Two forces, each of magnitude F, act in opposite directions on a rod

In this explainer, we will learn how to calculate the moment of a couple of two forces and the resultant of two or more couples.

Let us first define a couple in mechanics.

A couple is a pair of forces, acting on the same body, that have parallel but noncoincident lines of action and that act in opposite directions and have equal magnitudes.

Although the sum of the forces is zero, there is a nonzero net moment (i.e., the sum of the moments of both forces) because the forces do not have the same line of action. Let us work out the net moment.

Consider the couple of forces βƒ‘πΉοŠ§ and βƒ‘πΉοŠ¨ acting on a rod, perpendicularly to the length of the rod. Let 𝐹 be the magnitude of both forces. We have ⃑𝐹=βˆ’βƒ‘πΉ, and ‖‖⃑𝐹‖‖=‖‖⃑𝐹‖‖=𝐹.

Let us find the moments of forces βƒ‘πΉοŠ§ and βƒ‘πΉοŠ¨ about point 𝐴, the midpoint between the points of application of βƒ‘πΉοŠ§ and βƒ‘πΉοŠ¨. Recall that the moment of a force about a point is given by 𝑀=±𝐹𝑑,βŸ‚ where 𝐹 is the magnitude of the force and π‘‘βŸ‚ is the perpendicular distance between the force and the point about which the moment is taken. If the force produces a clockwise rotation, the moment is negative. The moment is positive when the force produces a counterclockwise rotation.

Both forces produce clockwise (negative) rotation, and their points of application are both at a perpendicular distance of 𝑑2 from 𝐴. The clockwise moment about 𝐴 of βƒ‘πΉοŠ§ is therefore given by 𝑀=βˆ’πΉπ‘‘2, and the moment about 𝐴 of βƒ‘πΉοŠ¨ is 𝑀=βˆ’πΉπ‘‘2.

The net moment of the couple is given by 𝑀=𝑀+𝑀𝑀=βˆ’2𝐹𝑑2=βˆ’πΉπ‘‘.netnet

Let us now find the net moment of βƒ‘πΉοŠ§ and βƒ‘πΉοŠ¨ about 𝐡. Let 𝑙 be the length of the rod. The moment about 𝐡 of βƒ‘πΉοŠ§ is negative because βƒ‘πΉοŠ§ produces a clockwise (negative) rotation about 𝐡. Hence, the moment is given by 𝑀=βˆ’π‘™β‹…πΉ.

By contrast, the moment of βƒ‘πΉοŠ¨ about 𝐡 is positive since βƒ‘πΉοŠ¨ produces a counterclockwise (positive) rotation about 𝐡. We find that 𝑀=(π‘™βˆ’π‘‘)⋅𝐹.

The net moment about 𝐡 of the couple is given by 𝑀=𝑀+𝑀𝑀=βˆ’π‘™πΉ+(π‘™βˆ’π‘‘)𝐹𝑀=𝐹(βˆ’π‘™+π‘™βˆ’π‘‘)𝑀=βˆ’πΉπ‘‘.netnetnetnet

We observe that the moment of the couple has the same value in both cases. It is general: the moment of a couple is the same about any point on the body that the couple acts on. It is worth noting the difference between points A and B. Point A is between the two points of application of the forces, and the forces produce a rotation in the same sense. Point B is outside the region between the two points of application of both forces of the couple, and the moments of the two forces in the couple have opposite signs as they produce rotation in opposite senses.

The moment of a couple is independent of the point about which moments of the couple are taken.

The forces in a couple do not necessarily act perpendicularly to the line connecting the points that they act from. The following figure shows three examples of couples where the forces in a couple do not act perpendicularly to the line connecting the points that they act from.

