What do you configure to instruct fields how to behave on a form when a UI policy is triggered

  • Select Run scripts on the Script tab to access the scripting fields
  • Can write a script in one or both fields
  • UI Policy Scripts execute client-side
  • Run scripts in UI type - select whether the script executes for Desktop only, Mobile/Service Portal, only or All environments.
  • Execute if true — JavaScript executes when the UI Policy Condition tests true.
  • Execute if false — JavaScript executes when the UI Policy Condition tests false.
  • The onCondition() function in the appropriate UI Policy script fields is automatically called when the condition returns true or false.

The Reverse if false (located on the 'When to Apply' tab) field must be selected in order for
the Execute if false script to execute.

results matching ""

No results matching ""

What is scripting in ServiceNow?

The customization of an instance and/or application using JavaScript- executes on client (scripts that run in a web browser) or server side (scripts that run on the server, where the database resides)

A rule that is applied to a form or a list to dynamically change information to the field itself(client-side)

Enforces requirements on field and record data when the data is imported into ServiceNow or when the data in an Import Set is submitted via an external system(server-side but can be added to client-side, by checking box "Use as UI Policy on client) (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

What can client scripts be created to do? (1 + 3)

Name four of the supported Client Scripts:


Name four of the supported Client Scripts:

onLoad()- runs when a form is fist drawn and befora control is given to the user to begin typingonChange()- runs when a particular field changes valueonSubmit()- runs when a form is saved/submitted/updatedonCellEdit()- runs when a cell in a list changes value through use of the list editor

How can you use a UI Policy to set fields on a form? (3)

You can use them to make fields on a form to: Mandatory or OptionalHidden or VisibleRead-only or Editable

Name 7 examples of UI actions:

A Business rule is a server-side script that is configured to run when a record is displayed, inserted, updated, deleted or when a table is queried

A Business rule is a server-side script that is configured to run when a record is displayed, inserted, updated, deleted or when a table is queried

What does every Business rule include? (4)

What table to run and what timingWhat conditions to evaluateWhat script to run based on evaluationIf its client-callable

What type of scripts run on the browser?

Client-side scripts: UI PoliciesClient Scripts

Which script runs when a record is displayed, inserted, updated, deleted or when a table is queried?

Does a business rule run on the client or server side?

What provides additional functionality within an instance?

What do you configure to instruct fields how to behave on a form when a UI Policy is triggered?

What does an Update Set do?

It tracks changes to applications and platform features then groups them together so they can be moved from one instance to another- a "point in time" XML snapshot of process records

What is captured in an Update Set?

Customizations and configuration changes are captured, NOT the changes to data records or Homepages (the last can be added manually)

What steps are typically included in the process of retrieving an Update Set?

1. Retrieve 2. Preview3. Commit

What steps are typically included in the process of retrieving an Update Set (applying an update set to an instance)?

1. Retrieve 2. Preview3. Commit

What does the Integration Hub provide?

A single solution to quickly integrate with third party services to build and share content without scripting

What is used to move customizations from one instance to another?

Which types of records are not captured in an update set?

Data records+ Homepage (can be added manually) (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Which ServiceNow tool is used by developers to create custom applications?

A non-administrator user who is assigned one or more permissions to develop applications is called:

Which site offers help and training to ServiceNow Developers?


What protects applications by identifying and restricting access to available fields and data?

How can a user display the current application scope in the banner frame?

System Setting (gear icon) Developer tabShow application picker in header

What ServiceNow feature can be used to begin the creation of an application?

Guided Application Creator