamin C or 19% of the daily value, making it a good source of the micronutrient. And cooking tomatoes, like in sauce or stews, can actually increase the amount of lycopene (a potent antioxidant found in tomatoes) that the body can absorb.

This gorgeous tropical fruit is rich in several antioxidants and has a great refreshing flavor. Guava contains 126mg of vitamin C, making it an exceptional source of the nutrient. The best part about guava is that the skin is actually edible too!

Part of the citrus family, one lemon contains 34mg of vitamin C. Try squeezing lemon juice on bean salad to balance the flavors in the dish and help better absorb the non-heme iron from the beans. One of the easiest ways to use lemon is in dressings, like this flavorful Lemon Caper Herb Dressing.

Although french fries and potato chips may not be the healthiest choices, a baked potato is a perfectly nutritious addition to any meal. A medium one actually has 17mg vitamin C or 19% daily value, making it a good source of the nutrient. And although sweet potatoes are quite nutritious, they only have 3mg of vitamin C.

This cruciferous vegetable, part of the family that includes broccoli and cauliflower, is packed with nutritional benefits. A 1/2 cup serving of cooked Brussels sprouts offers up 48mg or 53% daily value of vitamin C. Not a fan of this green veggie? This Lemony Brussels Sprouts Salad recipe is sure to make you a convert.

Whether you transform this super green veggie into soup or cool ranch chips, kale is an incredible versatile food that can be incorporated into practically any meal of the day. Just one cup of kale contains 23mg vitamin C, making it the perfect nutrient-dense base for that lunchtime salad.

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