What are the elements to transmit a message?

Simply, we can define communication as “sharing of ideas or feelings with others.” Communication takes places when one person transmits information and understanding to another person. There is a communication when you respond or listen to someone. Movements of lips, the wave of hands or the wink of an eye may convey more meaning than even written or spoken words. The basic elements of communication process include communicator, communicatee, message, channel and feedback.

- Communicator is the sender, speaker, issuer or writer, who intends to express or send out a message.

- Communicatee is the receiver of the message for whom the communication is meant. The communicatee receives the information, order or message.

- Message, which is also known as the subject matter of this process, i.e., the content of the letter, speech, order, information, idea, or suggestion.

- Communication channel or the media through which the sender passes the information and understanding to the receiver. It acts as a connection between the communicator and the communicatee, i.e., the levels of communication or relationships that exist between different individuals or departments of an organization.

- Feedback, which is essential to make communication, a successful one. It is the effect, reply or reaction of the information transmitted to the communicatee.

Firstly, the communicator develops an exact idea about concepts, beliefs or data that he wants to convey. Then he translates the idea into words, symbols or some other form of message which he expects the receiver to understand. The communicator picks out an appropriate medium for transmitting the message. The message is then received by the communicate. The communicate acts upon the message as he has understood it. Finally, the effectualness of communication is assessed through response or feedback. If the communication brings in the desired changes in the actions, it is said to be successful communication.


Timing of communication; choice of medium; tone and point of view (perspective, attitude, and relationship regarding audience, purpose, and material); recognition of audience (reader vs. writer orientation); direct vs. indirect presentation (ordering of evidence and conclusions); persuasive strategies and rhetorical appeals (logos, pathos, ethos)


□Timing and choice of medium are appropriate to the purpose, audience, and material.

□Tone is appropriate to the purpose, audience, and material.

□Material is made relevant to the reader (reader’s interests and concerns are recognized).

□Conclusions are presented directly (conclusion first, evidence last) to a sympathetic audience, indirectly (evidence first, conclusion last) to a unsympathetic or hostile audience.

□Persuasive strategy incorporates a mixture of rhetorical approaches (appeals to logic, feelings, and ethics or credibility).


Organization (logical arrangement and sequence); evidence and support (relevance, specificity, accuracy and sufficiency of detail); knowledge of subject and material; quality of perception, analysis, and insight


□Material is arranged in a logical and coherent sequence.

□Conclusion or closing restates the argument and identifies the action to be taken.

□Examples are relevant, specific, detailed, sufficient, and persuasive.

□Quotations support the argument.

□Handling of material demonstrates knowledge and insight.


Presentation of thesis or central argument (statement of purpose, delineation or narrowing of topic, relevance of subordinate or secondary arguments); word choice; technical language and jargon; structure (sentence, paragraph, document); coherence devices (organizational statement, repetition of words and phrases, progression from familiar to unfamiliar, topic and transitional sentences); textual markers (headings, highlighting, formatting features)


□Purpose or central idea is sufficiently limited for meaningful discussion.

□Purpose or central idea is stated clearly, usually in the opening.

□Organizational statement is offered, usually at the end of the opening.

□Subordinate ideas are effectively identified and related clearly to the main purpose or central idea.

□Language is clear, specific, accurate, and appropriate to the audience, purpose, and material.

□Word choice is clear, specific, accurate, unassuming, and free of clichés and misused jargon.

□Technical language and terms are defined and explained as needed (depending on knowledge of the audience).

□Sentences are free of ambiguity.

□Text is coherent, with new information linked to previously discussed information (ordered within sentences as “something old/something new”).

□Transitions between paragraphs are clear and helpful.

□Text is appropriately highlighted (bullets, paragraphing, boldface, italics, underlining, etc.) to engage the reader and reinforce the main points.


Word choice (economy, precision, and specificity of language and detail; abstract vs. concrete language; action verbs vs. linking or weak verbs with nominalizations; figures of speech: schemes and tropes); tone (personality and humor); active vs. passive voice; sentence variety


□Word choice is economical, clear, specific, accurate, unassuming, and free of clichés and misused jargon.

□Action verbs are preferred over weak verbs with nominalizations (as in recommend over make a recommendation).

□Language is appropriately concrete or abstract (signifying or not signifying things that can be perceived by the senses).

□Figurative language (metaphors and similes, as well as other tropes and schemes) enrich and deepen the argument.

□Active voice is preferred over passive voice (active voice is used to emphasize the performer of the action; passive voice is used to emphasize the receiver of the action).

□Sentences are free of wordiness and unnecessarily complex constructions.

□Variety in sentence structure and sentence length creates emphasis.

□Author’s values, personality and – when appropriate – humor are conveyed in a way that reinforces the message.


Rules and conventions of spelling, grammar, punctuation, usage, and idiom; style (appropriateness of word choice and level of formality to audience, purpose, and material); social and cultural appropriateness; accuracy in proofreading


□Spelling (including technical terms and proper names) is correct.

□Correct words are used to convey the intended meaning.

