What cloud model involves providing applications through an online user interface providing for compatibility with a multitude of O?

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From: Cloud resource orchestration in the multi-cloud landscape: a systematic review of existing frameworks

  Name Organisation Active Description References
  Heat OpenStack 2010-present Heat orchestrates composite cloud applications via templates, through both an OpenStack-native API and a CloudFormation-compatible Query API. [45]
  Cloudify GigaSpaces 2012-present Cloudify is a TOSCA-based cloud orchestration framework which enables to model applications and services and automate their entire lifecycle. [46]
  Brooklyn Apache 2012-present Brooklyn is a cloud orchestration framework implementing OASIS CAMP that allows to deploy and manage applications via declarative blueprints. [47]
  Stratos Apache 2013-2017 Stratos is a polyglot PaaS framework that helps model and run composite and scalable applications on all major cloud infrastructures. [48]
  Alien4Cloud FastConnect 2014-present Alien4Cloud is a web-based platform providing means to model, deploy and manage TOSCA-based applications via a TOSCA runtime engine. [49]
  Terraform HashiCorp 2014-present Terraform is an infrastructure-as-code tool that enables to provision, and manage infrastructures using a high-level configuration language. [50]
Commercial CloudFormation AWS 2011-present CloudFormation is an infrastructure-as-code tool that helps model and set up AWS infrastructure resources by means of a JSON encoded template. [51]
  Cloudiator University of Ulm 2015-2017 Cloudiator is a cross-cloud orchestration tool that allows to describe an application once and deploy it on different public and private cloud providers. [52, 53]
  Roboconf University of Grenoble Alpes 2014-2017 Roboconf is both a platform and a framework tool to deploy and manage elastic cloud applications using automatic reactions and reconfigurations. [54]
  INDIGO INDIGO consortium 2015-2017 INDIGO is a data and computing platform targeted at scientific communities, which optimises application execution on cloud and grid infrastructures. [55, 56]
  MiCADO COLA consortium 2017-2019 MiCADO is a highly customisable multi-cloud orchestration and auto-scaling framework for Docker containers, orchestrated by Kubernetes. [57]
  MODAClouds MODAClouds consortium 2012-2015 MODAClouds is a toolbox and a runtime platform for the design and automatic deployment of applications on multiple clouds with guaranteed QoS. [58, 59]
Academic SeaClouds SeaClouds consortium 2013-2016 SeaClouds is a framework that enables seamless adaptive multi-cloud management of service-based applications over multiple heterogeneous clouds. [60, 61]