What are you if you were born in 1987

What are you if you were born in 1987
Full House: The Complete Series

*These are reasons aside from the more obvious ones such as knowing when your birthday is or having a government issued ID that clearly states your date of birth on it.*

1. Despite the fact that you’re a late 80s baby, you relate to and identify yourself as a “90s kid” since that’s the decade you grew up throughout. Entering the 2000s you were about 13, tops, so that term is pretty fitting.

2. You’ve been told to shut up about being a 90s kid and having the greatest TV programming on numerous occasions. People are sick of hearing about how epic Nickelodeon was and why the peak, élite, BEST stretch of Nicktoons ever, belongs to your childhood. Though, in your defense, 1994-1995 90s television lineups in general were scary good and worthy of the excessive praise. It’s not glorification if it’s true.

3. This Nickelodeon Magazine commercial was seen and heard seemingly hundreds of millions of times and is forever rooted in your brain. Like, to the point where you remember it verbatim to this day, and that same weird, recollection holds true for various other TV show theme songs as well.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oel0zjpKCwE&w=584&h=390]

4. You used to take part in the retro form of social media creeping: incognito three-way phone calls. You’d remain silent while a friend would dial up your crush and ask them how they felt about you. Upon reflection, this was super staker-ish and uncool, but it was punishment enough hearing your love interest’s opinions of you if they weren’t flattering ones.

5. You can’t ignore how much lower you now have to scroll to reach your birth year when filling out forms online, which is a tiny (somewhat scary) reminder of how far you’ve come.

6. You know a solid amount of HTML coding which you learned in 2005-2006ish, thanks to your super customizable Myspace profile.

7. The patience you have for technology is unique because you’ve experienced 56k modems, dialup Internet, signing offline when someone had to use the phone, rewinding VHS tapes, waiting for the radio to play your song so you could record it, and life with no smartphones — so a frozen web browser or malfunctioning iPhone isn’t something you flip out about. When an app freezes you can restart it, when a cassette tape strip got tangled, that was possibly (probably) the death of it.

8. You’ve owned or still own CD singles, which were the best method of repeatedly playing a song 538,452 times until you were completely over it.

9. Being asked for your ID is no longer an inconvenience, but a request that you’re more than happy to accommodate.

10. You’ve heard people say that entirely too many members of your generation feel entitled and confuse not having to justify their actions with being unable to. Chances are you acknowledge that and agree, or perhaps you’re one of the people being described.

11. Somewhere you’ve got a dusty collection of Beanie Babies, pogs & slammers and/or Pokémon cards that could be worth a small fortune down the road.

12. Blowing into things will always be one of your first troubleshooting options when applicable. While the success rate is fairly low on anything other than video game cartridges, it remains an instinctual move.

13. Current horror movies lack creativity and fail to impress you which is likely a result of growing up on a steady Goosebumps diet (supplemented with Are You Afraid of The Dark? and X-Files). Don’t act like Say Cheese and Die! Or The Werewolf of Fever Swamp aren’t more inspired than the 27 Paranormal Activity movies.

14. Listening to full CDs all the way through for extended periods of time (e.g. weeks or months) is a thing you’ve done, or still do. Lost in the era of extraordinarily easy access to music is a desire to give the album you recently purchased several thorough listens. People want more and can have it quickly, so it’s often one and done, then onto the next.

15. You’re forever grateful for the program listings buttons on remotes after spending a chunk of your life watching the scrolling TV guide channel. Few things were more disappointing in 1998 than going to check the listings for channel 19 right as 20 was rolling in at the top.

16. You’re currently in a unique stretch of life where you’re young enough that it’s common to see people your age who are free spirits with few responsibilities, or parents who have families and a mortgage.  You’re currently in the 24-28 age range that, by tradition and society’s standards, is neither too old nor too young to be out drinking on a Wednesday night, or at home raising a child. It’s a great time to be a 20-something and if there’s something you want to do now and you’ve got no potential obligations not to (kids/a spouse), it’s important to make a move during this window before it closes.

17. You genuinely feel sorry for the current youth’s predominantly indoor lifestyle. It’s not like kids playing in their neighborhoods and hitting up ice cream trucks no longer exist at all, but it’s certainly an endangered hobby. Kids have iPads, laptops and whatnot, so who can blame ’em for swiping and tapping at screens instead of running around outside? Lucky for you, as part of the last generation to experience at least a partially internet-less childhood, we know exactly what kind of valuable experiences they’re missing out on. 