In this case, the perpendicular distance, also called the arm of the couple, denoted by 𝐿 in the above figure, is not the distance between the two points of application of the forces. We see that for the two diagrams on the right, the arm of the couple is given by π‘‘πœƒsin. In the diagram on the left, where πœƒ is greater than 90∘, we see that 𝐿=π‘‘πœƒβ€²=𝑑(180βˆ’πœƒ)=π‘‘πœƒsinsinsin∘, since sinsin(180βˆ’π‘₯)=π‘₯∘. Therefore, we see that the arm of the couple, the perpendicular distance between the forces, is always given by 𝐿=π‘‘πœƒ.sin

The moment of a couple is thus 𝑀=±𝐹𝐿=Β±πΉπ‘‘πœƒ.sin

We can also interpret πΉπ‘‘πœƒsin as (πΉπœƒ)𝑑sin, that is, the product of the absolute value of the component of the force perpendicular to the rod and the distance between the two points of application of the forces.

The moment of a couple acting at 𝐴 and 𝐡 is given by 𝑀=Β±πΉπ‘‘πœƒπ‘€=±𝐹𝐿𝑀=Β±|𝐹|⋅𝑑,sinβŸ‚ where 𝐹 is the magnitude of both forces in the couple, 𝑑 is the distance between 𝐴 and 𝐡, πœƒ is the angle between either force and the segment 𝐴𝐡, 𝐿 is the arm of the couple, and πΉβŸ‚ is the component of the force perpendicular to 𝐴𝐡.

Let us look at an example about the moment of a couple.

If the norm of the moment of a couple is 750 Nβ‹…m, and the magnitude of one of its two forces is 50 N, determine the length of the moment arm.


The norm of the moment is the magnitude of the moment. The magnitude of the moment of the couple is the product of the magnitude of either of the forces in the couple and 𝐿, the length of the moment arm. As the moment is given in newton-metres and the force is given in newtons, 750=50𝐿𝐿=75050=15.m

With the previous example, we see that the magnitude of the moment is simply given by the product of the magnitude of one of the forces and the arm of the couple.

The magnitude of the moment of a couple is given by |𝑀|=𝐹𝐿, where 𝐹 is the magnitude of either of the forces in the couple and 𝐿 is the arm of the couple.

Let us look at an example involving the moment of a couple where the forces are not perpendicular to the line connecting their points of application.

In the figure below, 𝐹=3N and 𝐹 and 𝐹 form a couple. Find the algebraic measure of the moment of that couple.


The forces in a couple must have equal magnitudes. If βƒ‘πΉοŠ§ has a magnitude of 3 N, then βƒ‘πΉοŠ¨ also has a magnitude of 3 N. The angle between βƒ‘πΉοŠ§ and βƒ‘πΉοŠ¨ and the line connecting the points that βƒ‘πΉοŠ§ and βƒ‘πΉοŠ¨ act from is 45∘.

The rotation due to the couple is counterclockwise and, hence, positive. The magnitude of the moment is given by 𝑀=πΉπœƒβ‹…π‘‘sin to be 𝑀=3Γ—45Γ—7√2𝑀=3Γ—βˆš22ο€»7√2𝑀=21β‹….sinNcm

The proper mathematical definition of the moment of a force is given by the cross product.

The moment of a force ⃑𝐹 about a point can be found using the cross product. The vector βƒ‘π‘Ÿ represents the position vector from the point about which a moment is being taken to any point on the line of action of the force. οƒŸπ‘€=βƒ‘π‘ŸΓ—βƒ‘πΉ

For a couple formed of two forces; βƒ‘πΉοŠ§ acting at point 𝐴 and βƒ‘πΉοŠ¨ acting at point 𝐡, the moment of the couple is given by, οƒŸπ‘€=𝐡𝐴×⃑𝐹=οƒ π΄π΅Γ—βƒ‘πΉοŠ§οŠ¨

Note that for the above equation for the moment of a couple, βƒ‘π‘Ÿ has been substituted by the vector between the points of application of the forces. We can think of this as taking moments about point 𝐡 in the first case, and taking moments about point 𝐴 in the second case.

