What are individual task and organizational characteristics that tend to outweigh the leaders ability to affect subordinates satisfaction and performance called?

Leadership substitutes are individual, task, environmental, and organizational characteristics that tend to outweigh the leader's ability to affect subordinate satisfaction and performance.

Kerr and Jermier propose that there may be certain "substitutes" for leadership that make leader behavior unnecessary and redundant "neutralizers" which prevent the leader from behaving in a certain way or which counteract the behavior.

Neutralizer A neutralizer is a factor that paralyzes, destroys, or counteracts the effectiveness of leader behaviors, making it impossible for then to have an impact. Substitute A substitute makes leader behaviors not only impossible but also unnecessary.

Table 46 lists several substitutes for leadership and indicates the type of leadership behavior relationshiporiented or taskoriented that is replaced.

The concept of substitutes for and neutralizers of hierarchical leadership is an interesting one. The leadership substitutes model is embedded in several contemporary organizational practices, including selfmanaging work teams and individual self management.

Leader-Member Exchange Model (LMX)

Model of leadership that stresses the importance of variable relationships between supervisors and each of their subordinates

Members often receives special duties requiring more responsibility and autonomy; they may also receive special privileges such as more discretion about work schedules

Members receive less of the supervisor's time and attention and are likely to be assigned the more mundane tasks the group must perform and not be "in the loop" when information is being shared

Hersey and Blanchard Model

Model based on the premise that appropriate leader behavior depends on the "readiness" of the leader's followers. In this instance, readiness refers to the subordinate's degree of motivation, competence, experience, and interest in accepting responsibility

Transformational Leadership

Refers to the set of abilities that allows the leader to recognize the need for change, to create a vision to guide that change, and to execute the change effectively

A form of interpersonal attraction that inspires support and acceptance

A type of influence based on the leader's personal charisma

Perspective on leadership holds that when behaviors are observed in a context associated with leadership, others may attribute varying levels of leadership ability or power to the person displaying those behaviors

Individual, task and organizational characteristics that tend to outweigh the leader's ability to affect subordinates' satisfaction and performance

Factors that render ineffective a leader's attempts to engage in various leadership behaviors

Whereas leaders were once expected to control situations, direct work, supervise people, closely monitor performance, make decisions, and structure activities, many leaders today are being asked to change how they manage people---to become _____

Within the coaching role, some leaders have also excelled at taking on more responsibilities as a _____ -- helping a less experienced person learn the ropes to better prepare himself or herself to advance within the organization

The capability to understand the complexities of both the organization and its environment and to lead change in the organization so as to achieve and maintain a superior alignment between the organization and its environment

Being held up as a prerequisite for effective leadership. Top managers are being called upon to maintain high ethical standards for their own conduct, to unfailingly exhibit ethical behavior, and to hold others in their organizations to the same standards

Emerging as an important issue for organizations

Leadership substitutes are individual, task, and organizational characteristics that tend to outweigh the leader’s ability to affect subordinates’ satisfaction and performance.

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