You are 35 years old.

Past and future:

  • You were 34 years old in 2021.
  • You were 30 years old in 2017.
  • You will be 36 years old in 2023.
  • You will be 40 years old in 2027.

This is an approximate age. Please, to find your exact age, just choose another date below on this page.

You have found the age of someone born in 1987 in 2022. You can also select another date from any month/year below to get the age:

  Month:  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec     Day:  1 2


Or select another month of this year:

  1. January, 1987  (35 years, 10 months old) 
  2. February, 1987  (35 years, 9 months old) 
  3. March, 1987  (35 years, 8 months old) 
  4. April, 1987  (35 years, 7 months old) 
  5. May, 1987  (35 years, 6 months old) 
  6. June, 1987  (35 years, 5 months old) 
  7. July, 1987  (35 years, 4 months old) 
  8. August, 1987  (35 years, 3 months old) 
  9. September, 1987  (35 years, 2 months old) 
  10. October, 1987  (35 years, 1 months old) 
  11. November, 1987  (35 years, 0 months old) 
  12. December, 1987  (34 years, 11 months old) 

Similar questions with the same answer:

  • 1987 age?
  • 1987 to 2022 how many years?
  • How old is someone born in 1987 in 2022?
  • If you were born in 1987 how old are you?

What are you if you were born in 1987

Media Platforms Design Team

1. You have just turned, or are soon to turn 31. YOU ARE IN YOUR THIRTIES. Panic ensues.

2. Taylor Swift is only 29 FFS. How can she know about life? She was in year seven when you were in year ten. She must have help.

3. What about that book you were always gonna write, huh? Where's that witty yet intellectual biopic with a subtly erotic subtext you always said you had in you?

4. Be hard to write a book about pulling broccoli bits out of the sink and spending all your money on red wine though, really.

5. Maybe you could write one about the infuriating pop ups that ruin your life when you try and stream Grey's Anatomy online because you can't afford Sky? Maybe.

6. Everyone's getting married and having babies on Facebook. Everyone can just fuck off. Thanks.

7. But you will need to think of something nicer to say to Gran when she asks, yet again, when she should buy a new hat.

8. Hmmm. Haven't really lived abroad yet either. It's actually really sodding hard to get a visa to go to New York and write about your first world problems while you lie wistfully on a huge bed in a chic one-bed below Canal St. Fuck.

9. BUT there was that time you went travelling after uni for a bit! Which was...TEN years ago. Damn girl you OLD.

10. There's also the trying to care about - but not really being bothered about - any new music. Apart from that young scamp Taylor Swift. Scorpion woman.

11. Like, should you have bought a house by now? Or have a car, or be up the duff? UGH.

12. Let's not even talk about the 'career' situation. Working in an office quickly gets dull after the first novelty "Oh I'm in a meeting, sorry," you got to say. Meetings can do one.

13. PLUS there are people in the office BORN IN THE '90s. How are they old enough to read?

14. Kids today don't even know what VHS and cassettes are. You are storing yours as a reminder of a better time. Even if they do take up room you really do not have in your tiny room.

15. Blake Lively is the same age as you. Just stew on that for a bit.

16. If you try to Google half the celebs from your childhood, there either aren't pictures because that was so long ago, or there are only mug shots.

17. Sometimes you feel really annoyed at people in their twenties because they remind you of the decade that's just passed you by.

18. You want to say you're having a quarter life crisis, but realistically, you're probably too old for that. It's just a crisis.

19. Speaking of which - anyone else want to come to Vegas with us? For LOLs? While we're still young? *sob*

20. You are now officially at the age where people considerably younger than you think it's cool and funny to say they are 'old'. You have to leave the room at these points so as not to say or do something you regret. 25 IS NOT OLD YOU ARE IN THE PRIME OF LIFE.

21. You've started getting invited to your 'old' friends' thirty-fifth birthdays. That'll be you in five minutes. Good god.

22. Nobody born in any other year knows the So Solid 21 Seconds rap like you do. To this day, you can't complete a task without saying 'Romeo Dunn'.

Pass the wine.

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Media Platforms Design Team