What are the benefits of RC essential oil?

Recently I found myself gifting this oil as it seems to the time of the year where sniffles and coughs abound!   Having passed this information on the many benefits of this incredibly versatile oil to my “giftees” I figured I may as well do a post about it. Funny thing is that both “giftees” are named Holly!  Actually, Holly #2 is arriving in Galveston on Christmas Eve and her husband is driving them across the country as I type and according to Holly, he is as sick as a dog!  You may know her as The Midwestern Plant Girl here on WordPress.  “Holly, I am coming to the rescue”!  Read on my friends and prepare to be amazed!!

The benefits of RC Essential Oil include fighting respiratory infections, providing a boost to the immune system, eliminating inflammation and pain, easing sleep, lowering stress levels, increasing energy levels, detoxifying the body, and preventing cancer. The side effects of this unique oil blend occur only when it is used too much, or when an allergy is present to one or more of the constituent oils.

RC essential oil is not a standalone oil, but rather a combination of cypress oil and spruce oil, as well as three different types of eucalyptus oil. Some of the more complex blends of RC essential oil also include myrtle, pine, lavender, marjoram or peppermint. This article will focus on the more basic recipe for this powerful oil combination. It is a relatively new blend of essential oils and doesn’t have a strong history of traditional medicine but has become popular with many groups of people for its invigorating and rejuvenating properties.

The many benefits of RC essential oil come from the active ingredients and volatile compounds found in each of the constituent oils. Most varieties of eucalyptus oil contain high levels of cineole (also known as eucalyptol), which has strong antioxidant properties. Spruce oil boasts significant levels of alpha-pinene and limonene, among other monoterpenes. Cypress essential oil also has a good amount of alpha-pinene and limonene, as well as myrcene, camphene, linalool, and carene. These anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, anxiolytic, expectorant and stimulant compounds provide a wide range of health benefits when used properly.

Benefits of RC Essential Oil

Drawing on the benefits of spruce, cypress and eucalyptus oils, RC essential oil has many health benefits for people suffering from low energy, chronic pain, inflammation, sleep disorders, respiratory infections, weakened immune systems, stress, anxiety, depression, and various skin conditions.

Boosts Energy Levels

The aroma of certain essential oils have a powerful connection to the limbic system – the emotional area of our brain – and can result in energized feelings and an uplifted spirit. RC essential oil has long been used before workouts to increase energy and mood, and is also popular for diffusion at homes, providing a stimulating boost for your day. The spruce oil in this blend, in particular, has stimulant properties known to help energy levels.

Reduces Inflammation

All of the constituent oils of RC essential oils have some effect on inflammation throughout the body, whether on the skin or the joints or internally, helping to relieve chronic pain, spasms, inflamed tissues and weakening blood vessels. Eucalyptus globulus oil is believed to be the most active ingredient in soothing muscles following an intense workout, making this a popular essential oil for serious gym-goers.

Treats Cough and Cold

RC essential oil possesses powerful antibacterial, antiviral, expectorant and stimulant properties, which make it very effective for the treatment of respiratory infections. After diffusing this oil, it can help to break up mucus and phlegm and expel it from the body, which often speeds the healing of those infections, as bacteria and viruses often hide and thrive within these bodily fluids.

What are the benefits of RC essential oil?

Reduces Anxiety and Stress

Diffusing RC essential oil is one of the best ways to positively improve stress and anxiety levels. The sedative and anxiolytic nature of cypress and eucalyptus oils help this oil lower the levels of stress hormones in the body, and promote feelings of calmness. People often apply small amounts of RC essential oil to their chest or neck to gradually inhale over the course of the day, keeping stress levels under control.

Boosts Immune System

Antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral properties within the spruce essential oil, a key ingredient of RC essential oil, makes this blend a wise choice for those who wish to boost the strength of their immune system. Aromatherapy and oil diffusers are the best approaches if you want to give your overall immune system support with this powerful oil.

Skin Care

When mixed with a carrier oil, there are many topical applications for this oil, as it does have certain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities. This means that RC essential oil can help to improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles, stimulate the growth of new cells, protect the skin from infections, and clear up inflammatory conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, allergic dermatitis and acne.

Rich in Sedative Qualities

While RC essential oil is most popularly used as an energizing and stimulant essential oil blend, it can also have soothing effects, linked to its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. This can help those who suffer from sleep disorders such as insomnia and provide them with restful, rejuvenating sleep. Diffusing this oil 2-3 times in your home throughout the day can help re-set your circadian rhythms and get you the good night’s sleep you need!

What is RC Essential Oil Used For?

The common uses of RC essential oil are as a pre and post workout remedy, as a massage oil, in room diffusers and various other topical applications on the body.

Odor Improvement

Many people choose to diffuse RC essential oil throughout their home to enjoy its benefits throughout the day, but it also functions as an excellent odor eliminator. If you have pets, children or a smoker in the house, you know how easily the aroma of a room can decay, but the eucalyptus and spruce essential oils have a warm and inviting aroma that cover many other foul odors and help improve the air quality. More complex recipes of RC essential oil are even better at eliminating bad smells in your home.

Workout Oil

One of the most popular uses of RC essential oil is before and after workouts, as it is both an energizing and anti-inflammatory substance. You can apply just a few drops on the muscle groups you are working on, the backs of your knees, or any other joints that may be affected by your exercise, and you’ll be surprised at the noticeable results.


RC essential oil is ideal massage oil, given its diverse range of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, and stimulant nature. It can help bring blood to the surface of the skin to oxygenate the cells and promote fresh cell growth, while also easing tension and soothing chronic pain you may have in your back, neck, feet or any other part of the body.

Feet, Chest & Joints

Applying this essential oil blend at the end of the day is another common practice among natural healers. A few drops on the feet each night can help maintain circulation while applying RC essential oil to the chest can help to clear up respiratory infections and speed healing if you are recovering from the cold or flu.

Organic Facts

Young Living Essential Oils, LC, is the world leader in essential oils, with a strict Seed to Seal® process that produces pure essential oil products for every individual, family, and lifestyle. This process ensures that all products are genuine, free of synthetic chemicals, and pure. This commitment stems from the company’s more than 20 years of stewardship toward the earth and its people.

What are the benefits of RC essential oil?

If you would like to sign up to buy oils at a discount click here.

The very best (and most affordable) place to start is to become a (wholesale) member by purchasing the Premium Starter Kit from Young Living. It is by far the most value and gives you the biggest bang for your dollar. I mean look at this…

Here’s what you’ll get if you decide to join our team and become a member (NOT retail customer) with Young Living:

•Product guide with educational resources

•Choice of Diffuser {Home, Dewdrop, Bamboo, or Aria}

•5 ml bottle of Lemon Vitality

•5 ml bottle of Peppermint Vitality

•5 ml bottle of Lavender

•5 ml bottle of Thieves Vitality

•5 ml bottle of Panaway

•5 ml bottle of DiGize Vitality

•5 ml bottle of Purification

•5 ml bottle of Frankincense

•5 ml bottle of Copaiba Vitality

•5 ml bottle of R.C.

•5 ml bottle of Stress Away

•2 samples of NingXia Red

•AromaGlide Roller Fitment

•Samples to give to friends or to try yourself!

That’s a total of ELEVEN 5 ml bottles of Young Living Oils, plus samples of some of the the other products and oils they offer. The total retail value of the Premium Starter Kit is over $300, and as a new member you can purchase them for as low as $160 (depending on the diffuser you choose).

Now accepting PayPal credit.

What are the benefits of RC essential oil?