What are examples of ways that companies signal would-be challengers that retaliation is likely?

The new owners of a long established clothing retailer have experience in garment manufacturing and as a result they decide to expand into that business. this type of business growth is called

backward vertical integration

what is a sign that a leading firm may be vulnerable to an offensive strategy attack?

the firms use of ageing technology and outdated equipment

if the face to market leadership in a particular industry is a marathon

there may be enough time for fast followers and late movers

What are common objectives of merger and acquisition strategies?

-Expanding geographic coverage-Extending business into new product categories

-gaining quick access to new technologies

In a strategic alliance, a company's proprietary knowledge and trade secrets are most vulnerable when the partnership involves

collaborative research and development

what are reasons for a company to favor internet retailing?

- To increase brand recognition -To lower costs for end users

-To lower distribution costs

which statement about strategic alliances in industries experiencing rapid technological advances is true?

Many companies find strategic alliances an essential way to keep pace with technological change

In industries with changing boundaries, a company may pursue an acquisition strategy in order to

- Be prepared t orespond to the various directions the industry might take-Become mroe flexible in its capacity to respond to buyers' changing needs

-Expand into new geographic regions

A strategic alliance can be defined as a formal; agreement between two or more separate companies in which

the parties agree to work collaboratively toward one strategically relevant objective

what are some of the negative effects that merger and acquisitions can have on personnel

-Difficulty coping with new management may lead to lower morale-Employees may resist efforts to mesh the cultures of the two companies

-managers may make mistakes when deciding which systems to integrate

A company that aggressively pursues and online sales strategy risks

-threatening crucial relationships with distribution allies

The best strategic offensives for companies involve which of the following?

-Strive to convert a competitive advantage into a sustainable advantage
-Overwhelming rivals with swift and decisive action

the term "blue ocean" refers to a market space in which

an industry does not yet exists and the market space is untainted by competition

outsourcing typically ____ the scope of a business operations

which statements are true about concerning horizontal scope?

-It can be expanded through company mergers and acquisitions
-it is the range of the product and serviced segments that a firm serves within its product and service market

what are reasons that merger and acquisitions sometimes fail?

- cost savings are less than anticipated
-Gains in competitive advantage materialize more slowly than was anticipated

for a company making a strategic move, being a fast follower or a late mover is always better in the long run than being a first mover

Expanding along the value chain into products and services that are closer to the end user is called

forward vertical integration

The drawbacks of strategic alliances include the possibility that a company will

-Overestimate the potential for sustaining a positive relationship-Accidentally receal knowledge that allows a pernter to match core strengths

-Become too dependent on a partner

which statement are true concerning vertical scope?

- It is defined by the range of activities that may extend from initial production to after- sale customer service.

when should a company undertake a strategic offensive?

-When the company has no option other than to try to lessen a strong rivals competitive advantage
-When the company identifies a chance to improve it market share at a competitors expense

Which statements about strategic alliances are generally true?

-All parties of the alliance contribute resources-Financial responsibility is shared among all parties of the alliance

-The alliances involve mutual dependence and shared risk

which statements concerning strategic alliances are accurate?

-Strategic alliances are used by companies as a way of managing outsourcing
-Strategic alliances are used by some companies to extend their scope of operations internationally

Which statements about strategic alliances among large corporations is true?

-Large coporations can be well-served by managing their strategic alliance like a profolio
-It is not uncommon for large corporations to have up to 50 strategic alliances

A business guerrilla offensive is best suited for

small companies that lack the capacity to launch a full strategic offensive against better established rivals

Strategic alliances can be a viable alternative to

-Horizontal mergers and acquisitions-Vertical integration strategies

-Traditional price-oriented contracts

what are recommended strategies for companies that manage a large number of strategic alliances?