A useful way to evaluate the cross product, is by considering the determinant of 3Γ—3 matrix. οƒŸπ‘€=βƒ‘π‘ŸΓ—βƒ‘πΉ=|||||βƒ‘π‘–βƒ‘π‘—βƒ‘π‘˜π‘Ÿπ‘Ÿπ‘ŸπΉπΉπΉ|||||ο—ο˜ο™ο—ο˜ο™

Although this method is mainly used when the vectors ⃑𝐹 and βƒ‘π‘Ÿ exist in 3 dimensions, it can sometimes be useful for 2 dimensional systems. Let us look at one such example.

Given that two forces ⃑𝐹=βˆ’βƒ‘π‘–+2βƒ‘π‘—οŠ§ and βƒ‘πΉοŠ¨ are acting at two points (2,2) and (βˆ’2,βˆ’2) respectively to form a couple, find the perpendicular distance between the two forces.


Because the forces form a couple, they must sum to 0. For completeness we can use this to find βƒ‘πΉοŠ¨, however it is not required to reach a solution. ⃑𝐹+⃑𝐹=0⃑𝐹=βˆ’βƒ‘πΉβƒ‘πΉ=βƒ‘π‘–βˆ’2βƒ‘π‘—οŠ§οŠ¨οŠ¨οŠ§οŠ¨

The perpendicular distance between the lines of action of βƒ‘πΉοŠ§ and βƒ‘πΉοŠ¨ is the length of the line that is perpendicular to both. We can define this distance as 𝑑.

The moment of a couple can be found using the following formula where 𝐹 is the magnitude of either of the forces, 𝑑 is the perpendicular distance between the lines of action of the forces, and the sign of the moment denotes the direction of rotation. 𝑀=±𝐹𝑑

To gain a better understanding of our system we can switch to vector notation and remind ourselves of where this formula comes from. The moment of a force is equal to the magnitude of the force multiplied by it’s perpendicular distance from the point about which a moment is being taken.

Let us imagine taking moments about the point 𝐡. Since force βƒ‘πΉοŠ§ acts at point 𝐴, we define the vector βƒ‘π‘Ÿ as: βƒ‘π‘Ÿ=𝐡𝐴.

By defining πœƒ as the positive acute angle between the line of action of βƒ‘πΉοŠ§ and βƒ‘π‘Ÿ we can perform a useful simplification using right triangle geometry. Here we have expressed the perpendicular distance 𝑑 in terms of the magnitude of βƒ‘π‘Ÿ and the angle πœƒ. 𝑑=β€–β€–βƒ‘π‘Ÿβ€–β€–πœƒsin

Note that this particular system, we are finding the distance 𝑑, which is a non-negative scalar. This means we are not concerned with the sign in our equation, and hence the direction of rotation can be ignored.

It is for this reason that we are able to define πœƒ as the positive acute angle, in essence, discarding any negative solutions. In doing so we have simplified our system to consider only the magnitude of the moment, which can be expressed as: β€–β€–οƒŸπ‘€β€–β€–=β€–β€–βƒ‘πΉβ€–β€–β€–β€–βƒ‘π‘Ÿβ€–β€–πœƒ=‖‖⃑𝐹‖‖𝑑.sin

Rearranging this equation illustrates that if we are able to find the magnitudes of the moment οƒŸπ‘€ and the force βƒ‘πΉοŠ§ we will be able to find the perpendicular distance 𝑑. 𝑑=β€–β€–οƒŸπ‘€β€–β€–β€–β€–βƒ‘πΉβ€–β€–οŠ§

To proceed we recall that the moment of a couple can be found using the cross product. As an added bonus, if we recall the definition of the cross product, we confirm our previous logic, although we won’t go into any detail here. οƒŸπ‘€=βƒ‘π‘ŸΓ—βƒ‘πΉ=ο€»β€–β€–βƒ‘πΉβ€–β€–β€–β€–βƒ‘π‘Ÿβ€–β€–πœƒο‡βƒ‘π‘›οŠ§sin