□Rules of grammar and syntax are followed, including pronoun-noun agreement, subject-verb agreement, appropriate verb tense, pronoun case, possessive forms, parallel construction, etc.

□Punctuation (particularly comma placement) reflects standard usage.

Communication Elements- 9 Elements of Communication are Context, Sender, Encoder,  Messages, Channel, Decoder, Receiver,  Feedback, and Noise. Additionally, Examples of the 9 Components of Communication.

Communication Elements

Communication elements refer to essential communication tools on which the communication process is conducted. Communication elements initiate and regulate the entire cycle of sharing information between the sender and receiver. Therefore, communication elements are essential and interconnected parts of the communication process. The nine elements of communication (Context, Sender, Encoder,  Message, Channel, Decoder, Receiver,  Feedback, and Noise) are essential tools or components for effective communication between sender and receiver. Communication elements are also known as the components of communication.

Communication Process

The communication process refers to sharing information verbally or non-verbally between the sender and receiver. Verbal communication means communication through spoken words. Nonverbal communication refers to nonverbal cues such as tone of voice, facial expression, movement, body language, eye contact, nonverbal communication, and so more. Communication means conveying the message via written text, speech, signals, visuals, or behaviour. It is also a process of exchanging opinions and imparting knowledge between speaker and audience through communication elements.

Elements of Communication

 The 9 Elements of Communication are;
  1. Context
  2. Sender
  3. Encoder
  4. Message
  5. Channel
  6. Decoder
  7. Receiver
  8. Feedback
  9. Noise
Figure 1: The 9 Elements of the Communication Process Examples of Communication Elements 

Ela requested her husband deposit $100 for the electricity bill while talking to her husband on a smartphone. At the same time, her son watched a cartoon video on Television with the volume on high. Therefore, her husband could not understand exactly how much he needed to pay for the electricity bill. So, she repeated the exact words to confirm him. Consequently, her husband asked about the due date of paying the electricity bill, and she replied that today was the last date to pay the electricity bill without penalty. In the meantime, she showed her angry face to her son to reduce the TV volume. Instantly, her son reduced the volume.

Based on the example, the context is the social context. Ela is the sender and encoder at the same time receiver and decoder. Similarly, her husband is also a sender and encoder at the same time receiver and decoder. Turning the thought into a message is the act of encoding. In contrast, transferring the message into view is the process of decoding. The smartphone is the medium or channel of the communication process, and TV volume is the environmental noise that bars the communication process.

1. Context in Communication

Context refers to the environment of communication in which the interaction happens or takes place. Communication context is the prime element of every communication process that controls the communication process among senders and receivers. The most common five communication contexts are intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, public, and mass communication settings. Additionally, this context may be physical, historical, psychological, social, chronological, or cultural. For example, you may feel comfortable sharing your personal information with close friends rather than colleagues, and you will not speak to an unknown person as you talk to your wife. So, the context of communication sets the environment of the communication process.

Example of Context in Communication

For example, Ela is talking to her husband informally, so she feels very comfortable. Therefore, the social context has been designed from this communication process, and it is also an interpersonal context as they communicate face to face.

2. Sender in Communication


report this ad sender is a person who sends a message to the receiver. The sender is also known as the encoder of the message. The sender initiates the communication process and starts the procedure by sending a message or information. Therefore, the sender is a significant element of the communication process. A sender makes and uses symbols (words or graphic or visual aids) to convey the message and produce the required response. Therefore, a sender is a speaker, writer, or person who provides the information to share opinions, ideas, and messages.

Example of Sender in Communication

For example, Ela is the sender and encoder who sends messages to communicate with her husband, and the sender is the person who sends the message to share with others. So, Ela is the sender and also an element of the communication process.

3. Encoding in Communication

Encoding means transforming abstract opinions and ideas into symbols such as words, pictures, signs, and marks. A symbol might represent or indicate opinions, statements, and actions. In contrast, decoding is the process of transforming the symbol into an idea or thought. Encoding is the process of transformation of the subject into symbols. The encoding process is related to the sender and receiver.

The message of any communication is always abstract and intangible. Transmission of the message requires the use of certain symbols.

Example of Encoding in Communication

For example, Ela has converted his thought into words to convey the message to her husband, called encoding. Here, converting thought into words is the process of encoding. Words serve as the spoken communication symbol. She called her husband and uttered some words to share an opinion as well as send a message.

4. Message in Communication

The message refers to the information, ideas, feelings, opinions, thoughts, attitudes, and views the sender wants to deliver to the receiver. The message seems like a vital element of any communication process. Any communication conveys the message, also known as sharing ideas, opinions, thoughts, and information. Invariably, the sender wants to convey the message to communicate with the receiver. So, senders need to ensure that the main objective of the message is clear and understandable.

Messages may convey through verbal and nonverbal cues. Verbal cues are the spoken language of the speaker, for instance, spoken words.

On the other hand, the most common types of nonverbal communication are facial expression, eye contact, physical appearance, posture, gesture, etc.

