This operation requires an interactive window station Reddit

Error This operation requires an interactive window station Windows is a driver error in windows. This error can be critical as it prevents the user from installing or updating the driver in the device manager. The error is most of the time, software-related that is maybe your driver files have been corrupted. Further, this error is not limited to a particular driver, and the error has been seen in the following drivers, like webcam, network, graphics, and USB driver. To fix this error, we have gathered a few troubleshooting methods. These troubleshooting methods will help fix the error. Lets first go through its causes in detail.

This operation requires an interactive window station Reddit

Causes of This Operation Requires An Interactive Window Station Error:

Talking of reasons error This operation requires an interactive window station windows can be caused due to the following issue in your system. Now the major reasons behind this error include corrupted system files and DriverStore directories and insufficient permissions. Furthermore, if your system has been recently recovered from viruses or malware attack, then also this error occurs. Apart from the above possibilities are that any third party application is interfering with the driver services.

  • Corrupted System Files
  • Insufficient Permissions
  • Virus or Malware Attack
  • Corrupted Driver
  • Third-Party Application Services

Similar Types of This Operation Requires An Interactive Window Station Error:

  • Nvidia
  • (code 28) error
  • Reddit
  • PowerShell
  • Windows 10 anniversary update
  • Task scheduler
  • Ranorex

How to Fix & Solve This Operation Requires An Interactive Window Station Error

When a user goes to the device manager, the driver shows as Unknown Device. Removing, repairing, or updating doesn’t work; instead, an error window appears. In order to get rid of error This Operation Requires An Interactive Window Station windows error, there are three things that you can do. Firstly manually setting the permissions of driver and driver store Directories. Secondly, by updating your windows. Finally, if both the methods fail to work, the only way is to reset your windows. Now let’s go through each technique in detail.

1. Giving Permissions to DriveStore Directory –

In the first method, we will fix error This Operation Requires an Interactive Window Station windows 10 error by permitting the DriveStore folder. DriveStore is located in the System32 folder. Let’s proceed to the steps. This method will be useful if you are unable to remove, repair, or update the driver.

  • STEP 1. Navigate to My Computer > C: > Windows > System32
  • STEP 2. Inside System32 folder look for Drivers folder

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  • STEP 3. Now, Right Click > Properties > Security Tab > Click on Advance Button

This operation requires an interactive window station Reddit

  • STEP 4. On the top of Advanced Security Settings window, click on Change

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  • STEP 5. Below Enter the object name to select, type Administrators & click Check Names

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  • STEP 6. Save the changes you made
  • STEP 7. Perform the same Steps for DriveStore Folder inside System32 folder

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  • STEP 8. Restart your system
  • STEP 9. Now remove the problematic driver and reinstall it to fix the issue

2. By Updating Windows –

In this method, we will try to fix error This Operation Requires an Interactive Window Station windows 10 anniversary update error by updating your windows. Updating your system updates drivers replaces corrupted files and thus will help fix the error.

  • STEP 1. Open run by holding Windows+R key simultaneously
  • STEP 2. Type Control Panel in the Run box and hit Enter
  • STEP 3. Now Click on System and Security

This operation requires an interactive window station Reddit

  • STEP 4. On the right locate and click Windows Update

This operation requires an interactive window station Reddit

  • STEP 5. On the left click on Check for updates

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  • STEP 6. If there will be pending updates, it will be shown, and you can update
  • STEP 7. Updating may take some time
  • STEP 8. After that restart your system and check if the error still persists

3. Resetting Windows –

If the above methods fail to work, then as a final resort, resetting windows is the only way to remove error This Operation Requires an Interactive Window Station windows 7 error. Follow the steps. Now before proceeding to this step, make sure to backup all your important files, passwords, and bookmarks.

  • STEP 1. Click on Start Menu and Go to Settings

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  • STEP 2. Now click on Update & Security

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  • STEP 3. On the left click on Recovery, then under Reset, this PC click on Get Started

This operation requires an interactive window station Reddit

  • STEP 4. Choose either Keep my files or Remove everything, depending on whether you want to keep your data files or not

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  • STEP 5. Now choose Just remove my files

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  • STEP 6. After that, a warning message will appear, click Next

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  • STEP 7. Finally, Click the Reset Button

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  • STEP 8. The process make take some time after that system will be automatically restarted

In this troubleshooting guide, we have seen methods that help fix error This Operation Requires an Interactive Window Station windows error. This error prevents the user from making changes in the driver. The driver changes to an unknown device. In the methods, we have tried to fix the error by giving proper permission so we can make changes. Also, by updating and resetting the windows.

We hope this article helps fix the error. For more troubleshooting guides. Follow Us. Thank You!

How do you fix this operation requires an interactive window station?

This operation requires an interactive window station Error Fix.
Fix 1 – Grant Administrative permissions to the folders & files in drivers and DriverStore..
Fix 2 – Turn Off the Firewall and the Anti-virus software..
Fix 3 – Perform System File Checker Scan..
Fix 4 – Update your Windows System..

What is an interactive window station?

The interactive window station is the only window station that can display a user interface or receive user input. It is assigned to the logon session of the interactive user, and contains the keyboard, mouse, and display device.