Recall that we are essentially taking a moment about point 𝐡. This means we will be considering the force βƒ‘πΉοŠ§ and the vector βƒ‘π‘Ÿ defined from point 𝐡 to point 𝐴. βƒ‘π‘Ÿ=𝐡𝐴=(2,2)βˆ’(βˆ’2,βˆ’2)=(4,4)

The standard method for the cross product in 3 dimensions involves finding the determinant of a 3Γ—3 matrix, however since βƒ‘πΉοŠ§ and βƒ‘π‘Ÿ are both 2 dimensional vectors, our calculations can be simplified. οƒŸπ‘€=βƒ‘π‘ŸΓ—βƒ‘πΉ=ο€Ήπ‘Ÿ,π‘Ÿ,0×𝐹,𝐹,0=ο€Ήπ‘ŸπΉβˆ’π‘ŸπΉο…βƒ‘π‘˜=(4β‹…2βˆ’4β‹…(βˆ’1))βƒ‘π‘˜=(8+4)βƒ‘π‘˜=12βƒ‘π‘˜οŠ§ο—ο˜ο—ο˜ο—ο˜ο˜ο—

We now find the magnitude of οƒŸπ‘€ and βƒ‘πΉοŠ§. β€–β€–οƒŸπ‘€β€–β€–=β€–β€–12βƒ‘π‘˜β€–β€–=12‖‖⃑𝐹‖‖=β€–β€–βˆ’βƒ‘π‘–+2⃑𝑗‖‖=(βˆ’1)+2=√5

And finally we have all of the components needed to find the distance 𝑑. 𝑑=β€–β€–οƒŸπ‘€β€–β€–β€–β€–βƒ‘πΉβ€–β€–=12√5=12√55

This is the perpendicular distance between the lines of action of the forces in the couple.

Multiple couples can act on a body simultaneously. When multiple couples act on a body, the resultant moment due to the couples is the sum of the moments due to the couples. Let us look at an example involving multiple couples.

𝐴𝐡 is a horizontal light rod having a length of 60 cm, where two forces, each of magnitude 45 N, are acting vertically at 𝐴 and 𝐡 in two opposite directions. Two other forces, each of magnitude 120 N, are acting in two opposite directions at points 𝐢 and 𝐷 of the rod, where 𝐢𝐷=45cm. If they form a couple equivalent to the couple formed by the first two forces, find the measure of the angle of inclination that the second two forces make with the rod.


The couple π‘οŠ§ formed by the forces that act at 𝐴 and 𝐡 is given by 𝑐=βˆ’(45Γ—60)β‹….Ncm

The couple π‘οŠ¨ formed by the forces that act at 𝐢 and 𝐷 is given by 𝑐=βˆ’(120πœƒΓ—45)β‹….sinNcm

The question states that the couples are equivalent, so 𝑐=𝑐.

The angle πœƒ can be found by rearrangement: (45Γ—60)=(120πœƒΓ—45)60120=πœƒπœƒ=30.sinsin∘

  • A couple is a pair of forces that have parallel and distinct lines of action and equal magnitudes but opposite directions.
  • The moment due to a couple is given by 𝑀=Β±πΉπ‘‘πœƒsin, where 𝐹 is the magnitude of either of the forces in the couple, 𝑑 is the length of the line connecting the points that the forces act from, and πœƒ is the angle between ⃑𝐹 and this line.
  • The magnitude of the moment of a couple is given by |𝑀|=𝐹𝐿, where 𝐹 is the magnitude of either of the forces and 𝐿 is the arm of the couple.
  • The moment of a couple can be found using the cross product. οƒŸπ‘€=βƒ‘π‘ŸΓ—βƒ‘πΉ
  • For a couple formed of two forces; βƒ‘πΉοŠ§ acting at point 𝐴 and βƒ‘πΉοŠ¨ acting at point 𝐡: οƒŸπ‘€=𝐡𝐴×⃑𝐹=οƒ π΄π΅Γ—βƒ‘πΉοŠ§οŠ¨
  • Multiple couples can act on a body simultaneously. When multiple couples act on a body, the resultant moment due to the couples is the sum of the moments due to the couples.

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