-To break relationships that have produced meager results-To continue to seek promising new alliances

-To restructure alliances to optimize collaborative effort

the benefits of forward vertical integration include

- Differentiating a company from its competitors -Giving manufacturers better access to end users

-Improving a companys market visablility

In some cases, backward vertical integration can increase efficiency by

coordinating production flows and preventing bottlenecks

Approximately what percent of a strategic business alliances fail each year?

which statement about entering the supply stage of the value chain as part of a vertical integration strategy is true?

matching a suppliers production efficiency often requires significant investment in research and development

Zipcar located new ares of demand for rented cars by targeting

people who live in urban centers and need short term rentals

what would be an example of a firm pursuing vertical integration?

the owner of a poultry farm expanding into food distrisbution

In many cases, strategic alliances are preferable to vertical integration strategies , as well as horizontal mergers and aquisitions, because strategic alliances

- Are more flexible and allow for swifter responses to changing market conditions-can be deployed more rapidly in attempt to gain first-mover advantages

-Can lower investment costs by requiring partners to pool resources

Companies in successful business alliances understand that collaborative arrangements should be

-Capable of responding to shifting market changes
-Flexible enough to keep pace with changing customer requirements

Some companies have adopted forward vertical integration strategies to

-Supplement to their core product line with iconography and memorabilia -Facilitate the sale of overstocked and slow moving items

-Decrease dependence on sales agents, wholesalers and retailers

The defective approach that companies use most frequently to defend their market position is

to block avenues that competitors might use to launch a strategic offensive

A company that acquires another comapny in the same industry may be able to cut costs by

-Combining and downsizing administrative activities
-Closing inefficient plants

Contract-based outsourcing can introduce problems because

- Issues arising from delays and budget overruns may be difficult to resolve-The outside company may lack incentive to meet the needs of the outsourcing company

-A company may have a difficult time monitoring the work of the outside company

in a winner take all type of market

first mover advantages can insulate a company from competition

Which statement about establishing the technical standard in an industry is true?

Establishing a technical standard is an experience based advantage that can grow over time

which statements concerning strategic alliances are accurate?

-Strategic alliances are used by some companies to extend their scope of operations internationally
-Strategic alliances are used by some companies as a way of managing outsourcing

In a strategic alliance between companies, the decision making process should

-allow partners to keep pace with developments in the market

Vertically integrated companies may face challenges realizing economies of scale because

- Their production levels often fall below the minimum efficient scale
-The company is too small

Comapnies that outsource strategically important run the risk of

weakening their ability to sustain their competitive advantage in ares vital to the company's success

In which situation do adept followers have an advantage over first movers?

-When first movers products do not perform well-When imitators can achieve the same benefits as pioneers with lower costs

-When market uncertainties make it difficult to predict which products will succeed.

A merger can be defined as

the combining of two or more companies into a single corporate entity

A company that expands its geographic coverage typically

-enhances its name recognition and brand awareness
-increase its bargaining power with suppliers and buyers

Price cutting can be an effective strategy for companies that

have already achieved a cost advantage

what are examples of ways that companies signal would be challengers that retaliation is likely ?

-publicly announcing a commitment to maintaining market share
-Maintaining cash reserves and marketable securities to fun countermeasures

combinded companies may be able to reduce supply chain costs because

expanded operating capacity may increase the companys bargaining power with suppliers

A merger or acquisition that extends business into new product categories

- helps a company fill gaps in its product line
-Can be more cost effective than developing the product on its own

when buyer preferences shift a vertically integrated company

may have difficulty adjusting its product lines to meet new demand

A company can achieve which of the following by signaling would be business challengers that retalliation is likely in the event of any strategic attack?

-Diverting challengers to less threatening competition
-Dissuading challengers from attacking altogether

Zipcar competes against entrenched rivals in the rental car insdustry by

-Keeping the cars it rents in conventialty located parking spaces
-Renting cars by the hour or day to members who pay a yearly fee

Under which of the following circumstances might backward vertical integration lower costs?

-When there are few suppliers in the market
-When the item being supplied is a major component of the final product

A company that acquires another company in the same industry may be able to cut costs by

-Combining and downsizing administrative activities
-Closing inefficient plants

When there are improvements in technology at the supply stage of the value chain, a vertically integrated company

-May need to continue producing suboptimal products rather than upgrading its technology
-May be required to incur high cots for abandoning old technologies in an effort to keep pace with suppliers

A vertically integrated firm

Participates in multiple stages of an industry value chain system

first-movers are likely to experience significant advantages when

-Switching costs discourage a first movers customers from seeking a different vendor
-Being first in a new market builds strong brand loyalty and enhances a firms reputation

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