Example of Message in Communication

For example, Ela was speaking to convey a message that indicates verbal communication. She also showed her angry face to her son to reduce the TV volume, called non-verbal communication. In this regard, spoken words and facial expressions are examples of messages in communication. The most common examples of messages in communication are spoken words, written words, facial expressions, eye contact, phone call, video, email, and text messages.

5. Channel in Communication

Channel is the way or tool of transmitting the message. It is also known as a medium in communication that conveys the message from sender to receiver. Communicators use different channels to communicate in a distinct context of communication. In face-to-face communication, the sender’s senses, such as hearing, seeing, smelling, touching, and tasting, are the channel of transferring the information. It is also one of the crucial elements of the communication process.

On the other hand, organizations use Television, Newspapers, and radio to disseminate information. People use computers and mobile phones to communicate with people who live far away from each other. Many people use free online meeting platforms to conduct virtual group meetings. Sometimes, people choose a written medium, such as a letter, to convey the message, while others prefer an oral medium when spontaneous feedback is required from the recipient.

Example of Channel in Communication

For example, Ela has transmitted the message through a smartphone, so the smartphone is the channel of the communication process. She uses technology to convey messages, which is called mediated communication. The most common example of communication channels is TV, Radio, Newspapers, Social media, and the five human senses. For instance, Global Assistant is a renowned education consultancy firm in Asia that communicates with potential customers via official websites and social media platforms. So, websites and social media sites are channels of communication.

6. Decoding in Communication

Decoding is “the process of” translating an encoded symbol into ordinary understandable language in contrast to the encoder. In this process, the receiver converts the symbols into thoughts received from the sender. Decoding is the opposite process of encoding to get the message’s meaning.

Example of Decoding in Communication

For example, Ela has transformed his thought into words to convey the message to her husband called encoding. At the same time, her husband converts those words into thoughts to understand the message that is the process of decoding.

7. Receiver in Communication

A receiver is a person for whom the message is targeted, unlike the sender. Therefore, the receiver is the audience of the communication process that decodes the message to perceive the meaning. The sender indeed sends a message aimed at the receiver. Receivers can be one person or a group of people, or a big amount of the population. The degree to which the decoder understands the message depends on various factors, such as the recipient’s knowledge, their responsiveness to the message, and the reliance of the encoder on the decoder.

Example of Receiver in Communication

For example, Ela has sent a message targeted at her husband, with whom she wants to communicate. Hence, her husband is the receiver in this context of communication.

8. Feedback in Communication

Feedback in communication refers to the response of the receiver or audience. One of the main elements of the effective communication process differentiates the communication models into linear and transactional. Feedback is an inevitable component of the transactional model. It also helps the sender confirm the decoder’s correct interpretation of the message. Feedback may be verbal (through words) or non-verbal (in the form of smiles, sighs, etc.). It may take written form and also in the form of memos, reports, etc. Feedback is also one of the essential elements of the transactional communication process.

Feedback differentiates the linear and transitional models of communication. Linear means one-way communication, and transactional denotes two-way communication. The communication model is linear if there is no feedback in the communication process, for example, Aristotle’s Model of Communication, Shannon and Weaver’s model of communication, Lasswell’s Communication Model, and Berlo’s SMCR Model of Communication.

On the other hand, the communication model will be identified as an interactive and transitional communication model if the feedback is presented, for example, the Osgood-Schramm Model of Communication, Westley and Maclean Model of Communication, and the Helical Model of Communication.

Example of Feedback in Communication

For example, Ela’s husband asked about paying the electricity bill’s due date. Additionally, feedback is demonstrated when the students reply lecturer’s questions.

9. Noise in Communication

Noise refers to the communication barrier or obstacles to effective communication. It is also known as communication noise or noise in communication. Noise is an unwanted element of communication that communicators always want to avoid during the interaction.

Noise in communication is any barrier that obstacles the effectiveness of the communication process. Noise exists in all kinds of communication, such as face-to-face, group, mediated, etc. Communication will be more effective and interactive if there is no noise. Noises are unnecessary elements of communication that distract receivers from receiving the message.

Example of Noise in Communication

For example, Ela’s son watches a cartoon video on Television with the volume on high when talking to her husband. The sound of the cartoon video bars Ela from listening to her husband’s speech, so it is an example of a communication barrier or communication noise or communication distraction.

The five types of noise in communication are Physical noise, Physiological noise, Psychological noise, Semantic noise, and Cultural noise.


In conclusion, the nine elements of the communication process are context, sender, encoder,  message, channel, decoder, receiver, feedback, and noise. These components are essential in the transactional communication process. The communication process might get faulty without any elements except noise because noise is the unwanted communication element. This article has presented the nine elements of the communication process with examples.

Citation For This Article(APA-7th & MLA-9th Edition)
APAKobiruzzaman, M. M. (2021, November 25). Communication Elements- 9 Elements of Communication Process. Newsmoor- Best Online Learning Platform. //newsmoor.com/communication-elements-9-components-of-basic-communication-process/
MLAKobiruzzaman, M M. “Communication Elements 9 Elements of Communication Process.” Newsmoor- Best Online Learning Platform, 25 Nov. 2021, //newsmoor.com/communication-elements-9-components-of-basic-communication-process/.

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